Chapter 9: Forgiveness

Angel's POV:

2 months later*

I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned then rolled over. I picked it up to see who it was: Mama. Oh God. Stop it May. She finally realized me and Tasha aren't home. Then again she been smoked out of her mind. I picked it up. "Hello?" I mumbled. "Where's my daughter at?" She asked. "I'm right here." I said. "No time for jokes bitch. I mean Tasha. Where is she?" She asked. So glad we moved to Kacey's. "She's sleep right now. We staying at someone else's house." I said.

"Where at? Whose house?" She asked. "A friend's." I said, then hung up. "Best friend!!! Time to wake up?" Kacey called. I groaned. "Don't do that. Come on. I had a whole day planned for us." She said. I sighed and sat up. I looked around my room. Its very beautiful. I got up and took my bath.

I dried off and got dresses. I brushed my teeth. I walked down the halls. To find Kacey. A certain room caught my eye. It was black and books on shelves. Does Kacey also read? There was a desk, with candles and stuff on it. There was a K above it.

It was spooky but fun spooky. I was thrilled to be in here. I felt...excited to be in here. "You like it?" Asked a voice. I turned to see Kacey in the doorway. "Kacey, I love this dude. Wha...are these books?" I asked. "Yeah, spell books. I'm still learning more about spells. But I am trying to read more than just spells." She said, as she walked in. I turned back to the books. I walked over to pick one up. I opened it and touched a page. It burned. "Ow." I said, as a sucked on my finger.

"Yeah, non witches or wizards get burned these books." She said as she took it from me. She placed it back on the shelf. "Kacey, you said you wanted to read more books, right?" I asked. She nodded. "Well, why don't you come to the public library to get more? We're getting new books every day." I said. "I would but this house didn't come with a library unfortunately." She said. "But you're witches. Don't you have shelves for your spell books?" I asked. "Yeah, there was a mix up with the real estate agent. Kevin and his family got the house we wanted and we got the house they wanted. Back then, Kevin wasn't much of a bookworm." She said. I detected a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"Kacey, what is it about you two that you just don't like? I know you hate each other because he said witches are sneaky but its gotta be something deeper." I said. She sighed and sat down. "Back then, me and Kevin were cool. We were friends til we got a new student in elementary school. This girl, we both had a crush on her. We competed for her but he won her over. And I hated him after that. Ever since then, we no longer talk." She said. Kacey's gay? I didn't know that. Not that its a problem. Right. Its a good thing she's our friend.

I sat down next to her. "Kacey, what about the other day, when I fainted, were you and Kevin fighting over me?" I asked. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She nodded. "I like you Angel. I've always had. Ever since I met you, I've had a crush on you. That day, you fainted, me and Kevin released our fumes to win you over. For some reason, it didn't work, but it made you sick. I felt bad. But I'm not losing you to Kevin. He's already won a girl before. It's not fair if he does it again." She said.

I tried to process all of this. Kacey has a crush on me, her and Kevin made me faint, her and Kevin used to be friends. Wow. "Kacey you guys shouldn't be fighting over somebody. It's not right. Nobody is perfect enough to ruin a friendship or relationship." I said. Unless it's Beyoncé. Yes, unless its Beyoncé. "I'm sorry Angel. I got carried away. Its just I really like you. But you like Kevin. But its okay. Your right. I shouldn't be competing with anybody for someone who might not even be the one for me." She said as she got up to leave.

I feel bad for her. Well here it goes. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. I kissed her, hard, and held onto her. She was surprised but didn't stop me. She held onto me too and kissed me back. Our kiss was passionate and loving. I cared about her. She's my best friend. I'm not gonna lose her. We both pulled away and was out of breath. We panted like dogs. "Angel, what...?" She asked. "I'm sorry Kacey. But I wanted to. I felt bad. I may not be gay, but if I was, I'd definitely go for you. I wanted to kiss you. Kacey, you mean everything to me, and I don't want to lose you. Your right, I do like Kevin. But he can't be worth losing a friend. And I'm not either. I want you and Kevin to make up. You guys shouldn't lose each other because of a girl. Please for me." I said.

She stared at me. She looked away to calculate it in her head. Then she smiled and looked at me. "Sure. I'll do it. Besides you really are a true friend. And only true friends give you the honest truth. I'll make up with Kevin. Hopefully he has no more jokes about me." She said. I grinned and kissed her again. "Yay. Besides I'm sure that there's someone out there waiting for you. Right around the corner too. Come on, let's see about this day you have planned." I said. "Come on, first we're going to get our nails done, then our toes done, then we're going to eat, then watch a movie." She said.

