Chapter 5: AA

Angel's POV:

2 Weeks Later*

I rolled over and felt something on me. I didn't want to make any rash movements. I did that once before on my tenth birthday. My Mama put a breakfast tray on my bed to surprise me for hitting double digits. I rolled over and it spilled all over my sheets. I carefully moved over a little so I could see what was near me. I saw a big book and pamphlet on something. It said Assassin Association. AA? Dad. I sighed and got up and ready for the day. I took my shower, got dressed, did my hair, and left. I seen Trey and Tasha sitting in the living room. They were watching TV. "Hey y'all." I said. They looked at me. "Good. Your up. Let's go." He said, cutting the TV off. "Go? Go where?" I asked. Please don't say AA. "AA." He said.

Damn it. "Can we not please." I said. "Angel why are you so against this?" He asked. "Because killing people is wrong." I said. "We're killing dangerous, bad guys." He said. "And What we're doing isn't bad and dangerous?" I asked. "Don't do that." He said. "Angel can we please just go? Mama said when you wake up, to go ahead and leave? I don't wanna get in trouble because y'all arguing." Tasha said. I sighed. "Fine." I said, walking to the door. We walked out to the car and got in. Trey drove fro what felt like an hour to a place. It was a tall building. A skyscraper. "Whoa." I said. "That's what I said." Trey said, suddenly.

He parked in a executive spot. "Angel I know you don't like this but-" I cut him off. "Trey don't try to talk me out of this." I said, getting out. "Angel, we're not going in that way." He said. I turned around and followed him to an elevator. He pressed the 7th button on the panel and made it go up. Tasha stared at the buttons and almost pressed one before he stopped her. "Don't." He said. "But their so big and bright." She whined. She then sucked her thumb and pressed herself to me. When we reached 7th floor, we got off. Trey lead the way to what looked like an business meeting room. "Ah, Trey. Glad you could make it. And I'm assuming these are your sisters." Said a bearded man. "Yes sir. This is Angel and Tasha." Trey said.



"Wow. Her scent is amazing." The man said. "Um, scent?" I asked. "All magical beings can smell a scent on people. We all have one." Trey said. "Yet they aren't magical beings, are they?" A woman said, as he stepped form behind the bearded man. "No ma'am we're not." I said.  "Hmm, we'll have to fix that." She said. I stared at them. "Oh sorry. I am Bishop, head of the AA. And this is my wife, Annie." The man said. "Nice to meet you." Tasha said, in a high voice. "She is just precious. Too cute." The woman said. Tasha giggled. "She takes after me." Said a voice. We turned to see Mama and Dad enter the room. "Mommy!!!" Tasha screamed. She ran to her arms. "Hi baby." She said. "I trust everyone has introduced themselves?" Dad asked.

"Yes Bryant. Now that they're here, I trust they know about what we do here." Bishop said. "Oh they know." Dad said. "Except one of us disagrees with us." Trey said. This nigga. I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, and who might that be?" Annie asked. "She's the middle child." Trey said, crossing his arms, looking at me. "Angel, you disagree with us?" Annie asked. "Yes I do. Your killing people. These people have family have families that are gonna know where their at and they have to find out their dead." Is aid. "Angel, I understand this so isn't something your fond of, but your part of it now." She said. "No I'm not. I don't want any part of it." I said. "Angel, we've been over this." Dad warned.

"Dad I'm sorry but I don't like this. I don't want to be part of this." I said, crossing my arms. There was a moment of silence before anyone spoke. "We're Sorry you feel that way Angel." Annie said, as she walked over to a cabinet. She pulled something out and I recognized it immediately. "Wait." I said. "Angel we take the AA very seriously and those who oppose us or know of secret but don't want a part in it dies." She said, icily. She cocked the gun and aimed it at me. "Annie, she'll do it." Mama said. Annie paused and looked at her then me. "Will you Angel? I would really hate to kill such a pretty face." She said, coming close to me. Aw man. What do I do? "How bad are these guys your killing?" I asked, without thinking.

