Chapter 10: 

Author's Notes:

As I receive a colossal amount of criticism about how short the chapters are, I'm going to start writing chapters bigger ones and publish them when they're ready.

Sakumo is still alive, as he must die when Kakashi is approximately 7 years old, implying that at the present time he is still alive.

The MC is the same age as Kakashi, Guy, Anko, and Azuma.

And remembering that the Uzumaki clan still holds a seat on the council due to Kushina.


And with that another week has passed, having already reached 2 weeks since Kenichi entered the coma due to the poison.

The subject of what Tsunade did spread throughout Konoha's high echelon, Hiruzen at that time was furious and everyone understood that peaceful relations between the two had ended.

When the matter was raised during a meeting Tsunade stated that when Danzo, Koharu, and Homura were killed, Katsuyu would destroy the scroll.

When Jiraya heard about it he decided to remain neutral, Orochimaru supported Tsunade.

The clans: Yamanaka, Nara, Sarutobi, Shimura, Hatake, and Akimichi supported Hiruzen in not killing the elders.

The clans: Uchiha, Aburame, Inuzuka, Senju, and the Hyuga supported Tsunade.

The rest of the clans remained neutral.

And this generated a huge stalemate, because there was simply no way to force Tsunade to deliver the scroll with this situation.

Three of Konoha's four noble clans were supporting Tsunade on the subject, and this was in addition to the fact that the two founding clans were on her side.

The Senju, because Tsunade, was the current matriarch.

The Uchiha, for they hated Danzo to the bone, and would like to have favor with the Senju for later in an hour of need.

And that generated a division.

If news of Tsunade's reasons came out the common population would require Danzo's head on a tray, so Hiruzen would have to make the matter resolved only among Konoha's top brass.

But if it were to be resolved among the top brass the most he could do was keep the current status in the situation.

For even though he was the Hokage, Hiruzen could not oppose the opposition of most of Konoha's combative and sensory clans.

If he forced the matter at this point there would undoubtedly be a civil war, and he did not need to be a genius to know that Orochimaru would side with Tsunade.

Jiraya would probably be neutral, and with that, the situation would be disadvantageous to him.

So no longer he hated it, Hiruzen knew that the best he could do was to preserve the lives of Danzo, Homura, and Koharu in the current state of the situation.

In the hospital, Tsunade was next to Kenichi when she noticed him giving the first signs of waking up.

As soon as she saw this, Tsunade held his hand as she prayed continuously waiting with anxiety.

And a few minutes later she saw Kenichi opening his eyes for the first time in two weeks.

And as soon as he did, Kenichi said in a weak voice.

[Hi mom, looks like I slept for a while] (Kenichi).

Tsunade upon hearing Kenichi hugged him tightly as she shed tears.

It was a touching scene until Kenichi's stomach snoring ended the scene and he blushed when he said:

[Looks like I'm hungry] (Kenichi).

At that moment Tsunade couldn't take it anymore and started laughing.


Her son had returned.

But what Tsunade didn't know is that Kenichi didn't just return, at which point he recovered all his memories from his previous life.

Kenichi was Izuku.

And Izuku was now Kenichi.

And the world was about to change, but no one knew it yet.


One week Time Skip


After 6 days and a long series of tests, Kenichi left the hospital with Tsunade, and now he was in the middle of the Senju training yard alone.

[Who knew that piece of Danzo crap would dare to try to kill me?] (Kenichi) murmured.

[But it just doesn't matter, one way or another I would get rid of it, now I just have more reasons] (Kenichi).

Stretching a little, Kenichi smiled as he decided to start his training.

Without wasting time he went to a more isolated place and picked up a huge rock that possessed more than 4 times its own size.

Then he came back and took a rope, tied the rock to his back, and began training doing squats and push-ups.

All started at the bases, Kenichi would first strengthen his body enough to withstand the most extreme levels of training, and then he would start practicing for real.

Kenichi already had several training methods that he discovered in his past life, and now he would use them.

After an hour Kenichi noticed that his body had already adapted to the weight of the huge rock and smiled when he murmured with a manic smile.

[It seems that my Extreme Body Adaptation ability takes 1 hour for something that should take from 10 days to 1 month for a normal person] (Kenichi).

The process of the muscles tearing and recovering is not instantaneous nor the results are.

