Chapter 7: First Mission

Angel's POV

After my training, I felt great. But I was pissed because Abby wanted to be a bitch and show off her knife throwing skills. Almost took my head off. "I'll be sure to mention this to Annie." Trey said. "No." I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Cause I'm not tryna start shit." I said. "Angel, she threw a fucking knife at your head." He said. "Okay and? As much as I wanna fight her, I'm not going to do that. I'm not here to cause trouble." I said. He stared at me. "Trey please. I really don't wanna start shit with anyone. Can we just go see Annie?" I asked. "Fine. I'll handle her myself." He said. "Trey don't please." I pleaded. "Now if Keisha was here, you'd been fought her." He said.

"What? No I wouldn't. I'd tell her the same thing. To leave it alone." I said. He glared at me. "Trey please. Just let it go." I said. He stared at me before finally giving in. "Fine man." He said. We stepped on the elevator and Kacey presses the button. I looked ya her. She still looked pissed. "Kacey what's wrong?" I asked. "He's right to tell Annie. Abby gets away with too much shit already. She's not getting away with this." She said. "Please Kacey." I pleaded. She shook her head. "If you tell, I won't be your friend anymore." I said. She didn't say anything. She blew a breath and said, "Fine, but Annie will find out. Her and Bishop. They always find out things." She said. "Well they'll just have to find this out. I really don't wanna start shit with anybody." I said.

The dizziness and lightheaded stiff came back. I held my head. I looked down at Tasha. She seemed unaffected by it. So I guess it worked. She's now a magical being. When the doors opened, we got off and looked around for Annie and Bishop. "Angel?" I heard a voice. I turned to see Mama standing in a doorway. "Hey." I said. "Mommy!!!" Tasha yelled. She made a few heads turn, as she ran to Mama. "I trust training went well?" Bishop asked, as he appeared next to Mama. I nodded. "Yes sir. Everything is fine." I said. He stared at me. "Angel, no need to lie and cover for Abby." He said. I was confused. "We have cameras everywhere in this building. We seen what she did. We'll deal with her." Annie said. "No please. I really don't want to cause any trouble." I said.

"Angel it's fine. It's no trouble." She said. "No please. Really it's nothing." I said. They stared at me. "Angel you are very sweet person. But please stow that for your first mission tonight. You gotta put sweet Angel away and bring out the Angel we saw in the Arena." Bishop said. "Okay. I'll try." I said. He walked up to me. "You mean you will." He said. "Bryant, Stephanie, I almost forgot. Since your daughters are now members of our family, metaphorically, and now that Bryant's home, I would like to relocate your family." He said. "Understood sir." Dad said. "Wait, relocate?" I asked. "Yes Angel. I heard you got attacked one night and one of our members saved you. That criminal who attacked you is Grey. We've been searching and chasing him for centuries." Bishop said.

"Centuries? How long is that?" Tasha asked. He looked at her. "That would be a hundred years darling. He's a ruthless thug and he's needs to be captured soon. That's why having new recruits means we'll have a better chance at outnumbering him and taking him down." Bishop said. He limped over to his cane. "How come you guys been chasing after him for centuries? How old is he?" I asked. "It's hard to tell. He's a vampire. He stopped aging himself at 25. I want him found and left for me to deal with." He said. "Honey we talked about this. Leave him to me." Annie said. He looked at her and began speaking Korean. They argued in the language got a few minutes before Annie gave up.

"Annie I know you worry about my health but I will not rest until Grey is captured." Bishop said. "How com who's name is Grey?" Tasha asked. "That's what he wears most of the time. He always wears it so we call him that." Annie said. She then walked over to the window. He sighed and followed her. "Annie, I know this is hard.-" she cut him off. "Your right. It is. I don't wanna wake up to find my husband is dead because he'd stressed himself to death." She cried. "I'll be fine." He said. He said something in Korean then turned to us. "Now. Bout your relocation. I've assigned a house to you. It's in your name, Stephanie and Bryant. It's for you. Consider it a welcome to the association Starlight family." He said.

"Oh Bishop. You shouldn't have." Mama said, as she walked over to hug him. He hugged her back. "It's fine Steph. Now there's money in your bank accounts, for all of you. Consider it a bonus for joining us." He said. "Okay that's too much sir." I said. Everyone looked at me. "Angel-" I cut him off. "No sir. Forgive me for speaking out, but that's too much. I was raised to not let anything be handed to me unless I earned it and I didn't earn any of it. It wouldn't be right if I just took it as if I did." I said. He stared at me. He then limped over to me. "Angel, I know your heart's in the right place. And you were raised right to think that but your family now. Family looks out for family." He said, holding my arm.

