Normality to Supernatural

ORC Headquarters

3rd Person POV

Another normal day has passed for the students of Kuoh Academy. All that remained were club activities for anyone involved.

(Y/N), who simply looked over and reviewed a text book for one of his classes as he laid on one of the couches. Taking what many have been scolding him for not doing to heart, he decided to take a day off and relax. However, his day of relaxation was filled with unease and anxiety.

Since the moment he arrived in the clubroom, Akeno Himejima would glance at the young devil. He would often catch her and she'd remove her gaze instantly.

After feeling her violet eyes on him once more, he sighed and put his book down. "Akeno, is something wrong?" He asked.

She jumped and scratched her head, looking away with embarrassment. " Not in particular." She claimed. Yet the pitch in her tone made it seem as if there was something she wanted to say.

"You've been staring at me since I got here. What's up?" (Y/N) asked again.

"Really, it's nothing. Don't worry about it." She reassured once more.

(Y/N) felt that if he pushed too hard, it might make her uncomfortable. So he decided to let it go and try to pay her no mind. "Alright." He said, returning to his textbook.

"Well..." The Queen chirped, leaning over against the back of the couch. "It's about you hair."

'Ah. So that's it.' He thought, grabbing one of the cookies that Akeno had brought from the table and putting it in his mouth. 'Damn, these are friggin' amazing.' He praised. "I'm getting it cut on Monday." He muffled, flipping over a page in his book.

"No no no. It's not that." The ravenette assured. "I...Well...It's just..." She stuttered, trying to find the right way to ask her question. "Now I know this may sound odd but..." She trailed off.


"Would you please let me braid your hair?!" She asked loudly.

(Y/N) rose an eyebrow, baffled by his senior's request. He turned around and saw the stars in her excited violet eyes. "You're joking. Braid my hair?" He questioned.

"I'm not hearing a no~" Akeno sang in excitement.

"Is this just your way of trying to tell me to get a haircut?" He asked.

"Please?" She asked once again. "If your getting it cut soon then it shouldn't matter right?"

"I guess but..." He began to retort as he reached for another cookie, only to feel nothing but the bottom of the bowl. He glanced over and saw the bowl was empty. 'Shit. How am I gonna...' He began to curse, but suddenly came up with an idea. "Tell you what..." He stared into Akeno's eyes, delivering a rather seductive smirk. "How about you give me a 'sweet treat', and I'll let you do whatever you want with this hair."

Akeno giggled, leaning down and smiling with a faint blush on her face. "Sounds a fair trade sweetie~" She purred.

Time Skip

"Are you sure it's really a good idea Rias?" Asia asked as she, Koneko and her master made their way up the stairs to the clubroom. "It's just he's trying to recollect everything he's forgotten since he went into The Boundary."

"Of course." Assured the redhead. "After all, we all know how hard he works. (Y/N) deserves some time off. And I think a trip to a private resort is just what he needs." Rias smiled. "For once, I'll be the one taking care of him rather than him taking care of me." She hummed eagerly. 'In addition, this will be a great chance for us to grow closer. I want my (Y/N) to be as happy as can be.' The Princess of Ruin giggled.

"Well if it's to make him happy." Asia pouted, thinking about how close her guardian and Rias have gotten ever since she had moved in with them.

Upon reaching the top floor, the three suddenly halted, spotting a familiar pervert crouching down with his ear against the door.

"Whatcha up to pervo?" Koneko said, slightly alarming Issei.

"Shhh. Be quiet!" Issei whispered intensely at the group.

"What's going on?" Asia asked, confused about what the current situation that could make him act this way.

"I think (Y/N) and Akeno are doin' the do! Listen!" Issei whispered loudly in excitement.

Asia, along with the others immensely pressed their ears against the door, hoping to hear more of what was happening.

"How's this feel?" Akeno asked, her voice muffled through the door.

"Eh it kinda feels uncomfortable and tight but it doesn't hurt much." (Y/N) replied back to Akeno.

"'Kay. Then how about this?" Akeno asked once more.

"Ow! Too tight! Too tight!" He cried.

Akeno giggled. "Sorry sorry." She apologized. "Hold still." She pleaded.

"Fine, but that'll be hard to do with your hands all over me." (Y/N) complains.

"Oh stop being such a baby. Remember what you get for agreeing to this." The ravenette reminded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Imma get me those nice delicious treats of yours." (Y/N) said with excitement.

Akeno giggled. "Here, sweetie. All for you."

The girls' faces blew up red, steam rising out of their heads as they could only imagining what was happening.

"Damn. Even if he's my bro, I can't help but feel jealous of the lucky bastard! Getting the chance to go to town on Akeno and have her sweet yam yams all to himself is every man's fanta-!" Issei continued to rant, but was quickly silenced by a swift chop from the loli Rook.

