Chapter 6: Return of the Straw Hats part 2

Luffy, Hancock and Margaret and their snakes are on Luffy's cloud heading towards Zoro and Sanji's location. He managed to kill Sentomaru now he will escape. But before that Luffy thought of something.

He should make this place as his territory.

He should claim the whole island.

He grinned, as Hancock began to notice him grinning.

"What's up with the grin my love? Planning something already?" She asked as he nodded.

"Yeah. We are going to claim this land as my first territory. Start off by destroying a Marine base stationed here." Luffy said with a dangerous smirk as he moved in on a nearby marine that saw them, he jumped off his nimbis and landed in front of the frightened Marine who he picked up by the scruff of his collar.

The marine nearly pissed himself staring into Luffy's eyes Yellow eyes.

"Do tell me where is your marine base stationed at?" Luffy asked with the marine whimpering in fear and sweating.

"I-If I tell you will you let me go?" The marine soldier asked scared for his life.

"Absolutely." Luffy lied with a fake smile.

"At grove 66 there is a marine base just go east to there." The Marine answered seeing Luffy smile.

"Thank you." Luffy said as he threw the Marine in the air shocking the marine who told him the location of their base he widened his eyes seeing Luffy charge a point-blank yellow ki blast and fired it at the marine erasing him.

"Let's go Hancock, we have a Marine Base to wreck!" Luffy said as he jumped back on his nimbus and rode it to the east heading for grove 66 to destroy the marine base here. After that he will claim Sabaody Archipelago as his Territory by putting up his flag just to claim it.

( Grove 66)

The marines were rounding up, gathering reinforcements as they heard that Straw Hat Luffy Killed Sentomaru.

They deployed Pacifista's

All got in defense formations should Straw hat come here.

"Look! It's a gold cloud!" said a marine soldier gaining the attention of the other marines who looked alerted.

"Hello Navy Marines, mind if we party?" Luffy said cracking his knuckles making them tense

"It's Straw Hat Luffy! And the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock!" Shouted another marine.

"Attack! Fire at will! Even attack the pirate empress she's a traitor!" Said a Marine Lieutenant as they all aimed their guns at the group.

Hancock looked like she was blowing a kiss only to form a large heart and aimed at the group of marines.

"Slave Arrow!" She fired a barrage of pink arrows at the Marines who were instantly turned to stone.

Luffy jumped down with his staff with his snake companion Apophis following him.

Hancock and her snake Salome followed Luffy as the two landed besides each other.

Both narrowed their eyes and unleashed a powerful unrelenting force of their combined conqueror's Haki upon waves of marines making them pass out and foam at the mouth even caused them to die from the intense power the future pirate king and pirate empress displayed. Even the pacifista's were starting to malfunction and explode from the Conqueror's Haki.

The marines looked terrified at such power these two have.

"Let's party." As Luffy charged and attacked all Marines with his staff. Apophis Striked a few marines with his bite and even spit venom at their faces blinding them before biting them injecting venom into them, Salome slithered around his mistress attacking any marine that comes at her.

As for Hancock she was kicking every marine in her path turning them to stone before crumbling them to pieces with another kick.

Margaret fired her arrows in all directions at Marines protecting both her husband and Snake Princess.

Hancock destroyed another Pacifista with a hard kick to its face make it turn to stone, as she fired her Pistol Kiss at some marines.

She came towards a fallen marine with half his face stoned.

"Wh-Why? Why are you betraying us Pirate Empress?!" Shouted the marine as she looked at him with a cold look.

"Are you stupid? I was never on your side to begin with, I don't follow orders to the navy or world government. My loyalty is with my husband." She answered with a sneer and kicked his head off as it turned to stone and smashed to pieces.

"Fall back! Fall Back! They are too strong!" said a Marine officer who ran along with some other marine troops.

"Fools! I did not give you the order to retreat! Remain to your positions and attack!" Shouted the marine lieutenant only for him to get smacked by Luffy's staff as Apophis coiled around the marine LT.

"It seems your justice, can't save you now." Luffy remarked seeing the marine LT scowl at him.

"The Navy and World Government will stop you!" He shouted defiantly at Luffy who chuckled.

"Stop me? I'd like to see them try. Kill him Apophis." Luffy commanded as he looked straight ahead at the base As Apophis was squeezing the marine LT's body with its muscles as if it was a boa constrictor squeezing him to death crushing his body and bones as the snake released the dead lieutenant.

Luffy turned around seeing Hancock slaughter more marines turning them to stone with her Love Love beam and crushed them. Margaret fired a few more marines with her arrows.

Seeing the base has been raided he turned towards it aiming his hand he charged another ki blast making it the size of a beach ball. Then he opened fired on a full power energy wave as it struck the marine base, erasing all in its path not even the marines who were inside the base survived and we're erased along with the base.

The explosion was so loud that you could see a massive smoke cloud erupt from the explosion.

Hancock could only have heart eyes watching this seeing this turns her on.

The explosion died down revealing a wide narrowed crater with nothing left.

"Heh." Luffy said with a smirk it seems his work here is done As he turned and went back on his cloud with Hancock and their snakes getting on.

Now up in the air he was above the panicking Civilians and pirates alike they flinched when they saw him.

Standing upon his cloud, he stared down at the people of Sabaody Archipelago and raised his voice.

