Chapter 7: Remembered

Angel's POV:

"Angel? Come on. Let's play." Said Tasha. I looked around and saw her. She smiled at me. I smiled at her. She then ran off into the water. I followed her. I ran and dove into the water. I saw our pod. My mermaid friends. Friends I could actually talk to.

I smiled at them. I swam with them, along with Tasha. I saw my mama and my dad. They were swimming with us. We all took off swimming.

We swam straight for Mako Island. My first home. Where I was born. Where all the hatchings are born. We swam up to the surface. "Angel its so good to see you." Said Trina. "Yes we missed you so much." Said Rana. "Yeah you gotta come back to see us Angel." Said Taylor. "Admit it Loni. You missed me." I said. She blushed and said,"Okay fine. Yes I've missed you. Angel you have got to come back to the pod. We all missed you. The water out here is amazing." She said.

"I know. But one day I'll come back out here." I said. Then everything faded. "No. No no. Nooooo!!" I screamed. Everything was disappearing. Then I woke up. I felt water around me. I looked around and saw Kacey. I felt someone touching my tail. It was Kevin. He was rubbing it up and down. The fuck is he doing? I don't know but it's weird. Kacey got his attention and he noticed my horrified facial expression.

"Oh Angel. I'm-I'm so sorry. Its just it was tempting. I-i wanted to... I didn't mean to." He stuttered like crazy. "Dude chill. It's okay. Its just a little how you were stroking it." I said. He didn't look okay. "Kevin if you want to touch it, touch it. Just don't be weird about it. Its just a tail." I said. He reached out and touched it. "I'm sorry Angel.Its just so mesmerizing." He said. I looked over at Kacey.

"You wanna touch Kacey?" I asked. She walked closer then Kevin growled. "Stop it. She's just as curious as you are." I said. She reached down and touched it. "Its so soft yet scaly. It's so glittery and sparkly." She said. I watched them both touch my tail. It was watching children touch a puppy. I looked around and saw that I was no longer in school. "Guys where am I?" I asked them. They looked at each other then at me. "Angel, you are at my house." Kevin said. I freaked out which caused me to splash water.

"Angel calm down!!" Kacey said. I climbed out the tub and dried off. I dried off the floor too. "Look I don't know what the hell happened, but I'm going back to school. "School's over Angel." Kevin said, leaning against the wall. A caretaker appeared behind him. "Manny she's up." He said. "Is he talking about me?" I asked. They nodded. I shook my head and ran out the room. "Angel where are you going?" Kacey called after me. "I m sorry but this is just too freaky. I'm going to pick my sister up and go home." I said. Kevin's arm caught me around my waist and he pulled me back upstairs.

I struggled to fight against him but he was too strong. I started screaming and kicking but I stopped. I couldn't move or scream. I looked over to see Kacey's hand up. She was making me do this. Kevin plopped me down on his bed. I looked around. He has a nice room. But I'd still like to get out of here.

II looked back at everyone staring at me. Even the caretakers. Too many people. Too many people. I started hyperventilating. "Angel? Angel?! Angel what's wrong?" Cried Kevin. "She's hyperventilating." Kacey said. "Why though?" A dude said. "Angel said she doesn't like being around a whole bunch of people. Your all making her do this. Some of you gotta get out." Kacey said. They left. I calmed back down and started crying. Kacey held me. "I just wanna go home. Please just take me home." I cried.

"No. Angel we've been to you're house. Your not going back there." Kevin said. I looked up at him. He told me my address and I gasped. "How do you know where I live?" I asked. "I looked it up in the school's confidentiality records. Angel you....passes out today and we didn't know what to do so we took you home. Your mom was sorta helpful but she didn't care." Kacey said.

I looked back down. I curled up into a ball. "Angel I'm sorry. But we've been to your house and we don't understand how you can live there. I mean your mom didn't care about you. She actually thought you passed out from getting dick." Said a voice. "Tyler!!" Said Kevin. "What? Its the truth." He said. "Angel, we want you to get better but we can't let you go home. But if that's what you really want, we'll take you." Said A voice. "Manny your not serious. I mean didn't you see-" Kevin was cut off.

"Yeah kid I saw. But we're gonna force this girl to stay here if she doesn't want to. Who are we to tell her where she can and can't go?" He said. "Angel, I really want you to be someplace save, but if you want to go home, we understand." Said Kacey. I looked up at her. "I don't stay there anymore." I said. "But its on your-" she started but I cut her off. "I decided that me and Tasha are moving out today. We were gonna do it anyway but now seemed like a good time." I said.

"Good timing too. We saw 4 dudes there. Two were taking off your clothes." Tyler said. I looked up at him, terrified. "TYLER!! Look just get the fuck out dude." Kevin yelled and pushed him out. He locked the door. I looked down at myself and noticed I wasn't wearing my clothes. "Those are my clothes Angel. I'm washing yours to get that weed smell out of them. Your shirt however was ripped off of you." Kevin said, uneasy.

I nodded slowly, but moved closer to Kacey. "Angel we're not gonna do anything to you. We would never. We just wanted you to be okay. Now you said you moved out today. Where to?" Manny asked me. I told them the librarians address. "Wait, your gonna move there? Why?" Kevin asked. "Because I trust them. I don't have anywhere else to go." I said. "What about a pod? Don't mermaids have pods?" Manny asked. "Yes, but my mama wanted to live on land. Plus my pod is 3000 miles away. I could reach them." I said.

"Angel why don't you stay here?" Kevin asked. Is he serious? I thought about it. Then I remembered Kacey offered me the same thing. She will never be my friend if I say yes. I shook my head. "Thanks but no thanks." I said. "Angel you said you were going to move out anyway. Where to?" Kacey asked. I told them about my luxury house situation across town. "Okay, so why don't you move there?" Manny asked. "Well I don't have enough money right now." I said shyly.