The three burst open the door, in hopes of stopping the two from proceeding any further.

"STOP!!!" The all cried.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't be doing this stuff until your married!" Asia declared.

"If you really wanted to release your pent up frustrations, then you should've asked me! As your master, I would've gladly done anything to help you!" Rias proclaimed.

"...Perv." Koneko glared.

"What the fuck are you all talking about?" (Y/N) questioned, baffled by the girls' sudden outburst and proclamations.

The girls take a closer look, only to see (Y/N) sitting on the couch with a tin of cookies in his hands and Akeno standing behind him, a few locks of his hair in her hands.

The three flustered devils simply stared, unsure of what to say.

"They're still dressed." Asia said.

"Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?" (Y/N) questioned.

"We thought you were...Nevermind." Rias shook her head. "Anyways, what's going on here?" Rias asked her two servants, quickly changing the subject.

"We made a deal." He said bluntly, shoving another one of Akeno's cookies in his mouth. "She gets to mess around with my hair, I get more of her badass cookies." He explained, eating another one. "Seriously though, how do you make these things so good?" He questioned. "You've gotta teach me how to make these!"

Akeno giggled at her junior's praise as she continued to fiddle with his hair. "I'm glad you like them so much. And I'd be happy to teach you."

"SCORE!!!" (Y/N) boomed loudly, positively ecstatic at the notion of learning to cook something.

"So, you're braiding his hair because?" Koneko questioned.

"I dunno." Akeno shrugged. "Just felt like it." She claimed bluntly. "You girls want to join in? You can do whatever you want since he's getting it cut soon anyways." She offered.

"Wait what?" (Y/N) gulped nervously.

Time Skip

"Hey everyo-" Kiba entered the clubroom and was immediately met with all the girls playing with (Y/N)'s hair and putting makeup on him as he struggled to free himself from his restraints.

The Azure Dragon Emperor had hoops, braids and buns all over his head as the girls continued to play with whatever they could work with.

"What uh..." Kiba spoke, causing everyone to turn to him. "What's going on?" He asked.

"We're making him look pretty~" Asia bubbled happily, quickly returning to what she was doing.

"And...?" Kiba stretched, a curious eyebrow raised.

"At first, it was just a deal to get more of Akeno's bomb ass cookies." (Y/N) explained with spite. "But now? The point is gone. There is no point! THERE IS NO FUCKING POINT!!!"

"Let's make him a tiger girl." Issei smiled, handing the girls more makeup for them to use.

"The day I snap, you're the first to go." (Y/N) snarled murderously at the brunette.

"Hold still, this lipstick isn't gonna put itself on." Rias giggled.

"Okay, THAT'S IT!!!" (Y/N) teleported out of his bindings and reappeared near his bag, quickly grabbing it before looking back at his tormentors. "I was okay with the whole hair braiding thing, but you girls are going WAY too far! I'm going home! I'll see you later!" He roared teleporting away.

Akeno whined. "Looks like we went a little too far with him." She pouted.

"You're the one who instigated it." Koneko claimed, causing the ravenette to giggle.

"Though, we didn't exactly try and put much effort into stopping." Rias sighed with a sweat drop sliding down her head.

Issei suddenly re-entered the clubroom, multiple packets of cosplay costumes in his arms. "Oh man, he's gone? I was kinda hoping to see if you girls could get him into one of these for a photoshoot." He said.

"Are you trying to live out your perverted fantasies, or are you just trying to piss him off?" Koneko asked her perverted senior.

"Are you kidding? You know how much the chicks here would pay for pics of (Y/N)? Let alone crossdress cosplay?" Issei proclaimed. "We'd make fuckin' bank, that's what!"

"And you wonder why he keeps hitting you." The Rook glared.

(Y/N)'s Home

"I'm home." (Y/N) groaned with exhaustion as he pulled off his shoes.

"Welcome back, Mas-" Artoria began to greet, quickly going silent upon seeing her master's face covered in makeup and hair a massive mess, much more than it was before.

The two simply stared at each other.

"Can I have a wet towel please?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"O-Of course. Please wait just a moment." The King of Knights dashes over to the bathroom to collect a wet wash rag as her master made his way to the living room, removing his blazer and button-up shirt.

"God, it's getting too hot for fall uniforms. They need to switch over soon before it gets worse." (Y/N) grimaced.

"Here you go." Artoria handed her master a cold wet towel.

"Thank you." (Y/N) said in gratitude, taking the towel and wiping his face, removing the sweat and makeup. "Oh yeah~" He sang. "A nice cold towel is just what I needed."

"I'm glad I could provide." Artoria smiled as she collected her master's discarded clothing. "I'll hang these up for you." She said.

