Chapter 9: 


Author's Notes:

Due to Tsunade having a child, she did not develop hemophobia because she still had her beloved son, she accepted Shizune as an apprentice and took her to live with her.

Kenichi has already met Shizune, but to her, he's just a lovely little brother.


Konoha Hospital two days later.

At that moment a worried Tsunade, stood by Kenichi's bedside as he looked at her son.

Kenichi had finally stabilized his condition yesterday, during the last few days his body was fighting the poison without pause.

The poison used was known as, Kiss of Death.

It is given this name for being undetectable, incurable, intractable, and usually, when used it is inevitable, as it is a poison that basically cannot be cured in normal situations.

An ordinary person would die after 3 hours after being poisoned, but as it is usually difficult to detect when someone when they were poisoned there, was never conclusive evidence about the case.

By the time the person died, whoever poisoned them would be long gone.

This poison was considered the most powerful poison in the world for a reason, even a Biiju being poisoned by it would be weakened for weeks.

Kenichi's body was monstrous enough to survive the world's most potent poison.

After a week of fever and constant spasms, Kenichi had stabilized and began to show signs of recovery.

Yet he was still unconscious.

While looking at Kenichi, Tsunade was seriously considering whether she should leave Konoha now.

She was not stupid and knew that Hiruzen would definitely find a way to remove at least some of the punishment of the elders.

He would wait for the matter to calm down first for a few years and then find a way to put them back in leadership positions.

And Tsunade didn't want to risk her son.

As she thought about it, she felt someone entering the room and turning Tsunade saw Hiruzen.

The moment she saw him, she had a face full of aggression when she said:

[Get out of here] (Tsunade).

[Tsunade listen to me, I...] (Hiruzen).

[I don't want to hear you, or your excuses, you're supporting and defending those who killed Dan, and now they wanted to kill my son] (Tsunade).

[How many more, precious people to me do I have to lose to your friends before you decide to get rid of them?] (Tsunade)

[You keep preaching the fucking will of fire, and about how we should protect the next generation, but when your friends try to kill the heir to Konoha most loyal clan, you close your eyes] (Tsunade) said exhaling his anger.

Listening to Tsunade, Hiruzen closed his fists tightly when he said:

[And what did you expect Tsunade?] (Hiruzen).

[If I kill the 3 now, I will unleash a revolt, each of them has a huge influence in Konoha, and I cannot declare them as traitors, for let us be righteous their fear was not unfounded] (Hiruzen).

[It is a fact that you hold a grudge against Konoha because of what they did, but you also know that although Danzo leaked crucial information, it was also part of a plan to kill 1/5 of kirigakure and sunagakure's troops in one movement] (Hiruzen).

[I will not condemn an extremely loyal comrade to Konoha as a traitor without him actually betraying the village] (Hiruzen).

[However it is a fact that your child poses an imminent threat to Konoha while you hold hatred against the elders] (Hiruzen).

[Tsunade the boy has never trained and already has enough strength to clean the floor with Chunin who have trained for years] (Hiruzen).

[I know it doesn't justify or make up for what they did, and so I punished them the way I did, but I'm not going to kill them for it either] (Hiruzen) said frustrated.

[Don't give me that shit, we both know this is all bullshit, if they were any other older Shinobi, you would have run them on the spot] (Tsunade).

[You didn't, because it was those 3 who were involved] (Tsunade).

[I know exactly what you're thinking Sensei, you're probably already planning a method to get those 3 back to having important positions in Konoha ] (Tsunade).

Hiruzen listening to Tsunade, wanted to deny it, but even he knew it was true, and that no one would believe him anyway.

[Tsunade, I don't think I need to tell you how important ROOT was in the last war, hate Danzo all you want, but his information network won the war for us] (Hiruzen).

Listening to Hiruzen, Tsunade was very clear.

[If they take any position more important than a simple trade manager in Konoha, I will leave this village with my son, and if anything happens to him, I join the other villages] (Tsunade) said without hesitation.

[TSUNADE] (Hiruzen) roared.

Looking into Hiruzen's eyes, she said:

[I will not have my son in danger once again Sensei, not by you, not by Konoha, not by anyone] (Tsunade) said with eyes as sharp as swords.

[And just to be clear, I left 4 scrolls with Katsuyu, containing all the secrets of Konoha that I know, all the Jutsus that were created by a Senju, and all the medical information I gathered, if anything happens to me she will take one of them to each of the other Great Villages] (Tsunade).

[How can you do something like this?] (Hiruzen) said tightening his fists so hard that the nails pierced the flesh.

[Are you really going to risk Konoha existence by doing something like this?] (Hiruzen).

[Will you betray the village by which so many people shed blood only out of personal grudge?] (Hiruzen) said with a face that showed absolute anger.

Hiruzen understood very well the implications of what Tsunade did.

She had access to the largest amount of Konoha techniques, each Rank S Jutsu developed by the second Hokage, each Fuinjutsu that Mito the most talented seal master the Uzumaki clan ever knew and created.

All the medical knowledge of Tsunade.

Every technique and style of battle that the Senju developed for hundreds of years and that were the basis of the techniques that almost all Konoha Shinobi use.

All this information in 4 scrolls, and delivered to Konoha enemies, in case anything happens to Tsunade would be a disaster of unparalleled proportions.

If she died Tsunade would condemn Konoha whole along with her, at that moment she tied Hiruzen's hands in such a way that even the old man could not believe it.

The Senju clan sacrificed almost everything for Konoha, even relations with the Uzumaki clan and now Tsunade was willing to give up everything and take a chance on a bet just to make sure Danzo and the other elders stay where they are.

[I will not let you sacrifice my son, just because you refuse to get rid of your traitorous friends] (Tsunade).

[You want to keep them alive so be it, but they will remain as they are now, powerless, resourceless, uninvested, and watched even when they go to the bathroom] (Tsunade).

[Either you can try your chances on that bet, I live with my son in peace and he will probably hold a grudge against Konoha, or you deal with the other 4 villages having all the information I've had access to] (Tsunade).

Hiruzen listening to Tsunade clenched his fists even harder when he said in a voice full of anger.

[Tsunade I never expected you to disappoint me so much, Hashirama, Tobirama, Miito, all the members of the Senju clan who sacrificed themselves for Konoha and even your parents must be turning in the tomb due to the remorse of having had you as a relative]. (Hiruzen) said and left.

Looking at Hiruzen who came out, Tsunade murmured:

[I couldn't care less, as long as my son is safe they can curse me as much as they want] (Tsunade).