"How much you got saved up?" Kacey asked. "$450,000." I answered. They just stated at me. "Look its luxury mansion and I want it. Its perfect for me and Tasha. I'm only doing this for her. If it was just me, I'd been moved out years ago. I'm just short on cash right now." I said as I got up and moved to the window. "Angel how much money you need to move?" Kevin asked. I sighed. "About 4500." I said. "I'll help you." Kevin and Kacey said at the same time. They glared at each other. "Guys no, alright? I've made it this far, a couple more years and I'll be good to go." I said as I made my way to the door.

"Angel, your doing all of this, while putting up with your mom and helping your sister. You could use this. By the way, where's your dad?" Kevin asked. "He's on the other side of town, with his family." I said. It got quiet after that. "Angel?" Called a voice. I turned to see Tasha. "Hey baby cakes. How was your day?" I asked her, as I picked her up. "It was fun. We has a pizza party and a slip n slide today." She said excitedly.

"Really? Sounds like you had fun. I see your face is painted." I said. "I'm a ladybug. I look better than you. I know." She said, smugly. "Gurrrl, anyway." I said, as I laughed. "Come on. Let's go get ice cream." I said. I walked to the door. But she didn't move. "Tasha what's wrong?" I asked her. She pointed towards Kevin. I turned to look at him. He just stood there, leaning against the wall. He shrugged.

I looked at her. "Tasha he's not gonna hurt you baby. Come on." I said. She still didn't move. "Tasha, I'm really really sorry for scaring you the other night. Its just I was scared of you. I felt threatened by you and I wanted to defend myself. But I'm still scared of you. So can you forgive me so I can stop being scared of you?" Kevin said. I then realized what he was doing. She looked at him and smiled. "You should be scared of me because I can hurt you. You vampires ain't as tough as I am." She said. Oh God. She then hit him in head. "Ow." He said as he fell to the ground.

"Next time you scare me, its gonna be worse than that." She said as she placed her hand on her hip and walked out the room. He waited til she was out to sit up. "I can't believe I just did that." He said. "I can't believe it either." Me and Kacey said. She had her up recording. "You did not record that." He said, glaring at her.

She turned the phone to him and played it. "Oh my God." He said. He put his hands on his head. "Did I say you could get up?" Asked Tasha. "No ma'am." Kevin said and laid back down. She then hit him on his stomach and ran out. We all laughed at her. "Dang. She got some fight in her." He said, rubbing his stomach. I nodded then walked out. I tried to follow her but I lost her. I walked around but couldnt see her. I ended up getting lost in the house. I came across a big library.

It was beautiful. I explored the library. It was all beautiful and pretty. I felt at home. "Like it?" Said a voice. It scared me that bumped into a ladder and fell down, with the ladder nearly falling on me. Kevin used his super speed and caught it before it hit me. "Sorry about that." I said, shyly. "No problem. You good?" He asked. I nodded, as he helped me up. "There's so many books here. How many are there?" I asked. "5000." He answered. I turned to look at him. "Yeah. All these books. I've read every single one. Which is why I've been coming to the public library. For more books." He said.

"Well you're welcome anytime. As long you don't make my life a living hell like ya did the first night." I said. He didn't say anything. Maybe I crossed the line? Just when everything was going so well. "But really though, come by anytime. It'll be nice to have you over." I said. He still didn't say anything. I was getting nervous. "Kevin, you said, that you read every one of these books. That's amazing. I've never thought of you as a bookworm." I said.

"Yeah not a lot of people think of me like that." He said. He turned to walk out. "Wait Kevin. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. It was a joke." I said. "Angel its cool. That's not why I'm upset." He said. "Then what is?" I asked. He didn't say anything, just walked away to one of windows in the library. "Angel what do you remember before you passed out earlier?" He asked me. I tried to remember. "We were in class, doing a project, then I got sick. You and Kacey took me to the nurse's office." I said. "Anything else?" He asked. I tried to think. "I remember being on fire. That's it." I said. He stared at me and sighed. "Why? What happened before I passed out?" I asked.

He opened his mouth, then shut it. He shook his head. "Nothing. Come on let's go get Tasha her ice cream." He said, as he got up. "Kevin-" I started but stopped. It was pointless to ask him. He wasn't going to open up. I wanted to help him but he wasn't gonna let me in. We went to take Tasha her ice cream and I had her wait with Kacey while I talked to Mr. & Mrs. Graves. "Angel, there you are darling. My wife has something to tell you." Mr. Graves said.

"Deary, you should stay with Kacey." Mrs. Graves said. I was surprised. "But why? I thought you wanted me to stay with you?" I asked. "We do but this will build your friendship with her. Trust me. We'll always be here." She said. I hugged her. "Okay, just let me get our stuff and she'll take our stuff to get settled in." I said. "No need. Uh Kacey?" Mr. Graves called, walking with his cane to the door. I helped him. Kacey walked to the door.

"Yes sir?" She asked. "Angel and Tasha will staying at your house. Angel decided last minute. Would you be a dear and have the bags go to your house?" He asked. Kacey grinned wide. "Sure." She said. Just then her wand appeared. She made our suitcases float to the car. This girl. I smiled at her. "Okay Kacey just watch Tasha till I get home from work." I said. She nodded and took off to the car. I walked to the back and started taking books out the boxes. I looked down at two. There was a book cover of fire and the other one was of two people kissing.

I smiled. But then I remembered something. I gasped. Kevin kissed me and I felt like I was on fire. There's the sugar.