"Oh thank you." (Y/N) thanked again. He suddenly realized that Kohaku was nowhere to be seen. He looked around, suddenly spotting her laying down, completely sprawled out on the backyard porch as she appeared to sleep in the sunlight. (Y/N) chuckled as he watched his familiar sleep. 'Well, she is technically a cat, and they do love their sunlight.' He thought stepping outside only to feel a suffocating heatwave plaster him in the face, causing him to retreat back inside. "Even so, how the hell can she stand that kind of heat?!" He questioned. "It's so damn stuffy." He said, returning his hair to how it looked before the girls got their hands on it.

"I'm positive wearing your uniform must make it rather difficult for you with the rising temperature outside." Artoria claimed.

"Trust me, I agree. But not much I can do about it. It's the school's rules. Can't change uniforms until it's time. But it's only a few more weeks. I think I can manage." (Y/N) explained.

"I see." Nodded the Heroic Spirit. She suddenly changed her attention to her master's long and wild (H/C) hair. "And I'm sure your hair doesn't help much."

(Y/N) looked back at his hair and sighed. "Yeah, I know. But I've been so busy I kept forgetting to call to make an appointment before I actually did. I've got one on Monday though, so I'll manage." He reassured.

"That's unfortunate." Sighed the Saber class servant. "You need to take proper care of yourself Master!"

"Hey come on. I eat good, I work out, I go to school, I get my seven to eight hours of sleep, and I'm financially stable. I think I do pretty good all things considered." (Y/N) argued.

Artoria suddenly chuckled confidently, lightly startling her master. "Still...your long hair 'tis but a simple fix." She claimed.

"Huh?" The young devil rose an eyebrow.

Artoria reached her hands into her dress pockets and pulled out a pair of small hair cutting scissors and a comb. "Master, allow me to be the one to cut your hair."

"Wait, you want to do it here?" Questioned the Pawn.

"Of course. It's no problem at all." The Heroic Spirit beamed. "I've been studying hard. So I feel very confident in my abilities." She smiled, snipping her scissors.

(Y/N) blinked a few times as he thought, and he instantly grew worried. "I dunno about this." He admitted.

"You needn't worry Master." Artoria claimed, pulling out several fashion magazines and hairstyle guide books. "The girls and I have been thinking about you needing a haircut for a while, so we've been collecting material for research."

'When the hell did they have the time to do all this?' (Y/N) questioned to himself. He smiled, breathing in defeat. "Alright..." He said. "If you really went out of your way just for this, then it'd be rude to turn you down." He explained. "Artoria, I leave my hair in your care."

The Saber servant smiled brightly, excited at her given opportunity. "Right! I won't let you down!" She declared proudly.

With materials quickly collected, proper set up made, and a bath towel wrapped around the neck of Artoria's master's neck, she was ready to begin. "Ready to begin?" She asked.

(Y/N) nodded. "Yep. Go right ahead."

Artoria grabbed her squirt bottle and sprayed a light wave of mist on the back of (Y/N)'s head, dampening it slightly. She took the comb and slid it through his head from top to bottom.

'She seems pretty comfortable with this.' (Y/N) thought as he looked back, smiling light at how well-composed his Heroic Spirit looked. 'Guess she does know what she's doing. I'll just relax and let her do her thing.' He decided, closing his eyes as he tried to relax.

The blonde knight summoned her invisible blade and removed a large portion of hair, causing it to fall to the ground with a thick 'thump'. "Right, now with that out of the way, I shall commence with the proper haircutting." She smiled, snipping her scissors.

"Go for it." (Y/N) hummed in acceptance.

Artoria held a small batch of (Y/N)'s hair and cut it. She let out a nervous yelp, instantly worrying her master.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Why'd you yelp just now?" He questioned in worry.

"I-It's nothing!" The servant reassured. "These scissors are simply a lot sharper than I thought they'd be." She claimed.

"Well with the massive clump of hair gone, all I need is a trim. Not a new style, 'kay?" (Y/N) explained.

"Understood." Artoria smiled, placing both her hands on her master's shoulders as she leaned down. "Trust me, Master, everything will be fine." She reassured.

(Y/N) smiled. "Okay then. I'll leave you to it."

"Leave it to me!" She cheered. "I'm starting, so don't move." The knight said.

Time Skip

After a few minutes later, (Y/N) opened his eyes to see him with a bowl haircut. He instantly sweatdropped.

"Well? What do you think?" Artoria asked.

The Azure Dragon Emperor shook his head disapprovingly.

The Saber servant fell back slightly, only to try again. "Let's try something else."

Time Skip

Another attempt, and (Y/N) awakens to an afro on his head.

"There! How's this?"

"I think this would probably fit Matsuda more than me. Pass." (Y/N) declined.

"Wha-?!" The haircutting knight cried. "No go, huh?" She fretted before trying again

Time Skip

Around the third attempt, (Y/N) awoke to have platinum-colored hair.

