Chapter 14: Powers and Transformations

Justin's POV:

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Abby said she's pregnant. She's lying. She's lying. SHES LYING!!! Shut up Damon!! "What?" I asked. "Justin I didn't know anything about it til after the witches told me leave. One of them said they felt something in me when they put a spell on me. She said I was pregnant." She said, clutching her stomach. I didn't saying. "I can take a test do you don't believe me." She said. I nodded. "Please." I said. I transformed and grabbed her and flew us to a building. I landed and transformed back into myself. We walked into a pharmacy and she picked out a test. I paid for it and left to a hospital in case it wasn't accurate. She went to the bathroom and I sat outside waiting on her.

I bounced my knee anxiously. God I hope she's not pregnant. Please God. Don't be pregnant. She came out the bathroom and handed me both tests. They both were positive. Aw hell. Stop it. I didn't say anything. "Justin we can ask a nurse to test me if you still don't believe." She said. I nodded quickly. We asked a passing by nurse for a room. She gave us one and after a few hours, turns out she really was pregnant. I kissed Abby but I felt no love to her. I was excited that she was pregnant but it wasn't who I wanted it to be. We both went home and I climbed in bed and stayed awake for most of the night. I fell asleep around five in the morning. My Dad woke us up to go see Angel.

He said he wanted to see the Uni-Hybrid. I did too but not for the reason he wants. I wanted more than anything to tell Angel how I feel about her. Now I'm out of time because of Abby. A van came and picked me, Dad, Mom, Otis, and Alison up to go to AA. When we arrived, I seen Abby already there talking to Kacey. Kacey didn't look so happy. I seen Mike and he looked pissed too. Celia and Colin looked normal. Mike immediately walked over to me. He grabbed my arm aggressively and pulled me to the Train room. He paced the floor. Kacey walked in the room. Kacey glared at me. "I had a vision." She said. "So you guys know?" I asked. Mike punched the wall, putting a hole in it. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? What happened to breaking up with her?!" He shouted. "Shit happens Mike." I said.

"So let me get this straight. She makes your life a living hell, she nearly kills Angel twice, and she a hoe. I'm guessing you like bitches like that?" Kacey asked. "Listen-" Mike cut me off. "Forget it man." He said then he walked out. "Kacey let me explain." I said. She shook her head and walked out. I followed them. "Lets go everyone." Bishop said. We all went to the vans and the workers took off driving. We all rode in silence. Abby's at next to me but Mike and Kacey sat far away from me. I felt hurt. We pulled up to a nice mansion. Bishop texted someone and turned his screen off. We sat in silence. Abby moves her hand up and down my arm. This day just started and already I wanted to be over. Bishop's phone ringed. "Okay. Everyone let's go. Angel's awake." He said.

We got out and walked inside. Trey let us in and we saw Angel and them sitting in the kitchen. The Magic Council were there too. We watched Angel and Tasha eat since they had trauma last night. She flipped out when we stared at her. She ran upstairs to take a shower and she grew a tail. Her Dad kept giving me dirty looks. He told me it was because of my mate thing with her. We came back down and few of us got teleported with the Magic Council to know about Angel. She wanted me to come but Abby spoke before I could. Angel surprised us when she wanted Abby to come. I winded up going. Angel had to undress to be scanned on the table. Seeing her half naked really turned me on. Seeing her body lying there on the table made me hard.

Just seeing her there, drove me wild. I walked out the room to the bathroom. She followed me and it made me crazy. I needed to get her away from me before I did something I was gonna regret. I ended up pushing her out the bathroom. I did it aggressively because I was afraid I'd hurt her. I guess I already did because when I came back to the room, she wouldn't look at me. I moved closer to her but she moved away. She had gotten a call from Keisha, our other top assassin. She was big dog but had to relocate after her friend recognized her when her mask was ripped off. It was sad to see her go but she had to protect her identity. I don't know how long she has to stay in Brazil. The Magic Council then told Angel she had to show them some things.

We teleported back home to get everyone else. I knew Angel was mad at me because I was mean to her but it was only because I was gonna lose control of myself. She was so fucking sexy it drove me wild. I knew if she stayed, I wouldn't help myself. Kacey glared at me while Mike still wouldn't talk to me. Abby stayed by my side and that made me upset. I wanted to talk to Angel. I decided to talk to Mike, whether he wanted to or not. "Yo Mike." I said, walking up to him. He walked away from me. I rolled my eyes and jumped in front of him. "Listen man. I know I'm not your favorite person right now but I gotta talk to you." I said. He looked like he was considering it. "What man?" He asked. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't break up with Abby. I should've done it when you told me to." I said.

