Chapter 6: Kissed

Kevin's POV:

I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes. It was Tyler. "Get up kid. Time for school." He said. I just stared at him. He disgusts me. Me too. I can deal with Manny calling me that, but him? Whole nother ball park. Exactly. Plus the fact he's having wet dreams about Angel. Not that I care about her. Dude you and I both know you're in denial. Piss off Randy. I got up and took my shower.

I got out and got dresses. I looked around and noticed Manny wasn't here. "Hey Joshua, where's Manny?" I asked him. "He said he was gonna be late." He said. Next to Manny, I trust Joshua than anyone else. I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs. I seen my mom and Sarah. "Hey sweetheart. How did you sleep?" My mom greeted me. "Eh, all right." I said. I noticed the oven was still on again. She followed my gaze and quickly shut it off again.

^Kevin's mom Stephanie Griffin

"Mommy, me and Kevin are gonna spend the weekend together. We gonna do lots of things that I wanna do. We're gonna play with Barbie's and ponies, and see Frozen too." Sarah said in a high voice. Lord give me strength. I hate Frozen. Ever since it came out, I've heard it day & night. I wish they would let it go. And I'm not so sure about playing with Barbie dolls and ponies. I am too old for that shit. "Aww that's nice baby. Its good timing too. I've been needing to go to the spa this weekend and catch up with my friends. God I hate girl talk. Right its so pointless.

While continued to talk girl talk, I day dreamed. Ya think Angel is gonna apologize for her comment yesterday? I don't know. Maybe. She seems like the apologetic type. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Manny snapping his fingers in my face. "Let's go kid." He said. I looked at the time. 7:35. "Where were you Manny?" I asked. He just grabbed me and pulled me to the car.

"Doesn't matter. I need to get you to school now. I'm not gonna be here later on." He said. "Where are you gonna be?" I asked, curiously. I don't like when Manny's not here. No homo though. Because if he's not here, Tyler has to take his place and I hate Tyler. "Don't worry about it kid. Just go to school focus on your work." He said as we pulled up to the school. We got out and walked to the cafeteria. I grabbed a orange juice and went to the library. I already ate at home this morning.

I went to the library and noticed Angel wasn't there. Strange. What's strange? Angel isn't here. She's always here before us. Exactly. I went up and down aisles looking for her. I got stares from everyone and they all moved back. They smart to be scared of me. I looked at more aisles. No sign of her. "Kid, what are you looking for?" Manny asked. "Angel. She isn't here. She's always here before us. Now she isn't." I said, concerned.

"Why do you care? You don't even like her." Tyler said then walked off. I walked up behind him and charged my powers. I raised my hand but Manny stopped me. He shook his head. I then walked to class. I put in my earbuds and listened to music. I played Candy Crush on my phone, to pass more time. The bell ranged. I got up and walked to the my next class. I leaned on the lockers for a bit. I then felt like someone was watching me. And it wasn't the caretakers. I smelt a familiar scent. Vanilla. Angel.

I looked up to see her staring at me. She gave me a small wave. I smiled and returned it. She's in a better mood. Yep. I walked with her to our next class. I noticed Kacey standing next her. Fucking witch. I seen them sit where they usually sat but I decided I wanted to sit at the front. I sat across from Angel. Some kid walked up next to me. He stood there waiting for me to move. I glared at him and he quickly moved away. I read his thoughts.

He was scared of me. Smart move. I looked over to see Angel talking to Kacey. Another reason I sat in the front was because I don't like Kacey. I don't want her putting things in Angel's head. I stared at her. I looked down at her body. Fuuuuck man. If you want her, get her. She's ours. Maybe I do like her. She's mine. Not yet because you didn't claim her. Kacey probably has a better chance because she's a girl and her friend.  Kacey hasn't marked her sign yet. Therefore she's not hers.

She will be if you don't make a move. I started letting loose my vampire fumes to try to get to Angel. Kacey must've sensed it because she looked at me and did the same. Our fumes fought for Angel. I know its against the magic law to cross breeds but fuck did I want Angel. Kacey's fumes put up a helluva fight but I'm better. The teacher partnered the three of us up together. Me and Kacey didn't talk or look at each other.

