Chapter 3: Series Of Unfortunate Events

Angel's POV:

I woke up to my alarm clock on my phone. I groaned and rolled to turn it off. I rolled back over to go back to sleep. "ANGEL!!! TREY!!! Y'all get ya asses up!!!!" Mama yelled. I groaned and covered my head. After a moment of silence, she yelled again. "I'm not hearing any movement!!" She yelled. Trey groaned loudly and got up. I did the same. I got up, took my shower, put on clothes, did my hair, and brushed my teeth. I picked up my stuff and headed out the door. I went to the kitchen and saw everyone staring at me. "Sit down Angel." Dad said. I sat down at the table. "Did I do something?" I asked, nervously. "No. Well yeah. Look here." Dad said. He reached his arm out and handed me my phone. I squealed and hugged him.

"THNAK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!" I screamed. "Aight now. But don't y'all think this excuses what y'all did yesterday." He said. "Aw thanks Dad. We learned our lesson." Trey said. "I hope so. But don't think you off the hook. Y'all doing everybody's chores til we move." Mama said. "Okay that's fine." I said. "Well hurry up. Y'all gotta be at school. We need to hurry up and drive over to the house." Mama said. We quickly walked out the house and to the car. I rode with Trey like I always do. We drove Tasha to school and watched as she ran inside. She greeted by friends. I still feel bad for almost letting her drown. We then drove to our school and parked in the parking lot. I looked up to see a couple of guys roughhousing each other.

I hope we move out soon. I got out and walked to the cafeteria to get breakfast. "Yo Angel!!!" Called a voice. I turned to see my best friend, Keisha running towards me. "Hey best friend!!" I called, smiling. Keisha was my right hand man. I could call her for anything and she'll be there. "So what happened with you yesterday? Why you ain't come to school?" She asked. "My Dad came home and he decided he o take us out for the day." I said. "Where'd y'all go?" She asked. "To the mall, to that new water park that opened up, and to Dairy Queen." I said. "Oh yeah. There was shit going down over there. There's people saying that a little girl almost drowned yesterday." She said. I grew silent.

^Keisha Thomas

"Angel you good?" She asked. I nodded but walked faster. "Yo Angel hold up. What's up?" She asked. I sighed. "Yeah there was a little girl that almost drowned but it was Tasha." I confessed. Her mouth gaped open. "Bitch you lyin." She said. I nodded. "Oh my God foreal?" She asked. I nodded. "Oh my God. Is Tasha okay?" She asked. "Yeah she's fine now but I feel bad." I said. "What happened?" She asked. "Well you know she can't swim right?" I asked. She nodded. "Well me and Trey were supposed to catch her as she came down the slide because the end of the slide leads to a five foot deep pool. We didn't hear of see her come down and because we got distracted, she almost drowned." I said.

"Damn. I'm going by yo house to check on my baby. That's fucked up Angel." She said. "I know I know. But it was an accident. My Dad was really mad." I said. We talked for the rest of the school day. On the way back to my car, I saw Trey fucking some white girl behind the gym. I was grossed out and walked faster. "Yo Angel!!" Called a voice. I turned to see a dude running over to me. "What?" I asked. "Aye you tryna fuck?" He asked. I was taken aback. "Excuse me? Boy bye." I said. He grabbed my arm. "Aw come on Angel. Let me hit. I know you want me." He said, licking his lips. "Boy piss off." I said. I felt him grabbed my waist and yanked me to him. Just then, he was grabbed from behind and was slammed on a car. "Keep up fucking hands off my sister." Trey growled.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him close to me. The groaned in pain. "Trey lets just go." I said. He glared at the boy before turning to go to the other side of the car. "Damn girl. Trey fucked this nigga up." Keisha said, walking over to me. "Yeah he did. Come on. I wanna go home." I said. "Wait. Let's go to this party. You need to get out and have fun more." She said. "Keisha-" she cut me off. "Come on Angel. Live a little. Have fun." She said. "You better listen to her. I'm going too." Trey said. I looked at him. "Won't Mama and Dad be upset that we're not home?" I asked. "They gon be at the house most of the day. Plus, I said we staying after school working on projects." He said. "I mean I guess." I said. "That's my best friend. Let's turn up." Keisha said, as she ran to her car.

I got in the car and followed behind her. We rode around til we came to this house that's in a really rough neighborhood. I kept my breathing to a minimal but Trey knew I was nervous. "Angel relax man. I come down her sometimes. Just stick with me and you'll be fine." He said. "Okay." I said. We parked and out. Already the party is as bumping, even when it's still daylight. A few hours go by and it's nighttime. I look around for Trey after I lost him by the stairs. Some girls walked by and took his attention. I found Keisha and tried to talk to her over the loud music. "Keisha, where's Trey?" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't know. But girl how you not drunk?" She asked laughing.  Now that I'm close to her, I can tell she's been drinking.

