Chapter 9: First Day

Angel's POV:

3 Weeks Later*

I woke up and felt giddy. Then the events came flooding back to me. I killed three more dudes and Justin was there to watch me. Ever since my first few kills a few weeks ago, he wanted to watch me from a distance. I knew he was there but I couldn't approach him. . I sat up and looked at my phone. Kacey texted me something. She calls me her bestie now that Keisha is gone. But I'm tryna figure out how I'mma tell her that no one can replace Keisha. She said she's not but that's the vibe I e been getting from her. When I came home last night, I asked Kacey for Justin's number. She gave me everyone's number except Abby's. I did not want her on my phone. I sat up and got ready for school. I showered, got dressed, brushed my teeth, did my hair, grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. I turned a corner and Tasha immediately ran to me.

"Whoa what's up little munchkin?" I asked. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Tasha what's wrong?" I asked. "She was worried about you and Trey on your hunts last night." Mama said. "Tasha we're completely fine. Now stop all that crying." I said, playfully. She sniffed and wiped her face. I walked over to the kitchen then I saw it. "Mama, Daddy, what's that?" I asked. They were confused til they saw what I was looking at. "Angel we talked about this yesterday. We have to relocate, remember? I know your gonna miss this home-" I cut her off. "'Miss?' Yeah I'm gonna miss it but I'll be even more happy we're moving somewhere better." I said. "Well good. Go pack. Y'all transferring to another school." She said. "Oh." I said, softly. "What's wrong baby cakes?" Dad asked.

"It's just...I thought we had some time before we moved." I said. "Sorry Angel. Bishop really wants us to move into this house as soon as possible. Annie put in a transaction through the school for y'all". Dad said. "Yay." Tasha cheered. Mama glared at her. She must be on her period or something. "Yes yay Tasha. You need your education. And your new school is gonna provide that." Dad said. "But it's hard Daddy. Fractions are hard." She whined. "Well hopefully they'll teach you something more on the subject at the new school." Mama said. She blew a breath. "Now please y'all. Go pack and have your bags get ready to leave. Bishop sent some workers over to bring your bags over." She said, as she sat down. I looked at her. "Mama, you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine. Just need to stay off my feet for a few." She said, wiping her forehead. "Yeah. Ya do." Trey said.

"Boy excuse me?" She asked, angrily. "Mama, you've been taking good care of us. Now let us take care of you. We're moving to a new house, a clean house." He said. "Mama, he's right. We're old enough to take care of ourselves. You need to rest and not worry too much about us." I said. "Honey they're right. Besides, I'm here now. I can take care of them, especially Tasha. You rest up and don't worry about them." Dad said, as he grabbed a cup of coffee. "Now. Off to your school, til Annie gives the okay to transfer y'all. She said she'll send some of the other recruits to come get y'all." He said. "But don't they have school too?" I asked. "Yes. Annie and Bishop will take care of everything. Y'all go on ahead." He said.

I looked at Trey. He shrugged and grabbed his book bag. I did the same. I grabbed Tasha's band and we walked out the door. We got in the car and drove off. "Trey do you think Mama's okay?" I asked. He put a finger to his lips and motioned to Tasha behind us. "Yeah she's fine. Just sleepy." He said, giving me a look. We pulled up to Tasha's school and she got out and ran inside. "Alright look. Mama thinks she's either sick or pregnant." Trey suddenly said. I gasped. "Are you serious?!" I exclaimed. "Dude chill. We ain't having no more babies and shit dawg. Fuck all that noise." He said. "Aw come on Trey. We're gonna be big brother and sister again." I said, excitedly.

"It's not official yet Angel. She said she's gonna go to the doctor and get checked out while Dad is away at AA. She doesn't wanna false claims." He said. He pulled into the school parking lot. "Well I hope she is pregnant." I said, getting out. "I don't." He said. "Trey why are you so against this?" I asked. "Cause Tasha's enough high energy. We don't need another one coming around making our lives hell." He said. "Oh I get it. Somebody's jealous." I said. He glared and snarled at me. "Bitch bye." He said, as he stormed off. I laughed at him. I went to my classes as usual. It wasn't til 11:45 that me and Trey were checked out. Me and him said our goodbyes to our friends and left. A worker came up to us as we walked out the door.

"Trey, I'll be taking your car." He said, as Trey gave him the keys. We saw a big, black, SUV. It had tinted windows. Whoa. Annie and Bishop are serious with their privacy. The door opened to reveal Tasha, Justin, Celia, and Abby. She glared at me as soon as she saw me. I honestly didn't care how she felt about me. I climbed in the SUV and sat next to Tasha. Trey did the same. As we rode, I looked around. "What are you looking for Angel?" Abby asked. I looked at her. "Where's Kacey?" I asked. "And that other dude Colin?" Tasha asked. I looked at her. "What? He's nice." She said. "Stay away from teenage boys Tasha." Trey said. "Where is Kacey?" I asked, Abby. "She's on the school committee so she has to be at school before us." Justin said. I smiled at him. "Up that's where we're going?" Trey exclaimed. I looked up to see a huge school.