'This isn't very different from how I look when I perform. I prefer not to be spotted in public.' (Y/N) sighed.

After fixing his hair for the umpteenth time, Artoria couldn't help but giggle. "Now, with the practice out of the way, let's begin the proper trimming. Yes?"

"Were you just using me as a practice dummy?!" The master questioned hysterically.

"Fret not Master. I'll be taking this more seriously now." Artoria claimed, stepping behind her master to begin again.

"Please do." (Y/N) sighed.

As the Saber class Heroic Spirit continued to cut her master's hair, she looked calm and content as she progressed. Clearly taking her job more seriously than she did before.

Humming a gentle tune, the Pawn began to grow weary from Artoria's song.

'This is nice.' (Y/N) smiled. 'The relaxing sound of scissors snipping, the gentle plops of fallen hair onto newspaper, the soft stream of small blasts of mist. I've completely surrendered myself to her. It reminds me of when Chisato cut my hair when I was a kid. Nowadays, Tony usually gets one of his guys to do it. But this...this feels so...soothing.'

Artoria paused for a moment, gazing at her master's happy and content expression, smiling at how happy he looked.

Time Skip

"Master?" Artoria called, blurred from her master's vision. "Master, I'm finished. It's time to wake up." She said.

The Azure Dragon Emperor slowly opened his eyes. Upon awakening, he gazed at his hair. It was the same style it was before he entered The Rift. "Woah." He marveled. "It looks how it was before! Thanks Artoria, this is great!" He praised.

"You look very dashing Master." Artoria smiled happily.

"That's 'cause you made it look so good. Thanks a bunch for this." He thanked again. "Sorry I dozed off a bit."

"It's quite alright." Artoria reassured. "I'm sure dealing with the girls must have taken a bit of a toll on you."

(Y/N) simply laughed. As the Heroic Spirit cleaned up, (Y/N) gazed at the amount of hair he actually had. "Oh damn, I didn't realize it was that bad."

"Indeed. But, I suppose that's what happens when you go a whole year without cutting your hair." The blonde smiled as she wrapped the pile of hair in the newspaper before taking it to the trash.

(Y/N) laughed. "Yeah, guess so." He said as he stretched. "I should probably go wash my hair real quick, make sure no stragglers got left behind."

"Just a moment Master!" Artoria called. "After all, the best part of a haircut hair yet to be performed!" She declared happily.

In a mere instant, (Y/N) found himself in the upstairs bathroom, his head resting over the edge of the bathtub as the water ran. He blinked twice and suddenly made the realization of where he was. "Hang on, I think we might be taking this 'at home barber' thing a little too far Artoria !"

"How so?" Artoria questioned.

"Well for starters, I'm more than capable of washing my own hair." The young devil replied.

The blonde knight simply chuckled. "You worry too much Master. Now please..." She places a warm towel over the young man's eyes, blinding him. "Just relax and leave this all to me."

Artoria grabbed the showerhead and pulled it down, spraying her master's hair with warm water. Pouring some shampoo, she rubbed hands together and formed two masses of bubbles. "Ready for the shampooing?" She asked.

(Y/N) simply hummed, clearly showing his state of relaxation and contentment.

The Heroic Spirit's hands ran through the damp hair of her master, scrubbing in the cleaning product thoroughly.

The more Artoria worked, the more (Y/N) realized she definitely knew what she was doing. At this very moment, he had completely surrendered himself to the King of Knights.

'Oh God~' The dragon-devil hybrid thought in pleasure. 'This feels so good~ Artoria's hands feel so soft and warm. So gentle and delicate, but firm when necessary. It's like she's massaging every single worry I have away~' He thought, chuckling to himself upon a sudden thought. 'I wonder what else she can do with these hands.' He pondered, quickly realizing what he just said he opened his eyes in shock. 'WHAT KIND OF THOUGHT JUST RAN THROUGH MY HEAD?!'

"Please let me know if I miss any spots." Artoria instructed.

"O-Oh! R-Right." (Y/N) stammered.

As Artoria continued, (Y/N) slowly calmed down, trying to retain his relaxed state. 'Being pampered like this, I can't remember the last time I've felt so relaxed.' The young devil smiled contently. 'Maybe taking a day off every now and then isn't such a bad thing after all.'

Time Skip

The sun finally disappeared from Kuoh City's skyline and the moon as stars had taken its place.

As (Y/N) dried off his freshly washed (H/C) hair, took a sip from his cup and gasped in delight. "Oh yeah!" He cheered. "Thanks again for this Artoria, I feel so much better after losing all that hair. My head feels so light and clear now." He smiled.

"I'm very happy to receive such high praise from you Master." Artoria thanked. "If you ever need your hair cut again, please don't hesitate to ask."

