Chapter 6: Angel

Justin's POV:

I woke up to the feeling of a body next to me. I opened my eyes and nearly jumped out my skin. It was Abby in my bed sleep. Why did I think she was a dead body I killed? Cause her skin is pale. It's not that pale. Whatever. I slowly moved myself from the bed and stood up. That's when I realized I was naked. The hell happened last night? I looked at a red cup on my dresser. Then everything came flooding back. Mike had a party at his house cause his sister found her mate. We all partied like crazy. I've never been one to drink but I decided to let loose and have fun. I've been so stressed out since I found my mate. I've been trying to find her for weeks now. I've told Mike about the clothing she had on. I even showed it to him and he took a whiff of it.

He became hung on it. I had to take it away form him, for fear he'd want her just as much as I do. But he said he's into Kacey. I've told the others about the clothing and they all wanted to have their share of the smell. Now that I was seeing them do it, it creeped me out. I told everyone to keep it a secret from Abby until I told her. It was hard to do since I kept the clothing on me. The vanilla scent was all over me and it made Abby suspicious. It was all good until she found the clothing in my locker. I lied and said it belonged to a friend. She glared at me and wanted to know who the friend was. I told her it was nobody but I wanted to return it. Of course she didn't believe me as it was just a piece of fabric. I've been making time for her to keep her finding out who it was.

I've been spending time with her which isn't so bad until she reverts back to the clothing. She wants to know who it came from. I told her it was someone I didn't know too well. During my time alone, I've looked everywhere for the girl I saw that night. I've asked people around here but they don't know her. The only place I've had t checked us the worst part of town and I'm not going there. The neighborhoods there are terrible. I heard an assassin got shot and robbed over there. No thank you. If I were to go there, I would bring Mike with me. Speaking of him, I asked him to help me find the girl I described to him. Kacey being the psychic she is, said she had a vision of two new girls, one younger and the other older.

The were sisters she said. She also said the girl had purple, curly hair. I was thrilled and ready to meet her, hoping it wasn't a joke. Luckily it wasn't, as the girl actually was here, at AA. We all were super excited to meet the new recruits. Abby was thrilled at first but when the girl showed up, her happiness turned to bitterness as she saw what the girl looked like. I don't blame her for being jealous. This girl was gorgeous, and her night outfit showed off her curves. Damn her ass is fat. It is. I bit my lip at the sight of the girl. I wonder if she recognize me? Why would she? You had a mask on. So? So people any recognize eyes. You right. Kacey had approached the girl and hugged, saying she smelled really good. It looked like it freaked the girl out a bit. She wasn't too fazed but it definitely bothered her a bit.

Mike introduced all of us. I looked over at Colin, who was biting his lip and eye humping her. I wanted to punch him. I found the girl's name is Angel. Kacey wound up going with her to see her being turned into a magical being. I was shocked to find out she wasn't one. My mate is human. But she won't be for long. As soon as they left, the conversations about her started flooding in from everyone. "Oh my God. Did you see her?" "Bro that ass was fat." "I'd tapped that til next July." "Damn her scent smells so good." All of them were on Angel. "Damn. That girl got body and smell." Colin said. "I know right? Oh my God that girl is something else." Celia said, biting her lip. I didn't mind her being lesbian but if she were to try something with Angel, it would be a problem.

"Oh my God. Does she have to be here? Like they couldn't accept someone else?" Abby asked. I looked at her. "You don't even know her." I said. "So? I mean damn. They couldn't have chosen someone else?" She said. "Why not her? She's fucking gorgeous." Celia said. "She's sexy is what she is." Colin said. "Is that all you two want?" Abby asked. Celia scoffed. "You just jealous of her Abby." She said. "Yeah. Your just mad because she has a better body and smell than you." Colin said. She looked at me. "You don't think that do you babe?" She asked. Lie. Truth. Lie. Truth. Lie. Truth. "Yo let's stop asking questions and get started on these training lessons man." Mike said, irritably. "What's up with you man?" I asked. "Kacey. It's like I'm nothing to her." He said, as he sat down.

I felt bad for him. I sat down next to him. "I'll talk to her. If she understood how you felt, maybe she'll-" he cut me off. "No. I can do this. I just need to think of how." He said. He got up and walked to the bathroom. I sighed. "Justin." Abby called. I turned to her. "What?" I asked. "What do you think of her?" She asked. "Abby don't start with me with shit." I said, standing up. I walked outside the Arena, to a staircase. I walked down it and outside to the parking lot. "Yes I will start. Cause it's ridiculous how you won't answer me." She said, following me. "About What Abby? About Angel? Why does it matter what I think about her?" I asked, angrily. "It matters I like you. I don't want any of these girls out here to catch your attention." She said. I blew a breath.