"Really bad. There's one criminal we've had trouble capturing over these past hundreds of years." She said. "Trey said these are bad and dangerous people your killing. I just....I don't want to wind up killing the wrong person. Like I said, these people have families. If someone were to kill someone I love and care about, I'd lose my mind." I said. Annie cocked her to the side and looked at Bishop. She spoke to him in Korean. He responded back. He then looked at me. "Angel, you have a caring nature. But you may put it aside. Think about this. A dangerous criminal in the loose. They kill your family and get away. Wouldn't you be upset and gonna want revenge?" He asked. I nodded. "That's what we do here. We kill those who do wrong." He said.

"What if there's no more bad people in the world?" I asked. "Then we don't kill. We stop." He said. I thought about this. "Are you sure it's just bad people your killing?" I asked. He and Annie both nodded. "Okay. I'll do it." I said. They cheered for me. My mama and dad hugged me. "Oh Angel. You have so much to do. I'm so proud of you." Mama said. "Angel, trust me. Your gonna have fun." Trey said. I smiled at him. I hope whatever I'm getting into is worth it. "Okay. Angel, we're gonna have you two fitted for your night clothes." Annie said. "Night clothes?" I asked. "Angel, your tired?" Tasha asked . They stared at her. "She is just so cute." Annie said. "No sweetie. Night clothes, meaning Angel is gonna wear a uniforms for her to wear at night. It'll have our logo on it and we're gonna give her a mask so none can recognize her when she's out in the night." Bishop said.

"Okay. What will it look like?" I asked. "Just like everyone else's, black. Plus our logo." She said. I smiled. "Oh." I said. Two workers walked in and grabbed my hand to show me the fitting rooms. They took measurements of me and finally stitched together my uniform. I tried it on and it fit perfectly, though it showed off my curves. I stepped out the booth and my Mama cooed at me. "Oh my baby is growing up." She said, wiping a tear. "Mama, don't start with the tears." I said. "Yeah. You might get the idea of wanting another baby." Trey said, irritably. "Don't put that in her head." Dad said. "Y'all better shut up." She said. We laughed at her. "Hey, how come I don't get a uniform?" Tasha asked.

"Your too young dear. When your older, than you get a uniform. Your gonna be taller then we will have to fit you all over again. And that's wasting fabric." The worker said. Tasha pouted and whined. Mama straightened her out though. I looked in the mirror and realized my hair was straightened and blue. "Hold up. What happened to my hair?" I asked, touching it. "Oh. The night clothes is enchanted. Every assassin has one on theirs. It's to help make your appearance less recognizable." Annie said. "Oh. Okay." I said. I looked at my hair again. "So it's not permanent?" I asked. She shook her head. "Okay good." I said.

"Okay Angel, Tasha, you two will have to go to the Arena to train. We'll let you know when your ready for the night." Bishop said. Another worker came through and showed us the way. We went a long way from where we were til we approached the Arena. It was huge. "Whoa. You guys have a hug arena in this building?" I asked. "Yes." Annie said. "This is dope." I said. As we walked, I noticed other kids were there too. They all stared at me. "Oh yeah. Angel, those are the other kid who are new too. Just like you, their our new recruits. They'll be training with you." Annie said.

The kids approached us. A blonde girl approached me, smiling. "Oh wow. So your Angel." She said. "Um yeah." I said. She suddenly hugged me but pulled back. "Whoa. You do smell good." She said. "Uh, Kacey." Said a black boy. "Sorry. Just excited." The girl said. "Sorry bout her. I'm Michael but everyone calls me Mike. This is Kacey, Colin, Justin, Celia, and Abby." Mike said, as he pointed them out "Nice to meet you all." I said. "So we heard you and your sister are non magical beings. Is that true?" Kacey asked. "They are but not for long. We're gonna turn Angel and Tasha into magical beings so they won't be killed." Bishop said. I looked at the other recruits. Two of the kids stared at me. The boy, Justin, had bright green eyes, while the girl, Abby, glared at me. Hell's her problem?

