Chapter 19: The Truth

Angel's POV:

One Week Later*

"Kya!!" I called. "I said I'm coming!!" She yelled. "I still think it's stupid." Ace said, walking into the room. "No it's not." I said. "Yes it is." He said. "Ace what is so stupid about getting our nails done?" I asked. "You're going to a nail salon and paying over two hundred dollars for some fake ass nails that probably won't even last long. It's stupid." He said. "You're stupid." I said.

"Nice comeback." He said, sarcastically. Kya came downs the stairs and over to us. "How you feeling?" Ace asked. "Eh. Still feel hungry." She said. "You just ate three pancakes, four sausages, three apples, and some Mike and Ike's." I said. "Shut up. I'm eating for two." She said. "Bye Christina!!" I yelled. She waved at me while talking on the phone. "So Angel when am I gonna get a niece or nephew?" Kya asked.

"That'll be the day all of humankind gets powers." I said. "Didn't Kyle day that there was facilities for mutants all around the world?" She said. "Well- shut up!!" I said, as we got in the car. Ace drove us off towards the hospital for Kya's regular checkup. We pulled up and got out. "Ooooh!! I'm so excited to know the gender." I said. "Me too." Kya said. "Y'all don't wanna wait?" Ace asked.

"Nope. Me and Angel aren't big on surprises." Kya said. "Ya got that right." I said, looking at Ace. He knew what I meant. Bailey told me that he fucked Tabitha and that she has videos of me and him and of Ace fucking Rachel. I was pissed and didn't y'all to him for a few days. I needed to calm myself down. He respected that and gave me space.

But now we're cool but I still wanted to catch Tabitha. "Hello, how are you?" The receptionist asked. "Doing good. Here for checkup." I said. "Aww. Are you a lovely family. I'll call the doctor right away." She said. "We're not a family!!" I called after her. "Hey Kya, do you want that baby's father in its life? In your life?" Ace asked. "I don't know." She said. "Who is it anyway?" I asked.

"Oh Angel. He said he knows you. His name is Chris." She said. I gasped. "I know you fucking lying." I said, loudly. Everyone looked us. "Way to draw attention." Ace said. The doctor came and took us to a room. "Kya what the fuck were you doing talking to Chris?" I asked. "Wait. We don't know if that really is our Chris. Besides Angel, you're famous. Anyone can say they know you and anyone be named Chris." Ace said.

"What do he look like Kya?" I asked. "He's Mexican-" I cut her off. "Okay that's not him." I said, in relief. She showed us a picture of him. "See? That's not him." Ace said. "Wait. Chris can't change his appearance, can he?" I asked, worriedly. "No. He's a wolf like me. He can't change into someone else." He said. "Okay. Ms. Starlight, come with me." The doctor said.

We followed him to another room. They put the gel on Kya's stomach. "'s a boy." He said. Ace bumped me. "Told you." He said. I pulled out five bucks and threw it to him. "Asshole." I said. He laughed. "Rose and Kyle also owe me." He said. "Whatever." I said. "Now Kya, have you been taking your vitamins?" The doctor asked. "Yes sir." She said.

She began to name all the things she's taking. "Whoa. I didn't prescribe that last one." The doctor said. "What? But that's what was on the list you gave me." Kya said, as she pulled out the paper. The doctor looked at it. "Kya, there's three things in here that are poisonous drugs." He said. She stared at him. "What? But I've been taking them." She said. "How many? When did you start taking them?" He asked.

"Well I recently started. A few days ago actually." She said. "What are the drugs?" Ace asked. "They're dangerous drugs that can affect the baby and Kya. All of these are medications for patients who have psychological issues. People who are insane but they can be smart and seem like they're normal." The doctor said. I looked at Ace. Me and him shared a look.

