Chapter 23- Alex’s Role Is Being Stolen?!

"Ready… and fight!"

I made the first move and charged in. I swung my wooden sword at my opponent, but she successfully blocked my strike. My sparring partner was taller and had a much bigger build than me so I'll easily lose when it comes to strength.

When I felt my opponent put more strength into her sword, I quickly backed away, but she didn't let me go. She dashed after me and struck my weapon with force. I felt the shock through my hands and my grip loosened.

My opponent took the chance and smacked my wooden sword out of my hands. Her lips turned into a grin as she was ready to hit me with her weapon. She thought she had won, so her guard was quickly thrown off as she swung her arm down.

I sidestepped and avoided her swing. I then grabbed her arm and kicked against her legs, tripping her. As she fell to the ground, I pounced on her back and twisted her arm around. She grunted in pain as she dropped her sword.

"Winner, Reiré!"

Once I heard my name, I released the girl and stood back up. My sparring partner glared at me as she walked away with a sour expression.

"Good job, Reiré. You definitely improved since last week," said Sir Rabade.

I smiled, feeling quite proud of myself. All that early running and night stretches had paid off. "Thank you, Sir."

"While you won, you still needed to work on your sword handling and your form was also sloppy. You still need more practice."

I sighed, "Yes, Sir…"

Sir Rabade chuckled, "Now go grab a drink and you can start your next spar. I'll start the sparring for the boys now. If the rest of the class gives you any problems, just call me."

I nodded, "Yes, Sir!"

I have grown to like Sir Rabade. He was still a pain because of his strict workout, but he treated everyone equally. He even helped me when my classmates were giving me a hard time. Like earlier, my partner refused to spar with me, saying that they would naturally win, so there's no need to try. It honestly made me upset. I had to ask Sir Rabade to help me get the spar going so I won't get a bad grade. My classmates aren't good sports at all.

I walked over to the water pump and filled up a bucket. I splashed my face, enjoying the coldness of the water.

"I can't believe that nasty girl won the spar."

"She didn't even fight fair. She's worse than a commoner. I heard she might be homose-"

The gossiping girls stopped their conversation when they caught me looking at them. I stood up and used the back of my hand to wipe away some of the water off my face.

"How do you do, ladies?" I greeted them politely.

"Come on, let's go."

"Yeah, I don't need her harassing me."

They quickly scurried away. Then minutes later, Lady Claudia walked around. My spirit instantly brightened up when my eyes laid upon her.

"Hello, Lady Claudia," I greeted.

"Didn't think I'd find a rat back here," she grumbled. "Finished your sparring?"

I nodded. "Yes. Sir Rabade said I could take a break before I get on with my next partner."

Lady Claudia walked over to the bucket which I filled and splashed her face. She sighed in content and took out her handkerchief to wipe her face dry.

"How did your sparring go?" I asked, trying to make small talk.

"Naturally, I won."

"As expected of Lady Claudia. I do hope I end up as your partner next time."

Lady Claudia smirked, "If you do, I will most definitely win. I won't lose to a commoner."

I returned her smirk with a challenging grin. "We'll see about that. I'm a fast learner, you know. If I beat you in a spar, will you give me a reward?" I leaned forward and spoke in an alluring voice and fluttered my eyelashes. "A kiss on the cheek perhaps?"

Lady Claudia's face turned bright red, but she showed no reaction. Huh? I would have thought she'd start shouting and stuttering. Instead of doing what I'd expected, Lady Claudia bent down and picked up the bucket of water. The way she was staring at me while holding the bucket gave me a bad feeling.

"L-Lady Claudia?"

Lady Claudia gripped the edges of the wooden bucket and swung her arms. I yelped as I was splashed with cold water. Lady Claudia dropped the bucket and stated, "Don't get cheeky with me, you disgusting commoner."


"..." Lady Claudia's face began to twist with worry when I was silent. "R-Reiré?"

I used my hand to push back my wet bangs as they were covering most of my view. I let out a refreshing sigh, "Ah! That felt so good! Please give me more, Lady Claudia!"

"I will not!" She immediately replied.

There's the reaction I was looking for. "Eh? But it's hot out. That splash of water really cooled me down. Thank you so much, Lady Claudia. This is why I love you!"

Lady Claudia's cheeks became more red. "T-That was not my intention! I was trying to be mean!"

I let out a giggle. "Ah, your angry face is so adorable."

"Ugh! This is why I can't stand you!" Lady Claudia stomped her foot out of frustration.