Back off Kacey. She's mine. 'Like hell she is. You'll just hurt her and push her away further.' No I won't. I won't loose my temper and up scarring her. 'I would never do that.' Oh please. This is my last time telling you. Fuck off. 'Make me fuck face.' I didn't notice that during this, Angel laid her head on the table. She didn't look too good. Kacey offered to take her to the nurse's office. I growled.

Then I had a better idea. Go with them in case Angel faints. Kacey growled. I smirked. Shortly after we left the room, Angel dropped to the ground. "Angel!!" Me and Kacey cried. I picked her up and carried her to the office. The caretakers followed us. I noticed Tyler eyeing her, while licking his lips. I blocked his view by turning my body. Me and Kacey went at it. Angel stepped in and stopped it. She suddenly felt better. We all then walked back to the classroom but Angel stopped me. We end up getting into it because she thought I had a crush on Kacey. Which is certainly not the case.

She kept interrupting me by continuing to talk. Seeing her all worked up made me hard. She kept talking. Fuuuck Angel. I imagined her in every possible way for me to fuck her. She kept talking. I bit my lip. Fuck it man. I grabbed her face and kissed her. It felt awesome. I've never had this much fire kissing a girl before. In fact there shouldn't be any fire. My fire engulfed her. Oh no. I pulled away from her. Angel fell to the ground. "What have I done?" I cried.

Manny sighed. "Relax kid. You didn't kill her. You knocked her out." He said. "But I didn't hit her or anything." I said. "Not that kind of knock out. I mean there's a specific reason magical beings don't cross breed. Every time you kiss, that's what's gonna happen." He said. "So I didn't kill her?" I asked, quietly. "No man. You just knocked her out. She'll be fine." Tyler said, eyeing her unconscious body. I read his thoughts.

You sick fuck!!! He was thinking of things he could do to her. I moved closer to him and tried to block his view. Manny helped but didn't say anything but gave a certain look. I knew what it meant. I read his mind. He was trying to come up with an excuse to make her miss school. "All right. We got to get her out of here without anyone seeing her." Joshua said. "Can't." Manny said. "Why not? I'm pretty sure a regular human nurse can't help a mermaid." I said.

"Kevin think about it. A girl who never misses school, whose never missed a class, whose never skipped class, suddenly leaves without an excuse? She's never missed school in any way. No matter if she was sick or had trouble outside of school, she never misses it. If she doesn't show up to any of her classes, that's gonna look suspicious." Manny said. "He's right." Said a voice. It was Kacey.

"What do you want?" I asked, irritably. "I wanted to know why MY friend didn't come back to class. And from what I seen and heard, I now know why." She said smugly. "It was an accident." I said. "Yeah right. I'm surprised you didn't drink her blood yet." She said. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. "I would never do that. I would never hurt her." I said, lowly. She said nothing but pointed at Angel's unconscious body. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!" I screamed.

"Man shut up!! You tryna get us caught?!" Tyler asked, looking around. "Look let's continue this conversation in private. Can't risk anyone seeing this." Joshua said. Manny picked Angel up and carried her outside to the baseball field. "Okay, we got an unconscious mermaid girl, she's never missed school, and if we take gee away its gonna look suspicious, so what are we gonna do?" I asked. "Wait Kacey, how do you know Manny's right?" Tyler asked her.

She rolled her eyes and said,"Look I know everyone at this school. I'm part of the school's committee. The students might notice she's missing but the teachers will. Angel might not be a social bug but she's the only student who does what she's told, abides by the rules, and is never absent. All teachers know her yet she doesn't know them. If she doesn't show up for her classes, they're gonna get suspicious."

"So how do we get an unconscious girl to her classes if she's knocked out?" I asked. Just then a wand appeared in her hand. Then a book. "I'm gonna conjure up a spell to clone Angel. It'll be just like her, from her memories as a baby to her now." She said. I tried imagining Angel as a baby. I did but the baby had big, curly, purple hair. "That's good. We're take her back home and watch over her till she comes to." Tyler said. I like the idea just not him with us.

"How long will the spell last?" Asked Manny. "I'm setting it to 3:40. By then school will be over and the clone will go out to the woods and die." She said. We all stated at her, horrified. "The clone will, not Angel. Besides its just a clone. It can't feel pain or emotions." She said. She then said a spell  and an Angel clone appeared. "Holy shit." Said Manny. "Jesus Christ." Said Tyler. "She looks exactly like Angel." Joshua said.

