Chapter 10- Let’s Play Matchmaker!

We both peeked out of the corner to see Lady Charlotte chatting with other noble ladies down the hallway. What am I even doing? Class was gonna start soon but I let Alex drag me around as we stalked an Earl's daughter. I'm gonna get in so much trouble.

"First period is gonna start, you know?" I warned her.

"Don't you find it weird that Charlotte has no other classes with the other important characters?"

"Well, she is the only second year out of all the important characters."

"Why would the developers do that!? Are they trying to keep her away from Philip!?"

"I think that's the point so the heroine could get close to Lord Philip."

"We need to get Philip and Charlotte together somehow…"

I sighed, "I'm going back to class. If Lady Rium notices I'm not there, she's gonna give me an earful."

Alex gasped, "You're right! You need to go back, so you can work on getting Rium and Raphael together! You're so smart, Reiré! While I work on Charlotte and Philip, you can work on those two! Genius!"

"I just don't want to be late," I clarified, but I was ignored.

"Hurry before the bell rings!" And so I was dragged to my class by Alex.

The bell rang and I sat down in my seat with an exhausted expression. Even though the day just started, I'm already tired. Or maybe it's just because it's so early in the morning.

"Are you alright, Reiré?" Lady Rium asked me.

"Yeah, just a bit tired."

"It was quite a sight to see Alex throw you into the class. She's very energetic in the morning, isn't she?"

I groaned, "You have no idea."

"By the way, before she left, she was wishing you good luck. Are you doing something?"

"Ah…" That was good luck on getting you and Lord Raphael together. Can't really tell her that. "She was wishing me luck in surviving the classes. I mentioned that I was feeling tired. It's probably because I didn't sleep well last night."

"Oh my! Do you need to go see a doctor?"

"Oh no! It's fine, I don't need a doctor. It's nothing serious."

"Well, alright. Don't push yourself too hard."

"I know. By the way. Have you talked to Lord Raphael over the weekend? I haven't seen him around on the sixth and seventh day of the week."

"Ah, he's always in the library," Lady Rium answered. "Sometimes I have to drag him out to make sure he's not skipping lunch and dinner."

"Even in the Academy, you're still looking out for him."

Lady Rium crossed her arms and huffed, "Of course. He's hopeless without me."

I giggled. One thing for sure was that Lady Rium does have feelings for Lord Raphael. I honestly don't think I need to intervene at all. I guess the only problem would be waiting to see who confesses. Lady Rium wouldn't do it since she's a firm believer that the boy should always confess first. I also know that Lord Raphael wouldn't do it because he's too big of a coward. Hmmm… This is quite hard.

"Hey, are you free after classes today?" I questioned.

"Hmm? No, I'm not. Did you need something?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing important. I just thought maybe we and Lord Raphael should get together. It's been a while since it's just the three of us, hasn't it?"

"That is true. You're always with Alexandra, I'm always at some gathering and Lord Raphael has his head in the books. It has been some time since it's just the three of us."

"Yeah, but if you're busy, we can try another time."

Lady Rium smiled. "I'll talk with Lord Raphael when I meet up with him. I'm actually helping him with some student council work. You could join us?"

"Is it just you two? Alone? In a room?" I curiously asked.

She gave me a puzzled look. "Yes?"

Lady Rium and Lord Raphael, alone in a room together with no one else… Isn't that the perfect scenario? There's no need for me to be there. Just them being together creates chemistry. I don't want to ruin it as a third wheel. Let's just leave these two to the hands of cupid.

"You know what? I just remembered that I promised to help Alex with something," I lied. "Why don't we all meet up another time?"

Lady Rium nodded her head. "We can do that. When are you free?"

"I am free any day," I answered. "You and Lord Rapahel can choose the date. Any day works for me."

"I see, then I'll get back to you once I return to the dorms."

I gave her two thumbs up. "Cool."

Lady Rium gave me a confused look and pointed to my thumbs. "What does that gesture mean?"

"Oh, uh… It means 'Good! Amazing! Cool!' Stuff like that."

"Is that so. Commoners sure have some interesting hand gestures."

It's not really a commoner thing, but I'll let her have it. "It's just another way of communicating."

"That is nice to know," said Lady Rium. "Now let's pay attention to class, the teacher is here."

"Of course." I turned my attention to the front of the class where the teacher began the lecture.

- - - - 0-0-0 - - - -

As I walked down the hallway, towards the cafeteria, I found Alex peeping around the corner. I raised an eyebrow at her behavior and crept up on her. She must be focused on something because she has yet to notice my presence behind her.

