Chapter 7: Return of the Straw Hats part 3

( Sabaody Archipelago)

On the Hill Rayleigh watched his pupil prepare to leave for the new world. He recently heard that the boy now claims Sabaody Archipelago his First territory. Smiling Rayleigh decides that he will remain here to look after his student's First Territory.

"The new world is in for big surprise once Luffy sets sail into it." He remarked as he went to go.

( Thousand Sunny)

The coated ship sunk itself underwater with everyone now getting situated. Finally, they have reunited but are surprised that their Captain is married to the most beautiful woman in the world, along with another Amazon from the maiden island.

Apophis his Snake companion curled itself in a coil as did Hancock's snake Salome.

"You sure have changed a lot Luffy." Commented his first mate Zoro with Luffy smirking at him.

"I can say the same about you Zoro. I see everyone has changed during our three-year training." Luffy said with his attention on Zoro who nodded.

Sanji was currently sulking in a corner unable to accept that his Shit head of a captain is married to a beautiful goddess. And that beautiful Goddess is just looking at her husband lovingly with a faint Blush. It just wasn't fair, how could his Captain get so Lucky!?.

Nami frowned at Hancock, none of this made any sense, her Captain, married? No just no it made no sense at all. Last she checked Luffy wasn't interested in Women, all he was interested in was Adventures, and stuffing his face with meat. And since when did he act all well like a Captain, she has never seen Luffy like this before.

Robin was in deep thought too, this was way unexpected from Luffy. She never thought he would be interested in women, she always thought of him as Asexual. Turns out she's wrong, and that he is interested in women, she wondered how did he get in a relationship with the Warlord Boa Hancock in the first place.

Ussop, , Franky and Brook were stunned by this too, Luffy is with a beautiful woman and Amazon? How could he get so Lucky!?

"So Luffy how did you become like this? All cool and Monkey like? And when did you get a Snake as a pet?" Said Chopper who walked towards his Captain who smiled

"Oh this snake is my friend and companion, his name is Apophis a black king cobra and is the same size as Hancock's snake. And to answer your question on how I became like this, let's just say I earned a new power up after the war." Luffy explained with Zoro now looking towards him then noticed that scar on Luffy's chest.

"Where did you get that Scar?" Zoro asked with half the crew now paying attention to Luffy and then saw the X like scar on Luffy's chest.

Luffy's smile dropped when the scar was mentioned.

"I got it from a Hellhound." Luffy spoke in an emotionless tone that surprised everyone

Hancock of course looked worried she knew exactly who Luffy meant. Akainu.

"Now that we are undersea I'll tell you guys all a Story of what transpired." Luffy Said with Hancock sitting besides him with Margaret sitting by his left.

Nami could only hide her glare at Hancock. But sat down looking annoyed.

Everyone was now sitting in a circle formation.

As Luffy began telling his tale of where Kuma sent him to Hancock's island. Which only added more fuel to Sanji's and surprisingly Usopp's jealousy.

At how lucky their Captain was at being sent to the maiden island while Sanji was sent to Okama Island, which is known as Hell. Usopp was sent to a Island with carnivorous plants and giant bugs.

"As you guys know, I was in War to rescue Ace, at first I went to Impel down." He said causing Franky and many others with the exception of Hancock go wide-eyed at the thought of Luffy going to the most infamous prison of all time.

"You went to Impel Down?!" Cried out Franky who couldn't believe Luffy of all people went to that Prison that is like Hell itself.

"Yes, I went there with the Help of my wife Hancock." Luffy said with Sanji now interrupting.

"Just how did you manage to get with the goddess...?"He asked with a dark look on his face at his Captain.

"It was Love, she helped me out of Love." He answered putting his arm and hand around Hancock's waist as she blushed looking at him lovingly

Robin frowned a bit, as Nami was starting to look jealous. As Luffy started telling how he met Hancock and how they became friends, and later on became Boyfriend and girlfriend. Then told how he met Margaret.

