Rose Zerbest

Everyone turned to where the voice was coming from. An Extraordinary women with light blue gown and Light blue hairs appeared into everyones vision. Her face was jade white. Her light blue hairs were like the clouds lost in the ocean of skies. Her hazy black eyes were like the eternal black hole, once someone looked at it, they will get lost in it. She gave of a noble air and seemed like she was close yet so far from the mundane world. A trace of concern filled in hazy eyes which would receive the pity even from a demon lord. He lips were glittering with moisture which made everybody want to taste it atleast for once. Her voice was so melodious it felt like a song of an angel who has descended to the mortal world.

When the woman was looking around her eyes coincidentally met with Ferox's eyes. A shiver ran throughout the whole body of Ferox and the women. A hint of golden lightning appeared in Ferox's violet eyes but it was just for a second and it disappeared. The same happened with the women's hazy black eyes. This short glance felt like an eternity for both of them. Ferox immediately composed himself because it was very unbecoming of a man to blatantly stare at a women. But he felt really reluctant to look away from such a beauty.

"I just got some information from the will of Heavens. She is one of your fated women." Scarlett's sound transmission came from the Nature's space. Her voice was seeming rather unhappy. "Although I have agreed with you having multiple women because of the will of Heavens. But let me tell you I don't feel happy about it even a bit. So don't you dare to something shameful in front of me, humph!" Scarlett cutely snorted. Ferox thought it would be weird if she didn't refute to it, because no woman in the world would want to share their husband with others. But he was more shocked about the fact that the beauty in front of him was also one of his fated women. He was secretly glad in his heart but he didn't show it on his face or he will be scolded by Scarlett.

The woman in light blue gown finally regained her composure after a while. She said with an apologetic look as she bowed "My name is Rose Zerbest, I am the owner of Thorns Pavilion. I am truly sorry for my subordinates rude behaviour. They are just dogs sent by the City lords mansion to ruin my business. Please forgive me"

Ferox immediately put a gentle smile on his face and replied "Now I understand. No need to apologise for others conspiracies the city lords mansion has hit an Iron wall this time. I am not really a person who lets bygones be bygones. I see they have been causing quite a stir here. Well it's better for them to join their ancestors in the yellow river"

Hearing Ferox's words everyone was stunned. It was a blatant provocation to the city lords mansion. They have been standing in the City for centuries and now a boy that looked around the age of 20 was telling that he would kill people from city lords mansion. Nobody knew from where his courage was coming from. When Rose looked at his confidence filled eyes again she could tell that he wasn't boasting. She was thanking gods for apologizing earlier otherwise she didn't know what this little devil would have done to the Thorns Pavilion.

Rose looked at the guards surrounding Ferox and everyone dispersed. She went near Ferox and asked in a polite manner "Can I ask what business has brought you here?" Ferox looked at her and thought for while before replying "I just wanted to sell a corpse of a and find a place to live for few days." Ferox didn't want to make things hard for his future women so he let her off easy and continued with business.

Rose was surprised by the Beast's name cause it was one of the high ranking beast which can even cause a group of people a lot of trouble. She replied politely "Just hand over the corpse to one of my subordinates. The total amount will be 78000 qin (qin is the currency in this world). And if you want a room for stay it will be free as an apology to the ruckus earlier." Ferox was satisfied with the amount he received because he has already asked Scarlett and she said it should be about 70k qin, the amount which we got far exceeds it. He gave the corpse to saleswoman from earlier and received the money from Rose.

Ferox said while looking indifferent "Thanks, Then I will be in your care. Please lead the way to my room." Rose said while pointing at a direction "Then, this way please." After that they left that huge hallways and entered into another premises. Ferox room was arranged on the First storey of the building. The room was quite big and can accomodate 4-5 people's it had two beds. And was really clean and tidy. Ferox entered the room and said "Can you tell me where can I buy clothes for women?"

