Chapter 2: Another Day

Justin's POV:

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I hissed and quickly shut it off. I groaned and rolled over to check the time. 6:50. Fuck man. Shut up and get up. Well good morning to you too Damon. *growls* Good morning. What's got you all mad now? I'm just bored. I just woke up. I know. Now get up and do something. Yeah yeah. I got up and walked over to my bathroom. I took a shower, put on my clothes, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and got my books for school. I looked over at my phone. Three missed calls from Abby. I rolled my eyes. She's gonna be pissed. As she always is. Abby always gets jealous whenever I don't text or call her when she does. I be busy during the day and even busier at night.

It's not like I'm ignoring her. I'm just busy. But she's quick to jump to conclusions hella quick. "Justin!!! Breakfast is ready!!!" Called my mom. "I'm coming!!!" I yelled back. I grabbed my phone and put on my glasses. I jogged downstairs to see my family. My mom cooking bacon , Dad in his phone, Otis on his tablet, and Alison playing with her Barbies. Yep, everything is the same scene, as usual. My Dad looked up at me and smiled. "Hey son." He said. "Hey Dad." I said, sitting down. "How'd you do last night?" He asked. "Eh. I caught a few guys but as usual, Grey got away." I said. He sighed deeply. "Justin, I told you leave him to the big dogs. Your not ready to take on guys like him." He said. He's referring to my night side, King. I know that's my last name, but that's what I feel like I am when I'm in assassin mode. I'm an assassin. I come from a long line of them.

^Patrick King

^Alicia King

^Otis King

^Alison King

My dad wants me and my little brother and sister to keep the line going. Well mainly me and Otis. "Dad I'm not a little kid anymore. I can take on Grey." I said. Grey was the name of this dangerous man who keeps luring and raping young girls and robbing banks and stuff. Somehow he keeps getting away before any of us can catch him. And by us, I mean the Assassin Association or AA. He's been on the run for quite some time now. He's a vampire. He can outlive those who are after him. He stopped aging at the age of 25. We call him Grey because he always wears that color on him. Even if it's small, he wears it. The first time I met him was on my third run of my shift at night.

I seen him at a train station and he was mugging an old woman. I called out to them and he looked at me. He had this evil look on his face. He snap the woman's neck and ran. I ran after him. Giving the fact that vampires are quick, dragons can catch up to him but he always slips through our fingers. No one knows how he does it. Even the executives at AA has trouble keeping tabs on him. He's quick to do a dirty deed and he's out before we can catch him. "Justin I don't wanna hear it. You are to not deal with Grey in any way, is that clear?" My Dad asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "But Dad-" He cut me off. "Is that clear?!" He semi yelled. I sighed. "Yes sir." I said.

"Alright boys, enough of that talk. Well hurry up and eat. Y'all got school soon." My Mom said. We ate our food quickly and I gathered up all my books and got up to leave. "Oh sweetie, do you mind taking Otis and Alison to school from now on?" Mom asked. I turned to look at her. "No way. They always start throwing things." I said. "I ought to throw something at your head." Otis whispered. I growled at him then he growled at me. "Alright that's enough. They've stopped throwing things now Justin." She said. I looked at Otis and Alison. Alison was in her own little world. Otis just stared at me. I sighed. "Fine." I said. Mom clapped her hands. "Yay. Okay love y'all." She said, kissing our foreheads.

I walked Otis and Alison outside to my car. Once I put Alison in her car seat, she looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Do you not like us Justin?" She asked, in a high voice. I was taken aback by her words. "Of course I like y'all. Why wouldn't I?" I said. "Because you never wanna spend time with us anymore." Otis spoke up. I looked at him. "That's because I'm in clubs after school, plus I have a night life that you guys will have when you hit double digits." I said, strapping Alison in. I walked to the front and got in. I started the car up and drove to their school. "We know we'll gonna have to be trained assassins too but you won't talk about it with us." Otis said. I looked at him through the rear view mirror.

"Because you guys are just kids. You shouldn't be thinking of something like this til later on in life." I said. "We can learn." Alison said. "You guys are too young to understand. We're dragons, we got powers and we're trained assassins. That's all you need to know right now. You guys are still learning how to use your powers. You don't need to be learning how to kill a person right now." I said. "We can try." Otis said. I hit the brakes real quick. Luckily, we weren't in too bad traffic. "Otis, don't. Do. That." I said. "Do what?" He asked. "Kill someone." I said. "But from the way you describe it and the way you do it, makes it sound fun." He said. "Well it's not. Taking someone's life is a very serious thing. It's not fun at all." I said.

