Chapter 10: New Student

Kevin's POV:

I woke up to the sun in my face. I rolled over to the other side. "Kid you might as well get up. Got school today." Manny said I groaned. Then I sat up fast and got light headed. Things from yesterday filled my head. I made up with Kacey, Angel met my mom, and my dad comes home today. Oh God. I got up and took my shower. I looked over to see the window open. One of the caretakers ran over to close it. "Not today Kevin." He said. Oh my God. Just let me kill myself. I got out and got dressed. I went downstairs to see my mom and Sarah. I looked around for my dad.

"What are you looking for Kevin?" My mom asked me. I snuck a peak at the oven. It was off. "I'm looking for dad." I said. My heart raced. I don't want to get into it with him. "He's not here. He'll be here later on. When you get back. Now hurry along to school. I got to get everything ready for him and Angel." My mom said. She gave me an apple and rushed me out. Manny drove me and Sarah to school. I walked in and still got some stares. Oh my God people keep it moving. I can back two months ago. Manny and I walked to the library.

"Aye y'all know old Angel is?" Tyler asked. I growled. "Tyler give it a rest dude. You've been chasing after that girl for the longest. You know she's with Kevin now right?" Joshua asked. "Oh really? I didn't know that." He said. "Maybe if you hadn't been fantasizing about her so much, you'd know." I said, icily. As if on cue, Angel's scent filled the air. "There she is." Manny said. Lately, he's been in better moods since Angel told him come out with his boyfriend. Him and his boyfriend relationship flourished ever since. I hope me and Angel's does that.

I looked over to see her and Kacey. Kacey laid on her, reading while was reading. I've been catching up with Kacey and I've been happier. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying to kill myself. I'm still having trouble opening up. I'm not sure if I ever am. Angel has been eyeing me every time I'm near something dangerous. I just want to end it. I want to be happy with Angel then cut it off. But I don't want her around when it happens. I don't want her seeing it.

I walked over to her and flicked her hair. She turned around and smiled. "Hey you. Hey guys." She greeted us. "Hey Angel. Hey Kacey." They greeted them both. "Did y'all hear about today? We're supposed to get a new student." Kacey said. "Any idea who it is?" Manny asked. "Nope. But just like Angel here, they're a goody two shoes and have an impeccable record. All good grades, never late, never absent, nothing bad." She said, as she called Angel out. Angel looks away. "I'm not always a goody two shoes. I can be bad." She said. "Oh really? Name one bad thing you done." Tyler said. We all looked at her. "I've once ate expired yogurt because I was really hungry." She said, proudly.

We all stared at her and laughed. It was too funny. She got up and walked away. "Angel! Angel we were just playing. Oh God that was funny." I said as I chased after her. I ended up losing her. "Angel? Come on now. We were just joking. We didn't anything by it." I called out. I looked around but didn't see her. I went outside to find her. "You see her Kevin?" Kacey asked. I shook my head. "Nope. Where could she have gone?" I asked. We searched around some more. "Hey guys, Tyler found her." Joshua said. We followed him. I honestly don't know why I'm tryna look for her. I do care about her. But we aren't together. But you wished. Yeah I do. Me and Angel decided to leave things as they are. We stayed friends despite our kiss and my confession.

She said she didn't want to have to faint every time we kissed. We followed Tyler to an art room. "I didn't know Angel liked art." I said. "She doesn't. She just comes here because no one does." Kacey said. She was sitting on one of the benches and was talking to someone. Ww tried to get closer but the bell rung. Angel instantly got up and ran inside. The person ran after her. Was that a guy? WHO THE HELL WAS THAT? "Yo that was a dude." Tyler exclaimed. I ran after them.

I turned a corner and lost them again. "Damn it!" I yelled. "Chill kid. Let's just go to class and you'll talk to her afterwards." Manny said. We all ran to our classes. Shame Angel doesn't have my first class. I would be talking about that guy. The teacher rambled on but was interrupted by a staff member. She said that this was a new student. I looked up from my phone and immediately got angry. That's the dude who talked to Angel!!! I smelt a smell in the air. Turkey. That's his scent? He walked down the aisle and sat in front of me. Oh that's perfect. Now we have to smell his scent all the time.

I found out his name was Zane Sawyer. I detected a hint of vanilla on him. I swear to God, if he touched her... I sat there, staring at him. There's something about him. He's a magical being too. Then it hit me. He's a fucking werewolf. Fucking flea bag. The bell rung so we all packed up and walked outside. I purposefully bumped into him to see what he'd do. "Oh my God I'm sor.." He trailed off when he saw me. We stared each other down. He stared at me then walked off.