It's not because a person managed to make a 10X series by lifting 100 pounds that they could do the same with 120 pounds the next day.

The body requires some time to adapt to the changes, but for Kenichi, this no longer applied.

With an Extreme Body Adaptation, Kenichi could get used to various levels of body stress on the same day, in a really short time.

His body would perfect itself with every exercise he did, and as he continued to adapt continuously, his body over time would be perfect.

And the training would be less and less effective at the same levels which implies that Kenichi would adapt to any common training in about 1 hour.

And to the most extreme in two.

Feeling his chackra reserves, Kenichi could say that he was around the level of a really strong Kage, about the same reserves as that of the 3rd Raikage.

Knowing that he could keep ninjutsu for a long period of time Kenichi had a predatory smile, he did not hesitate before using Jutsu: Shadow Clone to create 8 clones that would train his control of Chackra.

Meanwhile, he himself used Jutsu: Earth Release: Weighted Boulder.

And he increased the weight on his own body, after which Kenichi continued to train as his body adapted.

As he trained Kenichi continued to consider how he should deal with the current situation.

Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu and Homura had become a risk to his mother and he, so he would have to eliminate them first from the equation before beginning to plan how he would make the changes in this world.

Kenichi was not stupid and understood that having the Kage of a village as an enemy within the village itself was something simply too risky for the current him.

Even with all that, his genetics granted this was still extremely dangerous, so changes would have to be made.

First of all, he would need an escape method for emergency cases, which was actually quite simple.

Kenichi could use his Shiki formula from Hiraishin, put in several caravans of merchants, and when he needs to simply go directly to one of these that is outside Konoha.

Or else put the Shiki formula on a bird and make it fly away from the village.

Secondly, he would need resources, Kenichi knew better than anyone that if he wanted to complete his plans, he would need to find a way to acquire large amounts of resources.

Third, he would have to deal with all of Konoha's advice in a few years.

A few days later, Kenichi was quietly seated while meditating in a secluded place in the Senju complex.

Around him, a group of clones continued to use ninjutsu to increase the gravity around him constantly.

After some more time, Kenichi opened his eyes and said:

That's enough. (Kenichi).

The moment the clones heard this they nodded and dispersed with a smile.

Standing up and stretching his body, Kenichi smiled predatorily as he muttered:

- It's time to take this training seriously. (Kenichi) said with a predatory smile.

There was a reason he chose exactly those particular desires.

Kenichi in his life as Izuku developed various types of combat style and techniques for training, however even with his knowledge there were some who were too powerful even for his body, or that should be practiced from childhood to be effective.

And among the most powerful among these styles were two that he could not practice, due to the fact that no body was strong enough to practice this method, nor adaptable enough.

But now, he possessed the perfect body for this practice.

Kenichi quickly took off all his clothes and placed it perfectly folded under a tree, then he returned to the middle of the courtyard.

Entering a horse posture, Kenichi took a deep breath as he began to circle his Chackra around the body.

Changing chakra's own nature to the Scorch Release and Boil Release, Kenichi increased his own body temperature until he reached a temperature slightly above the limit of what he could handle.

And after staying with that temperature for 30 minutes while feeling the damage it caused he used Ice Release to cool his body temperature to extreme measures quickly.

He could instantly feel the pain, his body looked like it would break, but Kenichi relying on his enormous vitality resisted while squeaking his teeth.

After a few moments of adaptation to the process, he began using Storm Release to generate micro lesions in his muscles, bones, skin, and organs.

And after leaving his body in a pitiful state with this method, Kenichi used his Yang Release and his bone manipulation to the extreme to heal himself while strengthening everything in the process.

The whole procedure took less than 5 minutes, but as soon as he finished the first Kenichi Cycle began to exhale an extremely smelly black nevus from all the pores of his body, while he vomited a black blood-like mud.

Those were the impurities that his body accumulated over the years, at that time he expelled them all.

After recovering a little Kenichi used his Mokuton to create a huge bathtub, and then used the Water Release to fill it with water.

Coming out of the bath Kenichi used Waterbending and using the water from the bathtub itself that was already contaminated, he removed all the impurity from the floor and threw all the impurities into a nearby tree.

Once he finished doing this he started repeating the process once again from the beginning in a cycle.