"But you do it." Alison said. "I only kill bad guys. Guys that are dangerous to the public." I said. "Dangerous to us?" Otis asked. "Yes. Otis don't go killing people. The AA only allows us to kill bad guys. If you kill someone just for fun, you'll be in a lot of trouble. Plus, you'll be killing someone who has family." I said. "Well people you and Dad and Mom kill have family." Alison said. She has a point. Shut it Damon. "That's different." I said. I pulled up and helped them put the car. I watched as they ran inside the building, greeted by teachers and other students. I pulled off and drove towards my school. As I was focused on driving, the sound to my phone ringing scared me. I swerved a bit but managed to recover myself. I looked at the caller ID.

I rolled my eyes and answered. "Hello?" I asked. "Hello there stranger. Remember me? Your girlfriend you were supposed to have breakfast with? Where are you? We're all waiting on you." Abby said. "I had to drop Otis and Alison off at school." I said. "Don't your Mom and Dad take them?" She asked. "Yeah but for some reason I have to drive them from now on." I said. She sighed loudly. "We'll get here please." She said. Then she hung up. I sighed and put my phone down. This girl will be the death of me. Dump her. I'm not doing that. Why not? She's not your dragon mate. You haven't felt attracted to her since your birthday BJ. I thought about that day.

Abby came to my house for my 13th birthday. Everyone came to my birthday party. Abby took me upstairs to my room and said she had a surprise for me but I had to close my eyes and she could surprise me. I was definitely surprised when I felt her unbuckling my belt and putting her lips around the head of my dick. That was the day I lost my virginity. Unfortunately, I wasn't Abby's first. She said her first time was nothing but I felt like it was. Everyone remembers their first time. I pulled up to the school parking lot and parked. I got out and walked to the cafeteria. As soon as I walked in, I seen my best friend, Mike. He was talking to the lunch lady. He always manages to get extra chocolate chip muffins out of her. He began walking towards our regular table, the table away from everyone else's. I seen my friends were there too.

^Mike Jordan

^Abby Burly

^Celia Robins

^Colin Roberts

I walked over to them. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey Justin." Mike said, smiling. He dapped me up. "Hey Justin. How was that cake I sent you? Did your cousin like it?" Celia asked. I shook my head. "Oh." She said, looking down at her hands. "It's cool. Celia don't beat yourself up about it." I said. She smiled and nodded but deep down I know she's sad. She's been tryna find love ever since the rest of us started dating. She realized she was the only of us who wasn't gonna find love. I felt bad for her. I felt a hand on mine. I looked to see Abby smiling at me. "Hey baby." I said. She kissed me. I timed our kisses whenever we were around Celia. It hurt em to see her so upset when couples are being lovey dovey but she doesn't have anyone to do that with.

"So y'all ready?" Colin asked. "For what?" I asked. "We tried out for the AA and now we're awaiting results to see who got in." He said. "Dude that's awesome." I said. I turned to look at Mike. "I know right. Imagine us working together and killing niggas." He said. "I can't wait. I hope I get in." Colon said."You'll get in. You're an Incubus. You'll just seduce the targets and then kill them." I said. He thought about it. "You right." He said, laughing. "And we all know Mike gon get in. He's a werewolf. He can easily tear targets apart." Celia said. "Yeah I can but I have self control. But still yeah I could." He said. I thought about that. Working alongside my best friend. I looked at him. He seemed a bit down.

I tapped him on the shoulder. "Mike what's up with you man? You seem upset." I said. "It's nothing." He said, taking one of my muffins. "Dude, I know you. We've been friends since diaper days. I know when something's wrong with you." I said. He sighed and turned to me. "Alright. It's Kacey." He said. "What about her?" I asked. "Well she's my mate." He said. "Hey congratulations man." I said, smiling. He chuckled. "Thanks man but I don't know how to approach her on this. I can't just walk up to her and say, "Hey Kacey, your my mate. You can't date nobody else but me.'" He said. "Well try to ease her into it. Besides, she's our friend. Surely she'll understand." I said.

