
One Vacation Ruined


Alexander narrowed his eyes at the man shouting and waving his hands at him. Distracted, he lost his balance and fell off the surfboard.

He broke through the sea surface, dragged a palm through his face, and swam nearer to the shore.

As the guy met him halfway, he recognized that dark wavy hair, high cheekbones, brown eyes, and olive skin.

Oh shit.

"What the f*ck, Marco!" Alexander yelled as he met him halfway. He dragged the surfboard and unceremoniously threw it at Marco's feet. The fucker stepped away quickly so that it won't hit him.

"Where are the others?" Alexander glanced behind him expecting the other band members to ruin his vacation. The fucker's mischievous eyes just crinkled.

"They're eating breakfast at the nearby restaurant. Looking out for their potential summer fling." Marco wiggled his eyebrows good-naturedly. That earned another well-deserved scowl from him.

"Do we have to do this together every single damn vacation? Can all of you just go somewhere else?"

Ever since Mild Savagery was formed to represent their university for the Battle of the Bands and they successfully won that contest, Alexander didn't have his 'alone time' anymore.

How much more if their popularity will skyrocket the moment they started their first world tour?

Wherever Alexander goes, they also go. They are inseparable bastards no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried to go solo.

"Oh hail King Alexander the Great," Marco smirked and mock-bowed. "Since when did you own the beach resorts here in Florida? As far as I know, we are free to go on a vacation wherever and whenever we want. Haven't you thought that maybe--" he emphasized the word 'maybe' by air quoting, "--this was a major coincidence?"

Alexander knew he was up to no good. He would bet his life on it. If Marco was the ring leader, all the band members will conspire against him. They are up to something he was sure of it.

"Did my brother told you where I am?" Alexander asked.

Andre is the only one who knew he was here.

For god's sake, he came here to enjoy his vacation peacefully when Andre gave him a free hotel reservation from some fancy beach resort not far away from here. That was his privilege for being one of the judges for a summer art contest Alexander had no interest in.

He would kill his brother if he's the one behind Marco's appearance.

"I told you this was a coincidence. We did not follow you here!"

Alexander frowned at his blatant lie.

"Don't you believe me?" Marco raised an eyebrow and he fought the urge to punch his patrician nose. After all, the asshole was still his friend.

"Don't worry Alex. If you want, as long as the band is here, we will pretend that we don't know you and we'll understand if you want to ignore us. No biggie." Marco shrugged. "We were just looking out for you, that's all. Don't get your British knickers on a twist."

"F*ck you!"

"I know you want to, Alex." Marco dragged his shorts lower, showed him his butt, threw back his head, and laughed.

Curious bikini-clad girls were starting to check the two of them out. Alexander slapped Marco's back hard enough to stop making a fool of himself.

"Just don't ruin my style," Alexander muttered as he turned away from him to walk back to the hotel he was staying at when Marco clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"Just don't let some scandal follow us back to the university after this. We won't interfere with your style. Just be discreet and don't ruin the band's career."

"I could tell you the same, Marco." It was Alexander who raised an eyebrow this time. "I'm not the only manslut around the area. You should worry about yourself and the others. I can take care of myself."

"But you have the reputation of a player, not me. The face of an impulsive heartbreaker. Not any of us." Marco said, his face unusually grim. "Just a warning, though. What happens here, stays here. Females screwed here, stays here, okay?"

"My business. My rules." Alexander clenched his fists and shrugged his hand off. "I don't need another babysitter, Marco."

His brother being here is enough as it is.