Sitri in the Library

Kuoh Academy

3rd Person POV

The day had ended and (Y/N)'s classes had finally come to an end as well. However, ever since he had saved Rias, he had been taking a day each week to do some studying since he spent a year alone training with Starvlador to save her from Riser. And as a result, he had grown slightly lost on some of the material, since he forgotten some of it. So he decided to use the library and do some solo studying.

Upon arriving, he noticed that no one was around, at least none that he could see. As he entered, he walked around until he found a seemingly open table between two bookshelfs, however, upon arriving, he instantly notices that someone else was present. The Sitri Peerage Master, Sona Sitri.

He decided to greet her.

"Hello Madam Sitri." He greeted politely, causing her to look up from her book and see him.

"Oh, hello (Y/N). Fancy seeing you here. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing really. I was just kind of hoping to come here and do some studying." He informed with a light blush of embarrassment on his face.

"Really? But from your records, you're the at the top of you grade. The whole school if I dare say." She claimed.

"Yeah, well see..." He began explaining. "Since I spent a whole year training to save Rias, that was all I kinda thought about, so the other stuff sorta drained out of me. So now I need to study up again."

"Well, your dedication towards your master is very admirable. As is your perseverance in maintaining your knowledge." Sona Smiled. "Rias is lucky to have a servant like you."

The young devil chuckled. "Thanks." (Y/N) smiled. "Anyways, mind if I sit here? I promise not to disturb you too much."

"By all means, seat's yours." She said, waving to the open seat in front of her. "And if you'd like, you can ask me about anything you don't understand. I'm more than happy to help." She offered

"Wow really? That's so nice of you to offer, thank you!" (Y/N) thanked with a bright and happy smile.

Sona blushed a little but at the sight of this, but she quickly went back to her book in hopes of trying to play it off.

Time Skip

(Y/N) let out a large yawn as he stretched out his arms and back. He closed his textbooks and notebook and gathered them up. 'Guess that's enough for today.' He thought. 'Managed to relearn an entire subject within the span of a few hours. If I keep this up I could remember everything in no time.' Suddenly he felt and heard his stomach growl lightly. 'And if I keep this up, I'm gonna go nuts. I gotta eat something for the time being. At least to hold me over until dinner.' He thought.

He looked over to Sona, who was still reading her book. However, he glanced over to her left, and saw a small bag of cookies. And they looked very appetizing. 'Wonder if Sona wouldn't mind letting me have one.' (Y/N) thought. "Excuse me Madam Sitri, mind if I have one of those cookies?" He asked.

"Sure, help yourself." She agreed, still paying attention to her book.

"Awesome! Thanks a bunch!" He cheered happily as he opened the bag and took one of the cookies out, preceding to munch on it happily.

As (Y/N) ate his delicious cookie, Sona may have been fixated on her book, but her thoughts were on another matter entirely.

'Damn that Saji, putting an aphrodisiac inside cookies, trying to get the Girl's Kendo Club to eat them, I'll have to think of a way to punish him for that...Wait, did (Y/N) say something about cookies?!' She panicked.

She immediately looked up at the (H/C) young devil, and noticed that he was gone.

However, he was just not present on her view, he was standing right behind her. He suddenly wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her in a warm and tender embrace.

"(Y-Y/N), are you okay?" She asked as a blush developed on her face.

"Sona..." He whispered. "Why do you have to be so cute?"

Sona's blush turned brighter and deeper, as the Azure Dragon Emperor whispered gently in her ear.

"W-What are you talking about?" She asked, completely flustered.

She looked back at the young devil, and saw that his face was flustered, he looked as though his was in heat.

(Y/N) gently pulled her out of her seat and leaned back against a bookshelf, still holding her tightly. "Sona, you're so cute. So beautiful..." (Y/N) said as he placed his hand on her thigh, gently rubbing his hand against her soft beautiful skin. "So sexy." He added, nibbling her ear.

