A minus

Corey took a quick look at his brother, before he redirected his attention to the road again. His hands holding the steering wheel, at a quarter to three, slowly moving them to stay on the road.

"What are you going to tell our parents?" Cole asked, his voice was soft, genuinely concerned for his brother.

"There's nothing to tell." Corey muttered under his breath, disappointed with himself. About the fact that he got an A minus on their latest exam. He let out a deep sigh and bit his lower lip, as he felt tears starting to burn inside his eyes.

"They will know, you know they will."

"Shut up, Cole." Corey snapped, "You only got a B. So shut up."

"But it's not me that mom and dad have all their expectations in." Cole whispered, a little bit hurt by his twin's words. But he knows that Corey is just stressed.

Cole was the athlete of them, quarterback on the football team.

Corey was the intelligent one. No he had to be the smart one. He had nothing else to be, Cole was sporty and their 3 year older brother Chris, he was the overall number one child.

Corey had to stand out from the rest, if he wanted to be seen. It was hard, but he never gave up. Set on a goal, doing anything to reach it. Accepted into the university, on a full paid educational scholarship. The smartest student in his faculty, even on campus.

The twins took a deep breath in unison, as Corey drove into the driveway parking the car outside the house.

Leaving the car was easy for them both, the problem came when they were supposed to enter the family mansion. Both of their parents were home and neither of them was ready to answer their questions.

But still they did. They still entered the mansion, being directly met by their mother. Her eyes were staring straight into Corey's soul. 'They know'.

"Cole, you can go do your homework." Their mom gave her sons a pleading look, "We have to talk to Corey." She added, trying to have a gentle voice. But her tone was too sharp.

"What do you need to tell Corey, that I can't hear?" Cole replied, trying to not sound frustrated by the fact that he already knew. A serious talk about the fact, that his twin got the grade A minus on a stupid test.

'He was still better than everyone else in our class. He had only four mistakes and those mistakes. They weren't even mistakes. It was a question, where you had to think and explain what oneself had done in a situation, as a lawyer.

He had done the right thing. He had made the right decisions. Hell I made the same decisions as him, but I still got points for those.'

"Don't question your Mother, go and do your homework!" Their dad snapped, raising his voice, making both Corey and Cole jump in their spot.

Corey looked over at his brother, motioning with his head that he should leave. So Cole did, taking his brother's bag with him into their shared room.

Corey seated himself in the center of their big couch, located in the living room. His parents sitting in front of him, in their respective armchairs. They looked at him and Corey could see the burning anger in his father's eyes.

"Your teacher called." His mother said.

"You got an A-? A-!!!" His father continued, banging his fist on the small coffee table beside him, "Why of all our three children, is it always you that fails!?"

"Well, I got the highest grade in my year." Corey mumbled in response.

"SPEAK SO WE CAN HEAR." Corey rolled his eyes, when his mother snapped at him.

"I STILL GOT THE HIGHEST GRADE." Corey exclaimed while standing up and storming out of the room. Knowing well that he would not get any dinner later.

But he couldn't care less.

'Fucking school, Fucking idiotically high level of expectations, for one guy. ONE GUY. How the hell was he supposed to stand out from the rest? A normal person is normal. Go to hell and never get back.'

Corey cursed at himself, when he entered his room, seeing Cole sitting by their shared desk.

"What did they say?" Cole turned around, looking at his brother. Wanting to stand up and give him a hug. But that thought was quickly shattered.

"Shut up, Cole."