Chapter 15: Mate

Angel's POV:

I woke up feeling hella happy. After my test with the Magic Council yesterday, I felt like a bigger, better person. Abby had to leave because she posed as a threat to me. I felt bad for her but I was happy to see her go. I know that's wrong but she almost killed me twice and I'm not risking a third time. I watched as Abby, packed her things and leave AA. She glanced at me and shook her head. I smirked at her. "If I were you Angel, I'd wipe that smirk off my face. It'll get you in trouble." She said. She walked past me to get the elevator. I followed her. "Yeah but see Abby, smirking is a sign that you won. That's what it means. I won babygirl." I said. She chuckled and pressed a button. "And what is it that you've won Angel?" She asked.

I motioned to her. "Your leaving. Abby, I play the game smart while you play recklessly. You resort to violence before having a plan in mind. I leave you alone so you could make a fool of yourself and get kicked out. And that's exactly what happened." I said, crossing my arms. She stared at me, mouth gaped open. "Wow. Outsmarted by a human. But you fail to realize I don't lose. Don't think cause I'm leaving that you won. This isn't over. I'll be back and you can believe that." She said, as soon as the elevator dinged. She walked out the front office and out the double doors. I followed her. "Abby get over it bro. I've won. And what do you mean this ain't over? It already is. Your not coming back because if you do, Annie will kill you." I said, smiling but it quickly disappeared when she slowly turned her head at me.

Her eyes were slanted like a cat's. They were glowing yellow. "Angel when I tell you that you haven't won, you haven't won bitch. I will be back. You think your safe and all mighty powerful just because the Great Amulet chose you? Don't cocky sweetie. It can be sucked out of you and absorbed into the body of someone truly worthy. You know nothing of the Magic world. You can't learn about our history just like that, no matter that chip inside your head. So if I were you, I'd be on my guard from now on until you die." She said, icily. She shut her car trunk and got in the car and drove off. I watched her turn a corner before heading back inside. Now way she can come back. Well Abby is pretty crazy. She hasn't met crazy yet. I walked back to the elevator and rode it back up. I seen Colin approach me. "Hey Angel, where'd you go?" He asked.

"Just talked with Abby." I said. "Abby?" He asked. "Yep." I said. "What about?" He asked, walking next to me. "Just talked Colin." I said, as I sped up. "Angel wait, I wanna aka you something." He said, jumping in front of me. "What's up?" I asked, curiously. "Well, I was wondering if you wanna go on a date with me this weekend?" He asked. Say what? "Umm, gee Colin. I don't know." I said, nervously. "Why not? I mean we can get to know each other. We haven't done that since you came here." He said. He moved closer but I moved back. Unfortunately, I was backed up against a wall. "Colin I don't know. Isn't it bad to mix business with pleasure?" I asked. "No. Not at all." He said. He leaned down and kiss me. I didn't move. I felt no spark in the kiss. "Wow Colin." Said a voice. We turned to see Celia.

Standing behind her was Kacey, Mike, and Justin. He looked upset. I thought he would be happy. I mean Abby's gone. He should be happy. You forget he was in a relationship with her for six years. Oh yeah. Justin stormed out the room. "Oh my God. Is he still upset about Abby's leave? He should have see it coming." I said, moving to Kacey. She opened her mouth but closed it. "Angel, just go talk to him. He had something to tell you." Mike said. He looked upset too. I ran after Justin, looking around for any sign of him. I decided to follow his vent, which was lemons. Lemons smelled good. I looked around and found him in the Arena. "Justin?" I called. He didn't answer. Nor did he look at me. "Justin look I'm sorry." I said. "You should be." He said, harshly.

"Look you can't blame me." I said. He snapped his up at me. "Why shouldn't I blame you?" He asked, standing up and walking over to me. "Because it was a long time coming. You should've seen this coming" I said. "Never in a million years would I have seen this coming." He growled. "Oh come on. How could you not see it? It was bound to happen at some point. Sooner or later it was gonna happen. I guess it's sooner." I said, crossing my arms. He raise his eyebrows at me. "Really?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Yeah. I honestly don't see why  your making a big deal about this." I said. He was silent for a second. "You right." He said, then he walked off back to the Train room. I followed him. He walked up Kacey then looked at me then back at her. He grabbed her face and kissed her. NIGGA!! Yo he mad petty.

I didn't know he had feelings for Kacey. He was done he simply said, "Kacey, me and you date now. Angel I hope your date with Colin goes great." Then he walked over to the elevator. I looked at Kacey. She was in total shock. So was Mike. "What just happened?" He asked. "I don't even know." Kacey said. "Looks to me that he had a crush on you for the longest." I said, smiling. "And you happy about that?" Celia asked. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "Angel how far along are your development of your beings?" She asked. "I don't know." I answered. "Well you should be able to have the ability to sense your mate by now." Mike said. "And? I haven't gotten that yet." I said. "She'll get it in a few." Annie said, passing by. "Where you going?" He asked her. "Out." She said. "Okay. I don't have it right now but I'll get it a few? But why's he so mad? I mean Abby left." I said.

