Thorns Pavilion

Ferox after receiving directions from Scarlett went straight to Beetle city. Thanks to his high DEX stats, It only took him few minutes to cover the distance of nearly 10km. After reaching his destination he saw huge city walls and a Copper gate almost 20 meters high. The gate was open and was guarded by guards. Many people were entering the city. This was the firsts time for Ferox to see people of other races. There were Kobolds (Dogman), Elfs, Dwarves, Ghostkins, Demons and humans entering and leaving the city. This showed how prosperous the city was for so many people to come and go. Ferox has already set his mind that if trouble comes his way he won't avoid it because he would never like to disguise his handsome face. He bought a fake ring from Scarlett so that he could use it like a storage ring and go unnoticed when storing or using items from his own space.

Just as he reached near the gates he received many stares. Why? Simple! Because he was too fcking handsome. A guy this handsome can never go unnoticed and his white hairs were also something that made him stand out. Ferox has already steeled his nerves because this will be the case from now on. Wherever he will go he would definitely receive stares.

"Who is this guy? How can someone be so fckin Good looking? God have you forgotten I am still in this world?"

"Wow, What a handsome guy! I want have his babies" (Oh boi)

"Is he from the royalty? Is he someone from the city lords mansion?"

People continued to make comments one after another. There were many females who fell head over heals for Ferox, even other races. Ferox paid them no mind and started to step forward towards the gate. Then one of the guards of the gates came running and blocked his way.

"We have never seen you around, we have to check you, Please co-operate" The guard said. Ferox looked at the guards face which caused the guard to broke into a sweat. Looking into Ferox's violet eyes the guard felt incomparable fear. He felt like he was standing against an ancient beast which was sealed for millions of years. Ferox put both his hands up which made the guard instinctively retreat causing Ferox to laugh out loud "Haha, Go ahead and check I was just trying to show that I don't have anything hidden." Seeing Ferox's handsome laughing face some girls fainted on the gate (wow enough already).

The guard searched Ferox's body and found nothing he heaved a sigh of relief and said "Phew! please pardon my rude behaviour it was just a formality. You can enter the city." Seeing that he has been allowed Ferox patted the guards shoulders and asked "Actually, I am new here, I have just hunted a beast outside the city, can you tell me where can I sell its corpse?"

"Ah so that's how it is. There are many places here in the city where you can sell the corpse. But I personally think you should go and visit the Thorns Pavilion, It gives the best rates. And if you want to stay a few days they also have restaurant and rooms for staying there which are not to expensive and provide decent accommodation" The guard said full of smiles. It was easy to guess that this guy was one of their agents to attract customers. Ferox decided that he would first go sell the body and get some money to stay in the city then decide what to do later.

After bidding farewell to the guard Ferox asked around people for the location of Thorns Pavilion. It was really easy to find it because Thorns Pavilion was standing in the middle of the city and it was the largest building around this area. It was 8 storeys tall and had a modern design to it which surprised Ferox. He entered the seemingly huge hallways of the Thorns Pavilion it was crowded with people which told that their reputation was not just for show. Of course like the city gates our protagonist received many stares some of envy, jealousy, admiration and even stares from people who have weird fetishes. Of course all the female gazes were filled with love and admiration asking to be hugged and kissed.

Ferox was roaming around the pavilion when a girl I green work wear came to him. She was looking extremely approachable with a welcoming smile on her face. It was quite obvious she was one of the saleswoman of the store. She asked with a business smile "Pardon me, Sir. May I kindly ask what you are looking for?"

"Oh hello! I was just thinking of asking for someones help. Actually I have a Spirit beasts corpse I want to sell. So I would like to ask for guidance" Ferox also replied in a polite manner. Hearing his melodious voice which was so polite even to a common saleswoman like her the girl felt extremely happy. like a little child she smiled and asked "Can I ask in specific which beasts corpse is it?"

"Which beast? I guess it's name was something like ." Ferox tried to recall the name of the beast with a thinking face which made him look like a child which has forgot what things he was asked to bring.

