Chapter 30: Lay Low

Justin's POV:

After Jewel had the chip inserted in her head, she was a quick little machine. She got into it with Tyler. She actually punched the shit out of him. I'm surprised she didn't break his jaw. She transformed into a wolf and tried to take him down. But the Magic Council showed up and stopped them. Abby took Tyler's side whoop Angel took Jewel's side. They got into it but they stopped. She and Tyler went with the Magic Council somewhere. I didn't care. I wanted Jewel safe from them. Lately, Tyler has been turning into Abby. It made me distant myself from him. He didn't care cause now he was yelling at me for not having his back. I did not care one bit. I told Angel that and hoped she'll leave it alone. Luckily, she did. We went back to the Train room and watched Jewel pummel the dummies. She could really fight. She was skeptical about becoming an assassin. Normally Annie doesn't take no answer when it came to AA but I guess cause Jewel was young, she didn't do anything about it.

Jewel learned how to transform and use her powers after we all got done training her. She was quick with her reflexes. She said that now she could become an assassin because she wanted to be like Angel. We went back to Angel's house and chilled for the rest of the day. Jewelina fell asleep so Bryant to her to Angel's room. I told her that I wanted to get to know her better so me and Jewel were to have a Daddy Daughter today. She was excited when she saw me. It made me happy. Angel and all the girls had left for a girls day. I drove Jewel around til we were at McDonald's. I ordered her a kid's meal and my a Big Mac. Afterwards we headed towards the beach. "Uh Daddy?" She asked. "Yes princess?" I asked. "Why are we here? I can't be around water." She said, in a high voice. She was so cute.

"Actually you can. You just need to be careful. We're not going swimming though. We're just gonna relax." I said. I glanced at her. She was looking out the window. I parked in a open spot and got out. She got out, carrying her food. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded. "I just miss Mama." She said. "Well Mama is having a girls day today. She needs to relax." I said. "Why didn't she take me?" She asked. "Well Mama needs a break. Besides, don't you wanna hang with me?" I asked. She nodded. We picked a spot that was near the shade and near the sun. She set her towel out and sat down on it. "Jewel are you sure your okay?" I asked. She nodded. Her eyes welled up. I hugged her. "Jewel it's gonna be fine. You'll see Mama again. Hey, maybe we can go by the spa to see her." I said. "Really? What's a spa?" She asked. "A spa is where people go to get massages, rose petals, hot rocks...they go to there to unwind and relax. It's really soothing." I said.

"Can we go see Mama?" She asked. "Not right now. She's not there yet but she will be." I said. She looked down. Just then, a beach ball came over to us. "Hey sorry." A little girl said. "It's fine. Hey Jewel you wanna play with her?" I asked. "Yeah we could use more players for monkey in the middle." The girl said. "Ummm." Jewel said. "Come on. Jewel it'll be fun. I'll be watching you the whole time." I said. "Okay. What's your name?" Jewel asked. "Mabel." The girl said. They both ran off to the other kids to play. I made her come back so I could sunscreen on her. I told her to remember to stay away from the water. She nodded and ran off. I watched the kids play monkey in the middle. I missed that game. It's been years since I last played. I called Mike and let him know how everything was going. He said he and Trey got into it with some guys from Buffalo Wild Wings. Their tempers have not changed. I heard a scream and jumped up, looking around for Jewel.

Turns out it was a little toddler screamed but, running from his Dad. Jewel was still playing with the beach ball. I looked around and saw a familiar silver car. I looked closer at the license plate number. I widened my eyes. Just then, my phone pinged. I looked at it. It was a text from Abby. It had an attachment. My heart raced. I was scared to look at it. I opened it up and horror replaced my happy go lucky mood. It was a picture of Jewelina with the beach ball. The text after read that my daughter was gonna be hurt soon if Angel doesn't leave. I growled and stood up. I packed up everything and grabbed Jewel. "Daddy, I wanna play." She whined. "Something came up. We have to go now." I said. "Aw can't she stay? We're about to have a water balloon fight." A boy said, as he threw a water balloon at Jewel. She gasped and ran off into the water. Damn it.

I ran after her. I too my shirt and pants off til I was in a swim shorts. I ran in after her. I looked underwater to find her. "Daddy?" She called out. I turned my head to see her behind some rocks. I swam to her. "Daddy, I wanna go home now." She cried. "Don't worry baby. We are." I said. Then the scent appeared. "Daddy? That's Abby." She said. "I know. I smell her. Come on." I said. She climbed onto the rocks to dry off. I looked at her tail. It went away after she was dry. I climbed out and we ran to our stuff and to my car. I paused and backed up. "Daddy, what's wrong?" She asked. I looked at the car carefully. I listened for anything that showed it could have been messed with. I heard small ticking sound coming from it. "Jewel we gotta walk home." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Abby did something to my car." I said. The ticking started to get faster. I picked Jewel up and ran to the back of a building. The car then exploded and ew everywhere.

