Chapter 11- I Need More Claudium!

I face planted on to my giant fluffy bed as I let out a heavy groan. Today was so tiring. I was only able to make it through thanks to Lady Claudia's adorable reactions when I tease her. That girl was my life line to surviving four more years of high school.

"You seem exhausted," Lady Rium voiced.

I rolled onto my back, still not willing to get up from this heaven of fluffiness. "I had a long day and Alex's trouble making personality was not making it easy for me."

Lady Rium chuckeld, "I'd call it more playful than troublemaking."

"Well, that's because you haven't hung around her as much as I have," I grumbled.

"Maybe this will help brighten your mood. Lord Raphael said He'll be free tomorrow after school, so we can get together for dinner."

This time I sat up. "Really?"

Lady Rium nodded. "My schedule is also free tomorrow, so we can get together like we used to."

I smiled, "That would be great!" The three Rs are finally getting back together again. I'm actually pretty excited. I could use a break from Alex, she can be a bit much to handle at times. Ah, I can't wait for tomorrow!

- - - - 0-0-0 - - - -

"Why do you look so happy? Usually, I'm the one with the goofy smile," said Alex.

"That's because I'll be hanging out with Lady Rium and Lord Raphael after school today," I answered. "I've been so mentally exhausted, because of you, that I have yet to relax for a while. A day with just Lady Rium and Lord Raphael is what I need to unwind myself."

"Don't forget your objective is to play matchmaker for them. Don't be slacking off."

I grumbled, "Well what about you then? I am at least able to get them to hang out together after school. How's your progress with Lady Charlotte and Lord Philip since yesterday?"

Alex glanced away with a shamed looked. "Ah… I'm getting there. I have another plan in mind…"

I rolled my eyes. I bet that means more stalking or something. I hope she doesn't go straight up to Lady Charlotte and ask her to confess. She can't be that dumb, right? "By the way, you're holding the teacup wrong. You don't hook your fingers through the handle and don't lift your pinky either."

"Eh? I thought I was holding it pretty well."

I sighed, "Did you not observe any of the etiquette done by the noble ladies at Lady Rium's party?"

"I was so intimidated by the love rival's presence that I didn't have time to pay attention to tea or table etiquette," she explained. "Besides, all my other partner's never mentioned that I was holding the cup wrong before."

Currently, I am in Etiquette class with Alex. We are learning our afternoon tea party manners. I wanted to partner up with Lady Claudia, but she ran away and was able to get someone else to partner up with her before I could trap her. Unfortunately, no one wanted to partner up with commoners so I was paired with Alex.

"They probably think you wouldn't understand even if they point it out."

Alex pouted, "I'm not a child. I'm trying my best to fit into this world of nobility here."

"Well, I'll fix your manners as much as I can while I'm your partner today. I really wanted to be with Lady Claudia though."

"But you guys are always so noisy."

"Don't you know? That was Lady Claudia pointing out all my mistakes while trying to insult me. She is such a kind soul to help me. She's so sweet. This is why I love her."

"I really think she was just trying to bully you."

I scoffed, "You don't think I know that? Her bullying is literally just pointing out what we are doing wrong in noble standards. If you can't take her criticism, then you won't be able to improve yourself and shove it back in her face."

"I can't tell if you actually like her or hate her."

"I don't hate her, I think it's nice that she's voicing her opinions. Unlike Alexandra, I am doing my utmost to learn the way of the nobles. Don't you know that Alexandra was always getting insulted by the Queen when she entered the castle? Being chosen as the Crown Princess had embarrassed the royal family because she had no etiquette whatsoever," I voiced.

"Excuse you, I am right here you know. And I'm also trying my best to learn."

"I'm just saying, in the story, even though Alexandra took Etiquette class in the academy, this was her worst subject. Even with all extra lessons and help from Lady Grace, she couldn't act like a proper noble lady. If she didn't save a member of the Royal family by killing Lady Claudia, the king would most likely refuse to have Alexandra be engaged to Prince Leonhardt no matter what the first Prince desired. That's just how this era's logic runs."