"Nope. That's where Tasha's going." Justin said. "Foreal?!" She squealed. She jumped up and down in her seat. "Yeah. My little brother and sister go here. You'll make great friends with them." Justin said. As we pulled up, Tasha was excited to get off. She nearly tripped and fell getting off the van. "Tasha careful." I said. "Yeah Yeah sure." She said, as she stepped down. "Justin!!!" Yelled a voice. We looked up to see two little kids running towards us. The little boy and girl ran on the van and hugged Justin. "Why weren't you here this morning?" The boy asked. "Dad wanted me." He said. "Well you could've have at least a note or something. We thought this was the end." The girl said. "Well it's not and never will be." He said.

"They yo brother and sister?" Trey asked. He nodded. "Otis, Alison, meet the Starlights. Trey, Angel, and Tasha. Tasha is gonna be your new student and friend today." He said. They stared at us. Then they run up on us. "Oh my God your hair so awesome." Alison said. "I like his. I'm growing my hair out to be like his." Otis said. They kept touching our hair. "Okay that's enough." Justin said. They whined. "But it's so curly." Otis said. "And here is so soft and curly and purple." Alison said. "Well I don't think they like strange little kids touch their hair." Justin. Otis looked over at Tasha, who was drinking a juice pouch. A ring then came over his eyes. He mouthed a word I couldn't make out. "Um, what was that?" I asked. "What was what?" Celia asked. I looked at her.

"Y'all did see that?" I asked. "See what Angel?" Trey asked. "That's boy had a bright ring go around his eyes. Is he alright?" I asked. Justin quick Loy moves Otis and Alison and Tasha off. "Yeah he's fine." He said. "Bye Angel. Bye Trey." Tasha said, as she waved. We watched as the three of them walked to the school. I looked at Justin, who was staring at his phone. As the van rode to our future school, I felt weird. I felt like I had a million eyes on me. I turned my head to Trey to shake the feeling off but it didn't help. I put my head in my hand to make it better. "Angel you feeling okay?" Abby asked, curiously. I looked up at her. "Look bitch, whatever you doing to my sister, knock it off." Trey growled.

"I'm not doing anything." She said. Trey then growled louder. "Relax Trey. We can't use our powers in the van. It's had a magic force field that prevents us from using our powers or shifting. So Abby can't be doing anything." Celia said. "Yeah. I was really concerned about Angel. The girl looks sick. I was concerned about her and that's the response I get?" She asked, in fake horror. She's doing something. I put my head between my legs to help me. "Angel, are you sure your okay?" Justin asked. "Just nervous." I said. Trey put his arm around me and it helped a bit. Finally, we arrived a really nice school. It was way bigger than Tasha's. "That's our school." Celia said. "Damn. That bitch." Trey exclaimed.

I stared at it. "Angel are you okay honey?" Abby asked. I shook my head without looking at her. "Yo what's up?" Trey asked. I simply said, "I wanna go home." Trey scoffed. "Angel we've been through this shit. We earned our way here." Trey said. "Well I don't feel like it Trey. Okay? I'm not a snotty ass rich kid who goes to a prestigious school like this. I feel like an asshole going here. And I've done nothing to earn it. I don't feel right." I cried. "Seems to me like someone ought to stay where she belongs: in the ghetto." Abby commented. I glared at her. I picked up a juice pouch and threw it at her. It exploded all over her. "Are you fucking kidding me?! This is a brand new top!!" Abby yelled. Just then, the doors opened to reveal workers . They stared at us. Annie and Bishop suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Is there a problem in here?" Annie asked with a stone cold face. We all grew silent. "I'm sorry Annie. Just, really nervous about this. I'm not sure if I can do this." I said. She stared at me then took a step into the van. "Angel, for the last time, you've earned it. Maybe not in a way your accustomed to, but you e earned this. Now stop being so worried and scared and become a rightful student. Remember, education is a must for an assassin. You need all the knowledge you can get." She said. Then she turned around and left. So did Bishop. "Great. Angel acts out of line and she gets a slap on the wrist." Abby said, angrily. I quickly got off the van and walked off. "Angel, wait." Justin called. I didn't want to. I need to get away.