"That's the point. Okay Angel clone, you are to go straight to class, do your work, and leave. Nothing else. Once school is over, go off in the woods and wait there until 3:40 so you can dissipate. Understand?" Kacey said. "Yes ma'am." The clone said and walked off last us. We all watched her go inside. "Its that easy?" Tyler asked. "Yes. Now my turn." She said. "Hold on. Your turn?" I asked. "What? You didn't think I'd let you guys alone with Angel, did you?" She said and said the exact same spell. Another her appeared and walked off like the first.

"Us witches can have a spell go as long as we need to but the spell can't go any longer than 24 hours." She said. "Why? What happens at 24 hours?" Asked Michael. He's been quiet the whole time, along with the other 4. "Nothing. The spell just wears off." She said. "Okay but what do we do about an unconscious mermaid girl?" Asked Tyler. "Let's take her to the Magic Council. They'll know." Kacey said. "Are you out of your mind? They'll kill us for a mermaid being engulfed in flames." I said.

"They'll kill you. Besides if we don't do anything to help her, she's gonna die." She said. "Kevin she's right. We gotta help her." Manny said. I sighed. "All right fine. At least I'm gonna die. So why not?" I said cheerfully. They all stared at me. "You truly aren't getting better Kevin." Manny said and walked off. They all walked to they're cars. I was about to walk, but noticed a figure standing way out in the woods, staring at me.

I read they're mind. 'She's definitely the one.' They then ran off. The fuck was that about? I don't know. But I'm gonna find out. "Yo Kevin!! Let's go man." Called Michael. I ran to the car. I noticed a Porsche pulled up. It was Kacey's. "Mad because my car bigger than yours?" She asked. "No. I'm not allowed to drive anymore because I swerved it off the road." I said. She rolled her eyes then pulled up to Manny.

The car horn beeped. It was Manny. "Hold up Kacey. Where is Angel's house?" He asked. We seen a book appeared in her lap. It was the confidential tabs from school. She flipped through it. "I found her address. Come on." She said then drove off. We followed her. I looked back at Angel in the very back. I looked back to the front. I took off my seatbelt and silently climbed in the back with her. I looked at her face. She was so beautiful. I looked down at her body. Daaaamn. All these curves on her. Charlotte never had a body like this. She couldn't compare to Angel. All the girls I've slept with couldn't compare to her.

I seen a string of her hair in her face. I moved it out of the way. God she so sexy. Yeah she doesn't even have to do anything to get us hard. She's a blessing to us Kevin. She is. She really is. I suddenly felt an urge to kiss her. To touch her. I leaned forward but stopped. What's up? No. I'm not touching her, no matter much my body wants her. Its wrong. I may be psychotic but I'm not a rapist. I'm proud of you man. Being around her is making you into a better person.

Yeah. Maybe I should be around her more often. I noticed a leg appeared beside her. I looked up and seen Tyler climbing back here. He was still facing forward. I sat back in the seat and watched him. She then turned to her but saw me. "Hey hey. Kevin. What are you doing back here?" He asked. "I'm just making sure she doesn't fall to the floor if we hit a rough turn." I said. It was half lie, half truth. True because I wanted her to be safe. Lie because I wanted to be near her.

"We must have the same mind. Because that's what I was doing." He said, casually. I stared at him. Yeah right. We pulled up to a trough looking neighborhood. Don't get me wrong. I love all people but I just didn't feel comfortable enough walking around this neighborhood. We got out and met with Kacey. "This is where she lives?" Asked Manny. "Apparently. I asked her to hang out at her place before. But she said no. I can see why." Kacey asked.

People walking by stopped and stared at us. "Uh uh. I don't like this." I said. "We have no choice. Let's just go to her house while half of us go see the Magic Council to see if we can help her." Manny said, as he walked ahead of us. "Kacey what's the number of her house?" He asked. Kacey told him and walked there. Kacey put a spell on our cars so no one can get near them. I don't blame her. This neighborhood don't look too safe. We found her house and went to the door. "Kacey its locked." Tyler said.

