It is already a week after my first meeting with Melchior, and I still didn't understand my power. I didn't work command, and when I don't want my ability to work, I hear the thoughts.
Melchior was impressed that I am not going to master it any time soon. Because I didn't make any progress in the past week, my motivation to practice more is going down. The exercises are hard, and it is tough to keep concentration.
I have two exercises:
1. During this exercise, I have to squeeze my eyes, try to 'think' about what the other person is thinking.
2. This exercise is a sort of 'come to papa' training. I need to convince the other person to 'think' towards me. In this way, the thought comes free, and I can hear it.
A day later, I tried out exercise one at school. But all I got was weird looks and more comments on my strange behavior.
During gym time, we were supposed to take the sports test, but many are complaining. As I was climbing in the ropes, I thought back to the last conversation I had with Melchior. He became angry with me the last time we trained. I still couldn't read his mind, Melchior began to scream and shout towards me. He yelled things like:
"You are not my son; my son would control his gift in less than a week!"
"You are just a wannabe! You don't possess this power; maybe my daughter will have them!"
As he said, he would leave me within a blink of the eye. I was alone again that night. He didn't care about my feelings. But he was hiding the truth that I have a sister? That was madness. How could he not tell me that?
When I was at the high end of the rope, I rang the bell and was climbing down. Every step I took to get down, I became sadder. I jumped off the line and walked back to the locker room.
Every step I took, I became angrier. And then it happened; I can hear some thoughts, not all of them, but some of them.
I suddenly turn around and stare at my classmates, who just said what? I was perplexed.
Once I got home, I wrote a letter to Melchior. I sneaked out of the house and tied the message to the bench. Hopefully, he will read it and write me back.
A day later, I got a message back from Melchior.
--> Thank you for your letter; this is the safest way to communicate. I know it is hard for you, but you must understand the risk we are taking. I am not allowed to talk to you or see you from the government. I am glad that you have found a trigger to hear people's thoughts. Let's see if you can listen to them without getting angry or sad. Meet me tomorrow. Same place, same time. <--
Unfortunately, my family is getting suspicious. I think my story of training every day for the baseball team, isn't reliable anymore. Shall I tell them, or just wait until I hear from them about the liability of my story.