I realized he look like he was gonna fall without his cane. I held onto him and helped him over to it. "But sir, it's just not right." I said. "Angel, think of all the things you can do now that you live some place else. Some place better. And, a better school." Kacey said. "Yeah but....I would have to leave Keisha behind." I said. "Keisha works for us Angel. We sent her on a mission in Brazil. She had to relocate. Apparently one of her friends from school, recognized her. The girl took her mask off and Keshia's identity was discovered." Annie said. "Really?" I asked. I didn't know that. "Yeah she left two weeks ago." Dad said. "She didn't even say goodbye." I said, softly. "She was just as sad as you were but she said she didn't wanna face you and tell you she was leaving. She said she would've broke down and then she would never leave." Mama said.

I began crying softly. "Angel, I know it's upsetting but think about it. She can come back." Annie said. I looked up at her. "Really?" I asked. "To visit." She finished. I couldn't believe it. "She can't come back?" I asked. She shook her head. "No. She can come back if the girl were to die but we can't do that. The girl did nothing criminal like so Keisha had to go." She said. I grew angry. "Who was the girl?" I asked. "Um, Da'Nya." She said. She's who I'm taking out tonight. "Oh and Angel, if you take her out, we'll have to kill you." Bishop said. "How'd you know I was thinking it?" I asked. "There's a look in your eye. Plus, you asked for her name." He said. "It's not fair." I said. "I know." He said. He then looked out the window. "It's nightfall. Let's get a move on Angel." He said.

They moved us to the elevator. We went to the bottom floor where we came in. "Okay Angel, here's your first target. Remember their face and name. Make no mistakes. Justin here will help guide you but he's not allowed to help you." Annie said. She then flicked her hand at me. My night outfit magically came into me. I looked up to see Justin already in his. He had his mask on already. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded. "Justin help her along her way." Annie said. She handed me more flash cards with people and pictures on them. "Angel, for the time being that your human, you are to take a car wherever you go, understand?" Bishop asked. I nodded. As he said that, a car pulled up next to me.

A woman got it and she handed me the keys while walking inside the building. "Well, your targets await." Bishop said as he turned to go back into the building. "Good luck Angel." Mama said. "Do a great job Angel." Tasha said. I smiled at them. "Knock them dead babygirl." Dad said. I hugged him. "Trey, Justin, lead her on." Annie said. I turned to see Trey in wolf form. I smiled at him. He came over and rubbed my face with his fur. He then took off. I got in the car and drove off, following him. The. I heard a loud boom noise. I looked up and saw a dragon flying above me. Alright Justin. I smiled at him and revved the engine. I managed to follow Trey and Justin but Trey took a different path than me. I was confused.

Then Justin stopped flying and flew down behind me. He transformed back himself and came up to the window. "Why'd you stop?" He asked. "I thought he was coming with us?" I asked. He shook his head. "He has other targets, like I do. I have to get you to yours before I begin mine." He said. "I don't wanna hold you up from yours." I said. He chuckled. "It's okay Angel." He said, as he walked behind the car. It wasn't til he walked off when I realized he wasn't wearing his glasses. "Hey Justin." I called but it was too late as he transformed and flew up into the sky. I sighed and followed him. As I drove, I occasionally look up at him flying. Does it hurt when he flies? How does he move his wings? Are they like a third and fourth appendage? I followed him to what looked like a baseball game.

I parked and got out. He flew down behind the trees and walked out. He jogged over to me. "Hey Justin, can I ask you some things?" I asked. He nodded. "When your flying, does your wings hurt? Does it hurt when you transform? Like how do you move your wings? Like you would an arm? Do you, like, breathe fire?" I asked. "No it doesn't hurt when I'm flying, when I first transformed, it hurt, I move my wings just like when you move an arm, and yes we breathe fire. Now let's go." He said, quickly. We walked up to the gates of the game. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Going in the front?" I said. "That's how you caught. The point of being an assassin is catching them by surprise." He said. "Well, wouldn't blending in be surprising in a way?" I asked.

He thought about it. "Besides, I've never been a game before." I said, truthfully. "Seriously? But don't your school have games and stuff?" He asked. "We do But I've never gone to one." Is aid. "But Trey, isn't he on a basketball team?" He asked. "He was but he got terminated because he and dude got into a fight." I said. "Damn. Angel we can't be seen period." He said. He then walked to the other side of the baseball field. "Hey Justin how come your not wearing your glasses?" I asked. "I'm wearing contacts." He said. "Oh. Are they, ya know, comfortable?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yeah I guess." He said. "Not that I'm saying you should, but why don't you wear contacts more often then?" I asked. "Because I feel as though they're not who I am. Plus people know I wear glasses." He said.

