Chapter 9


I am an idiot—I think everyone knows that by now. Instead of spending my Sunday morning at the country club with my mother like always, I faked having period cramps, so I could drive down to the local gym I knew Tyler would be— Sun found out for me. After that dick, Ash took a video of me and Tyler making out, he threatened him to lose the match today. And I know Tyler didn't plan on people seeing that video. I told him I would take care of it and I did. Hence why I was going down there to tell him(he needs to give me his number). Let just say I own Ash little sister my limited edition Chanel coat for what she did.

I pulled into the car park of the gym it was right off the road. It was almost 30 degrees outside. Inside the car was cool but I knew once I step out I would be boiling. The building was covered in graffiti art that looked half completed. Checking my slightly free makeup face before headed out, the bright blue tennis outfit I wore making me stand out. I could already feel eyes on me as I closed my door—they knew I didn't belong here.

The heavy metal door shut loudly as I walked in. I was greeted with a very thick smell of sweat and metal. Of course, they didn't have an AC, by the looks of the place I doubt they could afford one.

Feeling the looks of the men working out on me as I walked through trying to spot Tyler. Of course, he was in the ring, fighting with James. I watched as his back muscles move with his arm as he punches his opponent. His body was dripping in sweat— didn't know if it was from the heat or his workout. His short hanging loosely allowed me to see the tattoo-covered his back.

James' eyes widened when he saw me allowing Tyler to land a punch into his stomach. He falls grunting in pain just as I reached them. Tyler stood above him laughing, he takes off his gloves moving to help him. But James said something that made him freeze. Tyler spins around to face me the smile gone from his face. His face contract into an angry one as he storms over to me.

"What that fuck?" he yells when he reaches me. But the ring was a good foot taller than so he was looking down at me.

"What are you doing here?" he questions still looking pissed

"I was looking for you" I cross my arm over my chest

"Stop fucking looking for me Bella, you have nothing I want"

"Are you sure about that?" I raised a brow ignoring the pain as I make my way to the stairs that lend inside the ring.

"How did you even know I would be here?" he asked. I was now a few feet away from him and my body was already getting hot—not from the heat.

"I have ways" I winked at him

"I came to tell you I took care of Ash"

"What do you mean you took care of him?" he walks slowly looking confused.

"I mean you don't have to worry about the video you don't have to lose the game" I take a step back not wanting to be to close to him.

"What video and you were going to lose the match!" James yelled behind me. I completely forgot he was standing there.

"Ash took a video of us kissing," I tell him before Tyler could say anything.

"What!" James yelled again "What the fuck Tyler? I thought you hated the bitch"

"I do hate her," he tells him. I rolled my eyes as he said that. I hate you too.

"So what you doing kissing her?"

"I don't know man, I was high at that time" he lied. All the time we've kissed he was in full mind.

"And you were going to lose the game! You know you need that mon..."

"Shut the fuck up!" Tyler yelled at him before he could continue. He didn't want me to know whatever James was going to say, not that I gave a shit.

"How did you get him to get rid of the video?" James asks. Acting as if that didn't just happen.

"Don't worry?" I tell them

"Did you have to suck his dick, I doubt that's anything new." Tyler grins as he says that. Giving him the finger even though I was hurt. I would never touch Ash even with a ten-foot pole.

"Just say thank you," I missed an important facial to be here. He stares at me intensely making me uncomfortable, his eyes move down to my neck that was filed with didn't gold necklaces. Since he took back the sea glass I just put on random jewellery.

"Thanks, white girl," James winked as if he knew Tyler would rather eat shit than thank me.

"You know, your calm. Without your friends of course."

"Thanks?" I say unsure whether it was a compliment or not.

"Wanna do something fun tonight?" he surprises me by asking.


"We are racing in the desert bring one of your fast cars," he walks off before I could answer. I've heard about the race that happens in the desert but I've never been.

"I don't wanna see you there" I look back at Tyler watching him pick up a black duffel bag.

"I'm coming, your friend invited me" I didn't plan on going really but the thought of him being uncomfortable with me being there made me happy.

"And I'm telling you, you're not" he scoffs

"I am," I say surprising myself. Maybe it was because he didn't want me there but I was going to show up.

"If you do I will drag you out by your hair" he warns

"I dare you" I challenged him. He stood in front of me for a few seconds watching me with his eyes. I could feel his breath on my face as he stared down at me.

"Find come but only if you are going to race" he stalks off leaving me standing there.


"He is such a bastard!" I yelled hitting the ball back to Sun.

"I can't believe that was the same boy you met!" She yells back.

We were currently in the tennis court playing at the back of my house. We have been at it for a while now, it was our way of distressing and losing weight. I called her after lunch to come over so we could play and I could fill her on what happened between me and Tyler.

"I can't believe it either," I say. That boy I met years ago was long gone and now replaced with a man. A man that hated me.

"Are you going?" She was talking about the race. I wave my bat Signalling for a break, I was out of breath and the sun was killing me.

"Yes, Sun. We are going" I smile at her

"Hell yeah!" She jumped up excited.

"We have to take your Dad's Maserati!" she begs

"No way, remember what happened last time" she smiled sheepishly. The last time we took it for a drive we almost die thanks to Sun's driving.

"I promise you can drive it. We need to show up with a spot car or there's no point in going"

"We aren't even racing, just watching"  I wasn't planning on participating.

"But still, come on" she wines.

"Why can't we take your brother's Lamborghini," I asked her, he would let her.

"He drove out of town for the weekend. Boys trip or whatever"

"Okay we can take me Dads car" I give in "but there's no way in hell I'm letting you drive" she wines but nodded. She was an adrenaline junkie I swear.

"Let's show those Las Jun rats how it's done!" She throws her bat in the air making me laugh.

My Father and Mother won't be back home till Monday night so taking his car won't be a problem. Besides he never drives it, he had a lot of cars for show. I think he was hoping for a son so he could pass it down to instead he got me and I didn't give two shit about cars.

"Remember the others can't find out" I reminded her. They would kill us if they knew. Instead of us showing up at Ash's house for the get to together we would be chilling with the Las Jun. Ariel and Knight would lose there shit if they find out.