Chapter 10: Missing

Justin's POV:

I woke up to someone touching me. If this is Abby, I swear to God....I opened my eyes to see my Dad standing over me. It was silence before I spoke. "Can I help you with something?" I asked. "Yeah. Get up and get ready." He said. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. He yanked them off me and yelled, "Get up Justin!!!" I groaned loudly and sat up. Just then, Mom walked in. "Honey, did you forget your supposed to be quiet?!" She hissed. "Sorry." He said. He looked at me. "You. Let's go. Now." He said. I reluctantly got up and showered, changed clothes, did my hair and teeth, then I headed out the door. We had to be quiet. We didn't want Otis and Alison to hear or see us leave. If they did, they automatically knew where we were going.

My Dad had a target. Annie and Bishop wanted me to help my Dad take him down. I didn't mind I just minded being woken up and hour than when I normally wake up. I was still tired and sleepy but my Dad splashed cold water on me. It really woke me up. He pulled up to a Starbucks shop. "Alright son. I know your tired." He said. "I am. I'm supposed to meet Mike and them to pick up Angel and them." I said. "Change of plans. Mike can't come with you. He's sick. He has a stomach virus. Apparently one of his targets last night was sick and now he caught it." He said. I groaned. "Aw man." I said. I was looking forward to seeing if I could get him to talk to Kacey. I was gonna ask Angel to talk to her and help her help me get those two together.

"Justin?" Dad called. "Hmm?" I asked. "Son please wake up. There's a reason Bishop and Annie wanted you to come with me on this hunt. They want to see if your worthy of becoming a big dog now." He said. This woke me up. "Really? So I can finally go after Grey?" I asked, excitedly. "Chill son. Their just want to see how you ca Handel yourself around a really dangerous criminal. If they like what they see, your in." He said. I looked around. "But we're at a Starbucks. What criminal is dangerous enough to be at a Starbucks?" I asked. "Do you wanna be a big dog or don't you?" He asked. I sighed and got out the car. "Okay Justin first thing-" He paused when he looked inside. "Shit." He muttered under his breath. "What's up?" I asked. "Looks like Billard got to him before us." He said. I looked inside and saw Billard's bald headed ass carrying a body out the shop.

"Patrick, Justin, how the hell are y'all?" He asked, laughing. "Oh, I hope y'all weren't planning on killing him, were ya?" He asked, cackling, waving the dead bodies arm. "Fuck you Billard." Dad said. "Don't get mad at me cause your too slow. Isn't that why you brought your son out here to do your dirty work?" He said, laughing. He walked off to his red truck and drove off. "You brought me out here to do your dirty work?" I asked. "Of course not Justin. I can do this myself. I just wanted to be there to see you become a big dog. Screw it. Let's go back home." He said, as he got back in the car. I did too but I didn't speak on the way back. I stayed downstairs and watched TV til Bishop and Annie sent their van. I grabbed my bag and ran out to it.

I got in and saw Celia and Abby. "Where's Colin?" I asked. "He's sick." Celia said. Man everyone is sick. Let's hope Angel isn't. She's human. She can catch anything. Don't put that in my head please. As we rode in silence, Abby kept tryna hold my hand. I pulled away from her every time. It wasn't til we reached an elementary school that she stopped. "Whose school is this?" Celia asked. "Oh my God. It's Angel's. God the ghetto is terrible." Abby said. I almost smacked her right there. Just then, we saw a little girl running towards the van. The doors opened and the workers key Tasha on. She looked at us then quietly sat down far from us. Is she afraid of us? She didn't move and inch. She looked at the snacks the van but it was close to us.

She didn't like like she was going to get up to get them. I heard her stomach growl three times before I decided to give her some gummies and a juice pouch. "Here you go Tasha." I said. She stared at them then at me. "You don't need to be afraid of us Tasha." I said. "I'm not afraid of any of you. I was told not to talk to strangers." She said. She got some sass for a little girl. I know right? "Tasha we're not strangers. We work together. That's all. I'm friends with your sister." I said. She thought about it. She slowly took the snacks from my hands. We rode around some more before we got to Angel's and Trey's school. They got in and, just like Tasha, sat far from us. Angel and Trey circles Tasha. Their protective over her. She is younger than they are.

We rode around til Angel started feel uneasy. We let Tasha off at school and she met Otis and Alison. Otis had his mate ring go around his eye. That means his mate is Tasha. The three of them left but Angel saw the ring. Luckily she stopped talking about it. She got into and argument with Abby and threw a juice pouch at her. We arrived at school but Annie and Bishop were there. Annie talked to Angel then left. Angel was unsettled about being at a new school and making new friends. She made lots of new friends as they were only interested in that fact that she's human. The guys just wanted to fuck her. I showed Angel the places I go to relax and she really loved it.