"What?" Kya asked. "We may know who prescribed these to Kya but we're exactly sure." Ace said. "I'm sure." I said. "Angel we don't know-" I cut him off. "I know it's her Ace. Don't nobody else we know have deep psychological issues like Tabitha." I said. "Hey I know someone named Tabitha." Kya said. We looked at her. "Does she has purple hair?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah. I met her a few days ago. She's so sweet and kind. She bought me the last sub from Subway." She said. "Kya don't go nowhere near her. She's dangerous." Ace said. "Really? She seems so nice. She gave me her phone number. I've been talking to her a lot." She said. "Well stop." I said. We left the hospital. The doctor gave Kya some medications to help fight off the dangerous drugs Tabitha gave her.

We don't know whether or not the baby or Kya is affected. We pulled up to the nail salon. "I don't know about this anymore." I said. "Me neither I mean to go after Kya and her unborn child? That's fucked up." He said. "Kya!" I called. "Hmm?" She answered. "From now on, don't gotta anywhere without Christina or Douglas by your side, okay?" I said. "Okay." She said.

"We're serious Kya. Tabitha is dangerous." Ace said. "What she do?" She asked. "She killed two innocent people and killed Christina's previous baby. She was pregnant then Tabitha killed her baby." Ace said. "That's terrible." Kya said. "It is so stay away from her. If she starts calling or texting, ignore her." I said. "That's not a good idea." Ace asked. "Ace-" He cut me off.

"Angel if she cuts Tabitha off, there's no telling what she'll do." He said. "Well what do you want her to do?" I asked. "Kya give us her number." He said. Kay have us Tabitha's number. I wasn't big on this idea but it's to keep Kya safe. We walked inside the nail salon and got our nails done. Ace looked uncomfortable being there. He said that the nail polish was getting to him.

We left with beautiful nails. "Instagram!! Ya girl got her nails done!!" Kya said. I smiled and shook my head. We went out to eat at McDonald's. I looked around and kept thinking I was seeing Tabitha everywhere I looked. "Angel relax. She's gonna snow up here." Ace said. "You don't know that." I said. "I'm going to the bathroom." Kya said. "I'll come with." I said.

"Angel it's the bathroom. I'm sure I'll be fine." She said. "Give her some space Angel." Ace said. I watched as Kya walked away to the girls bathroom. "Angel relax. If Tabitha really wanted to come out here, she would've done it already." Ace said. "Ace, what about the things you told me? All that stuff. Those dangerous drugs she's given Kya?" I said.

"I'll have Douglas and Christina keep a better eye on her." He said. Then he kissed me. Then the door opened abruptly, making up jump. A woman ran away to her car and got in. "That scared me." Ace said. 'Leave.' I looked at Ace. "Did you say that?" I asked. "Say what?" He asked. 'Leave!!' "Ace let's go. Now!!" I said. We quickly ran inside and I grabbed Kya.

We quickly exited McDonald's and walked to the car. "What's up?" Kya asked. "I don't know. Your sister freaked out." Ace said. "No. Something told me to leave. I thought it was you Ace." I said. He drove off but stopped at a red light. Suddenly, a loud explosion happened. The shockwave hit us hard. Car alarms went off. We turned and the whole entire McDonald's was in rubble. "Oh my God." Ace said.

"Bruh no way that happened!!" Kya cried. She and Ace looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Angel how did you know?" Ace asked. "I don't know. I seen that woman running out and something told me to leave." I said. I looked back at the McDonald's that was now in ruins and covered with dead bodies. The police were called the area was closed off. We drove home.

"Are you serious?!" Mike cried. We told everyone what happened. "That's terrible. Kya are you okay?" Rose asked. Kya shook her head. "No. I wanna go home." She said. "I'll call Christina." Ace said. "No!! Home home. With Mama." She said. "Kya!" I said. "No Angel. I'm sorry but I'm not safe. If that was Tabitha who blew up McDonald's, taking a bunch of innocent lives, imagine what she'll do with me." She said.

"She's right. Angel she's not safe." Ace said. "Whoa whoa whoa. Tabitha? As in the crazy bitch I transferred?" Rachel asked. "Yes. She's back in town." Ace said. "Angel how did you know your leave?" Rachel asked. "I don't know. I seen a woman running out the restaurant and something told me to leave." I said. "That was me." Bailey said. We all looked at her. "I had a vision of the explosion." She said.

