Chapter 12: Amulet

Justin's POV:

After school, I went to my after school clubs. I even hung out my buddy who thought me and Angel were dating. He kept making jokes about me fucking her and it irritated me. I tried to keep calm and focus on my chess skills, but he kept at it. Eventually he stopped and I didn't have to snap his neck. I smelt the scent of vanilla and I was happy again. Angel came over to greet me and my chess partner once again started his taunts. I got annoyed 15 minutes after Angel left. I told him I gotta go do my chores at home. I got up and walked out the library. I walked past the gym when I smelled rubber. Abby. Where is she though? Go find her. I heard moaning coming from the gym's locker room. I headed there but was scared by Trey.

He got into it with some dude and the principal got into them. Since he was new, he was let off with a warning. Turns out the dude was talking about fucking Angel. Of course Trey would get mad. That's his fucking sister and my mate. I took Trey back to Mike's house so Mike could show him how to let off steam. As a dragon, I have my own methods on how to let off steam. I went home afterwards and got started on my chores. Afterwards, I went to shower and got in my night clothes. I left for AA and had to deal with Abby for not talking to her today. It's not my fault. I couldn't find her. She was nowhere to be found. She did have different scent on her. I was gonna question her when the smell of vanilla filled the air. I greeted Angel when she came in.

I've been meaning to hangout with her since I was with her for her first few kills. And I've been meaning to repay her with McDonald's since Grey messed it up. Colin got flirting with her. He wanted her to take him with her on her hunts when she said she can just call her Daddy. She left for her hunts when he gave her the flash cards of her targets. My Mom did the same with me. I took off shortly after Angel left. I had the urge to follow her and make sure she'll be alright. I've been trailing her hunts since the day she completed her first set targets. But it was only for a week and a half when Abby began snitching on me, saying I've been watching Angel kill. I didn't get into too much trouble but she warned me to stop. I managed to kill off all my targets quickly. But that was because I was pissed.

Pissed at Colin for flirting with Angel. Pissed at Abby for telling on me. Pissed at Dad for not giving me the opportunity to take down Grey. So I killed off my targets in a fast motion. It was too easy. I went back to AA to drop off the bodies then I headed home. I took a shower and climbed in bed. I've been having an urge to go get Angel for some reason. Damon what's up? I'm tryna go to sleep. I want mate. She's out killing. Maybe she's at home. Now can I go to sleep. I. Want. Mate. She's not here. We have memory of her. And what she looks like. Yeah so? Her body. Is it not nice? I see what your getting at. I quickly sat up  and took out Angel's clothing. I managed to hold onto it since that night.

I grabbed the clothing and sniffed it again. The smell of vanilla was faint but there. I sniffed it til it no longer had her smell on it. I pleasured myself to the memory of her and what she wears. When the smell worn out, I threw the clothing on the floor. I sighed in frustration. I can't do this. Why not? It's not fun unless I have the real thing. You right. Just then, I was scared by my phone ringing. I quickly answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Justin are you sleep?" Mike asked. "No why?" I asked. "Cause Bryant and them are going crazy." He said. There was sound of shuffling in the background. "What's that noise?" I asked. "I'm driving." He said. "Why are you driving? Why's Bryant going crazy?" I asked.

"Cause Angel's not home." He said. I sat up. "What? Is she at AA?" I asked, worriedly. "No man. Annie said she's boys there. Trey said he hasn't seen her since she left for her kills." He paused. "Dude you don't think she..." He trailed off. No. God no. Please no. "No. No. NO!!!" I yelled. I hung up and put in my shoes. I ran downstairs. "Whoa there son. Where you off to?" Dad asked. "Angel's missing. Again." I said, as I headed out the door to my car. "Again?" I heard he say. I got in the car and sped down the road to AA. I pulled up and transformed and flew to the helicopter pad. I ran downstairs to Annie's office. "Justin." Stephanie said. "I got off the phone with Mike. He said Angel was missing." I said. "Yeah She is. We don't know where she is." She said.

"Hey guys." Kacey said. We all turned it to see the whole gang here. "Kacey any idea?" Bryant asked. Kacey shook her head. "It's dark but I can see. She's in water. Someone's there with her." Kacey said. "Remind me again how you can see the future but not where someone is?" Abby asked, walking from behind her. Well I can rule Abby out. Wouldn't be so quick. "Because my 18th birthday hasn't hit yet. Can't see everything until then." Kacey growled at her. Trey brushed last them. "Trey, anything?" Bishop asked. He shook his head. "Nope. Me and him searched the town. No sign of her." Celia said, walking in. "Mike?" Annie asked. I turned to him. He shook his head. "I've asked everyone we know. No ones seen her." He said.

