Chapter Eight

The first thing that greeted Lyn when she woke up was intense pain.

"I have got to stop waking up like this.' She mentally complained as she fluttered her eyes open. She was back in her bedroom.

"Are you feeling alright, your highness?" The physician asked. Behind him stood Amely and Cladius.

"No." She answered with gritted teeth. Every nerve in her body screamed in pain; it felt like she was burning. "What happened?"

"The affinity stone exploded as soon as you touched it." The physician said as he conjured a white circle above her chest. Unlike the first time, the pain didn't go away. "Soul incompatibility is the presumed cause. The soul energy in the stone tried to mingle with yours, and upon sensing its intrusion, your soul energy reacted violently. The pain you're feeling now is caused by the bruises your pathways formed in expelling it out."

"How long do I have to endure this?" She questioned, eyes closing.

"Only for a couple of hours. I'm hastening the process for your physical healing, but spiritual healing takes time. It may be best to let it heal on its own lest I do more damage. Do you wish for me to put you in a sleeping magic, your highness?"

She nodded. There was no way she can handle this awake. She felt something cold pressing on her mind, and the next thing she knows she already fell asleep.

It was nighttime when she woke up again. Amely waited by her side, wiping her forehead with a damp towel. She blinked blearily. The pain was gone, but she felt dizzy and her head throbbed.

"Are you feeling hungry, Lyn?" Amely asked as soon as she saw her awake. "I can have some light meal prepared for you."

She shook her head, slowly sitting up. Feeling nauseous, she quickly shut her eyes. "Can I have water?"

"Here." She heard Amely say. She looked up to see her offering her a glass filled with purplish water. Seeing her blank stare, Amely quickly explained. "I placed a few drops of health elixir, to help with the headache."

Not having the energy to question her more, Lyn took the glass and drank it in one go. Amely seem to take offense to this as she quickly took the glass back with a disapproving stare.

"You'll make yourself even more sick if you drink too fast." She chastised. "A meal should help you regain your energy, I'll inform the chefs right away."

She was already out the door before Lyn can tell her no. Lyn wasn't really hungry. She felt like she might just throw up if she tried to eat anything, but she really doesn't have any energy to argue. She plopped back to the bed, sighing as her headache eased.

When she opened her eyes again, sunlight filtered through the window. She felt way better than yesterday, but her joints were stiff when she moved.

'Okay, lesson learned. Don't ever touch anything so carelessly again.' She scolded herself. 'I never even got to taste those sweets!'

Speaking of sweets...her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything for an entire day. She marched towards the doors, intending to find her way to the kitchen.

"Your highness!" A random maid exclaimed as soon as she was out of her room. Lyn nearly jumped in surprise.

'Jeez lady, you could get yourself killed!' She wanted to say, but what came out of her mouth was,

"I'm hungry."

While Lyn was busy beating herself up in her mind, the maid bowed with a respectful 'your highness' and quickly left. Not keen on possibly embarrassing herself even more, Lyn went back to her room.

A few seconds later, Amely herself came in, pushing a cart full of food.

'I have never been so relieved when I found out the food here resembles those in my previous world.' She mused as Amely placed the well-prepared food on the lone table in the room. The gold-lined plates held what looked like waffles, pastry, and meat, with fresh fruits, butter, and different kinds of cheese. The tea smelled like lemon.

'I can't wait to eat!' She thought with relish, keeping a smile from forming on her face. She was so distracted she hadn't noticed Amely's worried face.

"Err, you—Lyn?" She spoke, hesitant.

That caught her attention. "Yes?"

"A personal servant of the Duke of Isheon arrived just this morning. He wishes to see if you are in good health. Shall I send him in or should we prepare you first?" She asked, her eyes seemingly prompting her to choose the latter option.

"A visitor?" She questioned aloud. She looked down on her current attire—a white sleeping gown—and seeing that it was thick enough to be somewhat decent, decided it was best to meet the visitor here. Preparing for the day had been tiring yesterday, and that was only for a simple walk. She doesn't want to find out how much worse it could be for seeing a visitor. "Let him in."

Amely looked like she wanted to protest, but she simply bowed and left. She ate in peace for half an hour, sighing contently as she sipped her tea.

'Amely sure is taking her time.' She noted.

Right at that moment, the doors opened again.

"Presenting, Eros Jacquer of Isheo, ambassador and personal servant of Duke Arion Le Loures." Amely announced. Lyn looked up from her food, wondering briefly if she should stand or not.

'I should probably just remain seated.' She decided.

The man that came was middle-aged, with well-defined jaws, sharp green eyes and long brown hair tied in a low ponytail. His white uniform was immaculate and pristine, with golden trimmings signifying his high rank.

"Greetings to the ruler of Aravea, her highness, Queen Lyn Amber Alfondrania." The man greeted her with a reserved smile and a deep bow.

Lyn breathed in, calming herself down.

The moment she arrived in this world, she was met with fear. Her servants and all the maids in the palace seem to tread on eggshells whenever she's in sight. It annoyed and hurt her; she wasn't used to such treatment.

But, it was one thing to feel their fear. It was another to feel fear herself.

'His expression seems mild, but I can feel it.' She thought, her throat suddenly dry. 'His hostility. It feels like he wants to kill me.'

Outwardly, Lyn smiled.