I walked behind him. "Filthy bloodsucker." I heard him mutter. I was gonna clap back at him but Angel and Kacey came into view. Angel will be upset if I fight him now. I'll wait till she's gone. "Zane!!!" She cried. She ran up and hugged him. Oh hell no. "Damn Kevin. He works fast. Faster than you." Joshua said. I scoffed. "Hi I'm Kacey nice to meet you. I see you already Angel." Kacey said. "Yeah I her earlier." He said.

I walked up to them. "Hey Angel, Kacey. How's it going?" I asked them, casually. "Oh hey Kevin. Zane this is Kevin Griffin. Kev, this is Zane Sawyer." Angel introduced us. "Oh trust me Angel they met. How you guys meet?" Manny asked. "Oh well I seen her crying earlier, I felt bad and went over to talk to her. We got to talking and I made her feel better. Apparently I got 4 other classes with her." Zane said, smiling. You think shit"s funny? Fucking dog. "That's fantastic. Because so do I." I said. His smiled disappeared.

I smirked. Gotcha bitch. "Ohhh this is gonna be fun. I can already see the fun we're gonna have." Angel said, excitedly. "Me too." I said. I can already see me ripping his head off. Angel grabbed us and walked to our next class. "So Kevin? You're the dude I heard who keeps killing himself over and over again." He said. Is this a fucking joke? It better be. He just crossed the line. "Actually I'm attempting to kill myself. If I did it, I wouldn't be here talking to you." I said, icily. "Okay, guys we're were on good notes. Let's keep it there." Kacey said.

She gave a certain look and put her arm around Angel. "So these guys are like your bodyguards or something?" He asked. He's pissing me off. The lockers rattled. "Um actually Zane, those are his caretakers. To make sure he doesn't kill himself." Angel said. "So like his babysitters?" He said. "You know what?" I started but Angel cut me off. "No no Zane. They're here to protect Kevin and keep him safe from killing himself." Angel said. He stared at her. "So bodyguards?" He asked. The lockers rattled louder. My blood is boiling. "Can we move on to class now?" Manny asked.

We walked into our next class. Zane walked behind Angel. Kacey and her sat in they're usual seats. I sat in my seat across from them. Zane did the same and sat next to me. "Out of all these seats, you sit next to me." I said, to him, low enough that angel couldn't hear. "Well this seat seemed perfect for me. So by not?" He said. We stared each other down. My eyesight turned red. His turned yellow. "Hey Zane, how you would like to come to dinner with me and Kacey at Kevin's house?" Angel asked. I snapped my head at her.

No. No. Nooo. "I would love to but I can't. I have to finish settling in at home." He said. Ha ha. "Would you like for any of us to help you?" She asked. Noo Angel. What are you doing? "If you don't mind Angel." He said. Noooo. "I don't mind. Kacey come with?" She asked. "Sure why not?" She said. What the hell is happening? "Thank you guys so much. I made friends at my first day at this school." He said. The desks and walls started rumbling. I slammed my head down on the desk. "Kevin!!!" "Dude!""" Manny and Angel called out to me.

I got up and ran out the classroom. Fuck this. Where are you going? Anywhere but here. I can't take it. I ran out the doors to the football field. Manny and them called out to me. I didn't care. I had to get away. My eyesight turned red. I stopped and saw the hooded figure in the distance. I took off running after them. But I didn't get far. Manny and them tackled me again. "Kid, you gotta stop this shit. Killing yourself is not the way man." Manny said. "I wasn't trying to kill myself Manny. I was running to get away from them." I said. They got off of me and helped me up.

"Kevin, if you weren't tryna kill yourself, why did you run?" Tyler asked. I sighed. "I had to get away. I was gonna transform in front of everyone. I was sooo pissed. I had to get away. Angel wanted to go to his house and help him settle in. Kacey agreed, and he has 4 classes with me and Angel." I said. I sat on the ground and covered my head. It got quiet after that. "Kid, she was just just being nice. You know how Angel is. I'm sure she just wants to be friends with him all because he cheered her up. I know he's a werewolf and all, but try to get along with him, for Angel's sake." Manny said. I tapped my foot. There's no way in hell... Yes there is. What Randy?

You get with Angel, you mark her as yours so therefore Zane can't do anything to her. Because she's yours. Angel doesn't know much, I mean you seen how she was when you explained to her about sex. True. She was pretty clueless about it. So I bite her her, turn her into a vampire/mermaid hybrid, she's all mine. We'll have to be together then. I smiled to myself. "Kevin? Come on man. You still got school." Joshua said. I got up, dusted myself off and walked back to class.

"Mr, Griffin, I assume you have an excuse for leaving my class?" The teacher asked. I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, I felt sick and about to throw up. It was a lot." I lied. He scoffed then returned to teaching. I made my way to my seat, smirking. I sat down and faced the front. I could feel all stares and eyes on me. I didn't care. Because tonight I'm turning her.