Chapter 22- Not A Good Day

As I packed my flimsy notebooks away into my leather bag, I felt something hit the back of my head. Looking down as I rubbed my head, I saw a crumpled up piece of paper on the floor beside my chair. I picked it up and looked back to see a pair of girls snickering as they eyed me. I was certainly not in the mood since I was still tired from the early schedule. As you know, I'm not a morning person.

"Those girls have no manners and they called themselves nobles?" Lady Rium voiced. "Such nonsense."

I stood up and said, "Please distract them for me, Lady Rium."

"Eh?" She gave me a puzzled look.

I smiled. "You'll understand soon."

I crumpled the paper ball even more till it was the size of a marble. Like this, there will be more density and less surface area. I took a deep breath and got into the stance of a baseball pitcher. This is it! This is where I'll debut as a famous pitcher. I can hear the crowd cheering as I eyed my target. I swung my arm and threw the small paper ball back at the girls. The paper ball hit one of the girls right in the forehead. And it was a hit! The crowd cheered with joy at the beautiful throw as I raised my hands in victory!

The noble girl probably wasn't expecting me to throw it back, hard, as her head tilted back from the impact. Before they could make contact with me, I grabbed my bag and booked it.

"Thank you, Lady Rium!" I shouted before completely leaving the classroom.

I glanced back to see the two girls trying to chase after me but Lady Rium stood in their way giving them nasty looks. I grinned as I made my escape down the hall, towards my Etiquette class.

As I ran, I crashed into someone and tumbled down to the ground. Ugh, I should have learned from Alex that running down the hallway was no good. I sat up and noticed that someone was under me. Oh on… I have a really bad feeling.

"Do you mind?"

Hmm? "Oh!" Suddenly, I don't feel so bad anymore. "Lady Claudia! What a pleasant surprise! How's your morning?"

She gave me a cold glare and I felt chills. "Could be better, now get off of me, you creep."

"That's quite rude. I have a name you know."

She scoffed and pushed me off of her as she stood up, dusting her skirt. "Please mind your surroundings. I guess commoners will always be commoners."

I got off the floor and fixed my uniform. "I apologize for running into you, Lady Claudia. Since we're going to the same place, shall we walk together?"

"Ugh," she grimaced. "In your dreams. You are way out of your league to be standing beside me!"

I watched her as she walked away with her head held high. "Ah, Lady Claudia is so lovely today," I dreamily whispered. The way she looked down on me as if I was garbage, that really got me going.

"I worry for you, Reiré…"

Hmm? Turning my head to the side, I see Alex walking out of her classroom with her entire being soaked in water.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"Claudia is what happened," she answered.

"Excuse me?"

"I went to the bathroom during break and Claudia's followers dumped a bucket of water over my head as I walked out from my shall. I had to sit in wet underwear and socks for the rest of class."

"Oof. You have my sympathies."

Alex sighed, "Such a nice Tuesday morning to start out, isn't it?"

"You might want to change out of that otherwise you might catch a cold," I advised.

"But I didn't bring my spare. If I go back to the dorms now, I won't make it back in time for Etiquette class."

"What about your outdoor clothes?"

"Oh, I do have that."

"Then, go to the restroom and change into that."

"Won't I get into trouble?" she questioned.

"Better than being in soaked clothes," I reasoned.

"You right… Alright, let's go before we're late for our class."

I walked Alex to the nearest bathroom and she changed into her red t-shirt and black shorts. She became self-conscious as the only student in the academy not wearing her uniform. She's gonna have to explain to all her teachers and every grown up in the building why she's not in her uniform.

"I'm carrying a spare next," Alex grumbled.

"I'm gonna do the same in case that happens to me in the future."

Alex nodded, "The bullying is just gonna get worse after all. I can't wait for when I get pushed down the stairs, get food dumped on me, trip in horse poo… Actually, I think I need more than one spare uniform."

I chuckled, "I think you might."

"Why, hello there."

I immediately froze from the silvery voice that's filled with mischief. Calming my nerves, I turned around to see that familiar strawberry blond hair and those indigo eyes. "Lady Alexis. I was hoping that I would never cross paths with you ever again."

She let out a soft giggle. "It's good to see you too. I hope I can borrow your friend for a minute?"

Alex hid behind me as she glared at Lady Alexis. "I'm not going anywhere with you. I remember what you did to Reiré."

"I was just giving her a kind greeting. I promise I won't bite." She licked her lips and stared straight at Alex. "Do you really have nothing to say to me, Alexandra?"

Alex immediately shook her head. "I have nothing to say to the likes of you!"

Lady Alexis frowned. "I even took the time to approach you instead. Are you truly an idiot? If you don't explain your behavior, I won't guarantee that I'll stay docile anymore for you."

I couldn't keep up with what she was saying. She's talking as if she knew Alex, but Lady Alexis never interacted with Alexandra in the novel. They shouldn't even know that they are related in any way.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Alex claimed.