"How do we know she didn't just go a party from back home?" Abby asked. "One, she doesn't go to parties. Two, she doesn't stay out this late. She always comes home before 11:00." Trey said. I checked the time. It was 1:37. Man. Where could she be? "Okay. Let's search again. She's gotta be out there." Stephanie said. Annie's buzzer ranged. It was Angel. She said she had a surprise for us. She came up in the elevator with Grey in her arms. She was promoted to a big dog and she wanted to give the position to me. But Annie gave it to us both. But grey woke up and grabbed Tasha. He then exclaimed about Angel having the Great Amulet. She said she had it and that it must've fell off. Grey said they had fought so maybe it fell off when they scrapped.

Grey then took off out the window with Tasha in his hands. Annie and Bishop was eager to know where the Great Amulet was. Angel decided to take us to the cave where she found it. We followed her to a McDonald's then she had me carry her to a cave. It looked familiar but it she says it wasn't the cave she was in before. She then began searching the area with her hands. She began to freak out then ran inside the cave. We all followed her inside. She ran fast, faster than I've even seen her go. We called out for her when she ran too far into the cave. We ended up losing her in the cave. "Angel?!" Kacey called out, her voice echoed in the cave. "Angel?" Bishop called. Still no answer. "Where did she go now?" Annie asked. "Justin light yourself back on fire so we can see." Mike said. I did just that. I walked ahead of everyone.

"Okay. Mike, Kacey, Justin, Abby, and Trey, you guys stay with me. Everyone else go back to AA. We'll take it from here." Annie said. They all left and went back to HQ. "Okay from here on out, if you see Angel or even a hint of her, shout." Bishop said. "Understood." Mike said. "Abby, don't think your off the hook. We will be talking when this is over." Annie said. "I know." Abby said, irritably. We walked so far into the cave, I was sure we'd get lost. We saw a light in the distance and headed towards it. When we approached it, it was water everywhere. The blue light reflected off of it. Three hooded figures were standing in the water. Annie cocked a gun and pulled it out. "Who are you?!" She yelled. The figures turned around. They were the Magic Council, Sally, Dominic, and Terry. "Your Graciousness." Annie said, bowing to them.

We all did. I transformed back into myself and bowed as well. "Raise up." Dominic said. "Now what are you doing here?" Sally asked. "Your Gracious, we are looking for a girl." Annie responded. "What does she look like?" Terry asked. "She has purple, curly hair. Well for now she has long, blue hair. She's wearing all black. Her eyes changed to blue." Bryant said. The three of them stared at us. "We assume you mean her." Sally said, moving away to reveal a passed out Angel. "Angel!!!" Bryant cried as he ran to her side. He lifted her head up. "Yes. That's her." Bishop said, limping over to her. I ran over to her side. I felt Abby's glare at the back of my head but I didn't care.

"What happened to her? She was running in here then she disappeared." Kacey said. "We felt a strong presence and came here. We saw her run in here and she was shocked to see us. She said something about her feeling dizzy and lightheaded. Then she fainted." Terry said. "Now why are y'all here?" Dominic asked. "Angel said she had the Great Amulet. She came back here to show us. She said she had it and that maybe it fell off. She was showing us the front of the front of the cave buts he took off in here." Trey said. "Yes. Indeed." Sally said. She turned to Angel's body. She bent down and touched Angel's head but yanked her arm back when a burst of light shot from Angel. "Just as we suspected." Terry said. "What sir?" Bishop asked. "The Great Amulet chose her. She's the chosen one." He said. "What?!" Annie asked.

"Wait. Your Graciousness, maybe there's some mistake. I mean. She's human." Abby said. "Not anymore. There's more to the Great Amulet than you know. It turns the chosen one into a Uni-Hybrid, the rarest of magical beings. She's the first and only one in existence." Dominic said. I looked at Angel. She was so still. "A Uni-Hybrid, the most powerful being in existence." Bishop said. He began speaking Korean. "She's a powerful one. We felt a disturbance and felt strange power coming from this cave." Sally said. "Yeah. Angel had captured Grey. She fought him in here." Kacey said. They all gasped. "Grey is captured at last?" Sally asked. "He was but he got loose and he's out there with my other daughter." Bryant said.

"Yeah he took Tasha cause he thought Angel had the Great Amulet. Well now we know she does." Annie said. "Yes she does." Terry said. He then waved his hand over Angel. "Okay. Let's try something." He said. The Magic Council then attacked Angel with a huge blast. I freaked out but Dominic held me with his powers. When the smirk cleared, we saw Angel still as ever. It was as if they didn't do anything to her. "Just as I thought. It's protecting her." Terry said. "Well why can't we take it out of her? She's human." Abby said. "We can't. It's now engraved in her DNA. It's fused to her. She's now the most powerful being alive." Sally said. She looked at Abby. "Abby I'm sensing you have bad blood with Angel." She said.