Sona let out a uncontrollable moan.

"W-What have I don-NoOh!~" She moaned once more. She tried getting out of (Y/N) grasp, but her body wouldn't listen. "M-My body~." She said through the mass amount of pleasure she was feeling. "My body won't listen to me." She said.

"Sona...your voice is so beautiful. I want to hear more of it." (Y/N) cooed softly. His left hand suddenly went under her top and slowly shuffled around, making its way to her left breast, causing her to yelp in surprise.

As (Y/N) continued fondling Sona's breast's, her legs continued to shuffle against each other. Her moaning grew louder and more erotic as (Y/N) continued to caress her. Though, in no way has she tried to stop it.

His right hand suddenly went under her skirt and into her panties. Sona gasped, as (Y/N) began to finger her womanhood. He then proceeded to sucked on her neck as he continued to grope her breasts. 

Sona's erotic moaning matched her erotic expression, she panted heavily as her whole body began to feel hot.

"Sona, your voice is so erotic. It's so sexy...I want to hear more of it." He said as he began to speed up.

"This is all my fault~" Sona moaned. "(Y/N), w-we have to-AH!~" She tried to stop, but continued to fall to the pleasure that (Y/N) was giving her.

She felt a hand gently place itself on her face, turning her towards (Y/N).

"I want more, Sona...gimme more." He demands, smashing his lips into hers, completely shocking her.

But she eventually gave is and sank into it as she kissed back. Their tongues entered each other's mouths, fighting for dominance. She no longer fought against this, she wrapped her left arm around (Y/N)'s head and pushed him closer, deepening the dance of their tongues. Her right hand held onto his as he continued to play with her pussy.

As the two continued to make out with each other, the young man pinched the nipple of her right breast with his left hand and squeezed her clit with his right.

She moaned loudly through the kiss which eventually lead to a pleasure filled scream as the insides in her legs began to grow weak and wobbly.

"It-It's no use!" She cried. "(Y/N)! I'm gonna cum! Please, make me cum!" She begged, breaking away from this kiss.

(Y/N) pushed off of the bookshelf and gently pushed Sona onto the table. He continued to play with her pussy, and it finally happened. With one final push, she screamed in pure ecstasy.

Her underwear became extremely wet as her cum leaked out her vagina. She panted heavily as she tried to catch her breath. "I-I never knew...s-such pleasures...ever existed before today." She weakly claimed.

However, as Sona began to regain her composure, (Y/N) began to come back to his senses as well.

"Wha-What the hell happened? Why does my head hurt?" He asked, clearly confused. Eventually, he felt that his hand was rather warm...and wet for some bizzare reason to him. He looked at his hand as he rubbed his fingers together. "This feels...familiar." He stated quizzically.

He then looked over at Sona, who was still panting heavily over the wooden table, her underwear on the ground and fluid dripping down.

(Y/N)'s eyes went wide. He looked back and forth between Sona and his hand. 'Wait a minute... did I...?' He thought for a moment, but suddenly put it all together. "Oh God!" He whimpered, fearful for his life. He fell to the floor, on both hand and knees, his head hanging in shame. "M-Madam Sitri! I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me! Please, forgive me! Punish me however you see fi-" As he begged for forgiveness, he was cut off by a pair of warm, soft and sweet lips smashing against his, completely silencing and surprising him.

Sona held onto (Y/N) tightly, as she kissed him with such passion. She eventually let go in need of air.

(Y/N) bolted up off the floor and leaned against the bookshelf once again, this time he was the one who's face was getting red from embarrassment.

"Madam Sitri! What was that for?!" He asked.

In response, she just placed one of her hands on his chest while the other reached around the top of his pants and boxers, proceeding to pull his pants down.

"Madam Sitri! What are you doing?!" He asked as he tried to stop her.

"You made me feel such pleasure I never have before, I think it's only fair that I return the favor." She says with a seductive smile.