Her attention got taken when Kacey came around. I left my classes. I told all my teachers that Mike was sick and that I would take his homework and notes for him. Celia did the same with Colin, as he was her ex boyfriend. She's gay now so there's no hard feelings. The day went by fast. I went to lunch with the rat of the gang. We all sat at a table and invited Trey over. "Hey yo Trey!!" Celia called. He came over smiling. "What up what up?" He said. "How's your first day going?" I asked. "So far so good." He said. "Where's Angel?" Kacey asked. "I don't know. Don't she have this lunch?" He asked. "She should. I helped made her schedule." Kacey said. We all looked around. "So where is she?" Celia asked. "And where is Abby?" Trey asked.

That's when we all started to panic. "Uh Uh. Justin, I fuck with you dawg but if yo psycho girlfriend did something to her." He threatened. "Trey I'm mad about it too. I don't want anything to happen to Angel too." I said. We got up and left the lunchroom to find them. We ran around, asking everyone if they've seen them. So far, no one has. "How have two girls gone missing from the school?" Celia asked. "Kacey can't you see where they're at? Your a psychic." Trey said. "Yeah. Shouldn't you ah e some sort of emotional ties to Angel?" I asked. She nodded then closed her eyes. She opened them to reveal her milky colored eyes. We waited for something to happen. She closed her eyes then opened them again.

"She's somewhere dark. She's tied up. Abby is there but so are some other girls." She said. "Kacey you gotta be more descriptive than that." I said. "It looked like a cave. I can't be sure. It was really dark. Angel was crying." She said. This infuriated me. Okay, looks like we're skipping school." Trey said. "Justin you sure you wanna skip school? You've never done that before." Celia said. I nodded. "I wanna get Angel." I said. "Yo before we go, what's your fixation on my sister?" Trey asked. " my mate." I said. His eyes became red and he growled. "Trey I know your protective over her, but she's not a little girl anymore. I can't help that. Can you please not tell her?" I asked. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

"Fine. I won't say nothing." He said. "Thank you." I said. "Come on. We gotta find that cave." Celia said. We took off running down the halls. We ran out the doors, down the steps, past the old greenhouse, jumped the fence, and into the woods. My heart raced in my chest. Oh Angel. Please be okay. "Wait." Kacey said. Her eyes became milky white again. After a few seconds, they became normal again. "The girls turned on Abby and are about to kill Angel." Kacey said. "Like hell they are." Trey said. He then transformed into a wolf and took off. Celia turned into a fairy and flew off. I transformed into a dragon and picked Kacey up. I put her on my back and I flew off. The smell of vanilla hit us hard. Trey howled and ran on a different path. We followed him.

As I flew, I looked around. I was hoping to see some sign of Angel. Trey flew to a waterfall and stopped. I flew low and landed. Kacey dropped down and ran up to the water. "She's around here." She said. Trey nodded his head. Just then, Abby appeared out of nowhere. She looked disoriented. I walked up to her. She looked at her like she was confused. "Justin?" She asked. "Abby what did you do with Angel? Where is she?" I asked. She pointed to something behind the water. I looked and saw a cave. Kacey ran inside. "Kacey wait!!" Celia called, running after her. "Trey, make sure she doesn't leave." I said, motioning to Abby. Trey nodded his head and growled at her.

I transformed and ran inside the cave. It was dark. I lit myself on fire to see ahead of me. I followed Kacey's and Celia's scent into the cave. I smelled vanilla and walked towards it. I walked up to see bodies everywhere. The hell is this? I walked around til I saw Kacey and Celia ducking behind a rock. They looked at me and motioned for me to get down. I unlit myself and transformed back. "What's happening?" I asked. "Turns out those girls are witches. They want to use Angel, kill her, an drink her blood to gain her scent." Kacey said. I got pissed. I looked up to see the girls doing a dance. They began chanting and made something appear in front of them. It was Angel tied up, sitting in a criss criss position.

She was bleeding from her head and neck. She looked disoriented like Abby. One of the girls then grabbed her by her hair and yanked her up to make her sit up. She cried out in pain. I got angry. I transformed and lunges at them. I killed one and looked up at the girls. The witches hissed at me while I growled. Kacey then came up behind one and snapped her neck. Celia used her telekinesis to pick up the final girl and threw her into the walls of the cave. She did this til the girl's head cracked and bust open. I looked at Angel. She looked like she was barely hanging on. I picked her up with my claws and carried her out the cave. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay. I set her body down gently on the ground. Trey looked at her. "Kacey, go stand next to Abby." Celia said.