"So you're saying…"

I gave Alex a stern glare and stated, "You need to learn etiquette like your life depends on it and win the favor of the king and queen. Even if you won Prince Leonhardt's love, you need to also win the king and queen's!"

"Eh! But that was never needed in the game! That's so much work!" she complained.

"You're the one that wanted to marry a prince."

"Can't I just take the easy route then?"

"No, because that would mean sacrificing my lovable Lady Claudia. I refuse to have that happen."

Alex groaned, "Ugh."

"If you aren't gonna take this seriously then don't go for Prince Leonhardt. Besides, do you even love him?"

"Of course I do!" Alex claimed.

"Not as a favorite character, but as a romantic partner, I meant. You know you will be engaged once we reach the end of our school year, right? You'll be getting married."

"Ah…" Alex froze as her voice was cut off. She quickly paused at the thought of marriage.

"So you don't want to marry him," I concluded.

"I just want to try dating! I don't want to tie the knot so soon!"

I sighed, "I feel like this is all fun and games for you."

"T-Then, what about you?! You wanted to go for Claudia, but do you even love her romantically?"

"I don't," I simply answered. "I refuse to love her in that sense because that would just lead down to a bad end for both of us."

Alex knitted her eyebrows in worriment. "I really don't understand your thinking, Reiré."

"I just don't want to see anyone hurt," I said. "I know this world is based around a story, but it's also our second chance at life. If we take a wrong step, who knows how life will be in the future for us. I just don't want to make a mistake."

"Reiré… You're right. I've been too laid back this whole time. This isn't a game. I'm not a protagonist and you're not a side character, you and I are a person. I need to start thinking about the consequences of my actions."

I smiled, "As long as you understand, then-"

"But our matchmaking plan is still in action, right?"

What a quick shift in gear. "What do you mean?"

"I'll start looking at Leo as a person instead of a character. I'll be serious."

"Wait, you're still going for him?!"

"Of course! So let's do our best! Teach me as much as you can, Reiré-senpai!" She gave me the famous protagonist smile that quickly burned my eyes.

I feel a migraine coming along. As I thought, this weeb is a troublemaker. I just want the day to end already.

- - - - 0-0-0 - - - -

"You look less enthusiastic than before," said Lady Claudia. "You always stare at me with such gleaming eyes whenever I am forced to dance with you."

"Ah, I just have a slight headache. No need to concern yourself with it, Lady Claudia. Ah, but…" I grinned, "I wouldn't mind a kiss from you to heal my pain."

The blood rushed to Lady Claudia's head as she voiced, "I sternly refuse! If you can speak like that, then I doubt you are in any pain."

I chuckled, "No need to yell, I was only teasing. And I do have a slight headache. I am quite mentally exhausted from my conversion with Alex and the day isn't even half over yet."

"Is it about what you were talking about during Etiquette class? I heard you say Prince Leonhardt's and my name a lot."

"Eh, you were listening? Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop? Ah, but I don't mind you hearing, I was merely stating how much I like you."

"Please refrain from stating such a fact," she monotoned.

I could only giggle as we danced around the other students in the ballroom. "By the way, what do you think of Prince Leonhardt?"

Lady Claudia lightly blushed as she thought about him, "He is the Prince that will inherit this kingdom. What is there to think about?"

"Really? You don't think he's handsome?"

"Of course he is handsome, he's the prince! Everyone's eyes are always on him, but I am nothing like those people. I am Prince Leonhardt's childhood friend. I know him best! He has all the qualities to be a good king. I know he will lead this kingdom to success!"

Or destruction. Love can bring happiness, but it can even bring blindness to the most intellectual people. Like the prince. I really hope Prince Leonhardt is different from the novel. I don't want my future to be covered in bloodshed. "You must really believe in Prince Leonhardt…"

"Prince Leonhardt had accepted me as his friend despite my arrogant and prideful personality. He even put up with my clinginess. The least I can do is be by his side as his partner."

"I forgot, but you're also a marriage candidate for Prince Leonhardt and Prince Clovis, isn't that right?"

"That is no longer news to everyone. It is a fact."

