
Min Jun Ryun enjoyed his tea deliciously. He smiled a little, remembering himself and Kim Hyo Ra in the valley. At that time Min Jun Ryun deliberately took Kim Hyo Ra to the valley, just to enjoy the beautiful night atmosphere. However, the woman assumes that they are dating. Sounds funny, because all this time Min Hun Ryun has never even dated a woman. Even when Soo Jin chose many women for himself, not a single woman was able to win Min Jun Ryun's heart. And in fact, currently Min Jun Ryun admits, if Kim Hyo Ra is the one who is able to make his heart beat wildly.

"Crown Prince ..," the call was probably the fifth time out of Seo Jun's lips. And in fact Min Jun Ryun is more engrossed in his own world than answering Seo Jun's calls.

To make that person wake up from his daydream. Seo Jun threw something that fell on the floor, with a sound so loud that it immediately made Min Jun Ryun jump in surprise.

"What are you doing!! Eomma will get angry if she sees the flower vase broken." said Min Jun Ryun. More precisely, nagging Seo Jun here.

"Sorry Crown Prince, but this is a stone not Eomma's flower vase."

Min Jun Ryun's eyes narrowed perfectly, he looked at the stone under Seon Jun's feet sharply. Just because he thought too much about Kim Hyo Ra, he couldn't focus on what was in front of him. Min Jun Ryun was forced to close the document and looked at Seo Jun with a big smile. of course it immediately made Seo Jun perfect goosebumps.

"What is it? Is there something wrong with me?" Seo Jun said in horror.

There's nothing strange about Seo Jun, it's just that Min Ju Ryun's brain is weird, because he thinks too much about Kim Hyo Ra. The woman who won his heart. With a shake of his head Min Jun Ryun enjoyed his cold tea.

"What's the assignment for tomorrow?" he asked.

"Nothing important. Except studying royal documents, riding and also--"

"Don't mention it, I know what you want to say."

Seo Jun nodded, he chose to leave, but there was Min Young Jae who immediately restrained him and asked Seo Jun to go to Daegu kingdom tomorrow morning. To deliver cooperation documents in the western region, and what is clear is that Min Jun Ryun also has to come to meet Kim Hyo Ra.

The man was exasperated, even without Seo Jun, Min Jun Ryun was able to deliver the documents to the Daegu Kingdom. And said if it was Emperor Min Youn Sun's envoy, or maybe the Crown Prince sent this document. With Min Jun Ryun coming to Daegu Kingdom, there was no need to ask Seo Jun to come there. Not that he doesn't like it or not, Seo Jun is very traumatized if he has to come to the Kingdom and meet Kim Sun Hee, the second daughter of Emperor Kim Won Shik and also Empress Jae Hwa.

Seo Jun still remembers when Kim Won Shik introduced the woman to Seo Jun and immediately made the man uncomfortable. Apart from being overconfident, Kim Sun Hee is also too pushy, to make Seo Jun fall in love with her. And that's what makes Seo Jun give up on going there.

"Come on, just once, Seo Jun. After that--"

"Crown Prince I don't want to. I'm tired." cut off Seo Jun.

Min Jun Ryun put on a pitiful face, if he came alone without Seo Jun it was a sign that Min Jun Ryun would not meet Kim Hyo Ra. Which is where Min Jun Ryun after meeting with Emperor Kim Won Shik, was immediately escorted to the palace gates. Because the man knew that Min Jun Ryun was approaching his first daughter.

"But the Crown Prince-"

"Seo Jun, didn't you promise to help me no matter what? And why do you just refuse something like this?" cut off Min Jun Ryun. Either way, Min Jun Ryun has to make Seo Jun want to come to Daegu Palace. She had to convince Seo Jun that it was bound to happen between the Crown Prince and the King's Daughter. And Seo Jun just needed to dodge, allowing Kim Sun Hee not to approach him. If necessary Seo Jun must also run as fast as possible from the woman, if to stay away and does not want to meet her.

"Okay I will." Seo Jun finally said and made Min Jun Ryun laugh in satisfaction. This is delicious, you don't have to be sorry just to make the man agree with Min Jun Ryun's words.


Kim Yoora chuckled behind the tree in front of Kim Sun Hee's pavilion. The woman shouted so loudly, that it made the ladies-in-waiting as well as Kim Yoora who was near the pavilion to approach. She wants to know what happened to Kim Sun Hee's pavilion. And in fact, Kim Yoora saw Kim Sun Hee who woke up in a pathetic state. The woman's skin was blistered, not only her feet and hands. But Kim Sun Hee's face was also blistered from the medicine that Kim Yoora sprinkled right on Kim Sun Hee's bed.

Yes, yesterday afternoon when Kim Yoora intended to go home and passed the drugstore. Kim Yoora remembered her reason for leaving the palace to buy medicine. She also bought some needed medicine, and also a bottle of itching medicine. The medicine was sprinkled on Jae Hwa's bed as well as Kim Sun Hee's. Where the two women love to mess with Kim Yoora, go to prison without being fed, make mistakes and Kim Yoora is blamed, it seems that enough and it's time for Kim Yoora to take revenge for their actions.

Seeing a lot of people going straight into Kim Sun Hee's pavilion including Kyung Soon. Kim Yoora also went in alone and saw what happened. More precisely, how blistered Kim Sun Hee's skin was after being exposed to the itching medicine. Only after that saw Jae Hwa's skin.

"Sun Hee what happened?" Kyung Soon shouted loudly.

Kim Sun Hee bent her knees quickly when she saw the Empress Dowager enter her pavilion. She also showed her blistered skin to the Queen Mother and also Kwan Ji Woo. "Grandma, my skin..." she whined and cried.

"What happened, and how could it be like this? Did you do something to your skin Sun Hee?" said a panicked Kwan Ji Woo.

Kim Sun Hee shook her head quickly, how could she do something to her skin, while Kim Sun Hee has always been upholding her clean and glowing skin. Even so far, Kim Sun Hee has always taken good care of her skin. She is the daughter of emperor Kim Won Shik who is not yet married. There's no way Kim Sun Hee could damage her own skin.

"Then what is this? Try to remember what happened yesterday Sun Hee." Kyung Soon said.

Kim Sun Hee tried to remember what happened. But instead his gaze focused on Kim Yoora who was standing among the ladies-in-waiting. The woman's face looked normal, but the look in her eyes seemed to describe, if this happened because of her.

"She..," Kim Sun Hee got up from her seat and pointed at Kim Yoora with her sharp gaze. "I'm sure she made me like this," she said back.

Kim Yoora pointed at herself with a dumbfounded face, "It's good to accuse people!! Is there any evidence?" shouted Kim Yoora disapprovingly.

"Without any evidence this one palace knows, if you hate me because Father loves me more. And think of me more as a child than you. That's why you did this to me." shouted Kim Sun Hee angrily.

Kim Yoora smiled crookedly hearing that, she immediately crossed her arms over her chest. "Whether appa loves you or not, I don't care. And in fact I'm not greedy for recognition. Appa doesn't recognize I'm his daughter? Does not matter. After all, I can still live without appa." Kim Yoora said and just walked away, making Kim Sun Hee's annoyance pile up in her brain.

"I will repay you!!"

-To Be Continued-