"What?" I said. "Tabitha planted a bomb in the bathroom. It was meant to blow Kya up and Angel. Ace was at a distance where he would be hurt but he'd be alive. I traveled into Angel's mind and told her to leave." She said. I got up and hugged her. "Thank you Bailey." I said. She rubbed my back. "Tabitha is gonna try again. Angel, Kya is not safe. She has to leave. She can't go home to her mother though." She said.

"Why not?" Kya asked. "Tabitha will target her too. Neither of you will be safe. If you go back to Christina, she'll target her and Douglas then they'll die too. Kya you have to leave town." Bailey said. "I don't know where to go." Kya cried. "We have to think of something because she's targeting you more. She wants to hurt Angel but knows she's can't get to her without Ace being near." Bailey said.

"What?" Ace said. "Yeah. So she's targeting Kya right now since she's closer to Angel. She would target Ace but he's smarter and knows her better. He knows how she thinks. She would target Me and Rose but she's knows Kyle and Mike will also be nearby. So Kya is the only one she can target at the moment." Bailey explained. "So we have to get Kya someplace safe." Rose said.

"But where?" Kyle asked. I sighed. "Kya do you remember our old house before we moved here?" I asked. She nodded. "You can probably go there. Tabitha doesn't know where that is and I can't go with you. She'll know where are you." I said. "She'll need a new phone. Tabitha might have did something to her phone. Maybe a tracker." Mike said.

"Yeah. Ain't no telling what she did." Kyle said. Kya hugged me. "Angel I don't want to be left alone." She said. "I know but you have too." I said. "Rachel please, can't Kya stay with us?" Rose asked. "Please Rachel. She's in danger." I said. Rachel thought about it. "It's too dangerous. What if Tabitha shows up here? She knows where this place is. Chances are we'll all be killed." She said.

"What else is there for us to do?!" I cried. "Look, Christina and Douglas will go with Kya to her old house. They'll leave tonight. The guards to their house, collect their things, then take it with them to the new house." Bailey said. "Sounds like a plan." I said. "But we don't know where this house is." Ace said. "Angel has better memory of it than me. She once got lost at sea and made her way back." Kya said.

Kya!! Don't bring that into this! Everyone looked at me. "I thought I couldn't go?" I asked. "Angel can probably be in a car behind us." Mike said. "Alright let's go move then." Rachel said. We all made our way outside. Some stayed behind. I held Kya in my arms the whole way out of town. "Wait. You guys moved far from out of town?" Kyle asked. "Yep." I said.

"This is a long way." Mike said. "Me and Mama switched places if one of us got tired." I said. We drove for about an hour. "See that neighborhood? Pull in there." I said. "That house with the flower sprayed on the garage. That's ours." Kya said. I smiled. "I remember Kya sprayed that when we younger." I said. We pulled up to the house and got out.

I looked around as people looked our way. "Angel!!" They all said. Everyone ran towards me. "Kya!! Angel!! If I didn't know you guys back." Someone said. They all greeted us. "So y'all moving back? This is great. This calls for a celebration." Someone said. "Actually Kya is the only one moving back." I said, sadly. "What? What happened to your Mama?" He asked.

"Lost of things. We've grown up since the last time you saw us." I said. "Grown up?" A woman asked. I pulled Kya over to me and everyone saw her pregnant stomach. "Kya!!" They all said. "Yeah I have grown up." She said. "Girl are you sure you're ready for that life though? Girl it is not easy." Someone said. "Well it's my decision." Kya said.

I smiled and hugged her. "But we must be going." I said. We walked inside the house. I looked around. So many memories. I looked at Kya. She was crying. I started crying. "What's wrong?" Rose asked. "So many memories of being here." I said. I shook my head and looked around. Kya went back to her old room. "Angel, we gotta go."" Ace said.

We walked out the door and got in the van. Kya and I waved goodbye to each other. I cried in Ace's arms. We drove all the way back to town and back to the house. I cried in my room before I decided to go I to town for something to eat. I was gonna bring Ace but he fell asleep. I drove to the café and saw Christian. "Hey Christian." I said. He looked up at me.

