Chapter Six-Addison

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and stood up, knowing my makeup was ruined, but I didn't care at this point. I never really cared what other people thought of me; I generally wanted nothing to do with others.

    I was about to leave the bathroom when I heard the door open. It was Zoey but even though I was relieved, why was she here?

    "Zoey what are you doing here?" I was confused.

    She studied my face, "Have you been crying?" She asked bluntly.

    "No," I said defensively, "Again, what are you doing here?" I sniffled.

    "I had a feeling you'd be in here." She looked at the wall, "What the hell happened?"

    I hesitated, not knowing what she meant. "What do you mean 'what happened'?"

    "I'm talking about this giant hole in the wall. That definitely wasn't there before." She asked, shocked.

    "I got mad... and punched the wall. It doesn't matter. What are you doing here?"

    "I had a feeling you were in trouble. And how do you have the strength to put a hole through the wall? How is your hand not broken?" She walked over and grabbed my wrist, making me look at my hand. Not a single scratch marred my pale skin.

    Just tell her Addison. Trust me.

    "Do what?"

    You heard me. Just tell her.

    "Nothing happened!"

    Zoey showed a very straight face, "Mrs. Tomms had a dog whistle, she blew it, and you heard the noise causing your ears to bleed. Don't lie." She glared at me in silence.

    I stared speechless in shock.

    "How—how did you? I didn't tell anyone..." I trailed off.

    No Addison, listen to me.

    "No! You listen to me and get the hell out of my head! Just go away!" I said in a high voice.

    Zoey stared at me with her mouth wide open, as if I was actually crazy. Which I was, no doubt.

    "What? Yeah, I hear voices and I know I'm crazy. Don't remind me that dad can help because I don't want it. I'd rather suffer."

    "You can hear it...too?" She swallowed.

    "Hear what?"

    Me, Addison. She can also hear me just as well as you can.

    Both of our eyes went wide.

    This was the reaction I was expecting. Don't worry, neither of you are crazy.

    "Ok if we aren't crazy, explain to us who you are and what you want from us," I put the voice on the spot.

    I told you before, I can't tell you, but you will get to see me very soon. Both of you will.

    I scoffed, "Who said we were going to meet you? You could be a serial killer for all we know. But last time I checked serial killers didn't have telepathic powers..."

    They don't. Anyway, just continue you on with your day. I will be watching over you both.

    "No wait! We're still confused about so much!" Zoey said.

    In time you will understand. Go to your last class or you will be late.

The voice left us in silence.

    I stared at Zoey, "Do you really believe this? Zoey, don't you see? We're twins and that's the only reason we can both hear the voice.  It's linked between us. We're both crazy and have schizophrenia or something," I told her.

    "It sounded like an actual voice to me." She leaned against the bathroom wall, "It's 2019, anything is possible really."

    I sighed, "Let's get to class and get the rest of the day over with. Pretend this never happened. I'll see you after school." I picked up my books and left her in the bathroom. I soon heard the door creak open and she walked down the west hallway as I continued north.

    As I strolled down the hallway to my art class, I saw Carly walking the opposite direction. Her eyes set on me and a grin crossed her lips. Why here? Why now?

    "So, rumor has it you can hear the pitch of a dog whistle. How desperate for attention are you?" She laughed.

    "Leave me alone please. Now isn't a good time."

    "Oh no. You're not getting away. I want to know exactly what caused you to want to—"

    I lost all control and slammed the side of fist into the locker beside me, "Listen to me, Carly. If you had any idea of the kind of person I was, then you would stay as far away from me as you possibly could. If you haven't learned already, I am a very hard person to bully, yet you continue to pick on me and my sister every chance you get but the result is not what you want. So why continue?" As I stood up to her, every step I took toward her, she took a step back. She was definitely scared now. "So, do us both a favor and leave me and my sister alone before someone gets hurt. And we don't want that, do we?" I grinned looking back at the locker. Another dent. Great, just great.

Carly looked at the locker door then back at me then sulked off in silence. I huffed, blowing my bangs away from my face and walked into the art room right before the bell rang.