In the late afternoon, Kenichi's skin looked very much like the skin of a newborn, his body no longer possessed infant fat.

Its vitality has been enhanced to a level far beyond what could be considered inhumane.

And his strength had increased to extreme measures.

In this life when Kenichi decided his wishes, he had already decided what his fighting style would be.

He would use a skill set he called: 12 Styles of Destruction.

Adding to all the knowledge of Taijutsu and superhuman martial arts he possessed, Kenichi developed this style in his life as Izuku.

But even in that life he never managed to practice the 12 styles completely.

His body couldn't bear the impact it had, and he would have to go through a whole series of really painful methods if he wanted to practice them, something he sincerely considered was not worth it in his previous life.

But since he was reborn again, why not get a body that could bear the impact on this life from the beginning and practice?

At the maximum power of this style, it was possible to destroy entire universes as easily as breaking eggs from ordinary chickens.

The problem is that the requirement of the body's were huge, so it was necessary to possess an enormous genetic quality and use a technique that could elevate someone's bodily abilities to the extreme.

And that's where the refinement technique Kenichi was using comes in.

This technique was named: Refinement of the Nine Forbidden Stages.

Basically this was a forbidden technique that would enhance the body in the most extreme measures, but in return would cause an inhuman amount of pain and suffering to complete the process.

With each new cycle done, the attributes used must be greater than the previous one, causing the body to constantly break its boundaries, without ever allowing it to fully adapt to training.

This technique definitely wasn't for those of a weak body or will.

And with that Kenichi continued to repeat the cycle quietly as the day wore on.

At the end of the day, he could barely stand by the pain in his muscles, in all he did 90 cycles in less than 8 hours with a few breaks between each cycle.

Going as far as his clothes were he put them on and began dragging his aching body to his home, no doubt the amount of improvement he had today was phenomenal.

Arriving home Kenichi saw his mother looking at him worried, greeting her, he went to bed and lay unconscious.

His body and mind were in a state of total exhaustion, but the results would certainly be worth it because if he continued with this training, he could kill any of the Kages in just 1 year.

Two years later.

At that moment a blond boy with blue eyes who appeared to be 12 years old was casually doing push-ups with a single finger, while on his back there was a rock the size of a four-story house and on top of that rock, several children were sitting while having fun.

The one doing the push-ups was Kenichi Kato Senju.

Many adults were watching the current scene with a face that showed a strange mixture of pride, shame, and joy.

Among them, 3 stood out.

A man with pale skin black hair and yellow eyes.

A man with white hair red marks below the eyes and a wart on his nose.

And a beautiful blonde woman with brown eyes and huge breasts.

The three were known as the Sannins of Konoha, and upon seeing the scene they all had an appreciation in their eyes.

-Tsunade tell me honestly, how strong is Kenichi today? (Orochimaru) said looking at Kenichi with predatory eyes.

Orochimaru had been analyzing some DNA samples from Kenichi when he was younger and what he discovered made him want to throw a week-long party.

The vitality in Kenichi's blood was easily more than 100X greater than that of Hashirama Senju's DNA, and in doing some studies with it, Orochimaru theorized that Kenichi could probably attain eternal life if he practiced the Sage Mode from which Jiraya boasts so much.

Knowing that the secret to immortality was so close, excited endlessly Orochimaru.

- It depends a lot on the subject. (Tsunade).

-In Taijutsu he is unbeatable, in Genjutsu he is as good as a Jonin, in Ninjutsu he is already at Kage level, in Fuinjutsu he is already as good as my grandmother, in Kenjutsu I do not know. (Tsunade).

-In general, Kenichi is the equivalent of an S-rank ninja when the requirement itself is technical, but if we take into account his abilities he can probably face the 3rd Raikage head-on and prevail smoothly. (Tsunade).

In Tsunade's eyes to see Kenichi all that existed was an unfathomable amount of pride and happiness.

Jiraya hearing the subject said:

Have you ever taught him the Summoning Jutsu? (Jiraya).

- Not yet, I'm going to let him pick his invocation when he has his birthday in eight months. (Tsunade).

Hearing about the subject Orochimaru said:

-Hakuja is really very interested in having Kenichi as the Snake Summoner. (Orochimaru).

- It's the same for frogs. (Jiraya).

-Katsuyu also mentioned this subject with me, but honestly, I prefer to leave the choice to him. (Tsunade).

