Aquarium Visit

Wealthy people tend to go overboard sometimes. This occurrence was commonly observed in society no matter how humble someone appears to be. This was also true in the case of Villous who booked the entire aquarium just because his daughter was visiting, and that too during the weekend.

His caution was justified though. Even before entering the business, there were plenty of people who hated him. And now that he was successful, the number of haters increased significantly. But the haters weren't the only concern. There were plenty of people who were looking for a way to gain access to his money, power, and influence, and the easiest route to get there was his daughter — Alice.

When Razak's car entered the villa, Alice rushed down from the balcony. She had been looking at the gate since the early morning, and with the arrival of that black car, her wait was finally over.

Her wheelchair was fast, but the elevator was slow. By the time she came to the front entrance, Razak had already parked his car and was walking towards the Villa.

"Did I keep you waiting?" Razak asked when he saw Alice outside.

"No, I was just a bit too excited to go out. You know how father is, he doesn't let me go anywhere."

"That does sound like him. Has he arranged anything for transportation?"

"I think he only told me to go in the white car."

Razak looked at his watch and it was almost 10. He then took out his MM from the pocket and activated the white car in the parking. The car slowly came towards them.

This car was a privately modified version of the Virtual drivers model. It was modified to shield against any long- or short-range attack including the magic attacks. Even though it was not flawlessly perfect, it was probably the best thing there was when it came to the safety of the people traveling inside.

Alice stood from her wheelchair. Even though she didn't like depending on others for simple tasks, it was unavoidable at this point. She tried walking but almost fell on the third step. From there Razak caught her shoulder and supported her to walk.

Both of them sat at the back seat so the front seat was left empty. Normally Villous would have arranged some guards to go with her, but in this case, he trusted the man who was sitting next to her more than any guards he could arrange.

"Diver, take us to the city aquarium."

With that command from Razak, the car started moving towards the city aquarium. It was the weekend, so the roads were a little less crowded than usual. After they left the streets and joined the highway, Razak noticed something odd.

The maintenance of this road had just ended last month and there had been no notable accidents since then. But despite all that there was a 'Road work ahead' sign on the left lane. Even if repairs were necessary, in this kind of busy streets roadworks should have taken place during the night.

"Driver, stop the car in that alley, 500 meters away from the main road."

The diver did as instructed and stopped the car inside the ally. It was a narrow ally with several small stores with several big signboards hanging over them.

"Alice, just stay here for a while, I will be back soon."

After saying that, Razak got out of his car and walked towards the Highway. He stopped at around 60 meters from the highway and looked at the building on his left side.

It was three stories building that was almost 17 meters tall. There were several signboards hanging in the building since the boards here were visible from the highway. There was a balcony on the third floor with several flower vases. To put it simply, it looked like any normal building that you could see around that part of the town.

Razak pressed against the ground and leaped to the signboard. The signboard could barely support his weight so without wasting any time there he jumped to the balcony railing and to the roof from there. This series of jumps was done swiftly without producing any loud sound.

Needless to say, he used magic to jump that high. It was a simple Novice class spell called Grade 1 physical enhancement. Any normal magician with decent potency could use this spell with proper training.

On the roof, in front of him was a man aiming a Shoulder-fired missile at the highway. Due to the swift entrance, the man hadn't yet noticed Razak. He slowly walked towards the man and when he reached an almost hand-reachable distance, Razak spoke.

"Isn't that missile a bit too big for a girl who can't even walk."

The man was startled but he quickly threw the missile on the floor and moved back. The fast assessment of the situation and the quick preparation for what's about to come proved that he was a professional.

"I guess asking 'whom do you work for' is pointless. Are you one of those internet hired killers?"

Considering the fact that he was a professional, extracting information from him would be hard. But that wasn't the only problematic thing in acquiring the identity of the person whom he works for.

There were several criminal organizations that worked as a bridge between the light and the dark side of society. So, the people doing the job weren't usually aware of the person whom they were working for.

Without uttering a word, he took out a handgun from his waist pocket and pointed at Razak. This made it clear that the man wasn't used to dealing with the magicians.

Despite the gun being pointed at him, Razak wasn't fazed at all. He still had a look of confidence in his eyes. It was as if the situation was completely under his control.

The man gulped when he saw the look in his eyes and moved backward while still pointing his handgun at Razak. Razak hadn't shown any movements yet, and because of that, the man was hesitant to shoot without ascertaining what he was trying to do.

At this rate, this wasn't going to go anywhere. Alice was down there waiting for him so without wasting time Razak charged at him.

There was around 5 meters distance between them, which for Razak wasn't much and could easily be covered using Grade 1 physical enhancement.

Watching Razak move, the man tried pulling the trigger. But by the time he did that, Razak was already in front of him.

Razak caught his hand and punched him in his guts with his right fist. The physical enhancement enhanced the effect of the punch several times.

The punch caused the man to drop the gun that he was holding, but before it could fall on the ground, Razak caught it with his left hand.

He kicked the man making him fall backward, and after he was down, he shot the man in his head sending the bullet right through his skull.