"Angel what did y'all talk about?" Kacey asked. "He got mad at me because Abby left. I don't understand why he's mad. I thought he'd be happy." I said, crossing my arms. Mike pulled out his phone and said he was calling Justin. "Dude what did you and Angel y'all about?....ohhh. Well she....ohhh. Okay. Bye." He said. He sighed and turned to me. "Angel he's not mad that Abby left." He said. "So why's he mad?" I asked, curiously. He looked at Kacey and Celia. "Just go talk to him Angel. He had something to tell you but he couldn't cause Abby was around." Celia said. "What is it? You guys know something I don't. So just tell me." I said. "It's not our place Angel. Just please go talk to him. He's at home right now." Kacey said. I rolled my eyes and ran to the elevator. I pressed the down button and it went down. As soon as I got to the front office, I ran out the doors to the parking lot. I ran to my car and got in.

I drove off to Justin's house. Mike texted me his address and I put it in my GPS. I drove quickly because I wanted to know what Justin had to tell me. Just then, I felt a power burst within me. I slammed on my brakes hard. What was that? The Great Amulet has finally settled in you. Your good to go on everything. That was scary. I continued driving but this time, carefully. I pulled up to a nice, huge mansion. It was way bigger than mine. Whoa. He lives here? This is dope. I pulled up in the driveway and parked. I texted Justin but he didn't respond. I got frustrated and ran up to the door. I knocked on it and it opened to reveal Alison. "Hey Ali." I said. Ali was my nickname for her. "Hi Angel." She said in a high voice. "Is Tasha with you?" She asked, looking behind me. Ever since her and Otis met Tasha, they always wanted to play with her.

"No sweetie. She's at the dentist right now." I said. Her face fell. "Oh." She said. "It's all right. She'll be back soon. I came to see Justin. Is he here? Kacey told me he was." I said. She nodded and let me in. I walked in and seen the man who looked like Justin. He turned to me and stared. "Ah. Angel. Didn't expect to see you here. How ya feeling?" He asked. "Umm, good. The Great Amulet has settled inside my now. I just had a power burst or something. Almost crashed on the way over here." I said. "Oh. Be careful. Can't have the world's first ever Uni-Hybrid dead at such a young age." He said. "Oh. I'm here to see Justin. Mike told me he was over here." I said. "Oh yeah. Sweetie he came in and went to his room." Said a woman who looked like Alison. "Your his parents I'm guessing. We haven't really introduced ourselves." I said. "Oh sorry bout that. I'm Alicia and this is my husband Patrick." She said.

"Nice to officially meet you." I said. "Mommy, Angel was the one who braided my hair." Alison said, wrapping herself around her mom's leg. Alicia picked her up. "Did she?" She asked. I felt inadequate to Alicia. She was beautiful. Really gorgeous. I smelled a scent of something. Is that cinnamon? I looked to the stairs to see Otis coming down them. "Oh hit Angel." He said. The he gasped. "Is Tasha with you?" He asked, excitedly. "No. She's at the dentist." Alison said. He frowned. "Aww." He said. "Sorry Angel. He's been obsessed with Tasha since he found she's his mate." Patrick said, coming to the kitchen. Excuse me? Did he just say mate? "Umm, mate?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Didn't Justin tell you?" He asked. "No sir. He did not. I'm gonna go talk to him. Uh where is he?" I asked. "In his room." Otis said. I thanked and turned around. "Um where is that?" I asked.

"Just go up two stairs and then turn left and it's the third door on the right." Alicia said. I thanked her and went upstairs. After a few minutes, I got lost. Aw man. What did she say? Take a right then left? I kept walking around til I gave up. I sat down in the middle of the hallway. I didn't like being lost. Just then, my phone ringed. I picked it up. It was Justin. "Why you in my house?" He asked. I turned around to see him, on his phone, staring at me. He was shirtless and wear grey sweatpants. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. "Angel?" He called. "Hmm?" I answered. "Why you in my house?" He asked, irritably. "I talk to you." I said, standing up. "Well ya talked. Bye." He said. "Wait. Justin, what did I do? Okay, I know that you weren't mad at me bout Abby leaving. That's what I thought you were mad at but I now know your not." I said.