"Yeah ya should have." He said. I saw Lacey walk by and I grabbed her hand. "Listen Kacey, Mike. I'm sorry. But there's nothing I can do about Abby. She's pregnant and there's nothing we can do. But listen, you guys are my best friends. I can't imagine my life with y'all." I said. They were silent. "Same here bro. I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just you really need to grow a pair and break it off with her." Mike said, dapping me up. "Yeah I guess I can't hold a grudge. I'm way too cheerful for that." Kacey said. "By the way, what's up with Angel? She seems pissed." Mike said. "I kinda snapped at her. But it was only because she was near me. Seeing her half naked turned me on and if she stayed near me, I would've lost it." I said.

"Oh yeah. I seen that. You look like you were about to explode." Kacey said. I looked at her. "What? As a psychic, I feel energy. And yours were spiked." She said. "Yeah and now she hates." I said. "She doesn't hate you. She just doesn't want to fuck with you anymore." Kacey. "Just please help me fix things with her." I pleaded. "I got you." She said then she walked off towards Angel, who was holding Tasha. "So what are we gonna do now?" Mike asked. "They want to see her powers and transformations." I said. "Oooh. Sounds dope." He said. He then looked something over my shoulder and growled. "Abby?" I whispered. He nodded. He walked off over to Trey. Damon? Yeah? Remind me to punch him because he left me with Abby. Got it. "Hey baby. Where'd you go?" Abby asked, grabbing my hand. I pulled it away to scratch my head.

"Eh. Just wanted to talk to Mike and Kacey." I said. "Really? What about?" She asked. "Just some personal stuff. Hey let's go see Tasha, make sure she's okay." I said, quickly. I walked over to see Bryant and Stephanie playing with Tasha. She was giggling and squealing. "Hey Tasha." I said. She looked me and stared. I got uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" I asked. She looked me up and down. "Your tall." She said. I was curious as to what goes on in her little head. Without warning, she jumped on me. "Whoa whoa Tasha." I said. "Stop!! I wanna climb you." She said. I looked at Bryant and Stephanie. "Are you guys okay with this?" I asked. Hey just shrugged. Tasha began giggling like crazy. She jumped on my back and held on tight.

"Okay Tasha. Fun's over." I said. She jumped off me and ran behind a table. She peeked at me and squealed. Seriously what's going on in her head? "She wasn't you to chase her." Said a voice. I looked over to see Angel walking towards me. "What?" I asked. "Yeah man. She wants you to chase her." Trey said, coming up behind her. I looked at them then at Tasha. She was still hiding. I took a step towards her and she squealed and ran. "Go for it." Stephanie said. I have chase to her as she ran around the house. She ran upstairs to a room and hid. I looked around til I found her. I grabbed her and picked her up. She began screaming and giggling at me. She is one hyperactive child. I smelled vanilla and saw Angel walk in the room, with Otis and Alison by her side.

"Tasha play with Otis and Alison. They wanna play." She said. Otis stared at Tasha with a grin on his face. He's deeply in love with her. I'm surprised. No really I am. Tasha giggled and said, "Tag. Otis is it." She then ran out the room. Alison ran behind her as Otis chased them. I looked at Angel. She watched them then turned towards me. "Kacey told me why you acted funny earlier." She said. Uh oh. "And? What do you think?" I asked. "Your under a lot of stress dude. Your a big dog now. It's okay. I'm nervous too. But it's nothing to be afraid of it. You got this Justin." She said, as she hugged me. Kacey. I hugged her back. "Thanks for understanding." I said. I'm gonna kill her. "No problem. So do you think you can help me?" She asked. I was confused.

"With what?" I asked. "My transformations. I'm so nervous and scared. I don't even know what to do." She said. "Okay. Just relax and take a deep breath. Visualize what you want to look like a magical being. Then transform." I said. She nodded and breathed in and out. "Not in. I think we're in Trey's rooms and I'd hate to break anything in here." I said. She laughed. "Yeah But I don't care about breaking his shit." She said. "I do." Trey said, walking in the room. "Come on. They waiting on you." He said, to Angel. We walked downstairs and just when I think everything is going good, Abby glares at me. I'm not letting her get to me. "Okay Angel. Let's go outside and try out your powers and transformations." Sally said.

"Okay." She said. She walked by my side. I was happy to see her happy. We walked outside to her backyard. It was big. Not as big as mine but big. "Okay Angel, we know you can transform into a mermaid with the touch of water. Now try another being." Sally said. We all watched as she concentrated on turning into a magical being. First she became a wolf. Then a fairy, then a troll, then a bat, then a troll, then a dragon. She transformed into over a hundred different beings. It was awesome. Afterwards she was in pain from having her bones crack and twist so much but she recovered hella fast. I noticed Abby kept coming near me. I was in too good a mood to have her ruin it. I moved over to Alison and Otis, who were playing with Tasha.

