Chapter Nine

Lyn was no stranger to hostility. College had taught her that no matter how kind and passive you were, someone will almost always try to pick a fight with you and bring you down. So she adjusted.

"Hello." She greeted, keeping her smile despite her fear. "Come sit and have breakfast with me."

'When presented with a person that hates your guts, be polite. It throws them off', her father used to say. It was a lesson she took to heart.

Eros blinked in confusion, his hostile aura dissipating. It was back a second later, along with his fake smile. "I couldn't possibly intrude."

"Nonsense." She turned to Amely. "Have an extra chair and plate brought over."

Amely looked at her as if she was insane, but quickly complied with a silent nod. She bursted into light a few seconds later.

'Wha—you know what, whatever.' Lyn thought.

She reappeared in another burst of light, carrying with her an ornate chair. She then set it up opposite Lyn.

"Come." She invited. Eros seemed conflicted, but soon he bowed politely and sat down.

The room was tense with silence, but Lyn kept her smile. She can tell Eros was unsure on what to do. She was too, but there was no way she'd break the silence, so she waited. Eros opened his mouth to speak, but Cladius chose that moment to appear.

"Pardon my intrusion, I—" he froze, eyes widening in surprise as he saw her. He quickly averted his gaze and coughed. "Greetings your highness and Ambassador. Pardon my intrusion, I have heard of the ambassador's arrival and wished to offer my greetings."

He obviously was here for a different reason, Lyn thought as she eyed Cladius. His eyes were cold as he stared at Eros.

"I'm honored," Eros replied, his expression frosty.

'There's some bad blood here, I can feel it in the air.' Lyn mentally sighed.

"Eros and I are just having breakfast, perhaps you'd like to join us?" She offered.

"I'll be honored to, your highness, but I have already eaten. Please, enjoy yourselves." He politely refused.

Lyn was slightly disappointed. She had hoped that Cladius would agree so she can have some semblance of stability while she ate. His loyalty was still questionable, but Lyn trusted Cladius enough to know he'd help her out. She nodded her assent, before sipping her tea to hide her crestfallen face.

"I have heard that her highness was almost assassinated. It's quite fortunate that it failed and you've healed rather quickly." Eros said, picking up his own tea that Amely poured for him.

"Indeed." She replied. "Though, it's not without adverse effects. It seems I have forgotten most of my memories."

Eros suddenly looked interested. "Oh? I presume you've already had the physician check up on you?"

"I have." She took a forkful of pancake and daintily took a bite. With how anxious she was, it took a lot of willpower to swallow it down. "Whatever magic the assassin had used, it took a toll on my mind. Cladius and Amely have been really helpful in supplying information, but a visit to the High Order might jog my memory better."

"A visit to the High Order?" Eros asked.

"I'd like to hear this prophecy my servants keep telling me about." She wanted to shrug but held down the urge to. Shrugging doesn't seem queenly.

"Ah, of course." He smiled as he nodded.

'How the hell does he look so calm effortlessly?! I feel like a train wreck just trying to keep this smile on my face!' She complained in her head.

"I'd like to accompany you if it's alright your highness?" He spoke again. Lyn paused in confusion.

'But why?' She wanted to ask.

"If you want to, I don't see why not." She said aloud. The rest of breakfast was spent in uncomfortable small talk and occasional silence. Soon, they were finally done with their meal. Eros stood from his seat.

"I will leave you to prepare, your highness." He said with a bow.

"I will leave as well." Cladius followed.

Both men shared brief glares before they left, leaving her and Amely alone.

"Your—err, Lyn!" Amely suddenly yelled in what seemed to be horror, nearly making her jump.

"What?" She asked.

"Y-you let them see you in your nightgown!" Amely's face was red and her expression was completely mortified. "What happened to your propriety!"

'Oh, so that's why Cladius wouldn't look at me.' She mused. It wasn't really a big deal for her. Plus, wasn't the queen fond of revealing clothing?

"I don't think they've seen much. My nightgown's thick enough to cover me." She explained.

Amely wouldn't have it. "A lady shouldn't be seen in her nightgown at all!"

"Then why'd you offer to bring him into my room if you thought so?" She asked.

She hadn't meant anything bad by it. It was mainly plain curiosity, but Amely had paled considerably.

"I-I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, bowing low. "It was my fault, I didn't think!"

She mentally sighed. "It's alright. I want to prepare for our travel to the High Order as soon as we can."

Amely had recovered and was now looking at her worriedly.

"Are you certain you wish to travel at your state, your—err, Lyn? You just got well. We can postpone it for another day." She said.

Lyn shook her head. "No, I wish to get there today."

The earlier she hears the prophecy, the sooner she'd be able to piece together the queen's story. She wanted to understand Lyn Amber's reasons. Who knows? Maybe there was more to her than just a murderer and an evil queen.

"I understand. I will have the maids prepare your bath." She bowed low and made her way out the door.

Lyn breathed in. Do other royals hate her too? Eros was just an ambassador, yes, but he was part of the higher echelon too. He held himself together so well she wouldn't have known his true feelings if she wasn't so used to reading people.

'Will I be facing more people like him? Just what exactly did Amber Lyn do?'