"I'll take you up on that then, thank you." He said, pouring another cup of tea into his cup.

"Though I'll admit, it was rather difficult to try and mimic what I saw. But I'm glad I was successful in making you look so handsome once again."

(Y/N) blinked at what his servant said. "Wait...What did you say? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, Lady Rias introduced me to the internet some time ago, so I did some research online and watched some videos. Today was actually my first time using a pair of scissors for this sort of thing." The Saber Servant explained.

"Your first time? But you seemed so sure and confident of yourself before we started." (Y/N) claimed.

"I was. And it was successful. Your hair was cut and I was able to reconnect the parts I made mistakes on." Said the blonde as she took a sip from her tea mug.

"Wait, reconnect what now?!" (Y/N) boomed. "You fixed the parts you messed up? How?"

"I simply used restoration magic." Artoria replied.

"Since when have you been studying magic?" (Y/N) asked.

"Lady Akeno and Lady Chisato have been instructing me in their spare time. They've been very helpful." The knight smiled.

"When have you starting talking to those two?!"

Both of their stomachs growled loudly, almost as if they we fight over for dominance for which growl was loudest.

"That aside Master, I'm hungry. Let's eat dinner." Artoria commanded her master.

(Y/N) chuckled. "Geez, you're a real glutton aren't you, Artoria." (Y/n) teased, causing Artoria's face to go into a deep red of embarrassment.

"Even if you're my master, I cannot forgive what you just said." Artoria scolded.

(Y/N) chuckled again, rising out of his seat and headed toward the kitchen. "Well, whatever. So, what do you wanna eat?" He asked, putting an apron on and tied it securely around his waist.

"Everything you make is delicious. So I shall partake in whatever it is you serve."

The two heard the front door entrance open, feeling a group of familiar presences entering the abode.

"We're home!" Rias and Asia called.

"Pardon the intrusion~" Akeno sang.

(Y/N) walked out of the kitchen and to the front door to greet the girls, they instantly went wide-eyed to his sudden appearance. "Hey girls!" He greeted. "I was about to start making dinner." He looked to Akeno and was surprised by her appearance. "Didn't know Akeno was gonna be here, but it's all good." He reassured. "So, what d'you girls feel like-" He was silenced by Rias, extended her hand and summoning a magic circle aimed at him. "Havin'..."

"Who are you, beautiful stranger?! How did get in here?!" She questioned.

"Rias, it's me, (Y/N)." He mentioned. "I just got a haircut."

"(Y/N)?" Rias questioned. Looking again, she gazed at her servant and practically drooled. "(Y/N)~" She shuttered.

"Oh my~" Akeno sang. "Look at how handsome you look." She smiled cheerfully.

(Y/N) chuckled. "Thanks. Artoria was the one who cut it."

"Well, she did an amazing job. You look very dashing. Definitely more suitable than that unruly long hair that you had before." Rias smiled, feeling up her servant's well-groomed hair.

"I agree, you look very handsome." Asia blushed, joining Rias on running her hands through her guardian's hair.

"Aw~" Akeno whined playfully. "And here I thought I could continue to have my way with your hair. There were so many other hairstyles that I wanted to try on you." She giggled, teasing her junior.

"There's not enough cookie dough in the world to make me agree to what you put me through, again." (Y/N) declared proudly.

"How about I make you some cupcakes instead?" Akeno offered.

(Y/N) froze up. "That...might probably work." (Y/N) claimed. Thinking of how amazing Akeno's cupcakes would be if her cookies were as delicious as they were.

Time Skip

Kuoh Academy

"You want to watch the others perform their summonings?" The Princess of Ruin asked Issei and Asia.

"Yeah. The thing is, we are still relatively new at this and (Y/N) is a pro at making people happy. So we thought we could watch and learn from the ones with more experience." Issei explained.

"Hmm. It does sound like a good idea. The both of you will get experience. Alright, but only if you don't come between their work." The King instructed.

"Deal." Issei said as Asia nodded along happily.

"(Y/N)!" Rias called out to her napping servant on the couch.

"Yep!" He replied wearily.

"Could you accompany these two when they're watching the others? Make sure they don't interfere much." Requested Rias.

(Y/N) stretched popping a few bones in his back. "Sure. I've actually been curious to know how the others work their magic with their clients." The Azure Dragon Emperor smiled with enthusiasm. "So yeah, count me in."

"Actually, Koneko should have a summons in about ten minutes. You could do that one first." Rias suggested.

"You up for taking your seniors under your wing, Koneko?" (Y/N) asked his junior, who simply sat and drank tea.

"Sounds dope." Koneko replied, her voice as monotone as usual.

Time Skip

Cluttered Apartment

The four devils arrived to an apartment via magic circle, causing (Y/N)'s body to grow numb for a brief moment before returning to normal. The room was dimly lit, shelves filled with video games, anime and a suspicious looking man sitting in the center of it all.