I sat down next to Bryant. He tensed up. "Bryant, look I...I hope we can get past this. I know your not happy with the fact your daughter is my mate but I don't you to think I'm only after her for her body cause I'm not. I was raised better than that." I said. He didn't respond for a few seconds. "Justin you just worry about keeping your dick in your pants. You already have a bun in the oven with Abby." He said. I stared at him. "I'm a Raider. I can sense when a being is present and she has two beings in her." Eh said. She's pregnant with twins?! Oh God no. "She's not pregnant with twins." He said. I looked at him. "As a Raider, I have the ability to read minds. She's pregnant but with one baby. Look son, I don't hate you. I'm just worried about her. This is too much for her." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning to him. "First she gets attacked by Grey, then Keisha leaves, then she becomes in ties to AA, then Abby almost kills her twice now? Grey attacks her again, and now she has the Great Amulet within her. I don't want her becoming pregnant another problem." He said. "Oh no sir. I'm more responsible and respectful than that." I said. He gave me a look. "What about Abby?" He asked. "Oh yeah. Well chances are that's not my baby. Because Kacey said she's been cheating on me. Abby has had so many different scents on her lately. I don't know what to think. I was meant to break up with her a few weeks ago but I'm a wimp and didn't do it." I said. He grew silent.

"Justin, it takes a man to say how he feels and if it results in the bad consequences, then own up it. Face the music and deal with it. Regardless of what Abby says or do, if your unhappy, let her know and leave. Don't stay in an unhappy relationship." He said. He turned to me. "Trust me. Me and Stephanie have seen her controlling you and you don't even put up a fight." He said. "I know. But I killed her older siblings and I feel bad about it. She knows I did it so I guess she's taking her anger out on me." I said. "She is. But you've repaid your debt and now she's just abusing your sympathy. And you let her. Don't." He said. I thought about that. I turned to look at Abby. She was sitting there on the ground, staring at Angel and Alison. Angel was braiding her hair. Alison was playing in Tasha's.

"Well what do I do about it?" I asked. "Whatever you want. Justin stop taking advice from other people on your problems. Be a man and take charge of your own life." He said. You know what? He's right. So now what? I'm breaking up with Abby. But she's pregnant. Since when did you have respect and sympathy for her? I don't. I'm just stating facts. I got up and walked over to Abby. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from everyone. "Baby what's up?" She asked. "We need to talk." I said. "What about?" She asked, with a harsh tone. "Justin?" Called a voice. I looked over to see Tasha looking at me while playing with her fingers. I walked over to her and bent down. "What's wrong Tasha?" I asked. She reached up for me.

"Tasha I can't pick you up. I'm talking to Abby." I said. Alison ran over and reached up too. What the hell? "Guys not now okay?" I asked. I looked ya them closer. I looked closest to Tasha's eyes. It was like she was hypnotized. Abby. I pulled away from them and walked over to her. "Let them go."I growled. "Let who go?" She asked, nonchalantly. Angel walked over to us. "Can someone explain why my sister is crying?" She asked. Abby looked at her. "We were just talking about something." She said. "I know. I heard. My hearing got hella better. Did you hypnotized my sister?" She asked. Abby backed up a little bit but Angel stalked towards her. She then grabbed her wrist to hold her. "Angel, let go." Abby said, lowly. "Angel, please don't do anything crazy." Mike said, walking up to us.

"Yeah. You gotta make a good impression on the Magic Council." Kacey said, walking behind him. Angel paused and let go of her. She picked up Tasha and carried her away. Tasha looked at me as she carried her. She looked sad. I picked Alison up and turned to Abby. "Next time you hypnotize my sister, I will end you." I growled and walked away. "Now that's a man." Trey said. I looked at him and chuckled. After all that, the Magic Council left Angel alone. They said she was done with her physical but she had to train learn how to use her new powers. She said she's train all day if she has to. They were happy that she was taking this seriously. She asked them about school today and they said they had duplicates of us filling in for all of us.

So her record was still clean. Later on that day, we all went to work. Annie told Abby she was no longer able to work for us. She had to relocate cause she couldn't stay here. I was happy to see her go. I broke up with her after we left Angel's house. She broke down but this time I didn't feel bad. I guess it's cause she hypnotized Alison. Abby and her family were upset that she was pregnant and that they had to leave. Angel was happy to see her go though upset she didn't get to fight her. Everything was going so great for me today. I hoped this keeps up for as long as it can. I was hoping to take Angel to McDonald's this weekend as I never got the opportunity to do so. This weekend I'm gonna tell her how I feel. Hopefully everything goes smooth sailing.