Chapter 20: Attacked

Ace's POV:

"Alright now switched that one." I said. Kya looked between the two cables. "Kya-" She cut me off. "No no. I can do this." She said. She looked between the red and blue cables. "She then stuck them into the TV. Then we heard the TV. "There you go." I said, smiling. She didn't smile. I cleared my throat. "Are you hungry Kya? I can order pizza and wings for us."'I said.

She shook her head. Fuck it. "Kya do you like me?" I asked. She looked at me. "Of course. But you do scare me sometimes." She said. "I scare you? You scare me." I said. "How do I scare you?" She asked. "You act just like Angel sometimes. You don't speak to me unless I say something to you. Plus, you just have this look on your face that says I shouldn't mess with you." I said.

She stared at me. "That's because I have a resting bitch face. I look mean but I'm actually nice. And Angel pisses me off sometimes but she's still my sister. Even if we're not related." She said. "Are you adopted too?" I asked. "No. My Mama gave birth to me. She thought she was infertile so she adopted Angel. A few years later, I was born." She said.

"What about your Dad? Do you know him?" I asked. "Yeah but he didn't want my Mama. He was married and my Mama didn't know. He left us after I turned five." She said. "Oh." I said. "Does you even know your parents?" She asked. I shook my head. "I don't remember much about them. It's been so long." I said. She made a face. "But you remember Angel walking out on you?" She said.

I chuckled. "You're a quick little thing. But yeah I suppose that's kinda weird I remember Angel but not my own parents." I said. "Do ever wish they hadn't gave you up?" She asked. "Sometimes. But then I would've never met Kyle or Mike, or even see Angel again." I said. "Angel doesn't like to y'all about her being adopted. It aggravates her. That's why she started surfing." She said.

What? "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, everyone would always ask Angel what it was like being adopted and if she ever wished she met her parents. She doesn't like to talk about it so she started surfing more. Now she's does it because she loves it. But she still doesn't want to talk about her life." She said. She looked at me.

"I'm actually surprised she got you to behave. From what Christina and Kyle told me, you have anger issues and a problem with letting go of the past. Everyone tried to get you to open up and let go for year but you didn't. Yet Angel was able to do that in one night. What happened to make her do that?" She asked. I blushed.

"We went surfing, I crashed and burned in the water and Angel saved me." I said. "That's it?" She said. "Yeah. She saved my life so I owed her." I said. She stared at me before she laughed. "Ace, if you guys fucked, just say that." She said. "What do you know about sex? You're fourteen. You should be on Snapchat, posting black screens and telling people not to hit you up, even though that's what you really want." I said.

She laughed. "Shut up." She said. "I'm serious Kya. When did this even happen?" I asked. "At a party. This guys named Miles threw a party and some friends talked me into going. Sneaking out was hard. I met this Mexican dude named Chris, he took me upstairs, and it happened." She said. "Kya, even though you're far along in your pregnancy, you should really think about your future." I said.

She looked at me. "I mean you're a fourteen year old soon-to-be Mom and you still have your whole life ahead of you. Now I'm not saying having kids Will is a bad thing, but kids can slow you down in life. All the things you wanna do yet you have to wait because you gave birth to a life who has to depend on you." I said. "You're starting to make me feel bad about my decision." She said.

"I'm not trying to Kya. I'm just stating the obvious." I said. "Well don't you want kids with Angel? Or is she just another not h on your belt?" She asked. "Yes I do want kids with Angel but I wanna wait and live my life while I still can." I said. She nodded. "You know, that day of the explosion at McDonald's, I actually started to think about my life." She said.

"And what'd you find?" I asked. "I actually started to think Angel was bad luck. That being near her was bad. I think that anytime you or Rose or Bailey is around her, Tabitha might strike. Then there goes another innocent life because she's jealous of Angel." She said. "Well, first off, Angel is not bad luck. Second, that's just Tabitha. She's has bad psychological issues." I said.

I sighed. "And I know where it comes from." I said. "Where?" She asked. "Tabitha was came from a sex trafficking deal. She was forced to go out, find young girls, plead with them that she was lost and that she needed help. Once their attention was drawn, men would swoop in and take them." I said. Then I sighed. "The sad thing is Tabitha was once a victim of it." I said.

"Really?" Kya asked. I nodded. "Yep. She had terrible things done to her and because of it, she's the way she is now. She's so paranoid that she kills anyone who she thinks is turning against her. Even those three girls I didn't even know. I asked them for directions and Tabitha killed them because of she was jealous." I said. "Why didn't she just get help?" Kya asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I kept telling her, reassuring her that it was just me and her versus the world but she was too paranoid to listen to me. She wouldn't get help, even when Rachel threatened to transfer her. But Tabitha would not listen. So she left as a result and I guess she still hasn't gotten help, even after all these years." I said. "But Angel left you and your were still mean to her after all these years." She said.