"What are you doing?"

"Kyaa!" Alex yelped as she jumped in surprise. She whipped around and glared at me. "Don't scare me like that! You gave me a heart attack."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sorry, so what are you doing?"

"I'm observing Philip. Did you know that he has a group of girls that are swooned by him! He's practically a player! And here I thought Raphael was the womanizer in the game."

I felt a single beat of sweat fall from my forehead. If Lord Raphael heard that, she would have been in so much trouble. But I can't deny her when it's true that Lord Raphael was known as a player among the female readers. He may have a boring story, but at least his looks and internal conflicts make up for the lack in plot. I'm just happy Lord Raphael didn't grow up to act like the heartbreaker that he was in the novel.

"Just look at him giving his sweet smiles to random girls. He should be reserving those pearly whites to Charlotte only!" Alex claimed.

"Hmm…" I peeked around the corner, wanting to see what got Alex so riled up. I observed how Lord Philip was grinning while talking to a pair of young female students. They look just like normal friends talking to each other. I don't know what Alex was talking about. The girls don't look to be fascinated by him, they aren't even blushing or acting all giddy. "Alex, are you sure they are 'swooned' by Lord Philip."

"I don't mean just them," Alex scoffed. "I'm telling you, he has like a fan club or something."

I rolled my eyes. "I'd assume so. He is a capture target, isn't he? I mean, Prince Leonhardt and Prince Clovis have one."

Alex scoffed, "They don't count, they are princes. It's expected for them to have fan clubs."


"Oh, look! Charlotte is coming!"

We both watched from around the corner as the scene that played out for us. We weren't close enough to hear their conversation, but we can sort of guess by their facial expression and body language. So far, Lady Charlotte had a kind expression and was saying a few words to the other girls. Lord Philip blushed as he rubbed his fingers through his blonde hair. The pair of girls then bowed to both Lady Charlotte and Lord Philip before leaving. I wonder what Lady Charlotte said to them.

"Yes, Charlotte! Fight for your man!" Alex cheered.

All I did was shake my head. I have no comment for her. Focusing back on the male and female pair, I noticed how Lady Charlotte now had a more exhausted expression. I could relate to her on that. I'm quite exhausted too and half the day isn't over yet.

Alex suddenly gasped, "They're coming this way! Hurry hide!" Alex moved away from the corner and pulled me back with her.

"Hide? Hide where?" I asked her.

"I don't know! Somewhere, so they don't find us!"

"Why do we even need to hide?" I questioned.

"I'm wondering the same thing. Why do you need to hide, Alexandra?"

"Ah…" Alex broke out in cold sweat as she turned around to see Lady Charlotte standing there with her arms crossed.

"Good afternoon, Lady Charlotte," I greeted as I bowed.

Alex quickly moved behind me and said, "G-Good afternoon…"

Lady Charlotte smiled and curtsied. "Good afternoon to you two as well."

Lady Charlotte was the kinder rival out of the four. She didn't have to show respect to a commoner, but she still curtsied either way. If I had to choose who I liked in terms of respect, I like Lady Charlotte better. That does not mean I'm betraying my beloved Lady Claudia. I'm just saying that she treats commoners more nicely. And of course, Lady Rium is also the same, but she can also be quite stuck up like Lady Claudia. After Lady Rium's debut on her tenth birthday, she only returned greetings and did not curtsey to anyone of lower status, not even to me.

"Oh, Lady Reiré and Lady Alexandra." Lord Philip popped out from around the corner and stood by Lady Charlotte. "What are you doing here?"

I bowed again and greeted, "Good afternoon, Lord Philip. I was just making my way to the cafeteria when I bumped into Alex."

"And we were totally not eavesdropping on you guys in any way or form!"

I quickly elbowed Alex in the stomach, causing her to hunch over in pain. Both Lord Philip and Lady Charlotte flinched as their eyes widened in shock from seeing how Alex held her stomach in agony.

I only smiled as if nothing happened. "What Alex meant to say was that we just happened to see you two in the hallway."

"Why did you elbow me in the stomach?!" Alex complained.

I kept my innocent smile on my face and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Alex."

Alex whimpered, "You're so mean…"

"Is Alexandra alright?" Lady Charlotte worriedly questioned.

"It looked like that hurt," Lord Philip added.

"Oh, she's fine," I assured them. "She has a tough stomach."

"Why don't I elbow you in your stomach and see if you're fine," Alex grumbled.