"Yeah. Me and her don't really get along." Abby's aid. "That's an understatement." Kacey muttered. "Excuse me?" Abby asked. "She's right. You've been jealous of Angel since you laid eyes on her. She done nothing to you. You almost tore her head off with a knife, you kidnapped her and tortured her using witches, and Angel didn't even wanna say anything to Annie about it. Cause she didn't wanna start shit with you. You'd re gotta blood Abby. Now when Angel comes to, she's coming for you." Trey yelled. "She didn't wanna tell on her?" Sally asked. We all nodded. "Hmm. Seems as though the Great Amulet chose correctly. As for what I hear Abby, you seem to have taken a hatred to dear Angel without her doing anything." She continued.

"Yes that's correct. Angel did nothing wrong to her. She's just jealous of Angel." Mike said. "And you say she didn't wanna tell when Abby threw a knife at her head?" Dominic asked. We nodded again. "Well Abby. Seems as though you are not a worthy person to have in the Magic world." Terry said. "Does that mean we can kill her?" Kacey asked, excitedly. "Look I'm sorry for how I behaved. I was just worried." Abby said. "About what?" Bryant asked. "I was worried Angel will steal Justin from me." She said. All eyes were on me. I didn't say anything. "Justin do you like Angel?" Sally asked, coming close to me. I didn't respond. "Justin, come on now." Mike said. I looked at him then at Abby. "Yeah. She's a cool person." I said. Dominic stared at me.

"Justin, are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. He waved his hand at me then at Angel. An orange glow appeared from me and her. "Hmm. It appears that Angel is your mate Justin." He said. "I knew it!!" Abby cried. "Okay yeah fine. I love Angel. You happy Abby?!" I yelled. "I can't believe you Justin." She said. "You spent most of your life criticizing me for shit I ain't even do." I said. "I'm just tryna be a good girlfriend." She said. "That's a fucking lie." Said a voice. We all looked down to see Angel awoke. "Angel!!" Bryant cried. He helps her up but she feel back down. "Trey help ya sister." He said. Trey walked over and picked Angel up. "Dear Angel?" Sally called. Angel turned her head towards them. "Who y'all?" She asked. "They're the Magic Council. The leaders of the Magic world." Bishop said.

"Nice to meet you." Angel said. They all smiled at her. Angel looked at Abby. "Excuse my language. I'm very sorry. I was just expressed her my feelings about her." She said. "And she has manners?" Sally asked, smiling. "The Great Amulet chose right." Terry said. "Um, the Great what now?" She asked. "We told you little about it Angel." Annie said. "And there's more for you know as soon as you rest up." Dominic said. "Rest?" She asked. "Yes. You have the Great Amulet inside you." Sally said. Angel's eyes widened in horror. "No That's can't be. I dropped it remember? Annie I swear I had it." She said. "Angel it's cool. Listen there's a lot that needs to be covered. Right now you need to rest. You've down so much tonight." Annie said. "Yes. It's almost dawn. We all should rest up. We'll talk tomorrow. Angel, don't go to school tomorrow. There's a lot that needs to be said." Terry said.

"But tomorrow's my second day of school. I've never been tardy in my whole life. I don't want to mess up my record." She cried. "We'll take care of everything. Your just rest up. All of you. We'll meet at the lab tomorrow." Dominic said. "Where's that at?" Angel asked. "I'll show you." Trey said. "Now." Sally said. She snapped her fingers and we were all transported back to the mouth of the cave. "Do as we say Angel. Rest up." Terry said. "But what about Grey? He's out there with Tasha." Angel cried. Sally snapped her fingers and Tasha appeared. She was unconscious . "TASHA!!!" Bryant cried. He picked her up in his arms. She began to come to. "Daddy?" She asked. "I'm here babygirl. He's not gonna you h you anymore." He said.

Tasha began coughing. "Remember Angel. No school and rest up." Terry said. Then the Magic Council disappeared. "Tasha what happened to you?" Mike asked. "I- I....I d-do-don't-" Bryant interrupted her. "Look let's talk tomorrow. Right now, I need to get my kids home." He said. He and Trey carried Angel and Tasha all the wha back to Angel's car. Bishop turned to Abby. "Abby, don't bother coming into work tomorrow or any other day. Your fired." Bishop said. Abby began crying. "I said I was sorry. I didn't mean for it to go this far." She cried. "No excuses." He said. He then transformed and ran off. So did Annie. They all did. Abby dropped to ground and began sobbing. "Justin, please forgive me." She cried. I felt bad for her but she deserved it. She almost killed Angel twice. I shook my head.

"Abby I don't get it. I don't get why you do the things you do. I'm done. I'm over it. I'm over us." I said, as I walked off. "Wait Justin. There's a reason I do what I do. I can explain my behavior." She cried. I turned to her. "And What is that? Please explain. You almost killed Angel twice, you started shit with her  when she didn't even know you. Your jealous of her. So please explain to me why your acting the way you act. Cause I don't know why. This isn't the Abby I know. This isn't the Abby I fell in love with. So tell me. Please tell me why you've been acting like a I e cold bitch lately." I yelled. She stood there. She looked at her hands before responding. "I'm pregnant." She said, softly. Oh hell nah.