I put myself in front of her. She screamed and covered her ears. This bitch just blew up my damn car. Psycho bitch. I grabbed Jewel and pulled her away. "Daddy, where are going?" She asked. "Home." I said. Police cars showed up and I paid one to drive us to my house. He pulled up and I thanked him. I grabbed Jewel and pulled her inside the house. "Justin?" Dad asked. "Hi Dad." I said. "Why are here? I thought y'all were having a father daughter day?" Otis asked. "We were." I said. "What happened?" Mom asked. "Abby put a bomb on my car and blew it up." I said. She gasped. "Oh my God. Are y'all all right?" Mom asked, looking us up and down. "We're fine. Just shaken up." I said. I looked at Jewelina. She was shaking. I picked her up. "It's gonna be okay." I said. "Mom can you get her to calm down please. I have to go do something." I said. She nodded and picked Jewel from me.

"Daddy?" She asked. "I'll be right back princess. I'm just going upstairs." I said, as I ran upstairs to my room. I opened the door to see Tyler there. He looked at me then at the TV. "Where's your Mom?" I asked. "She said she had to go out." He said. He sniffed the air and rolled his eyes. "Why is that freak here?" He asked. I growled at him. "Don't call my daughter a freak." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I pulled out my phone and called Angel. I changed my number back to what it was. Luckily, she answered. "Hey baby." She said. "Hey." I said, breathlessly. "What's wrong with you?" She asked. "I'm shaken up." I said. "Why? What happened?" She asked. "Abby put a fucking bomb on my car and it nearly blew me and Jewelina up." I said. She screamed. "What?! That bitch did what?! Is Jewel okay?" She asked.

"She's fine. We're at my house." I said. "I'm coming over there." She said, then hung up. I turned around to see Tyler staring at me. "You really love Angel don't you?" He asked, quietly. "Yeah so?" I asked. "Okay." He said. He's gonna tell Abby. Little snitch. I walked back downstairs to see Mom with Jewel wrapped up in a blanket. "And then you do this when your ready." She said. Jewel did something with her hand and a small elephant appeared from a book. It was only a few inches tall. "Whoa." Jewel said, in awe. "Justin, what happened?" Dad asked. "Abby. I called Angel. She's on her way here." I said. "Good. Son, I think it's best if Jewel and Angel lay low for awhile." He said. I nodded. "I agree." I said.

The doorbell ringed and Otis opened it. "Jewel?" Angel cried. Kacey, Keisha, and them ran behind her. Angel ran to Jewel. "Mama!!" Jewel cried. They hugged each other. "Mama, Abby tried to kill us." Jewel cried. "I know. She's not going to." Angel said. "Angel?" Dad called. Angel turned to look at him. "Yes?" She asked. "I think it's best if you and Jewelina lay low for awhile. I mean with Grey knowing your gone and Abby knowing your here, there's danger at every corner." He said. "He's right Angel." Stephanie said. She stepped forward. "Abby will continue to come after you and Jewel til your dead. It's not safe here." She said. Angel's eyes welled up. "But Mama, we just got here. I don't know where else to go." She said. "I know baby, but as long as Grey and Abby are out there, it's not safe for you or Jewelina." Stephanie said. Jewel begin to growl. I turned to see Tyler standing on the steps.

"Don't mind me. Just standing here." He said. "Hell nah lil boy. Take ya ass back upstairs. You can be a spy for Abby." Keisha said. "Shut up bitch." Tyler said. "Tyler!!" I yelled. "Did he- I know damn well he not talking to me like that." Keisha said, trying to get to him. Kacey and Dad held her back. "Nah let her loose and get knocked out like Jewel." He said. "Nigga you ain't knock nobody out. Remember that." Jewel said. I looked at her. She no longer can hang around Keisha. Right. Girl is learning words from her. "Jewel you think cause your a Uni-Hyrbid, your better than everyone?" He asked. "I'm not better than nobody but you." She said. He scoffed. "Typical black bitch." He muttered. "Say what?!" Jewel cried, as she tried to get to him too. Angel held her back. Tyler walked up the stairs and out of sight.

"Okay look. Angel, you take Jewelina somewhere Abby nor Grey knows. Don't tell us. Not even we wanna know. Just go there and be safe." Mom said. Angel nodded and cried. "I'm gonna miss y'all." She said, as she hugged everyone. I don't know why she hugging me. I'm going with her. I quickly ran upstairs, packed my stuff, and put them in Angel's car. She looked at me. "And where are you going?" She asked. "With y'all. Angel I'm not staying here. Alright I have missed you and missed a lot of Jewel's milestones. I let you go once, I'm not doing it a second time." I yelled. She smiled at me. "Well Okay Daddy Damn." She said. She luckily Jewel right here. She came with me to get my bags. Kacey and Keisha watched Jewel while we did. Stephanie told the guys what happened and they started to come over it help us out. We told them not to.