Like Lady Sophia, Lady Claudia was also chosen as a candidate to be engaged to Prince Leonhardt or Prince Clovis. While Lady Sophia was to be with Prince Clovis, Prince Leonhardt refused to be engaged to any of the candidates. That was mainly because he fell in love with Alexandra.

"If you want to be by his side, then does that mean you love him?"

Lady Claudia's light blush turned to a deeper color and she exploded "Why would I tell that to a commoner?! You are overstepping your boundaries!!"

While I enjoyed the expression on Lady Claudia's face, I couldn't help but feel the bitterness growing in my chest. I do love Lady Claudia, but my love is only admiration. I can't actually love her… I don't want this feeling to grow any stronger.

"I don't want to get in Alex's way, but I'll be rooting for you, Lady Claudia."

Lady Claudia was quite shocked by my support. "To hear that from you, don't you fancy Prince Leonhardt as well though?"

I giggled, "I think you must have misunderstood. I told you many times, the person I fancy is you."

She frowned, "I don't fancy you one bit."

"You say that, but you haven't said any rude remarks to me since yesterday."

"Because you'll just twist my words to your liking."

"Then you can always bully me physically," I suggested.

"Because you'll like it."

"Eh! Do you really take me for a masochist, Lady Claudia!?"

"Of course," she blankly stated. "Why else would the victim just suggest to their bully to physically hurt them?"

"I was just helping you with your villainess plans."

"That was quite a rude remark."

"And you have yet to push me away like you usually do when I tease you."

"I've just gotten used to it. At least you have learned to stop stepping on my feet."

So she's getting used to my teasing. Well that's bad. Should I turn my teasing up a notch?

"Whatever you are thinking, stop this instant."

I smiled, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

Talking with Lady Claudia really does heal my soul. I think I will last till the end of school now. Ah, my hero.

- - - - 0-0-0 - - - -

"Fire! Fire!"

"Someone! Hurry and bring the water bucket!"

"Prince Clovis! For the sake of this class, please just be the taste tester!" begged the teacher.

Ah, looks like I used up all my Claudium. I don't know if I can last anymore. Thank goodness that this was the last class.

"All I did was preheat the oven…" Prince Clovis pouted.

"Don't ever touch the oven," I voiced.

One thing I find weird in this world was that kitchen appliances weren't all that different from the twentieth century. The ovens aren't that advanced, they were mostly designed like pizza ovens, but electricity definitely exists in this world. I want to say that this story was set in the seventeenth-century, but from what I can see and experience, the timeline was all messed up. You get the feel of medieval ages and then there are some items that shouldn't exist until the late nineteenth century. I never realized it because it was never written in the story. I should have read more about the technological history of this world along with the wars and such.

Prince Clovis pouted, "But I want to make cookies too…"

I only sighed. "Just sit still and try these." I placed down a plate of freshly baked sugar cookies in the shape of stars. "Tell me what you think."

He smiled brightly and tried a piece. "It's so good! You're really taking after your parents."

"Cookies are easy to make. I have a long way to go before I can be as good as my mom and dad."

I was never a baker back in my previous life. Never really cooked either. In fact, I'd say I was just as bad as Prince Clovis when it comes to making any kind of food. I don't even remember why I was so bad at cooking in my past life, I am a pro at baking and cooking now. Maybe it's because this body has different skills than my last body… Sounds a bit strange from how I word it. But cooking and baking had replaced my hobbies from my past life. I can't watch anything, but reading was still a hobby that I kept. Of course, stories about isekai don't exist unless we're talking about the Bible that mentions rebirth or souls transmigrating. And the fantasy books were terrible. They were all about the classic princess captured by a dragon, but saved by prince charming. I got bored of those when my mom kept reading them to me to sleep. Luckily, it seems that there was hope for romance stories in this world. So I transformed from an isekai/fantasy reader to a romance/drama reader. Quite a big change in taste if I do say so myself. Well, change is always a good thing, depending, I guess. Besides, I'm a different person now. I'm no longer…

Hmm…? Now that I think about it… I can't really remember what my name was…