Listening to Tsunade, Jiraya turned to her and said:

-Tsunade will you allow him to become a Shinobi of Konoha? (Jiraya).

-Honestly, if it depended only on me I wouldn't allow it, but I'm not going to impose my will against his wishes. (Tsunade).

-If Kenichi chooses to be a Shinobi so be it. (Tsunade).

After some more time watching Kenichi, Jiraya had a difficult expression when he struggled to ask a question which he really didn't want.

- Tsunade, is there any way you can forgive the counselors? (Jiraya) asked with regret.

In a normal situation, Jiraya would never ask something like this, but this was no longer a normal situation.

Jiraya recently discovered that Hiruzen was preparing to take action against Tsunade and directly asked Jiraya which side he would be on.

Hiruzen had made it very clear that anyone who was not in favor would be against him because the situation could no longer be maintained in this way.

He was going to take down Tsunade.

Hiruzen was doing this because he learned of Kenichi's monstrous abilities, and having in mind that, he decided that he could not let him grow further knowing that one day Kenichi could turn against Konoha due to the latest incidents.

And as he refused to kill Danzo and everyone else, he would have to get rid of Kenichi, but doing so would imply having Tsunade against the village, so he decided he would act to kill her and Kenichi at once.

Listening to Jiraya, Tsunade turned to him and said:

Sensei's going to start acting to take me down, isn't he? (Tsunade).

Orochimaru who stood next door was silently listening as he considered his chances.

-Tsunade the current situation can not continue. (Jiraya).

-We are about to enter a new war, and the situation is like a bomb about to explode. (Jiraya).

- All because Sensei refuses to listen to reason and kill three traitors. (Tsunade).

Jiraya, Kenichi's results speak for themselves. (Tsunade).

-With sincerity what do you think would be more valuable to Konoha, Kenichi, or 3 old men who kill their own comrades for their own benefit? (Tsunade).

Jiraya listening to Tsunade said:

-Tsunade this is no longer the time to think about past grudges, if the moment comes the Sensei will come to your door with all of Konoha behind him. (Jiraya).

-As much as the clans support your side, they won't risk a civil war right now and you know it. (Jiraya).

-I know that, and if you think Sensei is the only one who's getting ready you're very wrong. (Tsunade).

-I can assure you of something, if the worst ever happens, Kenichi will survive and leave Konoha unharmed. (Tsunade).

And you must already wonder what someone with his talent is going to do once he grows up. (Tsunade).

Listening to Tsunade, and seeing her eyes Jiraya felt his heart cooling, he could tell she definitely wasn't kidding.

And just the thought of it made Jiraya tremble.

Kenichi already possessed the power to face a strong 6-year-old Kage and only God knows what he would achieve at his peak, only the mere thought of Kenichi returning to Konoha in revenge once he reached adulthood made Jiraya sweat cold.

Orochimaru who heard Tsunade frowned a little, for he did not know that Tsunade had such a plan.

And Tsunade, who watched everything calmly, had eyes with a determination never seen before.

She wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her son as long as she lived.

Hokage's office simultaneously.

Shiharo Nara was in front of Hiruzen.

-Shiharo the Nara clan will support me against Tsunade? (Hiruzen).

-If the situation comes to this we will, but honestly Hokage-Sama this is a mistake. (Shiharo).

Listening to Shiharo, Hiruzen looked at him and said:

- The boy is an extreme threat to Konoha, we can't let him grow any more. (Hiruzen).

Looking at the Hokage and deciding it was better to speak now Shiharo said:

- He's a threat as long as you protect the ex-counselors. (Shiharo) Shiharo said in a serious tone.

-Hokage-Sama do not misunderstand me, my loyalty, as well as that of my clan, remains with you. (Shiharo).

-But acting against Tsunade in this way is a mistake of colossal proportions, she is one of the most valuable resources Konoha has ever produced. (Shiharo).

-And not only that but she is also the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju, Granddaughter of Miito Uzumaki, Uma Sannin, and saved thousands of the lives of our Shinobi in the last war. (Shiharo).

-If you decide to act against her, questions will be asked, at best you will lose the rank of Hokage, at worst you will die along with Danzo, Koharu and Homura. (Shiharo).