She reeked of alcohol. "Keisha I'm not drinking. I don't drink." I said. "Do you smoke?" She asked. I shook my head. "Angel you need to let loose. When's the next time your gonna turn up like this?!" She asked. I thought about it. She's right. I need to let loose and relax. I looked around for the alcohol and saw Trey downing it. I decided to join him. After a few shots, I was feeling more turnt up. I was doing shots, I was doing alcohol stands, I was letting loose. Some dude came over and tried to take me upstairs. I politely declined and went outside. Whoa Angel. Relax. No more drinking. I managed to stay outside for awhile before getting hungry. I looked around and decided to go to McDonald's for some food. As I walked, I felt like I was being stalked. I turned around but saw nothing but a couple of girls kissing on a dude. I kept walking until I saw McDonald's in view.

But the stalking feeling was still there. I turned around and saw a guy, wearing a gray hoodie, eyeing me from across the street. Aw no. Just breathe and keep walking Angel. You almost to McDonald's. You'll be surrounded by people. He can't do anything then. I walked briskly over to McDonald's. The man seemed to follow. He seemed to walk quicker than me. I was scared. But right as I got a few feet in front of the door, he seemed to walk right past me, and down the street. Huh. I was worried for nothing. I walked inside and ordered a bacon burger with fries and a drink. I walked back out the restaurant and back to the party. Just as I turned a corner, I was grabbed and thrown to the ground. "Hey there princess." Said deep voice.

I looked up to see the same guy from earlier. What? No way he could've walked or run back this quick. "What's wrong princess? You don't need to be afraid of me." He said. "Back off." I said. He laughed. "You think you scare me?" He asked. Don't show fear Angel. "You think YOU scare me?" I asked. He looked confused then his eyes turned red. "What the hell?" I asked. He then lunged for me. I screamed and fight against him. He was a lot stronger than me. He began to tear at my clothes, ripping them off. I screamed and scratched but he covered my mouth. "Scream again and I promise you'll lose the ability to speak." He threatened. I thrashed against him but that only made things worse.

He began to suck on my neck and then I felt teeth against my neck. I let out one more scream before he punched me. "Didn't I say shut up?" He asked. He then wrapped his hand around my throat. He pulled at my shorts and put his hand down them. I began to cry and sob. Just then, the guy's weight was lifted off of me. I opened my eyes to see what looked like a dragon that turned into a boy. His eyes were glowing green. "What's up Grey?" The guy asked. "King. Good to see you again." The guy I'm guessing is Grey. "Wish I can say the same." The guy growled and lunged for him. But Grey was quick. He seems to disappear with lightning speed down the street. "King, don't worry about it. We got him." Said a voice. A few other people ran after Grey.

The boy looked back at me. His eyes still glowing green. I was in shock. He then looked down at me. I did too. I was almost naked from Grey's assault on me. His eyes never left my body. I was still in stunned silence. I looked at my good that, I'm sure, was now messed up. My drink had spilled everywhere. I crawled to the bag and picked it up. I began to cry. The boy the took a step near me but stopped. I noticed he had a mask on. He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. I began to cry even more. I sat down on the ground and covered my face. I just want this day to be over. Just then, I felt a lot of heat near me. I looked up to see the dragon again. It was black and red. It walked towards me but I cowered away.

It came closer until it directly in front of me. It breathed smoke from its mouth but it didn't hurt me. It bent its head down til it was at eye level. It had such hatred in its eyes. Without thinking, I reached out and touched its head. That seemed to startle it as it quickly jumped back. I covered my mouth to keep from screaming. It turned around and flew off. I quickly got up and looked for it. I grabbed the bag of food and ran back to the party. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I could not believe that just happened. I finally made it back to the house to see Trey and Keisha standing outside. "There you are Angel. What the hell? Where'd you go?" Keisha asked. "Your sober now?" I asked.

"Yeah. I am. I took a nap. Where'd you go?" She asked. "To McDonald's. You guys will never believe this." I said. "What happened to your clothes?" Trey asked. "I'll explain on the way home. Can we go please?" I asked. We then walked back to the car and got in. Keisha got in her car and drove behind us. We drove all the way to our house. We got out and quickly ran inside. "There y'all's asses are. Do y'all any idea what time it is?!" Mama cried. "Yeah y'all should-" Dad pawed when he seen me. "Angel. What the hell happened to you?" He asked, quietly. "That's what we wanna know." Trey said, crossing his arms. "Well I went to McDonald's and got attacked by some dude. He almost raped me but I was scared by this dragon." I said. They looked at me as if I grown two heads.