"People of Sabaody Archipelago! Pirates from the grand line! From this day forth Sabaody Archipelago is my Turf! My Territory! I have demolished the marine base that was stationed here! The surviving marines that are around here, give my regards to marineford HQ! Tell them that I own this island now! It will be under my flag!." Luffy yelled out as everyone widened their eyes in shock and surprise that Straw Hat Luffy had officially claimed their Island after he destroyed the marine base meaning that the marines lost here.

The pirates we're shocked that he conquered Sabaody Archipelago meaning they can't access to the new world.

"I'm sure you world government officials are out there too. Consider this a big FUCK YOU! to the World Government and celestial dragons that I own this area now!" he shouted causing many to gasp at his declaration

"That is all I have to say." He said now tossing a Flag down in the ground with his Jollyroger on it.

"I believe it is time we sail." Luffy said now flying his cloud towards the Sunny's location.

( Meanwhile at the Thousand Sunny.)

Just about everyone was there with the exception of Luffy. They of course heard of the explosions and stuff going on wondering who is doing that?

Their ship was coated and ready to sail all they had to wait for is their captain.

Usopp is looking from a telescope as he suddenly spotted Marine ships coming in.

"Oh no! Marine warships!" Shouted Usopp with everyone looking worried they can't let the shop get hit by the cannons from the warships.

"Fire when Ready!" Shouted a Marine officer

"Oh no if they hit the coating to the ship we will never sail to the new world!" Nami said looking worried.


the marine warship fired its cannons.

Before they could reach over and hit the thousand sunny.

"Slave Arrow!" Shouted Hancock on Luffy's nimbus as she turned the cannon balls to stone.

Everyone looked confused at who did that. As they looked up at the sky and saw a large gold cloud.

Luffy charged another ki blast and fired at the ship destroying it.

The cloud landed revealing Monkey D. Luffy who is accompanied by Two women and Two snakes.

"Who are you?" Asked Zoro who stepped forward with his hands on the hilt of his swords

Sanji of course instantly turned into stone the moment he saw Hancock and Margaret.

Usopp and Brook blushed staring at Hancock's chest.

Nami and Robin frowned as they both got a good look at the red Monkey Man they saw a familiar scar under his eye.

they blushed instantly and widened their eyes. Franky and Chopper were also looking at Luffy.

"Awww I'm hurt that you don't recognize me Zoro." Luffy said with a wide grin.

He widened his one eye then smiled.

"Luffy!" Zoro said happily as he and Luffy shook hands.

"Luffy!?" the crew said in unison minus Sanji who was still stone.

"Woah! What happened to you Luffy? You look Different!" Usopp said now observing Luffy's features

"Let's just say I've changed." He said with a grin.

Robin blushed staring at Luffy as did Nami but the older woman then turned her attention on the two women he is accompanied with. It was then she realized the black-haired woman is Boa Hancock of the 7 warlords.

"Uhh Luffy Who are these ladies with you?" Nami asked with a frown on her face.

"Oh? Forgive me girls introduce yourselves!" Luffy said with his smile never leaving his face.

"So you all are my Beloved's crew? He has told me a lot about you. I am his Wife Boa D. Hancock, and the woman besides him is his other wife Margaret." Hancock introduced

After she introduced herself there was a long pregnant pause.

Everyone widening their eyes and jaws dropped.

Sanji suddenly broke free of being turned to stone and screamed.


"WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" said the rest in unison who couldn't believe what they heard

Nami was shocked this had to be a joke? Her Captain married?!

Robin stood still with her mouth opened in shock.

Usopp looked taken back this can't be true? This has to be a joke.

"Ohh Luffy stop joking you can't be married stop making things up." Said Usopp with Luffy frowning

"I'm not joking at all Usopp, Hancock and Margaret are my wives." Luffy said as he held out his finger showing a ring as did Hancock and Margaret to show they are telling the truth.

"WHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" most of the crew cried out in shock that he was indeed telling the truth!

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sanji screamed out, falling to his knees and crying out at the top of his lungs as if all hope was lost. He burst out in tears and hammered his fists on the ground as his tears began to flood from his eyes.

"I never would've believed it if I didn't see it for myself," Usopp choked out, still not believing it.

"Oh, Luffy-san, how lucky are you?" Brook stated in wonder.

Zoro could only bust out laughing that his captain had matured and got himself married to two women.

Nami's hands twitched, this was bothering her.

Robin didn't know how else to react.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" Sanji yelled out, the fire burning so fierce and vast that they had to move away from him. If they had been standing up on the surface of the island, people from the next island over might've actually have been able to see the flames. "HOW COULD THAT MORON GET SOMEONE AS PERFECT AS MY DEAR GODDESS MARRY HIM?!"

"HOW!? HOW!? COULD YOU GET MARRIED SHITTY CAPTAIN!? WERE YOU REALLY TRAINING THAT HARD!" Screamed Sanji's dramatically as he tried to get ahold of his captain only for Hancock to quickly use her Love love beam to stone him which frightened everyone.

"Don't touch my beloved." Hancock said coldly

"Hancock unpetrify him." Luffy said seeing her frown lightly yet did as told

"Alright let's get going I'll explain everything while we deep in the water! Let's set sail to the new world!" Luffy shouted as everyone cheered prepared to set sail and go on their adventure to the new world.

To be continued