Just then, the bell rung. We all headed to our classes. I went to the water fountain for some water. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I sniffed the air. Oregano. Abby. "Hey Abby." I said. She giggled. "How'd you know it was me?" She asked. "Uh, your scent?" I said, nonchalantly. "Oh yeah. Come to the bathroom with me. I missed you. Let me show you how much I love you." She said, seductively. I watched her unbuttoned her shirt a bit. I stopped her. "Abby, as fun as that sounds, I have class and so do you. I don't want to mess up my attendance." I said, pulling away from her. I walked a couple of feet before she spoke again. "Who is it Justin?" She asked. I turned around and looked at her.

"Who is what?" I asked. "Who is she? The girl that has your attention?" She asked. Is she serious right now? Here we go again. "For the last time Abby. There's nobody. I just rather keep a clean record than fool around and mess it up." I said. She had tears in her eyes. I sighed and said,"Okay how bout this: in third block, during P.E., we'll go to the bathroom and fuck?" I asked. She lit up. "There's my baby bear." She said, kissing me. She ran off to her class then. I raced to mine. Luckily I made it before the bell rung. I sat in my seat, next to Mike. "Man what kept you?" He asked. I gave him a look. "Abby again?" He asked, nonchalantly. I nodded. "She still thinks there's a girl that's stealing your attention?" He asked.

"Yep. She won't let up about this. I keep telling her. There's no one." I said. "You gotta do something bout yo girl man. She trippin foreal." He said. "Yeah she is but I don't know what to say to get her to leave it alone." I said. "My advice, ignore her." He said. I looked at him. "Dude I'm not doing that. That'll make things worse." I said. "Well dump her ass. She won't be a problem then." He said. I glared at him. "Justin I don't know what to tell you man. I honestly think you should dump her. She seems to be the one in control of the relationship rather try other way around. She's always tryna make you feel less significant. Make you feel like she's not allowing you to do what you want. It seems like she's controlling you and making you bow to her will. Whatever,it's not healthy bro." He said. I thought about it.

He's right ya know. I know he is. Mike makes a lot of points. Abby is always making me feel like I'm less than what I am. She's always making me do this because she wants to be in control. "I'll think about it." I said. "Think about what?" He asked. "Dumping her. I'll think about it." I said. We spent the rest of class taking notes. School went by fast and I kept my promise to Abby and fucked her in the bathroom. As school ended, I walked through the gym, to the school parking lot. There were a group of guys standing between me and the door. They all look at me. Aw man. This can't be good. I kept my head low and kept walking. "Well look a here. Hey what up nerd?" Said dude one.

I didn't say anything. "Hold up bro. My man talking to you." Said dude two. "Don't have time to talk." I said. "Well you better make time." Dude three said, as he grabbed my jacket and slammed me into the lockers. "Oww." I said. "Man you are pathetic." Said dude four. I fixed my glasses so I could see them. "Look I'm not looking for any trouble." I said. "Shouldn't have came this way then." Dude one said. They all started punching me. I covered myself, hoping they'll stop. Luckily, they did when the principal came over. "HEY!!! YOU BOYS STOP THAT AT ONCE!!" He said. They all stopped and looked at him. "Aw hell." Dude two said. "Now you boys help him up and apologize." The principal said. They did exactly what he said.

"Man we ain't got time for this. Let's go. We out." Said dude three. The four of them walked off to some place else. I looked up at the principal. "You okay there son?" He asked. "I'm fine." I said, as I tried to stand. I gathered up all my books and walked out to the parking lot. I walked to my car and put my stuff in. "Hey Justin." Called a voice." I turned to see Colin running towards me. "What's up?" I asked. "Why didn't you fight back man?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and got in the car. "I don't want to talk about it Colin. Please just leave it alone." I said, as I started my car up. He shook his head. "You'd think someone who's in AA would have defended themselves." He said, as he walked off.

He's right. Shut up Damon. I drove home and put my stuff away in my room. Then I quickly changed out of my clothes and put on my night clothes. I took off my glasses and put in contacts. I then went downstairs to see Otis all dressed up. "Where you going?" I asked. He looked at me. "With you." He said, as he walked to the door. "You coming?" He asked. "Otis, for the last time, your not coming with me." I said. "Why not? I'd be good at it." He said. "Dad!!!" I called. Otis glared at me. Dad walked in the room, all dressed in his night clothes. "What's up?" He asked. "Tell Otis he's not coming with me." I said. "Otis, you know your not old enough to do this." He said. "But Dad I will be good at it. I just know I will." Otis cried.

