Chapter 8: Tale of Rocks

( Thousand Sunny)

Now eating all the food that Hancock stored in his bag sharing it with his crew and wives even share it to his snake companion Apophis and Salome.

Hancock of course is still sitting by Luffy even feeding him some of her food that made her blush lightly.

Sanji could only look envious at the sight before him.

Though he wasn't the only one that looked envious, Usopp and Nami were in the same boat, Usopp because his best friend is married to a very beautiful woman and that she's feeding him. Nami she didn't like how close Hancock was to luffy, there was a lot of things she didn't like about this.

Robin of course was sipping her tea having her eyes focused on only Luffy.

Margaret is sitting on the left side of Luffy's flank with Hancock on the right Eating her food and feeding some to her snake.

"Now that we all are eating, I will tell you guys another interesting tale that I learned from Rayleigh." Luffy said getting everyone's attention.

Robin looked interested though wondering what story was Luffy going to tell now.

"What's it about this time?" Asked Franky drinking Cola.

"It's about the tale of Rocks." Luffy spoke out with Hancock leaning up against him.

"Rocks?" Robin asked

"Rocks D. Is his name, he is a "D." Like Me, Gramps, my Old man, Ace, and Teach..." Luffy said Blackbeard's name with venom, Robin became interested wanting to know more about "D" It's almost as if there are a Clan of those with the Letter "D" in their name.

"What do you guys all know about the Yonko now?" He Asked with them exchanging looks at one another as Robin being the smart one answered.

"Well there are of course four Yonko's Luffy, Big Mom, Kaido, Red Hair Shanks, and well formerly Whitebeard... since he died in the war. And apparently Blackbeard took his place as Yonko." Robin answered with Luffy smiling.

"That is correct, did you all know that three of the said mentioned Yonko's were once a pirate crew and were in Rock's Crew?" He spoke out again surprising the others.

"Luffy, you don't mean that?" Robin said with him nodding as she put two and two together

"Exactly. Big mom, Kaido and Whitebeard were all members of the Rocks Pirates." Luffy answered with everyone gasping at that.

"How do you know about this Luffy?" Asked Usopp wondering how did his friend know such knowledge.

"Something tells me it has something to do with Rayleigh.." Nami added in with a stern look.

"Yes, Rayleigh told me about this before my apparent departure into the New World, warned me about them should we ever encounter them in the future, which we will, because I intend to take out the weakest Yonko out of the others." Luffy said in a matter of fact tone.

"But Luffy what if we aren't ready to face a Yonko yet? It's enough we have to face the Navy." Nami protested

"And which Yonko is the weakest? Because I'm sure all four of them are equally stronger?" Cut in Zoro.

"That would be Big Mom, I want to take her out, and take her position as Yonko." Luffy said with a grin with others kinda liking his plan.

"That would be a great opportunity Luffy-kun~" Spoke out Hancock with a smile and blush as she mentally day dreamed of her Luffy being a Yonko.

"Indeed it is, which will send a message to Kaido and Teach that I'm not playing around. Including the Navy and World Government." Luffy said stroking Hancock's side with her blushing and Sanji looking pissed and jealous that he gets to touch "Goddess"

"Tell us more about Rocks Luffy." Spike Robin wanting to know more.

"Oh right, of course. Let's begin." He said going back with the story.

"40 years ago, Rocks dreamed of being king of the world, as he and his crew were ruthless to say, trying to achieve his ambitions and would kill anyone who dared to interfere, he even went so far as to kill World Nobles such as Celestial Dragons and their slaves. If he were to become king of the world. He attacked and destroyed many Islands and locations in his wake of mass destruction, there was a rivalry between him and Captain Gold D. Roger, even his own crewmate white beard." Luffy continued as he told more and more of the tale of Rocks. The crew were very interested in this Robin was more interested about this tale.

"They attempted to destroy God Valley in order to kill all world nobles and slaves." Luffy added in

"So what happened to this Infamous Rocks?" Asked Franky

"Did he ever reach to god valley?" Asked Brook

Luffy shook his head and answered

"Before Rocks and his crew could even reach God Valley, Roger and surprisingly my Grandpa had formed an alliance of taking down Rocks, and his crew, Roger and my grandpa defeated Rocks together while his crew disbanded after his defeat and formed pirate crews of their own." Luffy finished with the others not surprised that his grandfather took part in taking down Rocks considering Garp always had Roger in his sights and respected the captain in a way and actually had a one time alliance in taking down the infamous Captain Rocks.

"What a interesting tale. To think the great Whitebeard was a member of the Rocks Pirates." Said Brook

"Indeed it was." Robin commented

"So now that you all learned, I have desired to take down both of Rocks old crew members Big Mom and Kaido." Luffy said eating a piece of meat.

"Franky." Luffy called out

"Yeah Bro?" Franky replied.

"I want you to build a room for me." Luffy said catching the crew off guard there except Hancock and Margaret

"A room for yourself?" Franky asked with Luffy nodding

"Yes. I want a Captain's quarters." Luffy said with Nami frowning

"And where exactly are they sleeping at?" Questioned Nami looking at both Hancock and Margaret

"With me of course." He answered Simply causing Nami, Sanji, Brook, Franky, Usopp and Chopper to drop their jaws in shock.

"You sleep with THEM!?" Shouted Usopp with eyes wide as dinner plates.

"Duh. Of course I do Usopp they are my wives. And I'm moving to my new Captains quarters to sleep with them." Luffy said like it was the most natural thing In the world.

Nami looked completely taken back by this, Luffy Sleeps with them too!? Which was something she never expected!

Sanji looked ready to have a heart attack as he mentally had a image of Luffy Sleeping with Hancock and Margaret. He started crying and banged his fists on the floor in jealousy. It just wasn't fair! How can Luffy be so damn lucky!?

"There are going to be some complete changes in this crew, So Franky Build me a Room when you have the time. Nami keep me posted on when we are on our way to Fishman island." Luffy said getting up.

"And where are you going?" Asked Usopp looking a bit envious with Luffy.

"Me and Hancock are going to take a bath together." Luffy said with Hancock blushing full red as he led her to the bathroom.

Leaving the Stunned crew with the exception of Margaret.

"WHAT!?" Thoughts The StrawHats watching the retreating forms of Luffy and Hancock.

( Holyland Marie Jois)

"This is a complete outrage! StrawHat Luffy has finally returned and reunited with his crew, worst of all Boa Hancock had resigned from the warlords and had sided with StrawHat!" Said the First Was Elder with a white beard and hat on his head

"Damn it all, another warlord we have lost. First Crocodile, Jinbe and now Hancock sided with StrawHat. Such a shame!" Stated another Elder with a big white mustache and bald head.

"Now things in power are off balance. And we must find a Suitable replacement for Hancock. How could she betray us at a time like this?!" Questioned another Elder bald headed wearing glasses and white robe holding a sword.

"Now that StrawHat has ventured off into the New World he'll be much of a Handful now." Said a Tall elder with white hair and a long beard or mustache

"And to think he claimed Sabaody archipelago as his territory. Which is a big problem, not to mention we are aware that Rayleigh is there guarding it." Said the younger member of the Five elders with blonde hair.

"But the question remains: How do we stop him? He destroyed a marine base that was stationed at Sabaody Archipelago and from what the marines reported Kizaru's nephew Sentomaru was killed." Stated the Elder with the hat.

"We cannot let him go unpunished for that assault. Hopefully Sakazuki will handle this problem." Stated the Swordsman Elder.

They had no idea on what they have unleashed now.

The incoming Storm that will soon not just effect the WG, but also the Navy, and the Yonko's in the New World.

To be continued