She used her powers to unlock it. The smell of weed instantly hit our noses. "Oh what the hell?" Tyler exclaim. "I know I like to have a blunt every now and then but this is ridiculous." He said.  We walked in and seen a woman passed out and guys sitting in the kitchen, smoking and drinking. Is one of them her dad? Is this Angel's life at home? Better not be. I looked at the woman on the couch. She looked just like Angel. So that's her mom. "Aye yo Rochelle. You got white people in yo house." One of the dude's said. White people?

The woman then woke up. "Uh uh. Who the hell are y'all?" She asked. Ah shit. "Hi ma'am. We're um-" Tyler started but was cut off by her smacking him. "Rochelle one of them niggas holding yo daughter." Another said, as he laughed. "My baby girl. Angel?!" She cried. She yanked her out or Manny's arms. "What have y'all done to her?" She asked. She then started laughing. "My daughter finally got her some dick. About time." She said. Does she not care about her daughter's well being? Apparently not.

"Angel? Gurl wake up. You gotta tell m how yo first time was." She said, laughing. Angel's a virgin? "Ma'am, your daughter is unconscious right now. And we're trying wake her up. She got....heated up and now she won't wake up." Manny said. Rochelle just stared at her. "Just put her in water. She's dehydrated. If a mermaid or merman gets heated up, put them in water. But y'all must got good dick for her to be unconscious. Now which one of y'all is bigger?" She said, as she came close to us. She stopped at me and squinted her eyes at me.

"You look familiar. Have we met?" She asked. "No ma'am. I don't think we did." I said. She reeked of alcohol and weed. She then widened her eyes. "Oh yeah, you that nigga that keeps killing himself." She said them laughed m I felt a growl build up. "Oh yeah it is that nigga. Aye yo man. If ya want to kill yourself, use a gun. Its the fastest way." A dude said, as he continued to laugh.

My blood was boiling. I clenched my fists. "Hell yeah its the dude. Aye look. You give white people a bad name." Another dude said, laughing. They all were laughing at me. I snarled loudly and ran towards them. I was stopped by my caretakers. Another dog pile on me. I dragged me away to the stairs. "You need to call. Stop letting your temper get the best of you." Manny.

"They were making fun of me." I said. "So what? Kevin you need to chill. We're doing this for Angel remember?" He said. I looked around for her. "She's downstairs with them." Joshua said. "Yeah and if we don't hurry, she's gonna get raped by these guys." Kacey said, coming up the stairs. We ran downstairs to see Angel getting touched on by the dudes. Her mom was in the living room kissing of the dudes. She was completely oblivious to the dudes behind her.

One of the dudes took her shirt off and cupped her breast. I was fuming. My eyesight turned red. I ran over and punched him. Then I punched the other one and slammed him."KEVIN!!!" Manny shouted. I picked Angel up and carried her to the car. "Kacey take the spells off." I said. She did just that. "Are you out of your mind?" Joshua asked. "I mean seriously Kevin what were you thinking?" Tyler asked. "We're y'all not in there just now? Did you not see what they just did to her? We're taking her back to my house. If she stay here, they're just gonna rape her." I said.

"Kid, I get that you like this girl, but you gotta understand-" he was cut off by Kacey. "Manny he's right. I mean they just took her shirt off and touched her. She can't stay here. Besides we now know what to do. Just put her in water." She said, as she helped me put her in the car. "Alright let's go." Joshua said. "Wait. What about her little sister?" Manny asked. We all looked at each other. "I'll pick her up." I offered. "Kid I don't think that is a good idea. She's scared of you remember." Tyler said.

"I'll go. I'll pick her up and bring her back. Kacey come with me." Manny said. Kacey made a face. "Kacey she's gonna want a girl to keep her comfortable. I don't want her scared." He said. "Okay. Fine." She said. We drove to my house and waited til the school was out to get Tasha. Meanwhile me and Kacey went to put Angel in a bath. Kacey took her clothes off while I made a bath for Angel. I placed her inside. Then her tail appeared.

It was glittery and sparkly. It was pretty. I reached to touch it. It felt like a fish. But it was so beautiful. I rubbed it up and down. "Uh Kevin?" Called Kacey. I looked up at her. "What?" I asked. She looked towards the front of the tub. I turned to see Angel staring at me, with a horrified look on her face. Ah shit.