"No. Your not going. Now go to your room." Dad said. "Dad please. I know I can do this. I know I'm ready for this. It's not fair Justin gets to go." He said. "Justin is old enough and he's highly trainer. You on the other hand, are not." Dad said. "Dad please. If you let me put I know I can-" He was cut off by my Dad. "Otis your not going and that's that. Now go upstairs." He shouted. Otis stood there. His eyes filled with tears. He ran upstairs to his room. "Whats all the yelling?" My Mom asked, walking in the room. She was in night clothes too. "Otis." I said. "He still wants to prove he's worthy to do this?" She asked. I nodded. She sighed. "I'll talk to him." She said, as she put her hair in a ponytail. "Mommy when can I do this too?" Alison asked, walking the room.

"When your old enough." Mom said. "Oh. Well when I'm old enough, can I patrol the water park?" Alison asked. "Why the water park?" Dad asked. "Because people can get hurt there. My friend told me that her mommy said that her Daddy help save a little girl from drowning today." She said. "Well sure. When your old enough." Dad said. Saved a little girl from drowning? That park just opened up. Already it has problems? I quickly walked out the door and into the woods. I ran through the woods, quick as lightning. I ran til I found my post. I climbed up the tree and waited. I looked ahead from my post high in the tree and waited. I waited til I saw the signal to transform. I seen the ref light flash three times before I transformed into a dragon and flew over the trees. I began to descend when I made it to the city.

I landed on the ground and stared at the people walking by. The sunset stared to go away and the night sky began to appear. I watched as a family car strolled by. Just then, the smell of vanilla hit me. Mmm. What is that delicious smell? I don't know but I want it, whatever it is. I thought about following the smell but the sound of a man screaming sounded. I ran to the sound coming form behind a restaurant. An elderly man was fighting with another man over something I couldn't see. I growled loudly and got both of their attention. The fear in their eyes door to me. The elderly man looked like he was about the have a heart attack. I transformed back into my human form. Luckily, assassins always wear a face mask to cover our identities.

"If I were you man, I'd give this poor man back whatever it is y'all were fighting over." I said. The man quickly gave back whatever it was and took off running, screaming in a different language. I looked down at the elderly man. He was Asian and looked to be around his fifties. I looked at his hands to see he was holding a gold vase. "It's okay man. I'm not gonna hurt you." I said. I helped him up and moved him back to a door. He spoke something to me, in his language. I was confused. "I said you are a saint." He said. I smiled. "Thank you." I said. I then transformed and took off towards the man that ran earlier. I found him and picked him up. I carried him back to the woods. As I flew he was screaming in a different language.

I set us down on a spot far from where we were at. I transformed back into human form and bang taunting him. "Ya know, man, mugging people is not a lifestyle you wanna live." I said. He spoke his different language. "Speak English Hideki." I said. I recognized his tattoo on his face from when I first reviewed his case. I was meant to take him out the first Tim right saw him but I got distracted from some Krispy Kreme doughnuts. "Fuck off King." He said. I sighed. "You make my job a lot easier." I said, as I transformed and began to attack him. He fought back using his powers but I was stronger. I struggled to get my jaw around his throat as he thrashed around.

I finally got to his neck and I snapped it. His body went limp. I released him and watched his body dropped to the ground. I stared at his lifeless body. I picked him up with my teeth and carried him to the AA. When I arrived, there were people staring at me but they went back to doing what they were doing. I flew to the helicopter pad and landed. "Ah King. Whose this?" One the top assassins asked. I dropped the body from my mouth. "Ah Hideki. Sneaky son of a bitch. Tell Marla to cross his name off the list." He said. "Just another day doing this shit." Said a voice. I looked to see the head executive of AA. "Oh shut up. Your just mad because yoking got to him first." The man said. The head executive always hated me because I always managed to kill the guys he's after. I rolled my eyes and flew off. I continued my rounds then I flew home. I took a shower, crawled in bed, and drifted off to sleep. Lord give me strength.