"B-But Madam Sitri-!" He began to protest, but was silenced when she placed a finger on his lips.

"Shhh. Be quiet, and good boys get rewarded. And I want to call me Sona again." She demanded, successfully pulling down (Y/N)'s pants, finally seeing his hardened member.

"Wow, it so big." She said surprisingly. She placed her hand on it, and it jerked up in surprise.

"Madam Sitri...Sona, we shouldn't do this." He pleaded.

She didn't even listen however, she was so fixated on (Y/N)'s hot and hard cock to pay attention to anything else. She grabbed it by the tip and lifted it up. She placed her soft and warm lips upon his shaft, proceeding to kiss it. "It's so hot." She said. She moved to the tip and did the same. "And so hard." Her hand began to slowly rub up and down against (Y/N)'s hard penis.

"Please, Madam Sitri...Sona, think about this for a moment." (Y/N) pleaded.

"I have." She replies bluntly. She inserted the tip into her warm and wet mouth and swirled her tongue around it before sliding down and inserting more of his member into her mouth. She proceeded to move her head up and down, her hand jerking what she couldn't reach with her mouth. Her tongue dancing with the broadness of his penis from the inside.

"M-Madam...Sitri..." (Y/N) moaned lightly.

Sona then lifted her shirt up and pulled her bra down, revealing her boobs. She then proceeded to finger herself the more she sucked on his cock.

As she continued to suck on the young devil's hardened member, his thoughts were fighting one another.

'This feels so good. But she's the master of another Peerage. This feels wrong, but so good.' His mind and body continued fight fight with one another.

Eventually, he gave in to the pleasure and his devilish desires. He grabbed Sona's head and proceeded to move his cock in her mouth in his own.

She didn't stop it however, she continued to let it happen. Letting go of his member, she fondled her breasts as she continued to play with herself.

"S-Sona... I can't hold out much longer. I-I'm gonna...!" He cried, trying to hold on for as much as he could.

Some then wrapped her arms around his waists and proceeded to suck his cock harder as he thrusted.

"Oh Fuck!" He shouted, unloading all he had into Sona's mouth.

The warm hot cum dripped out from her mouth as she continued to drink every last drop from (Y/N)'s, now sensitive dick. She eventually let go, and she licked off all of the jizz around her mouth, still wearing a seductive smile.

(Y/N) slumped to the ground, out of breath and exhausted. Sona crawled over to him, leaning down near his, still hardened dick and licked off some of the remaining semen.

"Looks like you're still wanting more." She said, grabbing his hand and helping him up off the ground. She led him over to the wall. She placed her hands on it and pressed against it, spreading her legs and lifting up her skirt, and revealing her wet vagina and her supple, tight looking butt. "(Y/N)...I want you. Please, take me." He pleaded.

"But, I..."

"(Y/N)...I want you." She stated, using her fingers to move apart her pussy's entrance and showing him. "Take me. I'm all yours." She stated with lustfull eyes.

No longer hesitating, (Y/N) gulped loudly and slowly made his way over to Sona. He gently placed the tip of his hard cock at the Sitri's vagina. He slowly pushed on, hoping not to cause any pain.

However, Sona jumped and moaned as he entered her little by little.

"You okay? Do you wanna stop?" He asked gently.

Sona shook her head. "No, please keep going. I want you so bad, don't stop." He begged.

With one final push, he shoved the rest of his member into her womanhood. She let out a pleasureful scream once more as her insides tightened.

"That hurts doesn't it?! Do you want me to wait? Or should we stop?" He asked.

"D-Don't you dare quit on me!" She demanded. "I want you to do me!" She yelled.

"...Okay." (Y/N) replied, continuing to move in and out of Sona's pussy.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh God yes! Please, take me!" She cried.

"Sona, you're so tight." (Y/N) moaned. "I can't stop!"

"Good! I don't want you to stop!" She shouted, lifting her leg up. The young devil grabbed it and placed it over his shoulder as he continued thrusting in and out of the Sitri Peerage Master. "Yes! Fuck! Fuck me! I want you so bad!" Sona cried.