Do it Justin. It's time. "Abby. I don't know if I can do this anymore." I said. "Do what?" She asked, quietly. "This. Us. I don't want to be your boyfriend if all we're gonna do is argue. That's not what I want in a relationship." I said. Her eyes filled with water. Tears streamed down her face. She turned around and ran inside. Now I feel bad. Don't chase after her. I ran after her. WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! She ran up the staircase at lightning speed. She was so fast, on the way, she accidentally hit the power switch. The lights on the building flickered then turn off. I flipped then switch back and continued my chase after her. I transform and flew up the stairwell. I managed to catch up to her and transformed back but she still ran. On the way up, she ran past an elevator. I called after her.

The smell of vanilla hit me and I looked at the elevator. There she was. Angel. She looked like she was upset or weak even. I shook my head and ran. "Abby!!!" I called. I chased her all the way to a green room. She ran inside and hid among the bushes. I looked around, looking for a sign of her. Instead, I just followed her scent. "Abby." I said, as I stared at her. "Leave me alone." She said, as she sobbed. I felt bad for her. I bent down and held her. She clutched to me and sobbed in my chest, staining my shirt. We stayed like that for awhile. After awhile, she stopped crying. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to upset her any further. I looked down at her to see she was sound asleep. Just then, the greenhouse door opened.

In walked Olaf. "Annie wanted to know is she's alright." He said. "She's fine." I said. He nodded but looked at her. He then left. I tried to move to stand up but she clutched to me. I picked her up and carried her to the nurses office. I texted Celia to come and watch her. I waited til she got here to leave. "What happened?" She asked. "We got into an argument but we're good now. Can you watch her? I need to talk to Mike." I said. "I'll watch her." She said. I thanked her and left. I walked around til I saw one of the workers. "Hey where's Mike?" I asked. The worker pointed towards the surgery room. I thanked him and walked off. "It's okay Tasha. She's completely fine." Said a voice. I walked in to see Mike and Colin surrounding the table.

I saw other people there too. The people who were with Angel earlier. A little girl began crying even louder. "Tasha relax. She's doesn't feel a thing." A woman said. I looked at her. Stephanie? She's Angel's mother? She looks just like her. "Are-are you sure? I-it looks like it h-hurts." Tasha sobbed. "She's fine babygirl. Now hush all that crying." A man said. I looked at him. Bryant. He's her Dad. I looked at Angel, who was in surgery clothes. She was sound asleep. Her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful. Angel favors her mom more. She does. So does Tasha. I looked at the little girl. She had tears stream down her face. She then looked over at a dude who looked like Bryant. Is this her brother? He has tattoos and shit? And he's tall? He must be very protective over his sisters. I found out his name is Trey. "Okay. All done." The nurse said.

He moved out the way and hit a switch that made Angel wake up. She sat up really fast and got lightheaded. Without thinking, I went over to her and held her steady. She looked at me. Her scent so close to me was overwhelming. "How you feel Angel?" Annie asked her. Angel looked at her. "Hungry." She said. They laughed at her. I slowly moved my hands away from her but I didn't move from her side. I felt a hand on my arm. I looked over to see Mike touching me. "Where you been?" He whispered in my ear. I gave him a look. "Abby?" He asked. I nodded. "Did you break up with her?" He asked. "Sorta." I said. "Whatchu mean by that?" He asked. "I'll tell you later." I said. "So Tasha, just head that way, change out of your clothes and get settled on the table." Annie said. Tasha began to cry.

"Tasha enough with the tears. Your gonna cry pounds off girl." Trey said. "Yeah it won't even that bad." Angel said. Her voice heavenly. She moved past Colin to get to the changing room so she could help Tasha change. Colin smirked and smiled at Angel. He needs to back the fuck off. We waited a bit before the girls came back out. "Okay Tasha, just climb up here hon." Annie said. Tasha did so before having tears in her eyes. "Tasha enough crying. It's not gonna hurt." Angel said, consoling her. "It's not so bad. You won't feel a thing". Trey said. Tasha still had tears in her eyes. "Tasha tell ya what. If you stop crying, there's ice cream and candy in it for you." Annie said. Tasha then perked up and wiped her face. "Okay." She said. We watched as the nurse put her unconscious and put the chip in her head. "There we go." He said.

"Hey if your a vampire, how come your tryna kill us over our blood?" Angel asked. "I'm actually trying my hardest not to attack you folks." The nurse joked. Angel didn't find it funny. In fact, she moved closer to Kacey. "Relax Angel. He's just joking." Trey said, nonchalantly. Tasha woke up and got off the table. Angel and her mother walked to the change room to help her get settled. I looked at Kacey. Then at Mike. I elbowed him and motioned for Kacey. He shook his head fast. I tried to push him closer to her but he fought back. "Justin, Mike, everything all right?" Bishop asked. All eyes on us. I smelled vanilla and looked to see Angel, Tasha, and Stephanie staring at me. "Uh yeah. Everything's fine." I said, as I moved off Mike. He did the same.