This seems to make Nami even more jealous of the relationship Luffy has with Hancock.

Sanji began to go cry in a corner and sulk with everyone looking at him with a sweat drop.

"Hancock has done a lot more for me during our separation which is why I am married to her and that she is my Pirate Empress." Luffy said with a smile on his face as Hancock blushed brightly.

"Luffy-kun~" Hancock said with a smile and pink cheeks.

"I wasn't able to save Ace from the prison, so I decided to go to marineford, where the war would take place at. I had lots of allies with me to help in the war, Hell even Whitebeard and his crew assisted me, just when I saved Ace, my strength gave out and that Bastard Akainu went after me yet Ace sacrificed himself to save my life... After all of that I've been through trying to save my brother I had lost it. I went into a comatose state and escaped from the war, Was being treated by Law, it was Jinbe who saved me and protected me from Akainu who chased after us as he said, which explains how I got this scar on my chest, from Akainu. I was even at near death at that point and costed me my Gum-Gum fruit which I no longer have." Luffy told his tale with everyone looking shocked that he lost his Gum Gum fruit!? Robin, Brook and Chopper who were also devil fruit users we're shocked as well.

"Oh luffy..." Whispered Robin

"Hence why Rayleigh trained me and during my training I found another devil fruit. It's a Mythical Zoan Model: Sun Wukong. Which is why I look like a Monkey." He explained

"Now let's get to the real point of things." Luffy said in a serious tone with much paying attention.

"I have a plan that will help us rise to the top, I plan to destroy the Navy, the World Government, and the Yonko's with the exception of Shanks." Luffy said finally with everyone looked wide eyed.

"Destroy the Navy!?" exclaimed a Frightened Usopp

"Are you insane!? We don't even have the power or strength to fight the Navy Luffy!" Nami now said not expecting Luffy to declare something like that.

"That is the idea, we are going to start forming alliances, expand our crew." Luffy said in a monotone.

Those who kinda agree with his ideas was of course: Zoro, Hancock, Brook, Franky, Margaret and Robin and surprisingly Sanji even supports the idea but was still jealous and angry at his Captain.

"We already have the Kuja Pirates as our alliance due to me marrying Hancock, Margaret is our temporary crew member so treat her with respect same goes for Hancock." Luffy said as Nami didn't like the idea of having Hancock now on their ship and to boss her around.

"Wait a minute Luffy don't you think that this is a bit too extreme?" Protested Nami

"It's not. Hancock is Second Captain here, if I'm not around she's in charge, and if she isn't I leave that responsibility to Zoro considering he's my first mate and future commander." Luffy proclaimed

"Wait why are you making Moss head Future commander..?" Sanji asked slowly as he then put two and two together.

"You strive to become a Yonko Luffy-san?" Asked Brook who saw his captain nod.

"Of course, and I know who will be the first Yonko to fall at my hands." He said with a dark Grin, he's not going after Kaido just yet, Big mom is his first target.

Usopp and Nami just looked at each other then back at Luffy as if This was a whole different Luffy what happened to the happy go idiot Captain they once liked?

Zoro smirked he liked where this was going, it seems his captain indeed changed.

"As of right now, once we set foot into the New World, we will find a Island as our base of operations, look for potential pirate crews. To join us, starting with the Whitebeard Pirates." He declared with everyone surprised that he is getting an alliance with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Now Let's eat! Then I'll tell you guys another interesting tale that I learned." Luffy had said as He got up same with everyone else with the exception of Nami who glared at Hancock who is walking with her husband same with Margaret.

"I bet she's the reason for giving Luffy all these ideas, and to make him well not his usual self! I don't like this. I don't like what Luffy is becoming, it's not like him to kill people let alone his own enemies..." Thought Nami with a Heated glare at the Pirate Empress.

Hancock noticed Nami glaring at her, as the Pirate Empress herself sent a cold glare back at Nami.

To be continued.