Chapter 1

Death the one unshakable fact about life, the fact that we are all going to die; sooner or later, death comes for us.

It's not a matter of if, but a matter of when.

When I died, I was sad that I never got to experience the outside world much.

Cancer, I had an inoperable tumor in my head, and doctors gave me three to four months to live.

What a rush when you know that time is slipping by.

I tried to enjoy my last months as much as I could, trying to be satisfied with my life when the time finally came.

But I knew I was lying to myself, no matter what I did I wasn't going to be happy with the result, I wanted to live, no amount of fun or trips would change the fact that death was looming above me, waiting to take me away.

I wanted to live; I was only nineteen years old; I wasn't ready to die.

But death doesn't give a fuck about what others want; I learned that when during my third week of trying to enjoy my life to its fullest, I fainted.

The doctors were wrong, not that I blame them, but it seems my tumor had decided to go full power on me.

And it was time to die.

I'm not ashamed to say that I cried; I was angry; I was sad, so many emotions that slowly turned into peace.

There wasn't anything I could, and everything would be over soon, I would die, and make some people cry, but they would eventually move on.

My suffering was nothing but a moment that would last for a short period of time.

I was ready, it's funny, I never thought I would accept my fate when it actually came, perhaps knowing that I couldn't do anything made me accept this fact faster or perhaps was something else.

The next day I died, my family cried, my friends, cried.

I was there to see them cry, and yet I felt nothing but peace within me.

I could see my body, it was a weird experience, but one that confirmed that there was something after death.

"Not always," Someone chuckled beside me, it was a man about forty years old with white hair and a suit with a red tie, his eyes were a deep silver color with black lines around the iris, I could feel some way that he was the incarnation of death.

"You are death?" I inquired, looking at the man standing in front of me, I wanted to make sure.

"Yes," Death smiled as he approached me, "Like I said, not always, once someone dies, they just vanish, but sometimes... sometimes I see some with potential."

Potential, what could he mean by that, "I don't quite understand,"

"I'm a god, not the most powerful god but a primordial god nonetheless," Death said as he sat on a chair, "I oversee all the multiverse and make sure everything in the realm of death... well stays dead."

"Ok... but.. and sorry if I sound rude, but how does that concerns me?" I inquired.

"Well, it concerns you because I'm bored.... boredom is the main problem with godhood, I've been alive since the beginning of everything... I've seen it all... and I'm utterly displeased with this situation,"

"So, you want me to spice things up?" I inquired, "Not to sound rude, but I'm an average guy... what could I possibly do.."

"Haha, even an ant when placed where it doesn't belong brings a wave of change, I want that, so here is the deal, you want to live, I can offer you that, and all you have to do is whatever it pleases you," Death smiled, but something felt off, that deal was mostly beneficial for me.

"So, if I accept, I will just go back to life?" I asked.

"Not here, I have a balance to maintain after all," Death smiled, "But in every other reality, I will let you travel between worlds, creating new realities, new possibilities, all I want is you to bring change! Kill them all, save them all; I don't care, just change the multiverse!"

"I accept," I felt like he was hiding something, but it was a risk worth taking, though the fact that he said kill them all really took me off my game for a second.

"Good, now a piece of advice, you will need to forsake everything you think is right and wrong if you wish to keep your new life," Death smiled, and with a handshake, the world around me started to dissipate like haze.


I woke up to feel the unforgiving cold weather slapping me back into consciousness.

"Where am I...?" I muttered, looking around just to find ice in every direction; I was in a cave of sorts, everything, the floors the walls, everything was frozen.

Standing up, I noticed something my body was different, I was jacked as hell, I had an average body, but this was like a superhero body.

I was also taller, not sure how much, but I was six feet tall before this, and now I felt way above that.

My hair was short and black, and for clothes, all I had was my underwear, which seemed to be made out of leather.

"So he resurrected me so that I can die freezing my balls off," I muttered.

As I turned around to inspect the cave, I notice something I failed to see earlier, a very familiar sword floating in the air with an armor behind it.

It was the Frostmourne, the fearsome, rune-inscribed two-handed longsword that the Lich King used.

The runeblade with the power to control the forsaken, and kill anything.

Close to it, there was a message,

—-Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit——

"Oh, no..." I muttered, "Am I in the world of Warcraft?!"

I loved the game, but one thing was loving a game, and another was living in said game, I loved zombie games, but I would never ask to live in the resident evil universe.

With an internal conflict, I decided to leave the cave; the last thing I wanted was to turn into the Lich King.

But as soon as I peek outside the cave, I see an army of undead, but they are different, I can't shake the feeling they don't belong to Azeroth.

As I tried to find why I feel they are not from World of Warcraft, they all turned to see the cave all in unison, scaring the crap out of me.

"Oh my fucking god," I was scared, and let's face it who wouldn't be in this situation.

They started to move opening a path for a very familiar undead, one that didn't live up to his hype on the TV.

The Night King.

"Game of Thrones... " I muttered no wonder those undead felt different.

Before I can plan how to even survive this, the night king points at me, and every single undead starts to run at me, like a swarm.

They are far away, but that doesn't matter. I know I can't outrun them, they will catch me and kill me.

Death didn't give me an option; he wants me to become the Lich King; that's what he meant by, 'You have to forsake everything you think is right..'

I approach the sword, weighing my options, death, or becoming the greatest threat this world could ever face.

I can hear the horde of zombies getting closer; they are a few seconds away.

When a human is pushed against a wall, like any animal, it would do anything to survive; I can only hope I can keep a bit of my humanity.

I grabbed the sword and the helm of domination, as the swarm of undead rushed through the cave towards me.

Voices of sorrow, the promise of unmatched power, I could feel it all running through my veins.

My eyes were turning blue, and my humanity was slowly fading away, fear, hate, sadness, all those emotions slowly fading away.

I didn't lose my memories, but I felt somewhat detached from them.

As I stood there with the helm on my head and sword on my hand, I notice that the wights had stopped; they wanted to kill me, so with single a glare, they turned into piles of bones and bodies.

It was only fair for me to take their life away.

I started to put on the rest of the armor, my hair slowly turning white.

By the moment I was done and walking out of the cave, every single undead, including the so-called night king, were kneeling.

"I. Am. The Lich King," I said with a cold tone,

I had become what death wanted me to become, but the question was, was I still capable of human emotions, or was I now only the Lich King, the weapon of the burning legion.


Author note I have 25 chapters ready under editing, to make them beautiful, I will post another one soon.

This will be my main fic.