Aquarium Visit Part - 2

Trying to hide the evidence of murder was pointless at that point. But that was the least of his concerns since the criminal organizations always had measures for these kinds of cases.

They were only the middleman who served as a link between two parties, so the status of the job was something irrelevant to them. As long as the two parties follow the rules of the game, they could play it however they want. But when there is a chance that their identity might be revealed in the process, they would use the measures at their disposal to hide the evidence showing the relationship between the parties involved.

Razak knew how they worked since he had observed Villous deal with these organizations. As someone who likes being prepared for incoming threats, having good relations with them was essential for Villous. He also knew that these organizations were a lot faster than the governmental bodies in reaching out to these scenes.

He threw the gun on the floor and picked up the shoulder-fired missile from the ground. He took the same position as the man before and aimed the missile at the van that was on the lane marked as closed.

The car would be safe against any short or long-ranged attack so their goal here was obvious. They wanted to cause an accident to make the car stop and use that opportunity to kidnap her.

Even though it was a simple plan, it would have worked if they had done proper research on the street and hid the sniper properly. But then too they would need to face the people who were inside the vehicle. So, in a way, it could be said that the preparation was done without proper research.

Collecting enough information was an important part of the planned crime. Without it, too many things would be left on the probability.

He fired the missile at the van. Unlike the white car, the van wasn't blast-proof so when the missile hit it, it was shattered to pieces. The loud blast suppressed the cries of the people inside the van.

The cars that were on the road stopped. Some people escaped the scene in fear, while the rest of the people gathered around and looked at the blast from far.

Razak walked to the left side of the roof and jumped down from the roof in a similar motion that he used to climb up. He could have stayed there and watched the scene a bit longer. But if he done that, the members of the organization would have a little time to clean the mess. And not just that, he would also make Alice wait longer.

He walked upto the car from there and opened the backdoor and got inside.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for this long."

"No, that's not the problem... but what happened?"

"I just thought someone was trying to attack us. Turns out that I was just overthinking things."

"Yeah, you do that sometimes. But I am happy that you were worried about me."

Razak leaned back on his seat as he put on his seatbelt. After he was ready, it was time to instruct the driver where to go from there.

"Driver, go straight until we meet the street. From there take a right and after 2 kilometers, take another right and get back on the highway."

Alice looked surprised when she heard that. Even though this meant she could talk with her brother more on the way, this would also slow their arrival at the destination by almost half an hour.

Razak sensed the confusion on her face, and before she could ask why he was doing this, he explained.

"The highway is under construction so there is heavy traffic there. This route will be comparatively faster."

"Oh, okay."

From there, both of them were quiet until they reached the street. Alice looked irritated by the gloomy atmosphere inside, so as soon as the car turned right on the street, she broke the silence.

"Brother, have you made friends at the academy?"

Razak looked towards Alice when he heard the sudden question. But then he realized she had always been curious about the things he did. It was just that it had been a while since he saw her that curious.

"I am not sure if I can call them friends yet, but I do have few acquaintances."

Alice raised her eyebrow. "Acquaintances? Are they female acquaintances?"

Razak smiled when he saw the look of curiosity in her face. Her emotions were always visible on her face and he could notice them easily. Even though they had known each other for several years, this was something that Razak always found interesting about her.

"No. Unfortunately, I don't have any female acquaintances as of yet."

Alice sighed in relief as she leaned back on her seat. After a brief moment of silence, she spoke again.

"You know brother, you are handsome, so I think a lot of them will fall for you eventually."

"I don't see that as a potential problem. You don't need to worry."

"That's not what I am worried about," Alice said in a low voice. She then turned towards the window and looked through it.

The streets were a lot less crowded than highways but there were few people outside their houses. This was nothing surprising or unexpected considering the fact that it was the weekend. But whenever she saw parents playing with their children, she remembered the times when Villous was always too busy with work.

Things changed when Villous adopted Razak a few years ago. Even though Razak was younger than her in age, he was the one who felt like the older one. Things were awkward at the start since he rarely spoke, but he was organized, punctual, and likable.

It didn't take long for her to start liking him. He was somewhat like her dad, but a lot of things about him were different.

Since Razak didn't say anything in response, they barely talked from that point. After a while, the car reached the highway and from there it didn't take long for them to reach the aquarium.

The aquarium was quiet, unlike how one would expect it to be during the weekend. It had the closed board hanging in front of it, but there was a middle-aged man standing in the front door waiting for them.