"Well now, it sure has been a while Hyoudou." The man addressed Issei, a light tone of surprise in his voice.

"Hey, it has been a while." Issei waved. "We're just here to watch what's going to happen. If that's cool with you." He asked.

"That's fine." The man complied, quickly turning his attention towards Asia. "So what's with you?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Asia asked, puzzled by his question.

"You're a devil and yet you're dressed like a nun. What's up with that, are you religiously confused?" He asks.

"Oh, she's just faithful. But yeah, it's like a white guy trying to pull off gangsta style clothes. You know, like Will Ferrell in 'Get Hard'?" (Y/N) referred, making the man laugh hysterically. "But, whatever makes her happy. If she's good with it, then it's fine with us."

"I guess." The man accepted.

"So what's up, Kev? What's the summon for?" Koneko asked.

"Ah yes, the reason I have summoned you is...THIS!!!" He shouted, whipping out a video game.

"The platinum edition version of Mortal Kombat 11? I thought that wouldn't get released for months?" Issei marveled in awe and excitement.

'And here comes the nerdgasm.' (Y/N) fretted to himself.

"I've worked day and night to get this copy before it went on sale and I've played it constantly. Now I just want to play it with others." He explained.

"I accept your challenge." Koneko nodded and a mirage of fire appeared behind her, as if her competitive spirit had come to life.

"You'll not beat me this time Koneko! For I have trained for countless hours and have plotted numerous strategies to make sure you don't beat me." He declared, sounding very confident in himself.

Time Skip

"Kitana Wins! Flawless Victory! Fatality!" The video game announced, ensuring Koneko's victory over her client.

"AWWWW DAMN IT!!!!" The grown man yelled, sulking like a child.

"Well damn Koneko. I didn't expect you to be so good at things like this." (Y/N) complimented his junior.

"Rias only gave me a maximum time of one hour a day to play video games." She explained.

"Why do I get the feeling that's not in the least bit true?" (Y/N) questioned.

Time Skip

Homely Apartment

After Koneko's summoning, the rookie trio followed Kiba for his summoning.They once again found themselves in an apartment, the difference was the current home homely and it doesn't reek of loneliness.

"Welcome, Kiba." An attractive older woman greeted Kiba casually.

"Oh my, there are more?" She asked, referring to (Y/N), Issei, and Asia.

"Evening Madam, please excuse our intrusion. But my friends here are to observe Kiba perform his duties if it be alright." (Y/N) bowed in a butler like manner.

"I see. That's fine then. Please feel free to make yourselves at home." She replied, taking a seat on the couch.

"Wait, don't tell that Kiba is performing the raunchy type of summons." Issei suggested before (Y/N) whacked him upside his head.

"Please excuse my associate. He has yet to understand the necessities of what it means to be polite. But if you don't mind my asking, what is your request?" (Y/N) questioned the dreary looking woman.

"I'll let Kiba give you the details. I'm gonna take a little nap." She said, plopping down within moments and falling asleep.

"Kiba?" (Y/N) addressed the Knight.

"Right. Mika becomes so busy with work very often, so she calls me to make her some dinner." Kiba explained as Asia gently placed a blanket over the sleeping woman.

"I can see that being a problem. Would it be alright if I helped?" (Y/N) offered.

"Sure, with us together then it'll be easier." Kiba smiled, accepting his friend's offer.

"What kind of food does she have in the kitchen?" The young devil mumbled to himself, opening the fridge to examine what he and Kiba had to work with. "It's best we make a meal that rejuvenates her energy and relaxes the body. Make anything you want and you can still be stressed out." (Y/N) explained.

"I agree. She has ramen noodles, so we can make that?" Kiba suggested.

"Sure, we just need something to pair it up with. Now let's see..." (Y/N) said looking into the fridge, pulling out some chicken and some eggs. "This should work."

"That's brilliant." Kiba complimented the Azure Dragon Emperor.

The two devils started cooking the meal for the client. On the other hand, Issei and Asia just watch the two work on the dish.

"You seem to be a professional when it comes to this kind of stuff, (Y/N)." Kiba suggested.

"Well being alone for as long as I have, you tend to learn a few things on how to take care of yourself." (Y/N) claimed. "Besides, I cook every now and then for Chisato. Being a doctor, she gets swamped with work and conferences, so I take care of her so that she can relax." He explained. "And since Asia and Rias moved in, I have more people to cook for." He added.

Time Skip

"Mika, dinner's Ready. Time to wake up." Kiba gently shook the woman awake.

She wearily awakened, feasting her eyes on the meal prepared by the two devils. "It's delicious. Good work as always, Kiba." She thanked the Knight.