-And that's disregarding the possibility that Kenichi or Tsunade will be able to get out of this situation alive because if it happens Konoha will collapse in a few years. (Shiharo).

-We must not forget also the fact that the 4 scrolls are still in Katsuyu's possession, and even though we have changed the barriers and defenses of Konoha the knowledge in the scrolls is too great to be left in the hands of the other villages. (Shiharo).

-Even in the best case, Konoha will suffer a disastrous loss by a simple attack on Tsunade, and excuse the sincerity, but if the matter comes out, each civilian ninja will revolt. (Shiharo).

-It is no longer a question of simply concealing information or incriminating a person to pretend it didn't happen, now it's a situation where the existence of the 3 former elders has become a threat to Konoha's very existence. (Shiharo).

Listening to Shiharo, Hiruzen creaked his teeth, he knew all this very well.

He knew that acting against Tsunade would generate disastrous losses and could perhaps result in the destruction of Konoha if things went wrong.

But killing the elders was no longer an option for Hiruzen, as, like Tsunade, Danzo also took precautions in the event of his death.

Danzo was not stupid and when he learned that his plan to kill Kenichi at the hospital had failed, he immediately prepared a contingency plan.

Danzo handed out scrolls containing all the secrets he knew to two ROOT members and sent them away from Konoha without them informing him of the location.

And they should never go back unless a situation where Danzo was declared Hokage for at least six years happened.

And if he died, for any other cause than enemies while he was the Hokage or old age, these ROOT members would take the scrolls and spread them to all shinobi villages.

And with that, he managed a way to survive everything they could try against him and to make matters worse all of Hiruzen's dark secrets were there.

If half of what is on that scroll reaches the Daimyo of Fire, Hiruzen and the entire Sarutobi clan will be considered traitors and ordered to be executed.

And if all that is there comes out, there will be no room for the Sarutobi clan in the elemental nations, all of them will be hunted down and slaughtered, for Hiruzen in his youth and thirst for revenge for Tobirama's death had done several really horrible things.

And among them were several attacks on several Daimyos and their families, Hiruzen even helped kill the previous Daimyo of fire so that a more easily manipulated one would be elected.

Because of this, he couldn't afford to kill Danzo at that time.

And killing Koharu and Homura was also not an option, because if he killed them both and left only Danzo the matter would raise excessive suspicions.

That's why he'd have to deal with Tsunade and Kenichi.

-I understand your concern, but honestly, I'm also hands tied Shiharo, Tsunade is clearly no longer loyal to Konoha, or else she would never have created those scrolls. (Hiruzen).

Kenichi has become a threat whose I can no longer keep in simple observation, you've read the reports yourself. (Hiruzen).

-The boy is a monster that can face a Kage, and even to kill him now will be difficult and we will have to lose the lives of several Shinobi in the process, if he grows more will be impossible. (Hiruzen).

-Hokage-Sama if that is your will so be it, but keep in mind, if you launch an attack against Tsunade, you will have to kill her and Kenichi on the spot, and after that, we must prepare to lose the next war and most likely several others as well. (Shiharo).

Because no matter how good a technique is, if a person knows how it works, they will also know the weakness. (Shiharo).

-And Katsuyu will deliver the enemy villages more than 70% of the techniques we use today, with the only exceptions being the particular Ninjutsus of the clans. (Shiharo) said and then left.

After seeing Shiharo leaving Hiruzen began to consider what he heard while thinking of a way to minimize the damage done to the situation.

After being alone for a while he stood up and looked at the Kages' monuments as he lamented letting the situation get to that point.

In a secluded room, Orochimaru stood in front of Hiruzen.

And then Orochimaru, did you get the information on Tsunade's plans? (Hiruzen).

-No, I think she noticed something and so kept her plans to herself, but it seems Tsunade has an asset to get Kenichi out of Konoha safely. (Orochimaru) said quietly.

The truth is that Orochimaru and Hiruzen had been working together for some time.

Orochimaru wanted Kenichi for his experiments and Hiruzen had to get rid of Tsunade and Kenichi.

That's why they both made a deal.

Orochimaru would help Hiruzen overthrow Tsunade, and then the old man would ask Inoichi to destroy Kenichi's mind.

With that Orochimaru could do his experiments with him without problems.

It was a mutual benefit deal.