Rose immediately blurted "A woman's clothing? For whom?" Seeing her so interested Ferox decided to tease her. "Ah! I want to buy it for Scarlett. I mean my wife. She is really beautiful, so I wanted to buy her some clothes that would suit her beauty." After hearing this Rose felt like a needle has been stabbed in her heart. She was feeling really sad for some unknown reason and really wanted to know who can become wife of such a handsome man. She said while trying to hide her sadness "All right don't worry about it I will personally bring some clothes for your wife. But where is she now?"

"En Thanks. I have already told her I will be staying here so should be here by night. and plzz do me a favor and buy some clothes for me to. I was in an urgency when I left for the city so I didn't brought any clothes or money with me." Ferox said while putting his tongue under his teeth (Trying to act cute, what fxkr). Rose really wanted to see his wife so she said "Then I will bring you the clothes before sunset. Please Introduce me to your wife then. I would like to befriend her. And I recommend you not to mess with city lords mansion they are really cunning people. They have always wanted to steal my business after my Grandfather's death. I have been holding on to it somehow. But now they will definitely come to cause trouble here because that manager was also sent by them. Sigh, I don't know how long I can hold on." Rose looked really sad when she said this.

"Hehe, Let them come, I am no vegetarian myself. I have come to this city to cause trouble myself I will give them a good taste of their own medicine." Seeing that handsome face of his filled with confidence Rose wanted nothing more than to hug him tightly and forget about every burden she has. After talking she immediately ran to by clothes for Ferox like a little maid who wants to please her master.

Ferox closed the door and immediately opened his Nature's Space and brought Scarlett to the room. After Scarlett came outside she was brimming with happiness as she asked "I thought you didn't want anyone to see me. Are you sure it's fine if I come out now?" Ferox went to her side and immediately held her from behind while putting his chin onto her shoulders. He said in her ears while taking light breaths "I have such a beautiful wife so why should I hide her. And I think I will go crazy if I don't hold you at least once a day after our bath. Thanks for coming in my life." Scarlett giggled happily like a maiden in love. She asked she held Ferox's hand which was holding his waist "I really liked it when you were talking in my ears. Please do it often from now on as a payment....." She turned around, held Ferox's head in both her hands and immediately put her lips on his. Ferox's mind went blank, all he could feel was a soft sensation on his lips. It felt so good, he unconsciously grabbed Scarlett's waist and brought her closer. After a while they seperated. Both looking into each others eyes. Scarlett looked at Ferox's violet eyes that were like an unsolved mystery, They were full love for her. She got totally intoxicated just looking into his gentle and caring eyes which only gave that look to her and no one else. She said while still in a trance "One more time" and connected her lips with his again. This time Ferox extended his tongue and entered her mouth. Their tongues collided in a battle of passion. He swirled his tongue around hers while enjoying her sweet tongue. They felt like they have been connected into one. They were overwhelmed with love and lust. Ferox groped Scarlett's ass while kneading them gently. After god knows how long they finally separated their lips. Still holding on to each other while looking each other in the eyes with incomparable love. Scarlett gently caressed Ferox's face.

Ferox said while still hugging Scarlett tightly from her ass as he looked at her eyes seemingly lost in them "I love you, I really do. You are forever mine and mine only." Scarlett giggled and said "I love you too, Hubby. Actually, I want to make you only love me too. But its impossible as the will of the Heavens has already decided on your polygamy" After hearing this a trace of sadness appeared on Ferox's face. He felt like he is cheating on her beautiful wife. Seeing this Scarlett gently caressed his handsome face while said in a incomparably loving tone "You don't have to feel bad about it. Its all mens dream to have many wives. As long as you love me and still have me in your heart I don't care how many women you love. Its also a kind of fate so you should accept it like a man." She hugged him tightly after saying that. Ferox combed her silky hair with his fingers as he said "I know. I love you now and for forever. It will never change."

Both of them Hugged each other for a long time and again passionately kissed. After Kissing each other until they were satisfied both started to get ready for Rose's arrival because after they get the clothes they will go and eat food.