Well, if you didn't mention how we were eavesdropping on them, then maybe I wouldn't have elbowed you so hard.

Lady Charlotte smiled, "I see, that's good to hear. It surprised me how Alexandra doubled over like that when you hit her. Now, what was this about eavesdropping? I believe Alexandra mentioned it before you tried to quiet her."

Lord Philip raised an eyebrow. "You two were eavesdropping?"

I still had a smile on my face, but internally I was panicking. Alex, you fool! "Like I said, we just happened to see you when we were walking by. We were not eavesdropping. You have our word, right Alex?"

Alex quickly nodded her head. "Yep! We were not eavesdropping!"

"Is that so…" Lady Charlotte doesn't look like she believes my words, but it looks like she won't pry any further. Thank goodness, cause I don't know how else to explain our rude behavior.

"It is so. Now, if you'll excuse me, the cafeteria is calling my name."

"Ah, I'm actually going there myself with Lady Charlotte. Would you two like to join?" Lord Philip offered.

Alex's eyes lit up as she voiced, "Oh, we don't want to intrude on your beautiful alone time. You two should get cozy with each other, share some secrets and maybe confess to each-"

I jabbed Alex with my elbow once more, in the arm this time, and said, "What Alex was trying to say was that we don't want to intrude on you."

Alex pouted as she rubbed her left arm and muttered, "Why are you so violent with me, Reiré?"

"Maybe because you keep trying to dig your own grave?" I whispered back.

"Nonsense! We'd love to have you, right, Lady Charlotte?" Lord Philip turned to the noble girl and brightly smiled.

Lady Charlotte sighed and nodded. "Yes. It would be a pleasure to have you join us."

I feel like we just ruined Lady Charlotte's plans. Lord Philip should learn to read the mood once in a while. But since they both gave permission, it would be rude to turn them down now. "Then we will join you. Thank you."

Alex pouted that her plan to give them alone time failed. I doubt it would have worked anyway since it's the cafeteria. Anyone could have joined the pair for lunch.

"Then, let's get going. I heard they're serving curry today," Lord Philip voiced.

"That sounds delicious," I commented.

The four of us walked together down the hall towards the cafeteria. I quite like this since I don't have random nobles 'accidentally' knocking me over as they pass by. It's great to have friends with status by your side. No one will openly mess with you when you're with them.

"Oh! I just thought of something. Lady Alexandra, you don't happen to have a sister, do you?" Lord Philip abruptly asked.

Alex gave him a puzzled look. "No. I don't have any siblings. Why?"

"Is that so. I just remember talking to a girl that kind of resembles you."

"Did you catch her name?" I asked.

"I can't remember. She was asking me some questions, but for some reason my memories of her are kind of foggy," said Lord Philip.

"You have a lot of female admirers so I wouldn't be surprised if you can't keep track of all of them," Lady Charlotte voiced with an annoyed face.

Lord Philip nervously smiled, "As I've said. They are just regular friends, Lady Charlotte."

"Regular friends don't just suddenly give you a gift and run away while squealing like they were just confessed to," she pointed out.

"Uuuh…" Lord Philip has no counter for that.

Oof. Must be hard, Lord Philip. You have my sympathies. "Let's just drop this topic, yeah?"

Lord Philip immediately agreed. "Yes, let's."

Lady Charlotte sighed but didn't continue the conversation. We just kept walking side by side until Lady Charlotte dropped a step or two back. She must still be a bit annoyed with Lord Philip. It's easy to get frustrated with a boy you like when they have many girls fawning over him. I totally understand.

I walked beside Lord Philip and then I noticed that Alex had slowed down to match Lady Charlotte's pace. They seemed to be talking about something, but I didn't want to eavesdrop on them. I'm not like Alex after all. I'm just assuming that Alex was trying to smooth things over so Lady Charlotte wouldn't be upset with Lord Philip anymore.

"Those two seem to be getting along," Lord Philip voiced.

I agreed. "Yes, though I was a bit worried in the beginning." Mainly because Alex could easily get on Lady Charlotte's bad side if she's not careful.

"Oh, same here. Lady Charlotte mentioned how she saw Lady Alexandra had been tailing her in the morning today. She was worried that Lady Alexandra had something against her. I don't think that's the case."

I internally groaned. If you're gonna stalk someone at least be good at it, Alex! What's the use of stalking if you're just gonna get caught?! "I apologize on Alex's behalf. She had meant no harm when following Lady Charlotte. She was just…" How do I word it? "Alex was just curious about Lady Charlotte."