"That's different. Me nor Angel grew up tricking people into sex trafficking. We were just little orphans. The only difference is that Angel got rescued while I was left alone." I said. "No one wanted to be your friend?" She asked. I shook my head. "Everyone was scared of me because I punched a hole in a brick wall." I said. She nodded. "I'm scared of that." She said.

"Scared of what?" I asked. "Being alone. That's why I want Angel to be near me. I don't like being alone. I get scared. Plus, I'm small so..." She said. "No one likes being alone but I've gotten so used to it, that it's doesn't bother me. I can be in the facility all alone at night and it still wouldn't bother me." I said. "That's another thing I'm scared of: the dark." She said.

"Yeah. Everyone is afraid of the dark at some point." I said. "That's why I want Angel to do things for me. She's not afraid of anything. She got attacked by a shark and she still surfs. Angel is a lot stronger than me. She can handle anything." She said. "No. One night, Angel and her friends was attacked by three dude. They were about to rape them but Angel fought back." I said.

Kya stared at me. "Yeah. Angel, Rose, and Bailey were about to be raped until me, Kyle, and Mike showed up." I said. "See, Ace you're not scared of anything." She said. "Actually I am. I put on a tough act and it makes people back down. But don't get it fucked up. If I gotta fight, I will fight. Kya, I don't like getting in trouble. But somehow I'm always in it." I said. She made a face.

"Yeah. I'm always getting in trouble but that's only because people start with me then play victim when other people are around. Then it's always like I'm the one whose the problem. That's why I'm so bitter and such an asshole. No one likes or believes me when I say it's not my fault." I said. "Angel likes you. Kyle likes you. Mike, Rose, Bailey, Douglas, everyone loves you Ace." She said.

She grabbed my hands. "You are loved. Everyone loves you. You are so stuck on the idea that no one loves you because you feel abandoned. You need to do what Angel said and let that go. No is against you Ace. You just feel that way because you can't let go." She said. Then she hugged me. I hugged her. Why can't I let go? "Come on. You offered pizza and wings earlier." She said.

"Ah ah. Angel said to order out from now. I don't want do risk you being out in the open." I said. We sat down ordered Pizza Hut. We did have to finish setting up the TV in her room. Angel wasn't with us because it was her time of the month and I don't like being around her when her period comes on. She turns into a real life demon and she always was silent when she walked around the house.

She often scared everyone that way, even though she says she doesn't do it on purpose. Plus, she was helping Christina and Douglas pack up their stuff and furniture. So I had to babysit Kya until they get here, which was gonna be a long while. "Oh Ace!!" Kya cried, making me jump. "What?" I asked. She grabbed my hand and put it on her stomach.

I felt three kicks. "I'm so excited." She squealed. "Mmhmm." I said. "When are you and Angel gonna have a baby?" She whined. "I don't know Kya. Probably after we graduate. Look, I'm not in any rush to have kids and neither is Angel." I said. She pouted. "Don't act like that. You'll get on when we decide." I said. We watched TV before falling asleep. I woke up to the lights being on.

I looked around and saw Kya sleep on the floor. Then I heard what sounded like footsteps. I wasn't sure if I actually heard it so I looked around and listened carefully. I slowly crawled over to the door and listened. I heard more footsteps. Aw hell nah. I transformed into a wolf and silently walked out into the hall. I looked around and saw three dudes in the living room.

They were looking around. "Yeah we found her upstairs sleep with a boy." One said. "Yeah. I think you said something about her being pregnant. Either that or she needs to lose some weight." Another said. Kya!! I turned around and walked back to Kya. I transformed and nudged her. "Kya!!" I whispere. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"What do you-" I cut her off by quickly covering her mouth. I put a finger to my lips. "What is it?" She asked. "There's three dudes in the living room." I whispered. She sat up. We listened carefully as footsteps approached. "Go open that window and climbed out." I said. "What about you?" She asked. "Don't worry about me. Just go!!" I hissed.

I transformed into a wolf and leaned against the door. The doorknob rattled and the men tried to push it open. I pushed back. Kya struggled to opened the window. "What's wrong with this door?" A man asked. "It was open when we went in earlier." Another said. "You think that boy or girl woke up?" Another asked. There was silence. They began to kick the door.

I tried my hardest to keep them out. I transformed and looked at Kya. "Hurry Kya!!" I cried. "I can't!! It won't open!!" She cried. "They're awake!!" A man said. I debated whether or not to just for it. The men kicked and pushed the door. I was slipping. "Kya I'm bout to do something crazy. Prepare yourself!!" I said. She stared at me as I transformed into a wolf. I ran towards her and picked her up with my teeth.