We got in the car and drive to Angel's house. I looked at Jewelina the rear view mirror. She was looking at a tablet. She had earbuds in. "Where'd she get that?" I asked. "Kacey bought it for her." Angel said. We pulled up and got out. Bryant, Trey, Mike, and Colin came out and kept an eye on Jewel while we packed Angel's stuff. I opened the drawer to see the vibrator that brought us together. Put it in my coat pocket and continued to pack. We brought all the bags downstairs and out the her car. It wasn't enough room to fit for her suitcases and mine. So we put hers in Bryant's truck. Trey, Mike and them drove with us to the airport. "Where exactly at are we going Angel?" I asked. "California." She said. "Not that I don't wanna go there but why California?" I asked. "It's big, spacious, has plenty of water for us to swim, and we'll blend in." She said.

"We gotta find a house before we get there." I said. "That's why there's something called apartments Justin." She said. I could tell she was stressed. It was supposed to be a relaxing day yet it's worse. We pulled up to the airport and got out. Bryant, Kacey, Keisha, and them helped us get inside. We walked up to the podium and asked for tickets to California. Everyone guarded us from view in case Abby was around. We walked to the California gate and waited for our flight. I looked at Angel. She was shaking her knee. I rubbed her back. "Relax Angel." I said. "I can't relax. Our daughter was almost blown up by your psycho ex." She said. Her phone pinged. She closed her eyes. "Don't even look at it. We can't show Abby that she has the drop on us." I said. "We kind of are showing it since we're moving away." She said. She then gasped. "And we're also showing her where we're going now." She said. "Play it off. Make it seem like we forgot this isn't out flight." I said.

We slyly looked around and moved to the Manhattan gate. I looked at Jewel. She staring at Angel, who was stressing out. Oh Abby. Of all the times you cheat on me, why are you upset over Angel? Then the announcer called for our flight. Kacey and Keisha and them helped us make sure we made it safely on the plane. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't get comfortable." Angel said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause Abby can probably shoot the plane down." She said. I made a face. "Don't jinx us." I said. "Sorry. I'm just worried." She said. "Angel, relax. Your stressed out. First ting you're gonna do when we land, is go to sleep." I said. She looked at me. "I can't sleep with that bitch on the loose." Angel said. "Can we watch the profanity around Jewelina please?" I asked. I looked at her. She was hypnotized by whatever it was watching.

Soon after, the plane took off. Some hours before I fell asleep. "Daddy?" Called Jewel. "Daddy, come on. Mama is giving birth." She said. Giving birth? When we have sex again? "Daddy come on." She yelled. I ran after her into a room. There Angel was, pushing her hardest. "Okay Jewel back up." Kacey said. I looked at her. When they get here? "Angel you got this give us one more push." The doctor said. I walked over behind Angel. She began to cry. I held her hand. "Baby I'm sorry but please push." I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Come on babygirl." Stephanie said. Angel tried her hardest to push when finally the baby came out. "There we go. It's a boy." The doctor said. He handed him to Angel. She handed him to me but then she jerked and screamed. "Uh, Doctor? She is not done here." Keisha said. Twins?! Aw come on. "Angel come on. Give us a push." The doctor said.

She pushed a few times before another baby came out. It was another boy. Angel reaches up for the boys but a hand snatched them from me. It was Abby. She then threw the boys into a wall. Angel and I cried out. Grey then appeared and began to tape Angel while she down. I tried to stop him but I was wing held back by two dark figures. I screamed for Angel but I made no noise. Then Abby grabbed Jewel by her hair an snapped her neck. "I warned you Justin." She said, smiling. Then I woke up. "Justin?" Called a voice. I snapped myself awake. "Huh?" I asked, looking around. We were still on the plane. "What's wrong?" Angel asked. I looked at her. "Nothing." I said, sitting up. "Nigga, no your not. What's up?" She asked. I sighed.

"Bad dream." I said. "What about?" She asked. I explained to her what happened in my dream. "It scared me so much Angel. It seemed so realistic." I said. "Well it's not baby. Jewel is perfectly fine. She's over there sleep." She said. I looked at Jewelina. She was sleep with the sound canceling headphones on. "And I'm not pregnant with no twins. And if I were, Abby would most definitely be dead before their born." Angel continued. "Angel, I'm not saying I'm scared of her but in an worried about what she could do." I said. She looked at me. "Justin, she's not here. And look, we'll be landing in a ten minutes. We're good to go." She said. Ten minutes? How long was I out? A long time. I decided to watch cartoons til we landed. I watched my favorite show, The Amazing World of Gumball. It was the episode where Gumball and Darwin meet an obsessed fan. We finally landed and got off. Jewel was still sleepy but Angel woke her up.

We walked around til I found us a car rental. We drove to a hotel and stayed for the night. I took a shower and cake back to see Angel on her laptop. I immediately closed it. "Justin!! I was using it!!" She whined. "I know. Angel, you need to relax. Okay? I'll look for us a house and cars. You just get some rest." I said. She glared at me. I growled at her. "Angel I'm not playing." I said. She crossed her arms and looked away from me. I looked down at her chest. I bit my lip at her. "Justin I'm fine. I don't need rest." She said, through grit teeth. I walked over to her and wrapped my hand around her throat. "You will if I say so." I said. She looked at me. "You wouldn't dare." She challengers. I smirked at her then kissed her. The rest of the night I gave her a stress reliever. Consider it a welcome home present.