We walked out and downstairs. I got lost a couple times but she found me. I met her parents downstairs and thanked them again for letting us stay here. I talked with Tasha for a bit and watched her and Steve play with each other. I smiled then looked over at Kacey. She was on her phone and using her powers to make an omelet appear from a book. I wish I could do that. Hopefully I'll get my moon ring soon. We left the house and got in the car. As we drove off, I looked at her house. Beautiful.

We drove to the nail salon and got our hair and nails done. I had a black woman do my hair. Its not that I don't trust anyone else to do it, but I rather have someone who knows black hair and how to manage it. She didn't apply heat to my natural hair. Just put some gel and Cantu products on it. We left to go get Chinese food. Then we went to see Ralph Breaks The Internet. Funny movie. After all that, I told her to swing by Kevin's to apologize. She was nervous and hesitant but she did it. We pulled up and ringed the doorbell. A caretaker answered the door. He led us inside to the living room.

We sat down and waited. The sofa and couch looked beautiful and was very soft. A woman appeared and walked over to us. "Oh hello Kacey. Its been so long." The woman said, as she hugged her. "Hi Stephanie. Its good to see you again." Kacey said. They caught up with each other. This woman is beautiful. Like ridiculously beautiful. She's a goddess. This must be Kevin's mom.

"And who might you be love?" She asked. I grew quiet. I looked down at my hands. I didn't like this. "Mom that's Angel. She's incredibly shy. And quiet." Kevin said, as he came down the steps. His sister ran over to me and hugged me. "Angel, it's so good to see you. Hey where's Tasha? I wanna play with her." She said. "I'm sorry Sarah, Tasha's at home playing with Steve. It was just me and Angel today. Our girls day." Kacey said. Sarah stared at her. "You mean to tell me, that I have to compete with Steve for my new best friend? Oh no. Mommy come on. We're going to Kacey's house. Tasha was my best friend first." She said.

What is up with everyone competing with each other? Must be a strong species thing. "Why are you here Kacey?" Kevin asked, glaring at her. "Kevin stop. I asked her to come her so you guys can end this feud. You shouldn't be acting like this. She's your friend." I said. "She was my friend." He said. "And she still is. Kevin you have got to let go of this. So your gonna let a girl get between your friendship with her? That's crazy dude. Your better than this. She wants to apologize for it but only if you do it too. Just squash this beef cause it ain't worth it." I said.

He stared at me, then looked at Kacey. He sighed. "Kacey I'm sorry. Angel's right. She wasn't even all that. Your my friend. You always had been. Forgive me?" He said. She smiled. "Yeah I forgive you. And I'm sorry for coming at you bro. You've always been my friend too. Now I heard she dumped for a another dude." She said, as she hugged him. "Eh, I dumped her,she just got together with someone shortly after." He said. "Yeah right. She dumped you." She said, laughing.

They laughed. I grinned. "Aww its so sweet seeing two being friends again. This calls for a celebration. Especially to you Angel. Thanks so much for doing this." His mom said. She hugged me. I stayed quiet. "Honey,are you okay?" She asked. I looked at my feet. "Like I said mom, she's incredibly shy. She'll come around. Don't worry. She has to get used to you." Kevin said, as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled but tried to hide it. "Oh, Angel why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow night? You can meet his father and you can get to know me more. That way you don't have to shy around me." She said.

"Sure? I'll be ready." I said quietly. "Kevin you okay?" Manny asked. We all turned to look at him. He was pale, and green. He looked ready to throw up. I grabbed his hand and led his to the kitchen and watched him throw up in the trash can. "Kid, you good?" Manny asked. Kevin shook his head. "I think I'm sick. I don't think I'll be able to have dinner with you guys mom." He said, then ran upstairs. She looked up after him. "Well, that's okay. Manny, could you please look after him and make sure he's okay?" She asked.

Manny nodded then went upstairs. I said my goodbyes to everyone. Me and Kacey drove home. I looked over at her. Her face was stone faced. She looked like she was thinking. "Kacey do you think Kevin got a stomach bug or something?" I asked. She sighed. "Maybe. But him and his dad don't get along. Last I heard, they argued over something petty. But I don't know what it was about." she said. We pulled up and got pit. We went to our bedrooms and got ready for bed. I was in a good mood. Today was all about forgiveness. I climbed in bed and thought about my day tomorrow and meeting Kevin's dad. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought I saw the hooded figure again.