^Kacey Smith

"Okay let's go." Annie said. "Can I come with?" Kacey asked. "And why would we allow you to?" She asked. "Cause I wanna get to know the new girl. I'm a psychic Angel. I had a vision we are going to be the best of friends." She said. I was shocked and scared by this girl. "Angel, are you okay with that?" Annie asked. "Um, I guess. " I said. Kacey squealed and walked with us to the next room. We came to an elevator and a dude pressed one of the buttons. As it went up, I got dizzy. I held my head. "Angel, are you alright?" Kacey asked. I shook my head but that made it worse. "Daddy I'm really dizzy." Said Tasha. "Yeah me too." I said. Dad picked her up and held her. "It's okay. It's a natural reaction to humans going pass a barrier their not allowed to." Bishop said. "How come we're not allowed?" I asked.

"Humans having knowledge of this place immediately gets killed unless they become one of us." Kacey said. The dizziness became worse. I fell to the ground. "Angel!!!" Kacey cried. I became lightheaded and dizzy even more. I felt like I was gonna pass out. "Okay we're here." Annie said. We got off the elevator but me and Tasha were unable to walk. Dad carried Tasha while Trey carried me. We entered a room that looked similar to the one we came in. "Okay. Who goes first?" Annie asked. "Who goes what?" I asked, still dizzy. "Who turns into a magical being first?" She asked. "Let Tasha go. I want her to get better first." I said. "Okay Tasha. Just stand on this." She said. Tasha got down and stood on a panel. "Now Tasha, what's something you wanna be?" Annie asked.

"A unicorn!!!" She squealed. We all stared at her. "Pick something more realistic." Annie said. Tasha began to think. "How bout a mermaid? She needs to get over her fear of water." Trey said. "He's right. Tasha you can't be afraid of it forever." Mama said. Tasha began to cry. "You better stop crying. Tasha water is nothing to be afraid of." Dad said. "Tasha think of the depths you'll be able to reach that no professional diver can. You can discover different kinds of sea life down there. You'll be an awesome mermaid." I said. She began to stop crying. "O-Okay." She said. Annie began to flip a couple of buttons and the machine turned on. Tasha then disappeared. "Tasha!!!" I cried. "Yo where she go?" Trey asked. "Relax. She was transported to an island where she can become a mermaid." Kacey said.

We waited for her to return. It was five minutes before she came back soaking wet. "Tasha what happened?" Mama asked. "I saw mermaids and mermen Mommy. There were a bunch of them. They said I had to jump in a moon pool, where I don't see how it's a moon pool. I mean we're not on the moon." She said. I rolled my eyes. She is so young. "But they said I jump in and they'll help me. So I jumped in and they helped me float. Then a full moon shined a light down on me. I thought I was going to Heaven. Then they said I was down then sent me back." She finished. "That's great baby." Mama said. Some workers came over and dried her off with towels. "So how come she don't have a tail now?" Kacey asked. "They said it'll come to me tomorrow and that I will have powers." Tasha said.

She then gasped. "Oh and they also said I have to be careful around water or any liquid or I'll grow a tail in public. I have ten seconds to hide of they'll see me." She said. "Well then you better hide before those ten seconds is up." Annie said, in a daring way. She then looked at me. "Okay Angel, your up." She said. I got down from Trey's arms and stepped on the panel. "What is something you wanna be?" She asked. I thought about it. "I don't know." I said. "How bout a witch?" Bishop asked. I was taken aback by his words. "Are you calling me one?" I asked. "Oh no ma'am. There are witches who exist. You can be a witch, or vampire, or a psychic, or a-a....anything." He said. I thought about it. I looked around for ideas on what to be.

Then the thought of that night came to me. "A dragon." I said. They gawked at me. "I don't know Angel. Being a dragon is a huge responsibility. They're like vampires and werewolves. They need to be kept eyes on. They're tempers and moods are incredibly complex." Annie said. I nodded. "That's what I wanna be." I said. Annie shrugged and flipped the switches again. The lights flickered and then it became dark. The machine shut itself down then came back on. So did the lights. "What the hell just happened?" Bishop asked, limping to the window. Just then, the doors flew open. "Sir, someone hit the power switch." Said the worker. "Damn it." Bishop said. "Why is that so bad?" I asked. "It's like a blackout. With the machine plugged in, it takes time to fix it." He said.