"Lady Charlotte is a wonderful girl," he praised. "I can understand if Lady Alexandra became fond of her. I have known Lady Charlotte since I was young, but there are still a lot of things I don't know about her. I hope to learn of them someday. I feel bad, I don't even know my own childhood friend that well."

I smiled, "No one knows their childhood friend completely, Lord Philip. Even I don't know Lady Rium or Lord Raphael that well. But I think Lady Charlotte is willing to tell you anything about herself if you ask."

"You think so?"

If she loves you like she does in the novel, then… "I know so."

"Then maybe I'll ask what her favorite snack is. What her favorite flower is and what she likes to do outside of horseback riding." Lord Philip began to list the things he wanted to learn from Lady Charlotte.

Okay, seeing Lord Philip and Lady Charlotte together would be nice. They make a cute couple after all. I did originally want to set these two up, so I guess playing matchmaker is kind of fun, but I just don't want to get into unnecessary trouble. We should be doing this carefully with a foolproof plan. Not going in blindly like Alex was doing. In fact…

I glanced back and saw Alex smiling widely while Lady Charlotte had a huge blush on her face. I couldn't help but be a little bit curious. What did Alex say to get Lady Charlotte so flustered like that? It seemed that Alex noticed me looking at her because she gave me the 'okay' hand gesture and I have no idea what she meant by that. I won't ponder on it any longer because I'll just get a headache. I can never guess what Alex is thinking a hundred percent after all. I'll just ask instead.

"Lady Charlotte? Are you alright?" I inquired. "Your face is red."

"Hmm?" Lord Philip stopped walking and turned to look at the girl in question. "Lady Reiré's right, your face does look red. Should I take you to a doctor?"

Lady Charlotte shook her head. "Oh, it's nothing serious. Don't mind me." She suddenly increased her pace and walked past Lord Philip.

Lord Philip walked beside her as I walked beside Alex. I could see that Lord Philip was worried about Lady Charlotte. I don't think Lady Charlotte was sick, she looked more bashful and shy than anything.

"What did you say to Lady Charlotte, Alex?" I inquired.

Alex giggled, "All I said was 'Philip makes a great boyfriend. I'm jealous of you, Charlotte.' Then her face turned red and she was doing everything in her power to deny how they are a couple. She was acting so cute!"

Oh my god, Alex. I hit my forehead and groaned. I'm so sorry on Alex's behalf, Lady Charlotte. Please don't seek revenge against her.

"I think Charlotte is finally thinking about Philip from a romantic view-point. Isn't this amazing! I'm making progress!"

Yeah, progress to your early death, that's what. It's a good thing Lady Charlotte was the nicer villainess, otherwise, Alex, you'd be forty-eight feet underground. You know what? I give up. Alex, do whatever you want, but I won't be apologizing on your behalf anymore. You can fix your own mess, but the good news is…

"Since you're making progress, you're done stalking Lady Charlotte, right?" I asked.

"What? Of course not."

Oh my god, this girl still wants to tail Lady Charlotte around!?

"This love is still new! I need to observe and treat it with care and tenderness until it's all grown up!"

"Alex, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"What I mean is, the Philip and Charlotte ship still needs my help to sail! I need to make sure it doesn't sink! Oh, I need to come up with a ship name!"

… I'm done. I'm done with her. "Good luck with that."

Alex beamed. "Hehehe. Since I'm doing so well, do you need help with Rium and Raphael?"

My eyes widened at her question and I quickly refused her. "No! I'm good! I'm good. Super good. Don't need your help." If anything, I feel like Alex might make it worse for them. In fact, with Alex's ways of doing things, Lord Raphael might have a heart attack instead.

Alex frowned, sad that she couldn't play matchmaker for Lady Rium and Lord Raphael. "I see… So what's your plan?"

"Well, one thing for sure. I'm not stalking them."

"But it's so fun to watch their behaviors from afar."

Oh my goodness, instead of a matchmaker… "Alex… You have fully turned into a stalker."

"I have not," she denied.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

"I have not!"

"Uh huh, uh huh," I absentmindedly voiced.

"I have not!" she screamed.

I ignored her cries as we entered the large open room with multiple tables for students to sit and eat. I quickly head towards the food needing something to stuff myself with. I just need to refuel and relax. Alex was making me go crazy, and not the good kind of crazy. She was making me lose brain cells every time I talked to her. I've only known her for a week. A week! Is she also the type of girl that I can't handle?! God, if you even exist. Please, just give me a break!