"A pleasure, but credit should also go to (Y/N). He did most of the cooking to make sure it makes you feel relaxed." Kiba suggested.

"I see. Well thank you, I appreciate your help." The woman thanked the Azure Dragon Emperor as she picked up a pair of chopsticks, readying to dig into her meal.

"I am happy to help any way I can madam." He bowed.

"Sly bastard." Issei cursed, jealous of his friend.

Time Skip

Office Tower

The trio now found themselves in an office tower. Their leader for this particular summon request was Akeno.

As they teleported, standing before them was the CEO of the company, standing in front of the window as he stared off in the distance, watching over the city below.

"I have called you here because I have yet another favor to ask you, Ms. Akeno." The man instructed the Priestess of Thunder.

"Of course, I shall serve you. It's the usual, right?" Akeno asked, licking her finger hungerly.

"What kind of favor could a president of a company request from a devil?" Asia asked.

"M-Maybe it could be to assassinate a high executive of a rival company!" Issei fretted.

"While that may sound ridiculous, I will have to admit that it does sound like something fit for a devil." (Y/N) suggested.

"It sounds so scary, b-but I'd like to watch and learn." Asia proclaimed, intent on watching Akeno at work.

Little did the trio know that the job their senior had was not what they had expected in the least.

"What...the this?" (Y/N)'s dragon eye twitched, confused about what laid before him.

"OH MY GOD THAT'S IT!!! RIGHT THERE!!!" The CEO yelled in both agony and delight.

Akeno continued to give the man a foot massage. All while wearing a latex corset. "Oh My. You seem to be very exhausted Mr. President. I'll treat you good tonight~" Akeno sang as she continued to massage the man's feet and make him groan in pain.

"This is a rather...unique order." Asia admitted mildly.

"Yeah. This is not at all what I expected." Issei agreed.

The ravenette giggled. "Whenever he's overloaded with workplace stress, he asks me for a foot massage to defuse all of it." Akeno explained.

"That still doesn't explain the outfit though." (Y/N) stated.

"Oh~? Could it be that you want me to wear this only when I'm around you? I certainly wouldn't mind that." Akeno says causing the Azure Dragon Emperor to blush madly.

"That's not true and you know it!" (Y/N) yelled.

"Well anyway...I'll knead you all you want. You're such a helpless president. What would your employees think if they saw you like this?" Akeno giggled as she continued to massage the CEO adding on a sort of sadistic commentary.

"Th-They seem to be having fun." Asia said bashfully..

"It's the perfect job for a sadist like Akeno." Issei replied..

"I couldn't agree with you more." (Y/N) agreed.

With one final push, the CEO unleashed one final scream of agonizing pleasure.

Time Skip

ORC Headquarters

"Playing video games, making dinner, and giving massages. It's kinda weird for a devil to be summoned for things like that isn't it." Issei admitted.

"I agree. I know it's to grant the desires of others but this is kinda strange isn't it?" (Y/N) asked his master.

"It goes to show just how peaceful devil's lives and jobs are nowadays. But don't fret. I've actually been summoned to do some rather substantial work tonight." Rias smiled.

"You mean you're asking us to tag along with you, Rias?" (Y/N) questioned, intrigued by his master's summon request.

"Of course." Rias giggled to her beloved Pawn. "It'll give you a chance to see how your loving master works her magic."

Time Skip


The entire Occult Research Club appeared from a magic circle inside a display room. The entire place was decorated with ancient pieces of art and relics from times of old in Egypt.

"W-Well..." (Y/N) stuttered, trying to shake off the paralyzing sensation that emerged on his body. "This summon request might be a bit more interesting than the ones we've seen so far." He smiled excitedly.

"You think so?" Asked Issei. "I think Akeno's summon was the most interesting." He claimed, a perverted smile sprouted his face.

"You would." (Y/N) replied.

A man donned in a lab coat approached the group of devil. "Ah, Ms. Gremory, you've arrived." He greeted.

"Good day, Professor. We are here to fulfill your request." Rias said.

"Oh, it's much appreciated!" The professor thanked enthusiastically.

"This is Professor Nishimura. He researches ancient civilizations from around the world." Rias introduced.

"Wait, you're THAT Professor Nishimura?!" (Y/N) eyes lit up with excitement. "Woah, it's a pleasure to meet you sir. I'm a huge fan of your work!" He said.

"Is that so, well it's nice to meet you." The Professor smiled, shaking the young devils hand.

After the pleasantries were made, the Occult Research Club was lead to another room. The massive room contained a massive black coffin with golden accents.

"Okay, I'm not dreaming right? That's a fucking mummy coffin laying right there, right!?" Issei asked in disbelief.

"Y-Yeah no, I-I see it too." Agreed (Y/N).

