Shut up!

"We remember what we learn, fall for what we believe and get what we deserve. With every day that passes, the clock is still ticking. Across the shadow's of our doubt, in a far away distance; The light is sipping through. All over me and you." Corey sighed heavily, before he went back to his seat, letting his upper body lean over the desk. Slamming his face against the dark wood.

He angled his head as a hand landed on his back, softly patting him. Corey let his gaze rest at the boy beside him. 6 feet and 4 inches tall, plump heart shaped lips. His eyes wide and narrow, looking at him with its dark brown color. Golden sun kissed skin, that is highlighting his slight muscular body.

But it didn't really beat Corey's 6 feet and 5 inches, with a slightly lighter hue than the other boy. Corey's body also didn't show any signs of muscles, even though he was almost as strong as the other. Otherwise they shared almost everything. Eyes, the prominent nose and the soft lips. Both of them were wearing glasses, in the same black design.

The only thing telling them apart is the slight height difference and the fact that Corey; He had his golden brown hair freely, letting it hang over his forehead, giving him bangs. - Girls who saw him always said he had hair like a kpop artist - The second boy, he had his golden hair slicked back, showing off his stunning facial features.

"Corey, it was great." Whispered his twin brother with his tiny bit darker vocal tone.

"Shut up Cole." Corey muttered in response, turning his face to look down at the table again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ashton's right hand was moving at a rapid pace across the page. Almost afraid that the friction created between his pencil and the paper, would cause a fire. His head was spinning and he felt like it was impossible to collect his thoughts, so he could finish this essay in time.

This midterm essay was about the pros and cons of a republic state and it was very important for his final grade.

"Time's up! Turn in your essays." Ashton froze, slowly putting his pen down and taking a deep breath, when he heard the teacher's voice. He nodded slightly for himself, before he looked down at his paper, reading the first part of it.

'Oh shit' His brain turned itself off and his heart started beating at an unrealistic fast pace, when he saw..... When he saw that he had accidently without thinking written about a democratic state.

With one quick movement he stood up from the chair and turned to look at his friends; Tony, Mary and Nathan.

They only had to look into Ashton's eyes to know that something wasn't right. The way his eyes glistened, told them that tears were burning inside his eyes, screaming to get out. A few glances were exchanged between the three friends, before all of them turned to Ashton with concern in their eyes.

He wanted to stay, but he couldn't. No matter what, he needed to get out of there. So he took his essay and ran out of the classroom, starting to rip the paper apart on his way out of the faculty building.

Ashton was one of those people, who at first glance looked extremely intimidating. 6 feet tall, with fair porcelain skin, small tender lips and big soft deep blue eyes; That if you look into them too long, you will drown in. His muscles were insanely noticeable, gaining the attention from everyone who saw him. Ash blonde hair, messy and unstyled had a self made side part, falling over his face and covering his right eye.

'I should have thought before writing' he cursed himself inside his head, finding every part that he should've done. Feeling stupid for not reading the instructions properly. But the truth is, he hadn't studied. He couldn't find the time, between work and taking care of his deadbeat dad.... Well let's just say, there was no time.

Every free second he had, he crammed in as much school work he could and the fact that it was obligatory to attend one after school club in his university, it made him even more stressed.

He had chosen The Art club, knowing himself. He loved drawing, it calmed him down and if he needed it, his seniors would say that he attended it every time. Even though he wasn't, because he was working.