I was careful not to bite down too hard to her. I threw myself into the wall and it gave way. I spit Kya out and put her on the ground. She looked up at me. I leaned down and motioned for her to get on my back. She did and I took off running. "There they go!!" Someone yelled. I ran through the parking lot and into the streets. Car came to a screeching stop when they saw me.

I ran off towards the woods. "Ace no!!" Kya cried. I didn't listen. I needed to get her away from here. I ran and ran further into the woods but I wasn't familiar with this area so I didn't know I was going. I stopped and transformed. I looked down at Kya. She stared at me before crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You bit me!!" She said. "I'm sorry but I had to get you someplace safe. Kya whoever they are, they're after you." I said.

"For what? I didn't do anything." She said. "It's probably Tabitha." I said. "Ugh. My arm hurts." She said. I looked down at her arm. "But I hit you but I is still have time to tell you to hop on my back." I said. "Where are they?!" Someone yelled. I transformed and Kya quickly hopped on my back. I took off running. "There they are!! Get em! Get em!!" Someone yelled. I ran faster.

I ran fast but I could hear running after me. I heard Kya screaming my name. "Ace!! He's right there!! He's gonna get us!!" She cried. I ran faster but I could that the dude was very close behind me. "Ace!! ACE!! ACE!!" Kya cried. I couldn't focus. My mind was on focused on getting Kya out of here. "ACE WATCH OUT!!" Kya screamed. I turned around just in time to tackled the dude to the ground.

I used my jaws to tear the man apart. I ripped his head off with my teeth and ran away. I ran even faster and made me way through the woods and to town. I ran out and saw that I was at a beach. I transformed and picked Kya up. I ran off towards town. I stopped when we were in front of a police station. I looked at Kya as she cried. "I just wanna go home." She said.

"I know." I said. We waited in front of the police station until I was sure we were safe. I paced back and forth, wondering what the next move was. I looked down at Kya. She had her eyes closed As she gripped her arm tightly. I looked at it. It was turning black. "Oh my God Kya." I said. "My arm is killing me." She said. "I need to get you to a hospital." I said.

I picked her up and carried her to a hospital. They immediately took her away. I pulled out my phone and called Angel. "Hello?" She answered. "Angel I have bad news." I said. "Oh my God what happened?" She asked. "Me and Kya got attacked. These three dudes showed up and chased us out the house. It's not safe there either. They tries to break down the door I was against. I had to picked Kya up with me teeth in order to her away." I said.

"Where are y'all now?" She asked. "At the hospital. I accidentally hit her and now her arm is turning black. She said she was in pain. The doctors just took her away." I said. "I'm on my way." She said. "No Angel. I got this. You stay safe up there." I said. "Ace it's bad enough I have to worry about you when you leave. Now I have to worry about Kya. I'm coming over there." She said. Then she hung up. It was an hour before she showed up.

We were called to the fifth floor. We checked in on Kya. The doctors were all confused about her. They said that she was fine yet Kya kept saying her arm was hurting. They couldn't figure out why her arm was turning black yet they said that there was nothing really wrong with her. Her and her baby was fine. Kya kept freaking out so they gave her some anesthesia to help calm her down.

"She's perfectly fine yet she arm is turning black and she's in fucking pain. Fucking ridiculous." Angel said, as she paced back and forth. She looked at me. "Ace are you sure you didn't do anything else?" She asked. "Angel what shit can I do to a pregnant fourteen year old? We were being chased. I didn't have time to warn her before I swooped her up." I said.

I looked at Kya. Her arm was back to normal. "Angel." I aid. She looked at Kya. She touched her arm. "It's fine again?" She asked. She looked at me. "Come on. We gotta get her out of here." She said. We began to unhook Kya from the machines then we left. We told the doctors that she was fine and that we were taking her home. Me and Angel carried and unconscious Kya down the street.

We got a bunch of concerned looks but we told them she was fine. I hope she was. "Ugh. How can she be so little yet weigh so much?" I asked. "That's just her. Come on let's go to the woods. My back is killing me." Angel said. We carried Kya to the woods and sat set down. I transformed into a wolf. Angel put Kya on my back then climbed on herself. I took off running back towards my town.

It was a really long run but I guess that was exercise for me. We arrived and ran all home. We saw everyone outside. "Is Kya okay?" Rose asked. "Her arm appears to be fine now." Angel said. I transformed into a human. "I don't know what Tabitha was planning to do with her but she needs to stop." I said. We all walked inside. We all headed to Angel's room.

"She's not waking up." Rachel said. "She will." Bailey said. "And Rachel, I don't care what you say anymore. Kya is staying here with me. You can say whatever you want and you can fight me. I don't care but my little sister is staying here and if you gotta problem, see me outside." Angel said, angrily. Oh shit. I tried to fight my urge to laugh. Then Kya twitched. Then she opened her eyes. "Holy shit." Angel said.