"I'd love to keep teasing you, but I must get going as my break is over." I bowed and left her presence.

As I left, I could hear Lady Claudia shouting at me. "Yeah! Run away, you filthy rodent! Don't think you can get away with all your jokes! I've had enough of you! You are the worst!"

I chuckled and replied, "Love you too!"

Going back to the field, I thought back to the pair of noble girls. I mostly ignore the rumors and gossiping that's going around the academy since they aren't trustworthy, but rumors about me being a homosexual have been spreading. I don't mind people finding out, though I prefer the term bisexual. I still like guys you know, even if I'm in love with a girl currently. Forgetting about the rumor, I'm more interested in who started it. I have been openly showing my affections to Lady Claudia so people coming to that conclusion isn't a surprise... But for it to spread means that there's a confirmation. There is someone that stated me as a homosexual as a fact. People don't spread rumors that fast if the information isn't as correct because they could be caught, they would need backing evidence. The only people I confirmed with about me liking the opposite sex are Alex, Lady Claudia, Lady Sophia and Prince Clovis.

I can cross off Alex since she doesn't seem the type to spread rumors. Lady Claudia wouldn't go around spreading it either since she's the one I like. It could ruin her reputation, so she wouldn't risk it. In fact, she would be silencing this rumor in a heartbeat, so for it to still be spreading means that others are being bribed. Hmmm... as for Lady Sophia, she wouldn't go against me since I kind of am blackmailing her by keeping her stalker team snooping around the campus a secret for her. And Prince Clovis doesn't have an evil bone in him. Then who else could it be…

Through the rest of school day, I was thinking about anyone that could possibly know about my orientation. I barely paid attention in Cooking class and my instinct as a cook took over as my head was in up the clouds.

"Reiré… Reiré. Reiré!"

I flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced back and saw Prince Clovis giving me worried looks. "Yes?"

"Are you alright? I called you three times."

"Oh, sorry. I was deep in thought. Did you need something?"

"Class is already over," he said.

"Huh?" Looking around, I noticed Prince Clovis and I were the only ones around. "Oh…" Looking down, realizing that I had three trays of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I won't be able to eat them all, so I asked, "Want to take some back?"

Prince Clovis nodded. "Sure. You see out of it today."

"A bit."

We packed up the cookies and Prince Clovis took three bags. One for himself, one for his brother and one for Lady Sophia. Seems like he's no longer scared of her. I'm guessing the engagement will be happening sooner than the story had originally.

I was left with two bags of cookies. I guess I can give one to Alex and Lady Rium. I honestly don't feel like having any sweets.

I quickly packed up my things and made my way through the halls towards the stables where Alex would be. As I turned the corner I was met with a big crowd. What was going on?

I pushed my way through to the front of the crowd and gasped at the sight. Lord Raphael was holding onto Lady Alexis like she was a damsel in distress. Up the stairs was Lady Rium and Alex who both looked panicked. I don't understand what I am seeing.

"Admit it! You pushed Lady Alexis, didn't you!"

"I didn't," Alex voiced. "She jumped off herself!"

Lady Alexis cried, "How could you say that? I just wanted to invite you for some afternoon tea, but then you pushed me out of anger. What did I ever do to you?"

The crowd was murmuring. I can tell they were taking Lady Alexis's side over Alex's. This was bad. Actually, this scene sounded quite familiar. Wasn't Alexandra pushed off the stairs one time by Lady Rium? I think that happened in the novel at one point. If this was that scene, why is it that Alex is up the stairs with Lady Rium and Lady Alexis in Lord Raphael arms? Isn't this scene kind of messed up? Or could this be something else… Oh my goodness, I am so confused.

"You no good commoner! How dare you harm someone as innocent as Lady Alexis. Don't think you can get away just because Lady Rium has your back!" Lord Raphael growled.

Alex trembled. "B-But… But I really didn't…"

"Enough! Alexandra has done nothing wrong! I saw everything! Alexandra kindly declined to follow Lady Alexis and she jumped off the stairs out of her own regulation!" Lady Rium explained.

Lady Alexis weeped in Lord Raphael's arm. "I'm so scared, Lord Raphael. I just wanted to be friends with Alexandra. Lady Rium then came over to yell at me."

"What!? I wasn't yelling. I was merely stating your place as a daughter of a Viscount!"

"How could you, Lady Rium! You're just like those girls! Bullying the weak, does it make you feel good?!" Lord Raphael shouted.