"Okay and?" He said. "And I'm sorry I snapped at you. I didn't know. And Mike said you had something to tell me but you couldn't cause of Abby." I said. He stared at me. "I'm going to kill Mike." He muttered. "I have nothing to say to you. You wasted your time coming here." He said, harshly. He began to walk away. I got mad and punched the wall. I put a hole in it. "What the hell Angel?" He growled. "You won't talk to me. So until you tell me what's up, more holes are gonna be made." I said, as I punched another one. "Stop it. I'll be in so much trouble." He said. I punched another hole. "Angel I'm deadass. Stop it." He said. I walked down the hall and punched another hole. I kept punching holes til I felt hands around my arms. Justin grabbed me and picked me up  and dragged me down another hall and into a room.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" He hissed at me. I punched a hole in the wall. He grabbed me and slung me into a bed. I stared at him and horror. He realized what he'd done and tried to apologize. "Angel, I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to do that." He said. "It's cool." I said, after a moment. "Angel I'm sorry. I hope you and Colin have a great date this weekend." He said, sadly. I stared. "Justin our with it." I said. "What?" He asked. "Everyone and they mama know something is up with you. Your not your cheerful self." I said. He sighed and sat down in a chair. I moved near him. "Okay. Yes I'm not myself." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause Abby left and I'm happy she's gone but it's been so long since I've been free. I don't know what to do. And then Colin asks you out and I got angry when you said yes." He said. "Why did you get angry?" I asked. He looked up at me. Staring into his eyes reminded me of when we were on my first kill hunt.

Then a bunch of rings appeared around my eyes. Mate. Mate. He chuckled at me. "What's funny?" I asked. "You've developed all your senses now." He said. "Yeah so?" I said. "So you just had mate rings appear over your eyes." He said. "Well I am a Uni-Hybrid." I said. Yeah but a normal magical being only has one." He said. "Yeah well I'm not normal." I said, chuckling. Then I thought of something. "Wait if I had mate rings, does that mean your my mate fro everything I am?" I asked, curiously. He nodded. "Yep. That's what I wanted to tell you. Your my mate. That's why I got mad when Colin asked you out and you said yes. Angel I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now but Abby was around and I knew she would try to hurt you again. I mean she's done that twice and me telling her would only make the situation worse." He said.

I nodded. "Besides, She already didn't like you because of your scent. I mean everyone and me had it on before you came around." He said. I looked at him. "My what? Had what on? What are you talking about?" I asked. He turned away from me. "Justin!!" I said, as I grabbed his ear. "Ow ow owww. Yes your scent. Your clothing." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. He got up and walked over to his bed. He reached his pillow and pulled out pieces of clothing. I immediately recognized them. "Justin." I said. "Yeah these are pieces of the clothing you wore that night Grey attacked you." He said, walking over to me. "You kept them?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah." He said. I took them from his hands. "Angel since that night, I've kept this clothing in hopes of finding you. I came back to make sure you got home safely and that Grey was long gone." He said.

I looked up at him. "But when I came back, you were long gone too. I've searched town for her but I never could find you. Your scent stayed on these clothing but after a week or two, it disappeared. I was gonna throw it away as I had no use for it after I saw you at AA. But Abby was around and she found the clothing and already hated whoever it belonged to. She saw you and smelled your scent and she automatically hated you. It wasn't anything you did that made her hate you. She's just a jealous bitch, obsessed of being the only one for me. But I wasn't the only one for her. I know about her having sex and fucking other guys. But I don't care. She's gone and I'm free from her. I want to move on with my life." He finished. "With Kacey?" I asked. "No. I've never looked at Kacey  that way. She's just a really great friend." He said. "Yeah she is." I muttered.

"You okay? You sound unhappy." He said, sitting down next to me. "I mean...I don't even know what to say about this. You kept my clothing after something that happened a month ago and you kissed my best friend. I'm kind of in shock over here." I said, chuckling nervously. "Well?" He asked. "I don't even know what to say or do." I said. After that, it was quiet. "Well we got a night shift soon. See ya there? I really wanna see how you handle yourself now that you've got powers." He said. I smiled. "Me too." I said. I then raised my body heat in my hands and set my clothing on fire. It all burned up fast. I looked at Justin. He was terrified. "I don't want any memory of what happened that night." I said, softly. "Angel had that night not happened, you wouldn't know me or Kacey, or AA." He said.

"I know. But Justin, surely we would've crossed paths again. I mean, you guys kill bad guys." I said. "And I would hope you wouldn't go down that road and I'd have to kill you." He said. I laughed walked towards the door. I turned to the side and raised my hand. I managed to fix the hole in his room. And the ones in the hallways. "Later Justin." I said. "Later Angel." He said. I walked down the hall, smiling. I found my way through the house and went downstairs. "Hi Angel. Did you guys talk?" Alicia asked. "Yes ma'am. We're good now." I said, as I walked out the door. I got in my car and drove home. Today has been something. But our adventure is far from over. Oh I know.