
"It's crazy, people's lives are exchanged, just swap. It's scary how long it's been living here. Mommy wants to go home." Kim Yoora whined.

Iseul who was standing beside her just looked at her princess strangely. Since then the woman has been whining like a baby, in a language Iseul doesn't understand at all. Even if you think about it, the woman's words look very ridiculous, like drunk people who talk without direction and purpose.

"Princess.., didn't the Princess say that she wanted to buy medicine?" Iseul asked finally.

"I'm just an excuse, so I can leave the palace. It's very boring there!! And I need a new atmosphere, my story script isn't finished yet. If my brain is stuck like this, I can't think clearly." said Kim Yoora quickly.

Iseul, who didn't understand, just nodded slightly. After all, the important thing is that she only has one job to look after and serve Princess Kim Hyo Ra with pleasure. She was paid just for that, taking care of Princess Kim Hyo Ra more than her own life.

Sitting by the lake for almost an hour, Kim Yoora decided to leave. Just a few steps away from wanting to leave, Kim Yoora instead looked at the three men who came and went straight to Kim Yoora. Bringing liquor and also a small knife, made Kim Yoora smile. It seems, since being imprisoned for attacking Kim Ye Jun, the old Kim Yoora hasn't returned to fighting either. Especially when Kim Won Shik forbade him to hold a sword, because Kim Yoora was able to defeat Kim Ye Jun easily.

"Hi Miss .., what are you doing here? Need warmth?" he said and didn't stop laughing.

Kim Yoora smiled a little, "No. I'm already warm with the hanbok I'm wearing. Can you step aside? I want to pass!!"

Instead of leaving, the three men approached Kim Yoora. Poking his chin and some even dared to hold Kim Yoora's hand. The woman did not stay silent, she immediately twisted the hand of one of them, causing the person to be in pain.

"Feel it!! That's payback because you dared to touch me!!" said Kim Yoora, annoyed.

"Oh shit!! Let me go!!"

Kim Yoora didn't let go. She instead kicked the man's leg, making him prostrate in front of him. Two men who did not accept immediately tried to beat up Kim Yoora. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Kim Yoora immediately kicked the two men down and got rid of the two men who were carrying sharp weapons. Don't forget to also ask Iseul to hide, at least the waiter should stay away from Kim Yoora and also the three bad boys.

Fights could not be prevented, Kim Yoora fought the three men alone. Fortunately, in the modern world, she has studied pencak silat. At least with this kind of urgency, Kim Yoora could fight back.

Arrested the three men and tied the three men's hands to the tree. Kim Yoora immediately waved her hand, and cleaned her hanbok. Don't let her come back to the palace with dirty clothes. Waiters don't matter, but Kim Won Shik will give Kim Yoora big trouble.

"Let go of us!! Who are you!!" they said.

"You three don't need to know who I am. It doesn't matter to you either!! And you won't even know!! said Kim Yoora, annoyed. "Want to be free? Just untie the knot yourself. Bye!!"

Kim Yoora just walked away and grabbed Iseul's hand to leave, leaving the lake. After all, the three people are also not important, if you are safe, thank you, if not, then fine. What's more, life here can be bought again.

"Princess are you okay?" Iseul asked reassuringly.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm fine Princess. Please don't do that again, I'm very worried about you. And afraid something will happen to you. Next time, we can call for help to save ourselves."

Kim Yoora laughed it was unnecessary. After all, Kim Yoora is a black belt in karate in the modern world. It's a shame, if she screams for help from others. Even though she herself can also do it herself?

"But princess..."

"Don't worry, don't worry. As long as I'm around, everything's safe."

Iseul tried to believe it. She immediately invited Kim Yoora to return to the palace. It's already evening, and soon it will be dark when Kim Won Shik will be going around the palace like a soldier. Just to make sure, if Kim Yoora was in her pavilion.

But Kim Yoora's footsteps stopped when she saw a wide-open drugstore. She smiled a little, imagining a good idea flashing through her beautiful brain. With the modest money she brought, Kim Yoora immediately entered the shop and bought something.


Kim Sun Hee feels tired all day having to learn western languages. She closed the sheet of paper and also the book quickly. After all, his eyes also need rest. And asked the teacher who taught him to go home immediately, so that tomorrow they could go back to studying together.

"I'm sorry Princess Kim Sun Hee." she said.

"Hmm, let's go." said Kim Sun Hee massaging her eyeballs.

The woman asked Ga Eun to prepare a face mask for Kim Sun Hee. After all, she had also not taken care of her face in a long time, and felt that it looked very dull and ugly.

"Ga Eun, please prepare my bath too. I want roses as aromatherapy." Sun Hee said.

"Okay princess, I'll prepare it."

Kim Sun Hee nodded and asked Ga Eun to prepare everything quickly. Her body was so tired, and she needed something that could stir up passion in Kim Sun Hee's life. Closing the door to her study, the woman intended to return to her room. However, it was only a few steps before Kim Sun Hee stopped her steps when she saw Jae Hwa who came to her.

"Greetings Emma." said Kim Sun Hee looking down languidly.

"Don't be tired dear. Your skin can be dull." Jae Hwa said.

"I'm so tired, Eomma. My eyes feel tired."

Jae Hwa looked at Kim Sun Hee with pity. His son must study hard to lead his palace later. Jae Hwa knows that learning western languages ​​is not easy. But Kim Sun Hee persisted, because the stupid Kim Hyo Ra was able to speak western languages.

He didn't want to look at his tired daughter. Jae Hwa asked Kim Sun Hee to return to her pavilion immediately. Maybe getting enough rest will make Kim Sun Hee's body fresh again. She had to take another bath, pampering her body with natural spices, so that her skin looked very clean and smooth.

Almost an hour passed. Kim Sun Hee had just finished taking a shower. She sat beside Jae Hwa who started to comb her hair.

"Eomma don't. Just let Ga Eun comb my hair." refused Kim Sun Hee gently.

"No dear. It seems I haven't combed your hair in a long time. I still remember when you were little and I combed your hair. And in fact, you were running here and there, and made your Eomma's head dizzy."

And in fact Kim Sun Hee is now a big boy. It's impossible if she has to run around just because her hair is combed. Kim Sun Hee asks Jae Hwa to return to his pavilion. She was very tired and wanted to rest.

"Okay, sleep well Kim Sun Hee." Jae Hwa said, stroking Kim Sun Hee's hair gently.

"Hmm, good night Eomma."

"Good night Sun Hee."

-To Be Continued-