He helped me climbed up a brick wall. "Abby wants me to wear contacts more than my glasses and I'm thinking maybe I should." He continues. "Well you shouldn't." I said. Once he got into of the brick wall with me, he stared at me. "I mean if that's what you want. If you don't want to, then don't. You shouldn't have to listen to do whatever Abby tells you too. By the way, why did she storm out earlier?" I asked. "Oh me and her got into an argument. I felt bad. And sorry about her nearly taking your head off with that knife. Annie said she was gonna deal with her." He said. "One, it's cool. Two, I told her not to." I said. "Why not?" He asked. I told him what I told Kacey and Trey.

"But Angel, she nearly took your head off." He said. "So? I'm not here to start fights on my first day." I said. "Your really sweet ya know that." He said. I blushed. "So are you." I said. We looked at each other. My heart raced in my chest as I looked at his lips. They were so plump and pink. I wanted to bite them. I moved closer to him but jumped when the sound of a baseball hitting a bat sounded. I jumped back and nearly fell off the wall. Justin caught me in time but I was spooked. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded quickly. "I'm fine. Let's do this." I said. He went dow first then I followed suit. We walked over to an area where the baseball team was. I walked up to the gate. Justin pulled me back.

"Can't be in light Angel." He said. The way he said my name was like he was cooing it. "So my target is...the announcer guy. How the hell can I get up there to him without being seen or heard?" I asked. "I can fly us up there but I can't help you." He said. "Not been once?" I asked. He shook his head. "I didn't have anyone help me with my first takedown. No one did." He said. "Really? No help?" I asked. He shook his head. "I can fly us up there but nothing else. You'll have to do the rest for yourself." He said. "How can we fly up there?" I asked. He then sprung out his wings and flew us to the top of the announcement chamber. "Wow, so why not just take out your wings when you fly?" I asked. "That hurts. Your transforming halfway. It hurts like a bitch." He said. I laughed and managed to climb in a window.

"Angel, please be careful." He said. "I will." I said, as I turned around to take the guy out. I realized the place was lit up. I turned around to see Justin staring at me. "What?" He asked. "I have an idea on how I can take him out. You cut the power and I'll do it." I said. "Angel I'm not supposed to help you." He said. "It's not helping. Your just doing a favor cuz I can't reach it." I said. "That's helping in a way." He said. "Please Justin." I pleaded. He came closer to me and whispered, "Angel I really can't help you. They send people out to make sure we don't help new recruits." He said. I looked around outside til my eyes locked in on a woman dressed in our uniform was staring up at us. "Okay okay. Just take me to the power station and fly us back up here." I said.

He did just that. I pulled out a knife and cut all the wires. The crowd started murmuring and whining. "It's all right folks. We'll take a look at what's going on. Just stay tuned for the game." The announcers guy said. Justin then flew me back to the box. I pulled out the same knife and came up behind the dude. He turned around and without warning grabbed my wrist. "Well well, pretty thing. What are you doing?" He asked. "Well I'm tryna fuck but you won't let me." I said. He tilted his head and looked down at me. "AA." He whispered. Without warning, I pulled out another knife and jabbed it in his throat. His cries sounded on the mic. I quickly broke it and threw it down on the guy's head. I repeatedly bashed his head over till I felt hands around my waist.

"Angel! Angel Chill!!! He's dead!!" Justin yelled. I finally gave up hitting him. "Whoa." I said. "Yeah. I knew you'd tap into your inner killer but damn." He said. We then heard footsteps. "Come on. Let's go." I said. "No. We have to make sure our mess is cleaned up." He said. He grabbed the dude's body and threw it out the window. He then whipped his arm and the blood all got cleared up. "Lets go." He said. I jumped out the window and landed on the sill. "Here." Eh said, handing me the dead body. "Eww. I don't wanna you have it." I said, whining. "Damn it Angel. Just take the shit. We gotta go before any one sees us. Justin growled. I grabbed the body while he grabbed onto my waist. He then sprung out his wings and flew away into the night.

He flew us back behind the trees. I dropped the body and pulled out Hand Sanitizer. I turned around to see Justin as a dragon. He transformed back and looked at the body before looking at me. "What?" He asked. "Your...dragon...." I stuttered. "Yes I'm a dragon. Thought we covered this." He said. "No. Your that dragon." I said, in shock. "Dragon?" He asked. "Yes. Your the dragon I saw." I said. I gasped and said, "Oh my God. Your the one who saved me that night." I said. He didn't say anything. "Angel-" I cut him off. "You fucking saved me but didn't say anything!!!" I yelled. Just then, lights flashed on us. "Well well we'll. What do we have here?" Said a voice. Shit.