-Orochimaru I don't think I need to tell you the potential that kid has, on the day of the attack he can't run away, otherwise he'll come back and exterminate everyone involved. (Hiruzen).

And unless you want to spend the rest of your life hiding in fear even from your own shadow, it's urgent that we know what Tsunade's plans are. (Hiruzen).

-I know this very well, but I can not acquire this kind of information without capturing Tsunade first, and once we do that will alert every Senju in the village. (Orochimaru).

-In particular, will alert Kenichi, I do not know how cold the boy can be, but I know one thing. (Orochimaru).

- If he's cold enough to abandon Tsunade now and then come back for revenge, we're all going to be fucked. (Orochimaru).

-I personally witnessed what the boy was capable of, and frankly, I'm not going to risk exposing myself in a situation where I'm not absolutely sure I'm going to prevail against him. (Orochimaru).

- I don't intend to spend the rest of my days running away from him Sensei. (Orochimaru).

Listening to Orochimaru, and having heard the accounts of what Kenichi could do, Hiruzen knew he was walking on thin ice.

One misstep and he'd be fucked.

-That's why we need to have a guaranteed method to kill Tsunade and capture Kenichi at once. (Hiruzen).

-Jiraya will support us in the attack, along with all the clan of the village, I have already made agreements with all clans except the Clan Senju, and even among them I have spies and I am preparing for them to abandon Tsunade. (Hiruzen).

- However, we're only going to have one chance to act. (Hiruzen).

Listening to Hiruzen, Orochimaru said:

- Are you sure Jiraya is trustworthy? (Orochimaru).

-Do not forget that even after having a child, Tsunade remains as the great love of his life. (Orochimaru).

-And honestly, Jiraya doesn't strike me as the kind of person who abandons those he loves for his own luck. (Orochimaru).

-You don't have to worry, Jiraya will be reliable because as much as he loves Tsunade, he knows it's necessary for Konoha's well-being. (Hiruzen).

And as much as Jiraya disapproves of how I handled it, his loyalty to the village is even greater than his love for Tsunade. (Hiruzen).

Even he understands that after we take action against Tsunade, Kenichi won't just forget about it. (Hiruzen).

-He will surely come for revenge, and the same applies to Tsunade herself if we act against Kenichi. (Hiruzen).

-So even if he doesn't play a very active role, Jiraya will go all the way with the subject. (Hiruzen).

"But no doubt after this is over he will leave Konoha never to return." (Hiruzen) thought a little bitter.

He knew very well that Jiraya would not stay in Konoha after this matter no matter the situation.

Hiruzen had already used the welfare of all the children in Konoha to convince Jiraya to act, and yet he could say that this action would destroy Jiraya.

Jiraya can bear the burden of an entire war, he can bear the burden of losing his students, he can bear the burden of losing his friends.

But the burden of helping to kill Tsunade and her innocent son would be too much for him, and Hiruzen knew it better than anyone.

While this was happening Kenichi was quietly seated while meditating in his room.

At that moment he was using his Kenbunshouku Haki to listen to Hiruzen and Orochimaru's conversation and upon seeing how things were going he smiled mockingly.


POV Kenichi


-PFFFF, really stupid. (Kenichi) I said with a mocking smile.

Two fools think they can challenge me and try to touch my mother?

This must be the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life, they know I'm as powerful as a monster like the 3rd Raikage just relying on the Taijutsu techniques I 'learned', and they still want to follow a stupid plan like that.

What a joke

Honestly, I just want to see their faces when they come to attack and I slaughter them.

If they think the third Raikage is something in front of me, they're very wrong, that old man can't do shit.

Physically speaking I'm as strong as him with the lightning armor working at most, but this only applies if no more chackra technique or use is involved in the subject.

Who told the two idiots that I didn't learn any more technique or that I could strengthen my body with Chackra?

Not for less that Orochimaru managed to invade Konoha in the original, Hiruzen is too stupid to realize that I might simply be hiding my strength, or my mother could have lied about the estimates.

I'm already way above the level where any of them can touch me, maybe if Hashirama or Madara came up against me in their prime they could produce some result because I haven't fully developed yet.

But for a bunch of Shinobi who can't even reach Sage Mode to try to attack me?

What a joke.

Let everyone come against me, I will make a point of dancing on their graves.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POV Kenichi End.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~