Quite ironic when Lady Rium is taking the side of a commoner who is far weaker in rank than Lady Alexis. That witch really has a good grip on Lord Raphael now.

"I was doing my job as a duke's daughter! Lady Alexis has gotten too bold with me! Why can't you see that she's just using you, Lord Raphael!"

"Shut up!" he screamed. "Like I can take your word when you hurt someone as sweet as Lady Alexis."

Ugh! I think I just gagged. The words spouting out of Lord Raphael's mouth are similar lines to the ones in the novel. This is definitely a scene. I never thought that Lady Alexis could steal a scene meant for the heroine. This just changed the entire plot line. If Lady Alexis continues to get close to Lord Raphael and plays the role of victim, she's practically the heroine now.

… This is bad!! Alex, what have you been doing this whole time! When did Lady Alexis steal your role!! Did you just suddenly become the new villainess of the story! What in the name of Celestia are you doing?!

"That's enough, Lord Raphael. I feel bad for Lady Rium and Alexandra." Lady Sophia walked through the crowd as everyone gave her room. She had a stern expression on her face as she glared at Lady Alexis.

"This isn't your problem," Lord Raphael growled.

"Lord Raphael, this is not how a duke's son should act. You should be listening to both sides before accusing someone."

"I've heard enough to know what's going on. And that commoner-" he pointed up the stairs to Alex, "has laid hands on someone of higher status!"

Alex continued to deny, "I have not! I didn't do anything!"

"Lord Raphael, please don't blame Alexandra. I'm sure it must be hard to be in an academy that's full of nobles. I'm not upset with her," Lady Alexis voiced as she placed a hand on his chest.

"Oh, put a sock in it," I groaned.

Lady Alexis glanced my way and cried, "Even Reiré? What is it that both you and Alexandra have against me?"

"You should be showing Lady Alexis respect, Reiré! She's of higher status than you!" Lord Raphael harshly voiced.

"Lord Raphael, please don't get mad for my sake. Let's just leave them be. Commoners will be commoners."

Lord Raphael sighed, "You are right, darling. The principal is crazy if he actually let commoners attend this academy. I'm filing a complaint to the student council."

"Oh Lord Raphael. Please no. Reiré and Alexandra already have enough trouble. I don't want to make it worse for them." Lady Alexis gave me a cocky smirk as she nuzzled against Lord Raphael's shoulder.

I want to smack her so hard across the face. "If you're done, then leave. You're not even hurt in the first place."

"Reiré, how can you treat Lady Alexis this way! Hurry and apologize for your rudeness. Your friend pushed her off the stairs!"

"I believe in Alex, Lord Raphael!" I voiced. "If she said she didn't push her, then she didn't."

"Lord Raphael, if you truly believe Lady Alexis has been pushed, shouldn't you bring her to the nurses office to make sure that she's alright. Though, I doubt she has any injuries," Lady Rium said.

Lord Raphael clicked his tongue and carried Lady Alexis away in his arms. I watched him and saw Lady Alexis giving me the expression that said she won. I don't even know what she was trying to do.

Lady Sophia dispersed the crowd as the situation was somewhat resolved. Lady Rium and Alex walked down the stairs with tired expressions. Both Lady Sophia and I asked if they were alright.

"I feel like I lost a few brain cells from that interaction," Lady Rium murmured.

Hmm? When has Lady Rium ever used the term brain cells? I must be influencing her.

"I was so scared that I thought I was gonna faint," Alex voiced.

Lady Sophia huffed, "Honestly, I barely recognized Lord Raphael anymore."

"He was never like this. Not until Lady Alexis came along," growled Lady Rium.

"Lord Raphael will come around. So just keep believing in him," I said.

Lady Rium sighed, "I don't know. He feels like a stranger now. Whatever I do, he shrugs me away with a cold shoulder."

"Lady Rium…" There was nothing I could have said to make her feel better.

"Why don't you join me for dinner? It could certainly brighten the mood," Lady Sophia invited.

"Good idea! Please take Lady Rium with you to the cafeteria. I'll find you once I talk with Alex," I said.

"Can't we talk as we walk?" Alex asked.

"This is a private matter," I voiced.

Alex gave me a confused look.

Lady Sophia nodded, "Of course, let us go ahead first, Lady Rium."

I watched as the two ladies walked away. Once they were out of my sight, I turned around and placed my hands on Alex's shoulders. I stated, "Alex, you're losing your place."

"Eh?" She gave me a dumbfounded look.

"You're losing your place!" I repeated as I shook her.