"Hey Angel. Christina already told me about the incident earlier. You okay? How ya holding up?" He asked. "I'm still shaken up but I'm fine." I said. "What about Kya and Ace?" He asked. "They're fine. Kya had to leave though." I said. "What?" He said. I explained to him everything that we talked about. He was upset that Kya had to leave. "Aww. She has such positive energy." He said. "Yeah but Tabitha is gonna keep targeting her so we had to keep her safe." I said.

I bit into my BLT sandwich. "Why didn't Rachel let her stay?" He asked. "She said she didn't want Tabitha to come by and kill us if Kya was there." I said. He muttered something. "What?" I asked. "Come to the back." He said. I followed him to the back room. "I don't like Rachel. I don't know if you know this but I used to work for the facility. Rachel fires me because I knew too much." He said.

"What?" I said. He nodded. "Yeah. Then she sent men after me to kill me. I went into hiding ever since. I think she's given up the search because I haven't seen anyone in a couple years. Angel, Rachel is the bad guy. That 'facility' you're in is actually a bad place." He said. "What?" I asked. "Yes. I'm gonna tell you the truth about that place. It's evil. You see, Rachel was a human. She was never a mutant." He said. I gasped.

"Yes. Rachel started this whole facility thing. She's part of something much bigger than the facility. They capture mutants and do tests and experiments on them. That's the thing when Rachel found mutants. She takes blood samples and tissue samples and applies it to her own makeup. That's how get got her powers." He said. "But she didn't do that with me when she found me." I said. "There's a reason for that. You must be too powerful." He said.

Powerful? "Yes. You are powerful. You are rare. Rare mutants are hard to take samples from. The only sample she can really get from a rare mutant is hair. But even that isn't enough to get your powers." He said. He began to shake violently. "Christian." I said. I watched as he shifted into a horrifying and terrifying creature. I gasped and fell against the pile of cardboards.

"Angel listen to me." Christian said, in a gravely and raspy voice. He circled me as he talked. "I've seen some shit. Things no human being can understand. That place is not right. Nothing in it is. This isn't a hospital for magical mutants. It used to be something different. Something....inhuman. Dangerous things used happen here. I mean why do you think Ace was so unhappy and miserable?" He said.

I started to piece things together. "Dangerous and psychotic stuff used to happen at night. All kinds of inhuman experiments. I was one of those experiments. Don't press your luck with Rachel Angel. She won't hesitate to make you her one last experiment. Be nice. Do what she says. You could be her next experiment." He said. "Christian I'm so sorry." I cried.

I hugged him. "Don't tell Ace and them. They might have an uprising. Those guards aren't there to protect you. They're there to protect her. When Ace first met Rachel, she drugged him. She has sex with him when he was ten years. She started a relationship with him but then Tabitha showed up and stood Ace's attention. Ace dumped Rachel and started messing around with Tabitha." He said.

Then he chuckled manically. "Rachel wanted to get rid of Tabitha but she had no reason to. Then Tabitha started acting out and began stalking Ace killing people. Rachel took the opportunity and transferred her. She thought that getting rid of Tabitha would help get Ace back but he didn't want to be with her. That's why he was such an asshole and so miserable. Rachel tortured him." He said.

I thought back to when me and Ace first reunited. He was so miserable and so evil and mean. It all made sense now. "Rachel torturing him only made him even more distant from her. But now he has you. Rachel has lowkey made you a target now. And now that she knows Kya is a way to get to you, there's no telling what she'll do. Tabitha isn't your only enemy Angel. Be careful." He said.

Then he transformed back. "Be careful Angel. I don't know what I'd do if you or Kya got hurt or killed." He said. I hugged him and left. I pulled up to the house and got out. I walked inside. "Oh Angel. There you are. We got pizza." Rachel said. I stared at her then looked at Ace. He was talking to Kyle. "No thanks. I already ate." I said, as I quickly ran upstairs. I looked over the railing and down at Rachel.

She fixed her plate of pizza. Now I've got two bitches to worry about.