"Okay. Let's head back to the Arena." Bishop said. We walked to the Arena where we each had to get assigned a partner to train with. I immediately moved to Angel, and volunteer to train with her. She was surprised but didn't say anything. Kacey looked at me and I knew what she was thinking. Only she and Mike knew Angel was my mate and I wanna keep it that way. Mike then volunteered to be partners with Kacey. She didn't think too much of it but I did. Colin then asked Angel if she wanted to be partners with him. I was praying she said no. "It sir really matter to me." She said. "Of course it matters. You need to be properly trained." He said, taking her hands in his. I felt my blood boiling. "How bout I train her?" Said a voice.

Oh no. You've got to be shitting me. I turned around to see Abby standing next to Celia. "She's better now." Celia said, walking past me. "Hey Abby. I said, nervously. She glared at me. "Look can someone just train me." Angel said. "I'll train." Me and Colin said. We glared at each other. "Wow Angel got two dudes that like her." Tasha said. "Tasha." Stephanie said. "No she doesn't. Colin or I can train her." Abby said, standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes at her. "Why not let Justin train her Abby?" Bishop asked. "Cause I don't want MY boyfriend developing a crush on the new girl." Abby said. Mike gave me a certain look. "Girl I don't even know him." Angel said, defensively.

"Justin won't have a crush on her. Now I'm appointing Justin to be her partner while you partner up with Colin and if I hear lip out of any of you, I promise it won't end well." Bishop said, icily. Thank God for Bishop. Abby glared at Angel then walked off to Colin. "No hold up. What's your problem with me honey? I just got here and already you act I did something wrong to you." Angel said, walking up to her. Please don't do it Angel. "My problem with you is-" Abby was cut off my Trey. "She has no problem. If she does, she better think about it carefully." He said, walking up to Angel's side. Tasha did too. "Yeah. Don't let my small size fool you honey. If you got a problem with one of us, you got a problem with all of us." She said, in a small voice.

She is too cute. Abby didn't say anything. "That's what I thought." Angel said, icily as she walked to my side. She crossed her arms and glared at her. "Well we training or nah?" She asked, irritably. "Yes. Let's get to it. By the end of the day, you should learn all the moves there is to know about being an assassin." Bishop said, as he turned to leave. He then paused and turned around. "Oh yeah Angel. I do hope you learn fast because, since your older, your first mission is tonight." He said, as he left. "What? Wait." Angel pleaded. "Angel you can do it." Trey said, as he walked over to Celia. "Angel we know you'll be good at it." Stephanie said as she and her husband left with Bishop and Annie. Angel looked worried. She sat down at a bench.

I sat next to her. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Why do you care?" She asked, icily. "Because your my partner and I want to know why your upset." I said. She looked at me. Her eyes pierced mine. "I'm sorry. It's just...killing people. It's wrong and mean. And I'm not a mean person. Not naturally." She said. "Angel, we're killing bad guys, not innocent people." I said. "But still. I'm gonna did one day, and I don't wanna die knowing I killed a bunch of people because I'm told to do so." She said. "Listen for what it's worth, you'll be doing the world a favor." I said. I looked around and saw everyone else training. "Come on. Let's get started." I said. I started training Angel to be a ruthless assassin, like I am. She was a fast learner. Faster than anyone I've ever seen here.

She managed to do everything correctly on the second try. She was quick on her feet, even for a human. When it came down to her actually hitting a dummy with knives and stuff, she backed down. "Angel, you gotta try." I said. "But it's hard. I could never kill anyone, no matter how much harm they've done to me. It's just not in my nature to be a killer Justin." She said. I thought about that night I saved her. "Angel think of someone hurting you. Someone raping you. You gon let that slide or are you gonna give that man what he deserves?" I asked. She looked at me and smirked. Then she picked up three knives and threw them at the dummy. Two went into the eyes while the third in its head. "There we go." I said. She clapped and hugged me.

"Thank you so much Justin." She squealed. She pulled back and looked at me. Her lips looked delicious at the moment. I wanted to suck and kiss them for the rest of the day. She must've wanted the same cause she but her lips. Ahem." Said a voice. Abby stood with her hand on her hips. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked. Yes. Yes. "Oh sorry. Justin was just teaching me some maneuvers with knives." Angel said. Abby stared at her then picked up a knife. "Let me show you how it's done honey." She said. As she moved Angel closer to the dummy. She then walked back and without warning, threw it, hitting the dummy in the forehead. Angel looked shocked. "Bitch are you out of your mind? That could've hit her." Kacey said.

I looked at Angel. She didn't looked pissed but didn't say anything. "Bitch you pull some shit like that again, and I buss yo fucking head open." Trey threatened icily. Angel held him back. "Chill. I ain't worried bout it. Bitch don't got balls to do it foreal." She said, glaring at Abby. Tasha ran over to Angel, hugging her waist. "Come on. Let's go tell Bishop Angel's ready for her mission." Kacey said, glaring at Abby. The four of them walked off to the elevator. Before it closed, Angel looked at me and smiled.