We Walked at Normal speed with Banto slowing us down.
We continued our journey for 4 days. We passed through many cities for rest and supplies. Although we had brought our own supplies but just to be on the safe side we got some more an some souvenir as we won't be able to do that on our return journey.
Passing through the forest as sun began to set Jiraiya sensei said. " Like always first look for place to camp. Then get the wood and hunt something for dinner. This time Rei you will go."
Nodding we all headed to look for camp after coming across a flat land we placed our bags and got to our as i headed into the bushes to look for Rabbit for todays dinner or some other wild animal.
I didn't find any animal as i continued to walk deeper. I walked for half an hour faster then the normal people. I felt i had reached the center of this medium sized forest. Continuing on i found a flat land with a Big wolf sleeping on a stone.
Well since there are no other animals in the forest this one should do for our dinner. While i mused whether to barbecue him or should make a soup of it. He woke up feeling something in the air. He looked at me with a fierce gaze as i gave him a indifferent look and casually threw a kunai at his head, like this should do it.
But that wolf dodged the attack at a high speed and came after me as i felt some lightning chakra on his body. I rolled aside surprised at his unexpected speed. Annoyed at myself as i felt his Claws grazing my shoulders.
I started to take this seriously as my slipped towards my sword. I used my Lightning body flicker to dodge his oncoming attacks waiting for an opportunity to finish him in single attack. I found an opportunity and used my thunder sword art to attack his stomach deeply inserting the sword as i withdrew my sword blood dropped from it this being my first time seeing blood in both life, from me attacking someone. This is also the reason i used my beheading art to attack his stomach. As i stood there he jumped back and stumbled.
At this moment a small puppy like bark came from behind the stone. As i turned around i saw 2-3 pups looking at the wolf. Turning around i looked carefully at the wolf and i undertook it is mother wolf. Reluctant to destroy this small family i walked away. The injury being merely a flesh wound as my sword didn't touch any of her organs.
She looked at my back fading in the forest and linped towards its pups while the dripping blood slowed down.
'I need to do this i can't be like how i am this world is where weak are prey to the strong even Naruto and Hashirama had to kill. The peace advocates of this world. If i remain as i am now i may not be able to live past this war. I have made up my unless it is an order from Grandpa or to protect those close to me I won't kill with war being different matter. As there is no one right or wrong in it. My sword must only be drawn for righteousness.' I thought as i hardened my resolve.
I wandered around for sometime not finding any animal i returned to the route of camp. Near camp i saw a Rabbit it looked bigger then the normal ones. I just shrugged about it and quickly knocked it out still reluctant to kill.
Reaching the camp i gave the rabbit to Himari who took it while Jiraiya Sensei standing next to her gave me a look as he felt signs of life in the rabbit.
He said. " Rei you come with me for a minute." and headed for the bushes.
I reluctantly followed him as i knew what this will be about.
Reaching a secluded location he stopped and turned to face while i stopped and looked down.
" why didn't you kill the rabbit." He asked seriously. While silently stood there looking down.
' This child is still kind in heart. Looks like the old guy is correct for asking us take this mission.'He thought gazing at me.
Looking at my reluctant face he said. " If you can't even have an heart to kill a rabbit how are you going to fare against ninja and bandits. Didn't you eat meat as child. Haven't you hunted before becoming genin."
I softly answered him " I haven't hunted before as it was always Big brother Shika, Sister Kushina would get me meat dishes. While i cooked Vegetables or ordered some thing from outside from dinner. Before that mother didn't let me enter the kitchen." by the end my voice was very low.
He looked at me and sighed while saying. " You must be ready to kill. Even i don't like to kill but for Konoha we need to. If you can't kill you won't be a capable ninja. It's better to backout after this mission and live a peaceful life."
When i heard the end part of his word. I took the future of the world in consideration as well as my boring past life and determined not to be weak. As weak would be killed in this anytime.
I said to him determined " I will try my best."
" Get yourself a reason kid that will help you." He sighed as he left me to contemplate.
I mused the same as before. I will only kill if necessary and for righteousness. No indiscriminate killing. I determined and mentally noted it over and over.
I headed back to the camp where Himari and Kyou looked at me with a curious expression.
As Himari asked. " what happened why did Sensei asked to see you in such a serious expression."
Looking at their curious gaze i sighed " It was because i couldn't bring myself to kill that little life."
They looked at me with surprise as Kyou " From what i heard you should also be from a clan right, haven't you gone for hunting before."
" No my parents didn't like that kind of stuff. While meat was bought from outside."
Himari " You need to do something about it and quick"
" I have talked with Sensei about this. You don't need to worry."
" But why did you say quick at the end of sentence. Did you find something. " I continued curiously. Kyou also looked curious at this.
She looked around as we waited. Finding no one she said. " I heard Jiraiya Sensei and Banto arguing something. The conversation was about whether he had given us all the information or not"
"That shouldn't be the case as Grandpa won't send us on such a dangerous mission this early. And this mission should be confirmed from the intelligence corps before giving it a mission rank" They both nodded as they felt this reasonable.
"Lets head back, even if something happens Sensei is there take care of it.although he doesn't look powerful but he is still one of the kage level or near level ninja, he is among the top level in the village." I said fully knowing how tough our pervy sensei is. And headed back to sleep. As they entered there own.