She nodded and stood next to her. Abby no longer seemed disoriented. She looked at Angel, like she was worried about her. I looked at Angel. Trey nudged her with his snout. He howled for her. She still didn't move. Celia untied her and sit her up. Trey howled again. He nudged her again. She finally opened her eyes. "W-wha-What happened?" She asked, looking around. She looked at me and flinched away. She looked around and her eye landed on Abby. "You!! You fucking bitch!!!" She screamed as she lunges at Abby. She punched her man spilled her hair. Abby fought back hard. I transformed and broke them up. Trey helped . He also shifted back. "STOP!!!" He shouted. "Now Abby, you got some explaining to do." He said. Abby didn't say anything.

He grabbed her shoulders. "Bitch I'm not playing with you!!!" He shouted. I got scared for her. "Trey stop!!" I said. Kacey and Celia helped me calm him down. "Angel, do something." Kacey said. "For what?! That bitch deserves it. She kidnapped me, had those witches almost torture me to death, then when they said they would let her go as long as she didn't say anything about what they do in that cave, she was home free. She left me." Angel cried. "What all did they do to you?" I asked. "Cut me, saying they were gonna drink my blood. Who the hell does that? I thought they were witches, not vampires. They put a spell on me, making me dizzy and disoriented." She said. "Hey they put one on me too." Abby said. "And when we killed them, it must've worn off." Kacey said.

"Look, I'm going home. Fuck school, fuck those witches, and fuck you Abby." Angel said, as she walked into the woods. "Angel? Angel you can't go into the woods by yourself!!" I called after her. "Watch me!!" She yelled over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes and ran after her. "Abby you wait til we tell Annie." Celia said. "Look I'm sorry okay? I meant to scare her a bit. I didn't mean for it this far." She said. I ran after Angel. She disappeared around a tree. "Angel come on now." I said. She didn't respond. "Angel I know your around here." I said. She didn't didn't answer. I sighed. "Fine. You asked for this." I said. I transformed and started blowing fire around. She ran away screaming.

"What the fuck Justin? You almost burned me ya bastard!!!" She screamed. I transformed back. "You made me do it." I said. She came up and slapped me. I grabbed her hands and pinned her to a tree. "Angel, now I'm trying to be nice here. I've saved your life twice now. You could stop thinking about yourself for once and say thank you." I said, lowly. She stared at me then looked away. "Thank you." She said, quietly. I grabbed her hair. "I can't hear you Angel." I said, loudly. "Ahh, Thank you." She said. Whoa. Where did that come from? I don't know. But I love it. "Now what your gonna do is go back to school, so we can get ready for brain training for our jobs tonight." I said, slowly. She nodded. "Fine." She said. She turned around but stopped.

"I don't know how to get back. I had a bag over my heard. I couldn't see." She said. "We'll help you." Kacey said. Her and the rest of them walked up to us. "I'll carry her. You guys go on ahead." I said. "Whoa whoa. Your gonna carry her?!" Abby cried. "Yes." I said as I transformed and picked angel up with my claws. "Ahhh hold on hold on hold on!!!! I wasn't ready!!!!" She cried, as she clutched onto my claws. I landed on a boulder and set her down. I motioned with my head for her to get on my back. She was scared. "I honestly rather walk." She said. I growled. "Fine." She said. She climbed onto my backs and I spread my wings. I moved my arm to move hers to wrap around me. I then lifted us both into the air and flew back towards the school.

I heard wings behind and I turned to see Celia, and Kacey. Abby rode on Trey's back. I'm surprised he hasn't killed her. I saw the the school building when I felt weight suddenly left me. I panicked and started to lower myself to the ground. I landed and looked behind me. Angel was looking around. "What?" She asked. I shook my head and motioned for her to move. "What happened?" She asked. I transformed back and answered her question. "I thought you fell off or something. I felt you move and it felt like you weren't there anymore." I said. "Oh. The wind felt nice so I laid back and enjoyed. Then you landed." She said, nonchalantly. "Oh. That's scared me." I said. I grabbed her hand and ran to the greenhouse. Trey and them caught up with us.

He transformed back into himself. "Abby, you do some fuck shit like that again, and I promise you, I will end you, even if it means Annie will end me." He said. She rolls her eye at him. "Come on. Let's go to class." Celia said. "Haven't we been gone long enough?" Angel asked. "I have another witch who can hypnotize our teachers. All we have to say is that we were there." Kacey said. "Oh. Well let's go. I've never been tardy in my life and I'm not gonna let this time be my first time." Angel said. She ran inside and we followed her. I looked at Abby. She is so dead when Annie hears of this. Luckily we made it back to class in time. Our last class flew by. Angel went the nurses office to get cleaned up. She made up a lie on what happened to her.

The nurse used her powers in Angel and helped heal her. I hope this week goes by fast. I don't want Angel to die because she's human.