"This sarcophagus was discovered in one of the pyramids in Egypt, and they brought here for me to investigate. But I'm afraid those who have tried to understand the writings have come down with mysterious diseases and so I was hoping you would be able to help me, Ms. Gremory." The Professor explained.

"Of course. I'll do what I can." Rias said, beginning her examination of the sarcophagus.

"I can see why he called us here. You can feel the ominous chills coming from the sarcophagus." (Y/N) warned his fellow devils.

"I agree. Something definitely feels off about this." The ravenette agreed with her junior.

"Like I said before, those who have tried to investigate this coffin have met with mysterious diseases, but they have also met with misfortune of any shape or size possible. For example, my chief of staff, yesterday, was crushed by a hanging piano." The Professor claimed.

"Ahh, I'm so scared!" Asia cried, clinging to her guardian.

"I don't know what to take that. Nervous about the sarcophagus. Curious about the hanging piano. Or laugh at a cartoon originating misfortune." (Y/N) bluntly claimed.

"Take a look at those hieroglyphs." The Professor proclaimed.

As the devils looked at the details of the golden accents, the design on the very top stood out with a certain pattern, so much so that one member seemed to make it out more easily than the others.

"Those two circles..." Issei pointed out. "They remind me of a pair of boobs." Issei said, stating his perverted thoughts out loud.

"For once in your life...FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!!! Can you not see one thing and make it into something obscene and crude?" The Azure Dragon Emperor asked, scolding his perverted counterpart.

"He may not be that far off." The Professor said, shocking the Azure Dragon.

"What?!" He boomed.

"Let me read to you what it says. 'Only a beautiful woman of devil lineage with large breasts can awaken me.' Is what it says." He explained.

"Huh, what do you know. It turns out that I was right! Haha!" Issei boasted on his correct observation.

"So it needs...a beautiful devil with huge boobs? I don't like the sound of that." (Y/N) said with concern.

"That is the reason I have called you here, Ms. Gremory. In order to solve this puzzle, I am in need of your devil lineage, your beauty, and well endowed chest." Professor Nishimura explained.

"That's way too short! Although I can understand wanting to be woken up by a beautiful devil woman with huge boobs." Issei sympathized, only to receive a blow to the head from his friend.

"You were right once. Don't let it go to your head." The Azure Dragon Emperor warned. "So what else can you tell us about this whole mummy and beautiful devil with large breasts bullshit?" He asked.

"Only that all those who have tried to understand the sarcophagus and it's contents were middle aged men. So the coffin will, so far, curse any middle aged male." The Professor explaind.

"In any case, let me examine it." Rias stepped forward toward the sarcophagus.

"Anyone else think that this is a bad idea besides me?" The Azure Dragon Emperor asked, only to be met with silence of his club mates.

Upon further investigation of the mysterious and erotic hieroglyphics, Rias accidentally pressed her chest on the sarcophagus, suddenly causing it to glow, startling the Occult Research Club.

"What's happening?!" Asia questioned, clinging tightly onto to her guardian.

"Well judging by the dark lights glowing and the coffin opening, I'd say it's a Egyptian themed Pizza Hut commercial." (Y/N) said, trying to make light of the situation.

"Did you hit your head today or something?" Koneko asked her upperclassmen, pointing out all of the odd things he's said today." You're not acting like yourself."

"You know, I might have actually." (Y/N) replied. "Explains the fuck out of why my head hurts so much today." He claimed.

The coffin opens all the way and then revealed the contents inside. A mummy wrapped in bandages.

"Well, it certainly looks like a mummy. Honestly I don't know what I was expecting." (Y/N) admitted, getting a closer inspection on the mummy.

"Be careful (Y/N)." Rias advised her servant.

"Right." He replied, taking one step closer.

The mummy's eyes suddenly lit up like a lighthouse beacon, shining all the way up to the ceiling, blasting a mighty wave of wind as the light grew more intense.

"(Y/N), watch out!" Rias cried, only to see that she was too late.

(Y/N) struggled, holding his head as it appeared to be writhing in agonizing pain. He screamed, suddenly stopping and letting his arms fall.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Asia asked, slowly approaching the silent devil.

The hunched over young man chuckled, eventually growing into an outburst of laughter. "Who dares to awaken me from my slumber?" The Azure Dragon Emperor questioned in a very strange manner.

'What the fuck is going on? I can't move my body!' The Azure Dragon Emperor asked to himself.

"The spirit trapped inside that coffin must've taken over his body!" Kiba deduced.

'What the fuck did he just say?!' (Y/N) questioned from within.

"I'm the one who woke you up. Good evening, mummy man." Rias introduced, making himself known to the unknown being that had now taken over her servant's body.

The possessing spirit laughed. "My name is Unas! As a noble priest, I perform ceremonial magic!" The spirit claimed, striking a ridiculous pose, infuriating the young man trapped within.