Deadbeat Dad (Planned future)

Ashton lay in his bed, twisting and turning. He really needed to sleep, but no matter how much he tried, it was no use.

Hour after hour went by and at three am, someone was knocking on the door. He sighed for himself, already knowing what was awaiting him on the other side.

Slowly rising from his home made bed, built from a caravan couch. It had been peaceful, until now. Why did everything always have to turn into a mess when he needed space. Room to breath.

He cursed at himself, when he walked up to the door. Thinking it would be better if he didn't. If he just let it be. Not giving a fuck about the man outside.

He really wished he could, but a part of him was just too weak to let that happen.

With a deep breath he opened the small door, being met by the all to familiar scenery;

His father, drunk and cuffed. A police officer, -today it was officer Johnson- holding his father by the arm. Preventing the cuffed man from running away.

"Sorry to bother you so late Ash, we just found him passed out on the sidewalk." Officer Johnson looked at him, giving him a slight apologetic smile.

"It's okay, you know what day it is today." Ashton's voice trembled, slowly breaking from the reminder, "It will be worse in the evening."

His father, named Adam after his great great grandfather, was a crackhead. A deadbeat dad. Abusing his only son. A father, who was forced to taking care of his kids when the mother left.

Both of the parents, stupid and unreliable. They had their first born son when both of them were 14. Thinking that it was a great idea. And even though they couldn't take care of one kid, the year after they had a baby girl.

The mom left when Ashton was five years old and haven't been around since. The thought of how his whole family had turned out, it pains him. He feels guilty, for stuff that he couldn't do anything about.

Now standing in the doorframe, at three am, looking at his father. The one who was supposed to be his hero. On the morning of his little sisters birthday, it was like a knife in the heart. An endless beating of his inner self.

Hurting. Hurting so much that even pain can't describe it.

"Thanks, for taking him home." Ashton mumbled, taking his father by the arm, so the officer could remove the handcuffs.

"No problem. I don't work tomorrow, so it will pr…."

"Officer Li." Ashton interrupted him, before he nodded and dragged his dad inside. Slowly closing the door after him.

He loosened the grip around his father quickly, letting him fall to the floor. Before walking over to his bed.

Puffing up his pillow, taking the time he needed to lay down comfortably and snuggle in under his worn out blanket. Breathing slowly, as he drifted off to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You know what Cole? I'm just not gonna sleep."


"You know, there's no reason to. Right? I haven't slept for more then two hours, for how long now. A year or two? Mom and dad has been breathing down my neck more than usual lately. I have been denied dinner, every time I have gotten a grade less than A plus"

Corey angled his head, looking to his left, where his brother lay in his bed. Cole was sleeping like a rock, as usual..

"Always." Corey mutters, before rolling out of bed and waddling like a penguin over to the desk. He turned on the little attachable flashlight he had hidden in a pile of books.

Corey, changed the direction which the light was shining in. Brining it to his little notebook, which he had in front of him.

Fumbling with his left hand, he searched for his pencil, without looking. He knew how it felt in his palm, when he finally found it. It was a normal pencil, made from oak tree.

The special thing with it, was the tiny engraving at the top. 'Charles Dickens'. It was an old pencil, that was owned by the author, Charles Dickens. He had saved so much money to buy the pen and only used it in his secret little notebook.

It was a journal, with poems and life lessons.

Reasons to keep on fighting and get through with his life plans.

But none of it, made it easier for him to get by.

Corey was lost, in the amount of expectations, that he couldn't reach. The plans his parents have made, that never would come true.

Study Law

Be the best student

Get a job

Get a wife

Get three kids

Live happily ever after

He is studying law.

He is the best student and he will get a job.

But no wife, would ever come near him. It was a dream his parents had, that he could never fulfill.

The kids, would probably not work out either.

And the happy ever after, wouldn't be a happy ever after, for his parents.

Corey stared down at his notebook, before realising that he didn't know what to write.

So after closing the notebook and putting the pencil away, he looked through his pile of books. Picking out a magazine.

The magazine, was a gay porn magazine. The only reason why he had it, was because he found it in the males restroom at school one time. Corey took it home with him and when he looked through it.

When he looked through it, he was so turned on. Realizing that he had never felt that way, whilst looking at a woman.