He then sighed. "We'll turn you in a week Angel." He said. "A week?" I asked. "That's how long it takes to fix the machine. This machine costs us $10 million. A complex machine like that needs high maintenance." Annie said. Well I guess that's true. I stepped off the panel and over to Kacey. For some reason, I felt safe around her, even though I don't know her. I looked at her. She seemed focused on something outside. I looked out the window to see Justin and Abby. It looked like they were arguing. "Are they your friends?" I asked Kacey, without thinking. She looked at me. "Uh yeah. He's cool but she's a bitch." She said. "How come?" I asked. Well I'm going to be friends with her, might as well get some info on her.

"She's a jealous bitch who won't let Justin have any friends that are girls. She knows that he's working here, killing people, she knows he has after school clubs and yet she thinks he's cheating on her, Jane really it's the other way around." She said. "Why would she cheat on him?" I asked. "She's a succubus. They have sex a lot. It's their way to live. She fucks other guys because she says 'it's her way of living.' When really it's bullshit. She strings him along just to make sure he's trapped by her. Mike was right. She's so controlling." She finished. "A succubus? I've read books on them. Aren't they sneaky and manipulative?" I asked. "Oh yeah. That's all she does." She said. "Why doesn't he just break up with her?" I asked.

"He said he was going to but he has to find his mate first." She said. "Mate? Oh he's a werewolf." I said. "No. Mike is a werewolf, he's a dragon. All magical beings have mates." She said. Dragon? Was he the one who saved me? "Hey are there any more dragons around here?" I asked, curiously. She nodded. "Their everywhere Angel. There's magical beings all around us." She said. So maybe he's not the one. "Well you said he wants to break up with her but he can't. Why?" I asked. "He said he found his mate but he doesn't want us to tell her. He's waiting til he finds his mate again to tell her." She said. "Well who is it?" I asked. She opened her mouth but looked at me. "Okay guys. We're gonna reschedule the transformation til next week." Bishop announced.

We turned to look at him. "Until then, Angel, you and Tasha will train until that happens." He said. "Come on. I'll show you the train room." She said. "Is that in the Arena?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah but the train room is where they put a chip in your head so training you will a be a lot easier and you'll catch and learn the moves a lot quicker." She said. We all went back to the elevator and once again the dizzy and lightheaded stuff came back. I leaned against Kacey and she wrapped her arm around me to keep me steady. When we hit the floor for the Arena, Abby ran past. "Abby don't do this!!" Justin yelled. He jogged past but stopped when he seen me. His eyes held an emotion. Wait I've seen those eyes before. But where?

He took off after Abby, screaming her name. "Olaf go after Abby and make sure she's okay." Annie said. She then turned to me. "Okay Angel, Tasha lets go prep for surgery." She said. Surgery? "Surgery?" Tasha asked. She began to cry. Trey grabbed her hand. "It's okay. They'll insert a chip in your head so you'll learn moves quickly." He said. She reached up for him. He picked her up and she buried her face in his neck. "She is so cute." Kacey said. "Yeah but she gets away with things me and Trey get in trouble for." I said. She rolled her eyes and smiled. I smiled at her. This chick's alright. As we walked to a room, Kacey grabbed my hand. I looked at her. "Trust me. Your gonna need a hand for when you enter the room." She said.

As soon as we stepped in the room, I squeezed her hand. It looked like one of those Jigsaw rooms from the Saw movies. I was terrified. "Angel, relax. Your heartbeat is incredible. One the nurses is a vampire and right now, your scent is driving us all wild. So please relax." Annie said. "Okay I don't know what I smell like and I don't want to know but this looks really scary." I said. I looked at one of the nurses. He stared at me with so much lust in his eyes. He sharpened what I assumed was a tool used to put a chip in my head. I moved closer to Kacey and wrapped my hand around her arm. She rubbed my arm. "It's okay Angel. You won't feel a thing." Bishop said. I felt like I was gonna pass out. "Okay. Let's do this." Annie said. Oh Heaven help me.