(Y/N)'s pace began to grow faster. The sexual tension began to grow even larger than before. Sona turned around and brought (Y/N) in for a kiss, which the two immediately sunk into.

Sona's leg came down from his shoulder and back to the floor. She shuffled over to the nearby window and pressed herself against it.

"Oh God! The cold glass! It's making my nipples so hard!" Sona cried lustfully.

(Y/N) easily heard her and leaned in, grabbing her beasts and fondled them again.

"My breasts again? You're such a boy." She joking states.

"You're right. I'm a guy, I know what I like." He smiled back, pinching Sona's nipples in the process.

She let out a loud moan and the two continued moving together. Sona turned around and (Y/N) lifted her up off the ground. She wrapped her arms around his head, and they started making out once more.

The two break apart as Sona continued to hold on to (Y/N) as she slammed her lower half down on his cock, with the assistance given by the young devil who held her by her supple rear.

"Holy Shit! Oh Fuck! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Fuck me more!" Sona demanded. "Rias is such a lucky woman to have a servant like you! She so lucky to have such a lover like you! She's so lucky to have such a monstrous cock like this! I might have to steal you away from her." She yelled as she sucked on (Y/N)'s neck.

"Sona, I'm gonna cum again." The Azure Dragon Emperor said as she placed Sona down on the table.

"Yes! Do it in me! I want to feel you in me deeper! Cum inside me!" She cried.

"S-Shit!" He yelled. Holding nothing back, he released all of his semen inside her, as was ordered.

Sona gasped and moaned loudly as the release filled up her entire womb. It eventually grew to be too much, and it fell out of her vagina and on to the floor.

"So much." She weakly said as she and the young man panted exhaustingly. 

The two looked at stared into each other's eyes, they met with a loving and passionate kiss. (Y/N) lifted Sona off the table and back into the bookshelf. He slid down with her and held onto her tightly as she and him shared a tender kiss.

Time Skip

The two devils laid together in silence, still held in each other's arms in their embrace.

"So...that just happened." (Y/N) stated bluntly.

"Indeed it did. And I enjoyed every second of it." Sona said with a content smile on her face.

"So, what are we gonna do?"

Sona just looked up at the boy and smiled, proceeding to kiss him on the cheek. "Well, if anything does happen, you'll have to take responsibility." Sona said as she caressed the young devil's cheek.

"And I will. I promise." (Y/N) declared in a serious tone.

"Glad to hear it. But don't worry. I'll protect myself with magic for the time being. It wouldn't be a good thing if people knew a member from the Gremory Peerage slept with the next head of the Sitri Family, not to mention got them pregnant while they were both in high school." Sona said, adding a new fact afterwards. "So don't worry."

"Okay, I'll try not to worry over it too much." (Y/N) said with a sigh.

"Well, in any case, we should probably go, the school will be locked up soon." She said as she gently and slowly rose up off his cock.

The two cleaned themselves up a bit and proceeded to leave the school building.

"Well, I suppose this is farewell, Madam Sitri." (Y/N) states with a polite bow. "I bid you goodnight." He says as he proceeds to walk off back home.

"Just a moment please!" Sona called out.

(Y/N) stopped in his tracks. "Yes?"

Sona walked over to him and proceeded to hand him a piece of paper. "Here, my contact info." She said.

"Okay, but why?" He asked, somewhat confused.

"In case something happens and you're unable to contact anyone. You've shown me something I thought I never would experience, so it's the least I could do." She explained.

(Y/N) looked at Sona in shock. "Ah!...What an odd relationship we now have." He claimed nervously.

Sona chuckled and leaned in to give him a quick peck on the cheek. She quickly took her leave, saying nothing more but looked back at least once before she left the young Dragon Emperor's sight.

"...This does not bode well for me." (Y/N) worried, finally taking his leave.