Chapter 2

Every single undead was kneeling, for I was their true King now, I could feel the one hundred thousand soldiers at my disposal.

Each and every single one of them, waiting for my command.

What did I want to do now? Destroy the living? Take over the world?

I wasn't sure, my emotions were drained the moment I decided that I had to use this power to survive, but I was still me, I think.

Decisions, some many to make, but I didn't have to rush into anything; first, I would make some use of my soldiers.

Their souls were trapped inside their bodies, not like normal necromancy, some were just plainly dead, but around five thousand of them still had their souls inside.

But the necromancy spell keeping them in the living world completely shut off their human side, destroying it or sealing it to make them puppets.

The 95% of my army was just that, mindless puppets, but a 5% of them still had souls, trapped souls but souls nonetheless.

I had to fix that; I had to give them back their minds, I could still control them, I was the supreme lord of the forsaken, so them having a voice didn't change that.

But it would lessen my tasks, as I would have minds to create what I wanted.

Minds that I would use to delegate tasks.

Having decided, I proceed to do just that, starting the night king, his soul was still there lingering inside, in a prison of ice and suffering.

"Rise," I commanded, breaking the chains that shackled his soul.

As if responding to my command, he gasped in pain, clutching his chest.

"Where am I?" The night king asked.

"Where we are is non-important," I said, "What it matters is that you know who you serve,"

The undead looked at me without hesitation, kneeling, "I serve you and you alone,"

I could feel his loyalty, blind loyalty, good, "You will be my general, do not disappoint me... from this day forward you will be called Nerzhul,"

"As you command, my king," Nerzhul said with his head low as if he was not worthy enough to lay his eyes on me.

"I will awaken the rest, be sure to explain them," I ordered him as I stabbed the ice-cold ground with Frostmourne, sending a wave of magic through the camp, awakening every soul that could be awakened.

"Your will shall be done," Nerzhul said, leaving my sight.

I wanted to create a city, no, a kingdom before I decided if this world would perish under my hands.

A land for me and the forsaken.

Lordaeron, what a fitting name for the irony of this situation, an appropriate name indeed for my first kingdom.

"I suppose Icecrown could be the name of the capital," I muttered.

"My king, the new awakened have been informed of their situation," Nerzhul informed, kneeling.

"Good, we have a kingdom to build," I said, as I turned around to see Nerzhul, "If we have builders among them bring them to me,"

"Your will is my command," Nerzhul bowed as he left.

The one downside of not having them under my full control as puppets is that I can't read minds, I can feel their emotions and more giving me a general idea who they think they serve, but I can't tell what's inside their minds.

Not that it mattered, but it was a downside regardless.

It didn't take Nerzhul long before he came back with one hundred undead to my presence.

"Here they are, my king," Nerzhul announced, feeling prideful to have completed my task.

Some looked like humans, with not enough scars or missing parts to say otherwise.

Others looked like zombies or skeletons, meaning that the five thousand I liberated were just the strongest willed ones.

All of the presents were kneeling; some felt undying loyalty; others felt fear, and some felt admiration.


"You will build my city, my kingdom," With a wave of my hand, I sent a projection of what I wanted inside their very souls, images of the building of Icecrown, Lordaeron, Stormwind.

"You will supervise, their job," I ordered Nerzhul, "Use all the army as workers I want my kingdom, and I wanted now."

"Yes, my king," They said in unison as they left my sight.

With one hundred thousand workers, it would take very little time to build my empire, especially when my workers didn't need sleep, food, or breaks.

Using my control over ice, I created a throne to sit as I waited.

As I pondered on what I should do, I remembered there was a wall created with magic that could stop my army.

Or not, I wasn't sure if the child's of the forest foresaw my coming, my powers, after all, were beyond their wildest dreams.

The three-eyed raven, he would undoubtedly prove to be a useful resource for me once I raised him from the dead, of course.

Then came the wildings, I would give them a choice, to kneel in life or death, regardless of their choice they would join my ranks.

I would give this same choice to everyone, which meant I still had some lingering shade of humanity inside of me.

That was the only explanation; otherwise, I wouldn't give them a choice; I would just kill them.

But then again is not much of a choice; they either serve in life or in death, is more of an ultimatum.

As I pondered deep in thought, on what to do, I decided how to advance; I would to the free lands outside the seven kingdoms and conquest every single city.

I would, after that, decide if the seven kingdoms were worth my time.


[Daenerys Targaryen POV]

It was my thirteen name day, and my brother was already talking with Illyrio to marry me to someone.

My brother wanted an army, and I was the only chip he had to get it.

Maybe my husband would be kind, I can only hope so much, but regardless of how my husband will be I can't say no to my brother, I don't want to wake up the dragon.


[Back to the Lich King]

With my target decided I changed my orders and made my army focus on building ships.

I would travel across the sea and get control over Essos.

"Your ships should be done in a couple of weeks, my king," Nerzhul informed me.

"Good," with my ships on the way, all I had to do is take control of the wilding here, "We will march for the wildings, get ready my army,"

"Yes, how many will we take with us for this mission, my king?" Nerzhul inquired.

"Fifty thousand," I answered.

"As you wish," Nerzhul bowed as he left my sight.

I calculated that it would take me two or three days to get all the wildlings under my control, and soon after, Braavos and Essos would follow.

"Let's see how reluctant to kneel these wildings are, if they don't kneel in life, they will kneel in dead," I muttered with a sinister tone of delight on my words.


Will our MC, ever recover his humanity, he is, has a lingering part of that inside, or will he end up being nothing but The Lich King?