Chapter 11

"Who are they?" I asked Sarah as the bikers got closer.

"Bad news," she whispers, she looked at Tyler and James, who was already walking towards us in a hurry.

"Get in the car," she warns. I almost did, but when I saw the look of fright in her eye I didn't move.

I felt hands around my naked waist, I knew it was Tyler. He pulls me tightly against his chest, I could feel the heat coming from his body.

"Get in your car and drive off. Don't say a word" he whispers into my ear.

"Why?" why did they want me to leave?

"Just fucking do it Bella!" he says angrily pushing me forward, I bumped into another hard chest. But this time I could smell cheap beer and sweat. I look up and saw a tattooed face with a nose ring. Taking a step back slowly when he showed me his yellow teeth.

"Well, aren't you a pretty thing!" He laughs out, the others agreeing with him.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" I didn't reply, I didn't like the way they were watching me.

I felt Tyler's hard hands on my shoulder, his grip was hard enough to make me wince. He pulled me up against his chest as if trying to shield me away. I look around the now deserted desert, everyone seems to have disappeared. It was just James, Jada, Sarah, Nelson and Tyler. They were all standing next to us.

"Boy! We've been looking for you" they yelled at Tyler. He didn't look affected by them, in fact, I think they knew each other. Why would Tyler be hanging out with guys like this?

"I see you got your self a new pretty bird" one chuckles pointing at Tyler's arm that was around my waist.

"What are you doing here Stone" he growls at the guy that just spoke.

"It seems you've forgotten you owe us money" the guy name Stone growls at Tyler.

Does he owe their money? Why?

"We made a deal, you said on the 7th" Tyler say, today was the 5th.

"Well, you see our boss change his mind" Stone laughs casually.

"I don't have that kind of money on me Stone" Tyler was breathing hard now. I knew something bad was about to happen, I just wasn't sure what.

"Then we have a problem boy," Stone pulls out a gun and point it directly at me. I freeze tears forming in my eyes, I stare at the gun, not moving. I held Tyler's hands tighter, trying my best not to move.

"She's got nothing to do with this" Tyler steps forward blocking me from the gun. I felt him reaching behind his back slowly.

"Your gonna have to pay Son and that one looks like she's worth 50 grand"

He owns them 50 thousand dollars! I wanted to yell. How did that happen? Doesn't he know people like this can kill you for that?

"Come back on the 7th and you will have your money" James steps forward. Oh god, this boys looked like they did this daily. What the hell was I doing here, I should be with my friends getting wasted not stuck in the middle of what looked like a gang War.

"Just give us the girl and will be on our merry way"

"Not gonna happened," before I could blink Tyler pulled out a gun from his back making my eye wide.


Oh my god, this is not going to be good. Does he carry that with him all the time? If he does how comes I've never felt it.

"Be a smart boy, there are three of you and six of us. If you give us the girl will let you keep the other two" Stone says referring to Sarah and Jada.

"We just want one!" another biker yells making me jump.

"None of they are going with you" Tyler stood his ground, pointing his gun directly at Stone.

"Fine," Stone spat on the floor and the other men behind him pulled out their guns some had long knives instead.

"James gets Bella out of here," Tyler whispers deadly not taking his eyes off Stone.

This is going to be bad, they were outnumbered. And did he expect me to leave the girl as well? I couldn't leave now, it was too last. I looked at Sarah and Jada that were holding each other crying.

In a blink of an eye, someone ran up and attacked Tyler, the man knock the gun out of his hands and tries to cut him with the knife. I scream seeing Tyler getting punched, but he soon recovered and started fighting the man twice his height.

"Stop!" I try to run to them but James grabbed me.

"Please stop!" I begged when Tyler was in his knee as other man joined.

"I'll give you the money, just stop hurting him!" I yelled directly at Stone

"Too late now birdie" he smirks at me as the two men continuously punching and beating the shit out of Tyler. One was holding him down while the other beat him.

"I'll give you double, I will give you twice what you're asking for please just don't hurt him" I cry, Tyler was now unmoving with blood all over his face. Stone looks at me surprised before call his boys off Tyler. I shove against James and ran to Tyler, he wasn't moving. Falling to my knees, I moved his hair out his bloody face crying.

"Just go, I will give you 100 grand if you just go," I say holding an unconscious Tyler again my chest.

"Birdie, you don't wanna lie to us now do you?" Stone asked

"Call me birdie one more time " I picked up Tyler's gun, my hands shaking but I held it to his head.

"Now fuck off, we'll give you on the 7th like the deal. Meet here"

"Don't disappoint me birdie" he whistled turning around. I waited till they all got on their bikes before I fell to my knees, dropping the gun as if it was poison.

"Tyler?" I whisper gently holding his face

"We need to leave now," James says picking up the gun.

"We have to take him to a hospital, he's not waking up," I say worried.

"We can't, they will ask questions. Just get in your car and drive home don't speak to anyone about what happened"

"I'm not leaving him" I wasn't going to go until he wakes up and tells me to leave himself.

"Fuck! Fine" James throws his hands up. "I need to take Sarah home, I will put him in your car and drive him to his house."

"Nelson takes Tyler car with Jada and goes drop it at the garage" he gives Tyler keys to Nelson.

"Help me pick him up" James struggles with Tyler. I move to help, fuck he was heavy.

"My dad is going to kill me," I say looking at the blood on the leather seat.

"It cool, we can wash it off later," James says chuckle. How the fuck was he so calms after what happened?

"I will come by his crib later," James says and I nod at him getting into the driver seat. Looking at Tyler unmoving body in the back seat, I wipe tears off my face and start the car. What if I didn't come? Would they have killed him for not having the money?

"Sun?" I say once's she picks up, my voice dry.

"Bells? What's wrong?" she could hear it in my voice.

"Nothing!" I cleared my throat remembering what James said. Don't tell anyone.

"I'm going home, I couldn't stay there anymore. Wasn't my vibe, the beer was too cheap" I laugh, hoping she believed me.

"I'm sorry I left you, Bella, I promise I'll make it up to you with a new Prada bag"

"Sun, it's fine to have fun will talk tomorrow morning," I hang up before she could say bye.

"Stop crying"

I jump almost losing the staring wheel, I didn't know he was awake. I look back seeing his eyes opened but soon closed back.

"Tyler?" I call

"I'm here" he whispers as if it hurt to speak. I wipe my tears not sure why I was crying anymore.

"What happened?" I knew he was referring to the bikers.

"They left," I told him

"How?" he sat up a little bit moaning from the pain.

"They left for 100 grand," I say not sure how he would react.

"What the fuck? How?"

"I told them if they left you I would give them 100 grand"

"Bella! Why the fuck would you do that!" He yells making me angry.

"They were about to fucking kill you Tyler, I would have said anything to make them leave!" I yelled back annoyed he wasn't thanking me.

"You should have fucking left with James, I had shit under control"

"Really! That's what you call under control. They almost fucking kill you!" Did that hit his head hard cause he was speaking rubbish?

"I don't have a 100 grand Bella, I don't know where you expect me to find that type of money" He shakes his head almost disappointed.

"Don't worry" I whisper knowing he's never had that amount of money before. "I'll take care of it"

"Are you fucking kidding me, you think I'm gonna let you give them a 100 grand. I know that's nothing to you but once they know you have that money they will try to get more!"

"Stop it!" Can't he just say thank you like a normal person? I saved him from getting killed and he yells at me.

"It's just money, your worth more to me" I whisper trying to keep my teary eyes on the road. I will just have to get into my truth fund with my parents finding out hopefully. He went silent not saying anything for a while, I look back and saw his eyes closed again.

He passed out.