Lady Alexis looked like she was gonna snap. "Playing ignorant won't help you. You only have a few days left before I make my move, Alexandra. So start talking."

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," Alex stated.

I glared at Lady Alexis and demanded, "What are you gonna do?"

Lady Alexis didn't answer my question, instead, she walked right past us. "Better hurry or you'll be late for class. I'll come for you again, Alexandra. So you better start talking by then."

I carefully watched her go until she was gone from our sights. "What was she talking about, Alex?"

"Um…" Alex furrowed her eyebrows as she answered, "I don't know…"

I sighed, "Well, you better figure it out because it sounds like you two know each other."

"But I never met her in my life until I came here," said Alex. "So I really have no idea. I'm not lying…"

"It's not that I don't believe you, Alex." From the look on her face, I can tell that Alex genuinely didn't know what Lady Alexis was talking about. "I'm just lost by what Lady Alexis said."

"I'm also quite lost, you know," Alex muttered.

I sighed, "It's fine, let's just hurry to class."

Etiquette class went by pretty easily with no problems. Alex did get a few snickers and sneers from the students, but nothing actually hurtful. Now as I walked out of class, I was tripped and I fell face-first to the floor. That actually hurt.

Alex, who was behind me, didn't expect me to be tripped and she ended up tripping over me and falling over as well. We both groaned as we stood up only to be laughed at by the students in the hallway. I glared back at whoever tripped me only to see Lady Claudia. She wasn't laughing or anything, her face was actually emotionless. She only stood there as if waiting for something. I know for sure she wasn't the one that tripped me because the person who tripped me was actually outside the classroom where I didn't notice them. Lady Claudia wasn't even near the door when I fell, so it wasn't her.

"Are you gonna get up?" asked Lady Claudia. "You're in my way."

"You can always step on us," I suggested.

"Please stop being gross," she grimaced.

"Eh? But don't you like stepping on people?"

Alex voiced in, "But I don't want to be stepped on. Please don't just decide on your own."

I ignored Alex's words and innocently smiled as I thought about the beautiful Lady Claudia in just lingerie to redden my cheeks. "It brings me great pleasure to be stepped on by you, my sweet sweet Lady Claudia."

Alex sighed and she sat up, "And I'm being ignored…"

Lady Claudia gave me a look of disgust as she backed away. "You truly are the worst."

I chuckled, "Only for you, Lady Claudia. That's just how strong my love for you is."

"Stop saying that!" Lady Claudia's face was turning red. "People will misunderstand! I don't need you dragging down my reputation!"

"Well, if you keep blushing like that, they surely will," I said.

Lady Claudia's face turned to a deeper shape. "I am not blushing! This is because I'm angry!"

Alex sighed as she stood up to dust her knees. "I guess I'm just invisible now…"

"Don't pay them any mind, Lady Claudia."

"Commoners just love causing trouble after all."

And here comes Lady Claudia's loyal followers. Two noble girls walked up behind Lady Claudia to glare at me. I didn't pay them much attention as my eyes were practically glued to my angel.

Lady Claudia sighed, "Reiré, please move out of the way, as there are other students that need to leave."

She looked exhausted. I guess I shouldn't tease her too much. My Claudium gauge was recharged, so I'll just end it here today. "Of course." I quickly stood up and pulled Alex aside to let them pass.

Lady Claudia walked past us, but in the process, she roughly bumped my shoulders and Alex's arm. The two girls following Lady Claudia glanced back giving Alex and I some disdainful looks.

"I feel like the bullying was kicked up a notch from last week," Alex voiced as she rubbed her arm where Lady Claudia had bumped into.

"People have been getting bolder," I said. "Last few weeks were mostly verbal abuse, now it's getting physical. Even with Lady Rium's backing, I shouldn't have let my guard down like that."

"Also… Is Claudia mad at me or something? I understand you with your teasing, but what did I ever do?"

I shrugged. "Not sure? She's acting how she's supposed to towards you. With her, you know, being one of the villainesses and all."

"I-I guess… but I never would have thought nobles to be so straightforward. I thought they'd use underhanded tactics like rumors, blackmail, and such."

"It's still the beginning of the story," I reminded. "It might feel like months, but only 3 weeks have passed since we first stepped onto Roseward Academy."

"Oh Celestia, I have to suffer two more months of this," Alex groaned.

"Well-" My voice died out when I heard the conversation between a pair of students that walked by me.

"To think our presence was defiled by a bunch of homos…"

"So gross…"

"Ugh, she's looking this way. Let's go before she targets us."

"Reiré? What are you looking at?" Alex asked.

"Huh? Oh, nothing…" I turned my attention back at the girl in front of me to see her concerned expression. "You haven't been talking about me to other people, have you?"

Alex shook her head. "No. The only people I've talked to about you are Grace, Leo, Clovis, and Charlotte."