"I know it sounds crazy but it's true. It was a dragon then it turned into a boy then it turned back into a dragon and it flew off." I said. "Angel-" I cut my dad off. "No Daddy it's true. I'm not lying. I swear. That's what happened." I said. "I believe you." He said. I was surprised. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. Angel, sit down. We need to talk." He said. I did as I was told. "Oh Keisha. Sorry I was so focused on Angel." He said. "It's cool." She said. "Angel, you need to know that there is a world hidden among you." Mama said. "Like what?" I asked. "Well Trey exposed himself to us one day when he lost control. We know he's a werewolf, just like we know Keisha is an elf." He said. I was shocked. "Your mother is a vampire and I'm a Raider. And I'm also an assassin." He said. "Yooo seriously?" I asked. He nodded.

"Baby we didn't know how to explain this to you." Mama said. I couldn't believe this. "I need answers like right now." I said. "Well, remember that Christmas party two years ago? Well my coworker and I goy drunk and she made a mistake and bit me. I became a vampire. Your father been turned into a Raider by a wizard, who your father had an argument with." Mama said. "What's a Raider?" I asked. "Someone who collects souls of those who pass. So being in the Army is rough. Not only are you around buddies you know, but you have to collect their souls when they die. Plus being an assassin makes it difficult. I'm an assassin at AA. I know you haven't heard of it since it's being kept secret. I wanted to to keep you and Tasha out of the loop with this in case something bad happens to me." Dad continued.

"Wait if your magical beings, how come I'm not one?" I asked. "Well this happened after y'all were born. So you and Tasha are the only ones who aren't magical beings. It just happened to us Angel. It wasn't anything planned." Mama said. "But wait, if Dad's an assassin, doesn't that put all of us at risk?" I asked. She nodded. "That's why I wanted to keep your knowledge of it clear and out of it your mind. But your old enough to know what it is now. And Trey is also an assassin and Keisha. Their both highly trained and I want you and Tasha to be too." He said. This changes my whole world. "Now will make a great time too. The AS has been looking for something, something powerful." He said. "Actually Mr. Starlight, not just try AA, the Magic Council is looking for it too." Keisha said.

"Looking for what?" I asked. "The Galaxy Pendant." Trey said. "It's supposed to be the most powerful thing in existence. Everyone is looking for it. By no has had any luck finding it." Keisha said. "How powerful is it?" I asked. "Imagine if you had powers and those powers were magnified and amplified by 50 million." She said. Good Lord. "Dang." I said. "Yeah. So you can see we're tryna find it. I'm already on edge with the fact you guys are now around me but I want to make sure your safe. And the event from yesterday sent me in a fear frenzy." Dad said. "Oh yeah speaking of that, where's Tasha? I wanna see her?" Keisha said. "She's in our room. We had a talk with her about this. We know she's young but she has to know." Mama said. Keisha walked down the hall.

"Okay if this Galaxy Pendant is all mighty and powerful, why downs this Magic Council find it themselves?" I asked. "Cause their the leaders of the magical world. It's our job to serve under them." Mama said. "Where is this Galaxy Pendant? I mean where was it last seen?" I asked. "No one knows." Dad said. Keisha walked back in the room, holding Tasha. "Hey Tasha." I said. She looked at me. "What happened to you?" She asked. "You don't even wanna know." I said. I walked to my room and grabbed some stuff and took my shower. While I showered, I thought about everything I was just told. Magical beings? Assassins? This is too much. After I got dressed, I went back out to try living room. "Okay Angel, we've thought about this all day. We're moving out soon. Maybe in a few days. This crime is getting too much and now that it's affecting Whether that family gives up the house or not, we're moving into a different one. On eon the other side of town." Dad said.

"Wait. That means I would have to leave Keisha." I said, sadly. "It's okay gurl. I'll come visit." She said, hugging me. Tasha hugged me too. "It's okay Angel. Keisha you promise to visit us?" Tasha asked, in a high voice. Keisha nodded. "I promise." She said. "What house we moving to?" Trey asked. "One that's near from this neighborhood." Mama said. "Just be ready to leave when the day comes." Dad said. "Okay. Let's go to bed. Tasha lets get you in bed." Mama said, picking her up. "I'll drive you home Keisha." Dad said. "No it's okay. I drove over here." She said, as she walked out the door. I watched as she got in her car and left. "Angel?" Dad called. I looked at him. "Do you remember what the dude who attacked you looked like?" He asked. "All I know is that he had on a gray hoodie and the guy who saved me called him Grey." I said.

His eyes held a spark in them. "That's a man the AA has been chasing for years. He's a vampire. He's quick to leave before any of us can catch him." Mama said. "Mama your part of this assassin thing?" I asked. She nodded. "I wanna make sure my babies are okay and safe." She said. "Well come on. Time for bed." Dad said. I looked at Trey. He seemed to be lost in thought. I walked down the hall to my room. I climbed in bed and looked at my phone. Keisha and Trey has called me while I was out getting food. My stomach growled at the thought of it. I decided to go get me a midnight snack. After that, I climbed back in bed. Today has been a series of unfortunate events. Hopefully tomorrow is better.