I started to run but Justin was faster than me. He managed to catch up. "Angel, look I'm sorry for Abby. She's-." I cut him off. "It's not just Abby Justin. It's this live. I know Annie said I earned it but not in my way but....this ain't my life. I feel like a stranger to myself. I'm supposed to become Thai great assassin and become a magical being at a time. I turn into a magical being next week and so far I'm not feeling anything about it." I said. He stared at me then grabbed my hand. "I'll show you something later on after school. But for now, come with me." He said. He checked the time on his phone before smiling. He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. "Hey Justin." A boy said as he walked past. He paused and did a double take when he saw me.

"You dumped Abby? Finally." He said as he smiled at me. He walked off but not before looking at me one more time. "Friend of yours?" I asked. "More like associates. He's on my chess team." He said. He continued to pull me until we were out the building. "Uh Justin, school is that way. And I need my schedule." I said. "Just a second." He said. He continued to pull me until we reached what looked like an abandoned greenhouse. "What's this?" I asked. "The school's old greenhouse. As you can tell, it's abandoned." He said. I looked around at it. "Why is it abandoned? Looks to be nice." I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. Every time He touched me I got butterflies. His touch was warmth to me. I felt at ease with him. When we walked inside, what I seen took my breath away. I gasped and was in awe at the sight before me. "This is awesome." I said.

"You like it?" He asked. "I love this. I could get lost here." I said. I looked at him. He was smiling at me. "Why is it abandoned?" I asked. "There was a hurricane that hit the school and this place got damaged. The hurricane left flooding in here. All the plants got ruined." He said. "Looks as though Mother Nature once again left us her glory. This is dope." I said. I looked at him. His smile warmed me. "Do you come here?" I asked, softly. He nodded. "Whenever I get too stressed out, I come here. Not as often as it is school property. So I go to my favorite place to go to when I'm stressed. That's a clearing in the woods. But we have school so we can't go right now. But I'll show you after school." He said. I nodded. "Do you come here to escape from Abby sometimes?" I asked, curiously. He sighed and nodded. "Yeah. She doesn't know if that's places. If she did, she'd stress me out even more. And she's never leave me alone." He said.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with her." I said. He shrugged. "Don't know what I can do." He said. He turned around. "Come on. We should get back." He said. "Why don't you break up with her?" I asked. "Like I said, I never have the guts to do it. She does something to me that I can't explain. She gets upset and the caring side of me takes over and tries to make things better. I keep convincing myself things will get better but it's not." He said. "Justin you shouldn't subject yourself to a relationship that's not working out. That's like eating a nasty food and saying your in love with it." I said. He laughed at my metaphor. "Your a pretty smart girl Angel." He said. "Why thank you." I said. "Angel!!!" Called a voice.

I turned to see Kacey running towards me. "Kacey!!!" I screamed as I ran to her. We collided and hugged each other. "Oh my God. I can't believe your going to my school now." She squealed. "I know. I can't believe it either." I said. "Hey I heard you had a rocky start this morning with Abby." She said. "I did but Justin here made it all better." I said. I turned and looked at him. He was smiling at me. "Well I have your schedule. You have some classes with me, some with the other crew, and the last class we all have together." She said. I looked at her. "What? If I had put you in all my classes, then they would suspicious of me. I mean your are my best friend." She said. "Kacey." I said. "Okay I won't say that until your over Keisha." She said. "Thank you. Now show me around. This school is big. I don't wanna get lost." I said.

Justin said he had to go to his morning club and that he'll see me in second block. I said okay and we left. As we walked, I saw Abby kissing another dude. "Kacey?" I called. "Hmm?" She answered. I pointed at the sight. "She's a fucking hoe." She said. "A slutmonkey." I said. She looked at me. "That's a word I never heard before." She said. "Oh yeah. Can we walk faster? I don't want her to see us." I said. We did just that. Kacey showed me the cafeteria, the library, and all my classes. she even told me when we leave for lunch and what bell to wait for to leave. "Well that's it. Have a great first day Angel." Kacey said, as she left to the front office. I walked around til the bell rung. I remembered where I had to go for first. I made it class and realized Trey was in my class. I sat next to him and we talked a little throughout the class.

He said Kacey said it's better to have me and him in the same classes in case Trey were to get into a fight. I could be there to stop Trey from losing his temper. He said wolves lose control when their someone messes with them. I had to be careful though. I'm not a magical being so I could get badly hurt. When class started for all my classes, the teachers immediately noticed me, on account of my hair and smell. My scent apparently is enough to make numerous heads turn. They made me and Trey introduce ourselves and how we're and how I'm human and he's not. We decided to keep it to ourselves. We became instantly popular, well mainly me. Because there was a human at school, everyone acted real friendly. At the end of school, I was the talk to the school.

Everyone wanted to know me and how I was human yet my brother wasn't. It was overwhelming to take on so much attention. I'm not used to and I didn't like it. But so far, the day has been great. That is until Abby and some girls jumped me. "Hello Angel." She said. This can't end good.