"Lady Charlotte? When did you two get so close?"

Alex giggled, "She's happy that I helped hooked her up with Philip. Now we are good friends. She even invited me over to her dorm for tea time."

I smiled. "I'm glad you're making more friends."

"Right?! I never thought to be friends with a villainess! Playing matchmaker was the right choice after all!"

I rolled my eyes and clapped my hands. "Yes. You are such a genius. That was the greatest plan you've ever thought of."

"I can hear the sarcasm in your voice."

I lightly chuckled, "Well, I do feel a bit sad that you won't be hanging around me all that often anymore."

"Nonsense!" Alex clung to my arm and said, "You and I are like sisters from another mother. Nothing beats having another otaku by your side. I can never talk about my situation with anyone but you."

"That's because I'm your only choice."

"You don't have to make it sound like that." She stuck out her tongue at me.

She acts so much like a six-year-old. "I have to get to Dance class. I'll see you during lunch."

"Okay! See ya later!"

We split up and made our way to our next class. Walking alone in the halls has never been a problem for me until now. Something was different. Students would usually snicker and make small jokes about my appearance, but today, they were mostly gagging and giving me looks of disgust. Their looks of superiority changed to one of discrimination.

This feeling felt really familiar. The feeling of being different, of being alone, of being not loved. Not because of my status as a commoner, but because of my sexual orientation. I haven't felt like this since middle school. And now I'm experiencing this crap all over again. How lovely…

I couldn't help but feel a sudden spike of anger go through my heart. Humans will be humans. That's just how we were made. Not even Celestia can change that. Hmm…

I paused in my steps as I noticed something swirling by my feet. I blinked and it was gone. "What the…"

What was that just now? I rubbed my eyes and groaned. I must be so tired that I'm seeing things. I just want this day to be over already.

- - - - 0-0-0 - - - -

"What happened to you?" Alex asked.

"I should be asking you the same question," I returned.

Classes had ended and I walked out of the academic building only to have students point at me and laugh. Alex came out right after me and the laughs from the students got louder. I was covered from head to toe in wheat flour and Alex was covered in dirt and hay.

"Someone tripped me in Cooking class and I accidentally knocked over a stool with a bowl of flour. The bowl of flour fell on me," I said.

"One of my classmates almost ran me over with their horse. Thankfully, I jumped out of the way just in time, but I jumped into a pile of dirt," Alex answered.

I groaned, "I've been tripped so many times today that I've lost count."

"What the heck are wrong with these people?! Were schools in medieval times always this dangerous!," Alex screamed. "I almost got run over by a horse! A horse!"

"Calm down, Alex. The story will never kill off their MC."

Alex grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me hard. "This is about my survival, not about me being an MC! My mental stability is at stake!"

"Please, stop. I'll lose more brain cells if you keep on shaking me."

"Reiré! Oh my goodness, what happened to you!?"

Looking back at the main building I see Lady Rium rushing out to my side with Lady Charlotte following behind. Alex moved back as Lady Rium began to look over me for any injuries.

"I'm alright, Lady Rium. Just some flour, no harm done," I assured.

"You both are quite dirty."

"Greetings, Lady Charlotte," I said. "I had a small accident during Cooking class."

"Greetings, Lady Charlotte, Lady Rium." Alex did a small bow before she voiced, "I also had a small accident, but it was during Horseback riding."

Ah! Look at my girl! She's so polite and well mannered now. Alex, you get my thumb of approval. I'll overlook the fact that you almost turned my brain into a smoothie.

"I'm just glad you both didn't sustain any injuries," Lady Rium said with relief.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," I murmured.

"Let's get you washed up," Lady Rium said as she pushed me long.

"Will I still be expecting you for tea time, Alexandra?" Lady Charlotte asked. "I got some foreign pastries from my parents yesterday. I thought you might like to give them a try."

Alex's eyes grew big as sparkles appeared around her. Even covered in dirt and hay, she looked like an adorable puppy that was given treats. "I'll definitely be there!"

Lady Charlotte giggled, "Take your time. It'll only be you and me, so no one else will be taking the pastries."

"Alex, have you learned your table manners yet?" I questioned.

Alex flinched and her beaming smile faltered. "N-No one's gonna see, so it's fine."

I sighed, "Please forgive her if she makes a mess, Lady Charlotte."

Alex gasped, "How rude! I don't make a mess when I eat!"

Lady Charlotte chuckled, "You two are quite adorable. Now hurry along before the day completely burns away."

"Right! See you later!" Alex quickly bolted away. And in the process, she ended up tripping over a rock. She hurriedly stood back up and waved her hand to show she was alright before running towards the dorms.

"She's so energetic, isn't she?" Lady Rium observed.

"Yes, quite so," I voiced.

"Shall we hurry back to the dorms as well," Lady Charlotte said.

I nodded and the three of us walked back together.