Alex's eyes began to swirl from being shook by her shoulders. "I-I don't understand! P-Please stop shaking me!"

"Wait… before that." I let her go and Alex let out a breath of relief. "What were you doing up the stairs when you should be behind the academy by the stables?" I questioned.

"Oh, I was called out," she answered.

This time, it was my turn to be confused. "Called out?"

Alex pulled out a letter from her back pocket. "This."

I took the letter and looked through the content. "If you want your uniform, come to the left stairs in the building…" I read. "Sighed… Viola Elmeier…"

Alex nodded. "I found that in my locker when I finished Horseback Riding class. My uniform was gone so I couldn't change. I came to the left stairs like Viola asked. I waited but no one showed up. I thought she might be up the stairs so I went up, but then Alexis showed up instead. She forced me against the wall and I tried not to look at her. She was very forceful," she explained.

"Did you submit?"

"Of course not!" Alex shouted. "Lady Rium came and saved me. I was very grateful. Lady Rium defended me and sort of attracted a crowd. Once the crowd was big enough, Alexis only smirked and began to lean back. I easily caught on and tried to reach for her, but I didn't catch her in time. My reached out arm must have looked like I pushed her instead."

I huffed, "And coincidently, Lord Raphael was nearby to catch the poor maiden in distress."

Alex nodded. "You think Viola was working with Alexis?"

"Does she want to anger Lady Rium? Lady Alexis doesn't have the status, so Lady Viola wouldn't team up with a Viscount's daughter to bring down a duke's daughter. If anything, she'd team up with another Earl or higher."

"If that's true, then why did she call me to the stairs where Alexis would show up expecting me?"

I shrugged. "Maybe she wrote the letter?"

"But Alexis didn't have my uniform…"

"She could have hid it somewhere."

Alex frowned as her eyebrows knitted together. "This sucks! That uniform costs more than my limited edition Miku figurine!"

"You're comparing the cost of your uniform to the cost of your anime figurine?"

Alex pouted, "There's nothing more expensive than my anime figurines. My parents always scold me for my collections."

I sighed, "Well, I can't deny that. Anime figurines are hella expensive."

Alex whimpered, "My uniform…"

"We can always check with Lady Viola just to make sure she actually didn't take your uniform."

Alex smiled at the silver lining of hope. "Then let's hurry!"

As she turned to walk away, I pulled on the collar of her shirt to stop her. "Wait. We can't meet with her now. It's already late into the day. She'll turn us away if we just show up. We'll just have to wait til tomorrow morning."

Alex pouted, "Awe man."

"Plus, we have to eat dinner with Lady Sophia and Lady Rium first."

"Oh yeah." Alex hesitantly chuckled as she acrafted her cheek in an adorable manner. "Almost forgot."

I sighed, "Thought so…"

We made our way to the cafeteria and met up with Lady Sophia and Lady Rium. Alex and I grabbed our tray of food and sat down. I sat down next to Lady Sophia while Alex took the seat by Lady Rium. We were sitting at a table near the back corner, away from the crowd. I'm sure Lady Sophia and Lady Rium chose this spot for our sake as to not draw any attention from the other students.

"Did you two finish your business?" Lady Sophia asked as she cut into her steak.

"Yes," I answered. "My apologies if we made you wait."

"It is quite alright," Lady Sophia voiced. "So? How did that commotion happen?" Her question was directed more towards Alex and Lady Rium.

"It was mostly my fault," Alex voiced.

Lady Rium shook her head. "No, I was the one that provoked Lady Alexis. You did nothing wrong. If anything, you tried to save Lady Alexis when she fell."

Alex sighed, "Kind of backfired when I was accused of pushing her off though…"

"That girl is a devil in disguise," Lady Rium growled.

"Exactly!" Alex agreed.

I felt something touch my hand and glanced down to see Lady Sophia pushing a piece of paper towards me. I looked back at Lady Rium and Alex to see them still chatting about how Lady Alexis was a fiend.

I took the piece of paper and looked at it beneath the table. It was a small note asking for my presence in her dorm room. Apparently she got some more information on Lady Alexis. Sadly, I don't have any free time to meet up with her this weekend. I took out a pencil from my bag and quickly wrote my message on the piece of paper. I looked up from my lap to see Alex and Lady Rium still distracted by their conversation.

I handed the slip back to Lady Sophia and placed my hand back on the table. The brunette glanced at the slip and nodded at my message. I smiled and took a sip of my orange juice as Lady Sophia jumped back into the conversation with Lady Rium and Alex. This day sure was hectic.