Hearing the name many people there went silent and looked at Ferox like they were looking at a ghost. The saleswoman was also frozen stiff hearing his answer. She looked at him while still trying to maintain her smile she asked "Dear customer, can you please show me the corpse of the beast. Its our policy to appraise first then proceed with the transactions."

Ferox looked at her in confusion and said "Yeah! sure whatever" and waved his hand. The corpse of the of fell on the large hallways grounds causing many to scream. Many faces full of shock and curiosity looked at Ferox. There were even some filled with greed. From the Space Scarlett shouted at Ferox "Ahh! My idiot husband both this beasts corpse and a storage treasure are rare in this lower realm, and you just confirmed that you have both of them. From next time don't do stuff like this again in public places."

Ferox realised his mistake and immediately stored the corpse back, although he was panicked for once he never showed it on his face and remained indifferent. He looked at the lady and said with a smile "This should be enough to confirm it, Right?"

The lady immediately said "Esteemed guest please wait a moment here, I will immediately bring our manager here this level of dealings are not allowed for low level staff!" after saying this she ran to one of the upper floors to go call for manager.

Only a short while later the manager came running followed by the saleswoman. The manager looked to be a middle aged man with a full of anxiety. When the manager looked at Ferox's face his facial expression turned from anxiety looking to that of a cunning old fox. He snorted and shouted in a very rude tone "Yesterday a cargo containing corpse which was being transported to our Thorns Pavilion was was looted by bandits, and this is the very same corpse. Now leave behind the corpse and give us your storage ring for an investigation because recently many of our cargoes have been looted on their way back to the city. I reckon that you are one of those bandits. Silently follow us for investigation" Hearing these sentences from the Manager even a birdbrain can understand that these were all lies to blatantly rob people of their stuff. Everyone from the crowd seemed unhappy but nobody voiced it out. Some were curiously looking at Ferox waiting to see what he will do in response.

Seeing that the Manager wanted to rob him in broad daylight light, Ferox laughed coldly "Hahaha! Saves me the trouble of explaining people to not mess with me. You will make a fine example." Ferox disappeared and appeared behind the manager which caused the crowd to quite down and the Manager to break into sweats. The Manager stuttered while sayin "D d d don't you d d dare a act r r rashly. We of the Thorns Pavilion are not some cowards. I I if you do anything to me you wil be hunted dow..." before he could finish threatening his head fell to the ground. Even in the last moment of his life he didn't know how he died just in his own Thorns Pavilion he was so proud to work at. Ferox used the {Chaos finger} and killed the manager to make an example out of the manager. From the start Ferox was waiting for a young master to come in his way in the city then he would kill the young master and gain fame + lots of unnecessary enemies but when the manager started to blatantly rob him he just changed his target.


Defeated <9th Qi refining cultivator> and gained 9000 EXP and 900 AP! (Azul points)

Level Up! Congratulations now you are level 6!

Level Up! Congratulations now you are level 7!

Name - Zen Ferox

Level - 7

EXP - 3190/5000

HP - 7000/7000

MP - 10370/10500

Unallocated stat points - 4

Unlocked the following features

Ferox never thought that killing a human would grant EXP too. He was happy that his level increased and he got so many new things he really wanted to check these out but he still composed himself because he doesn't want to lose his momentum.

When the people around saw how the manager neck was blasted by just a finger a shiver ran down through their spines. Ferox teared a piece of cloth from the corpse and wiped his hands clean and threw the cloth on the manager's head. Elegantly putting his left hand behind his back he said with a smile "Allow me Introduce myself. This humble one's name is Zen Ferox. I am new to the city and would not like to be bullied here. People who pay me respect will be respected twice in return from me. People who want to plan ill about me please consider themselves as good as dead corpse."

The guards of the pavilion were scared shitless then too they rushed towards Ferox and surrounded him. Just as Ferox was about to make a move a female voice came, It was authorative yet melodious along with the arrival of footsteps "Enough! The manager was in the wrong. I will take on from here on out go do your own businesses. I leave for a while and you people start robbing and trying to shame my Thorns Pavilion's name."