Chapter 24- Missing Uniform

Entering the girls' dorms for Sophmores on a beautiful Saturday morning, we were greeted with stares from many older girls. They whispered among themselves and Alex hid behind me out of anxiety. I was beginning to feel self-conscious from all the eyes.

"Hey, aren't those the rumored homos?"

"What are they doing here?"

"I don't feel safe with them in this academy?"

Ignore them… Ignore them… Remember what you're here for. You don't have time listening to some stupid gossip. As I looked, everyone quickly avoided their gaze from me. I was about to just walk around until I figured out where Lady Viola was when I saw someone familiar walking by. My eyes instantly lit up.

"Ah, good morning, Lady Lilia," I greeted with a small bow.

"Hmm?" She turned her head towards us and glared. "Good morning…"

At least she returned my greeting. I haven't seen the brunette since Lady Rium's gathering. And that was a while ago. "Sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you know where Lady Viola's room is?"

She flipped her light brown hair and crossed her arms. "Why are you commoners looking for her?"

"She might have something that belonged to Alex," I answered.

Alex nodded. "I-I want to see if she could return it…"

"Lady Viola wouldn't snoop so low as to steal from a commoner," Lady Lilia claimed.

"I would believe so as well, but we want to check so we can clear her name. Especially when she called Alex out." I showed her the note with Lady Viola's name on it.

Lady Lilia frowned and sighed, "I'll take you to her."

"You know where her room is?"

"Of course, since I'm her roommate," she said.

We followed Lady Lilia up to the second floor all the way down the hallway. Lady Lilia pulled out her room key and unlocked the door for us. She let us in and we found Lady Viola sitting on the sofa reading a book with her maid pouring her a cup of tea.

"Welcome back, Lady Lilia," Lady Viola greeted without looking towards the door. She probably didn't think Lady Lilia would bring guests.

"Lady Viola, you have guests," Lady Lilia voiced.

"Guests?" Lady Viola finally looked up from her book to see us. "Why if it isn't Lady Reiré and…" Her face quickly turned sour when her eye landed on Alex. "The pervert."

"I said I was sorry!" Alex shouted.

Lady Viola sighed, "I'm fine with Lady Reiré, but did you really have to invite the pervert in as well, Lady Lilia?"

"I'm not a pervert!" Alex denied. "When are you gonna let it go!"

"Like I said before, after you get a thousand whippings," Lady Viola stated.

"And again, I don't want to be whipped!"

Lady Lilia gave me a confused look. All I did was shook my head as it was a long story after all. Lady Lilia didn't pursue anymore and left the room. I assumed she had something to attend before Alex and I took some of her time.

Lady Viola placed down her book and asked, "So? What is it that brought you here? I don't want my sixth day of the week to be wasted on you."

"I just want to confirm that you didn't take Alex's uniform," I said.

"Her uniform? Why would I take such a thing?"

"Well, yesterday you wrote a letter saying that you had taken her uniform," I voiced as I pulled out the letter. "Alex found it in her locker during the end of seventh period."

Lady Viola stood up from her seat and walked over to us. She took the letter from my hand and examined it. "This is indeed my handwriting and there's even my family crest on it, but I don't remember writing it," she said as she returned the letter to me.

Alex gasped, "I knew it! You did take my uniform!"

Lady Viola crossed her arms and stated, "I did not. I don't even know your schedule. Besides, I wouldn't even have time to steal your uniform as I was out in the archery field."

"You take Archery as your last period," I questioned.

"Yes," she confirmed.

I rubbed my chin in thought. The archery field was on the opposite side of the campus. It would take some time to get to the stable and back, so Lady Viola wasn't lying. She wouldn't have made it back to her class in time without her teacher noticing.

"Ah! But there was an extra uniform in my locker that suddenly appeared yesterday," Lady Viola mentioned. "It was ripped up and covered in dirt. I asked if anyone accidentally left it in my locker, but everyone already had their uniform."

Alex smiled, "It might be mine! Do you still have it?"

Lady Viola gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, no. Since it was ruined and no one claimed it, I threw it out."

Alex muttered, "You what?"

"It was bad judgement on my part. I should have handed it over to the student council for the lost and found."

I gently patted Alex's head to comfort her. "Do you have any idea how the uniform appeared in your locker?"

Lady Viola only shrugged. "It wasn't there when I changed to my outdoor clothes. So someone must have planted it there when I was out in the archery field."

Alex whimpered, "My uniform…"

Lady Viola huffed, "Stop whining over a piece of cheap cloth. You have a spare don't you?"

"It might be cheap for you, Lady Viola, but that uniform is more expensive than my family's house," Alex sniveled.

"Please understand, Lady Viola. As commoners, we can barely afford to attend this academy. Replacing a lost uniform is impossible for us as it cost too much," I explained.

Lady Viola sighed, "I'll order a new one for you."

Alex blinked. "Eh?"

Lady Viola glanced away, trying not to make eye contact. "As I've said, I'll order a new one for you. It was my fault for not giving that uniform to the student council in the first place."

Well, that was unexpected. Even though Lady Viola was still upset with Alex, I have an inkling feeling that she had warmed up to her. The charm of the heroine really was frightening. Speaking of the heroine…

I looked over to Alex to see her face slowly breaking out into a large grin. Hmm? Why do I feel like Alex was gonna get into trouble again?

"Oh, thank you so much!" Alex squealed as she jumped onto Lady Viola and wrapped her in a tight hug.

Lady Viola shrieked, "Get off of me! What do you think you are doing, pervert?!" She pushed on Alex's face trying to get her off.

I only shook my head at Alex's rude behavior. Guess I shouldn't expect too much from her.

"I was wrong about you, Lady Viola! You're such a sweet girl!"

"Reiré! Get this pervert off of me!" Lady Viola screamed.

I sighed, "Yes, yes, I'm coming…" I peeled Alex off of the poor noble girl and scolded the hyper puppy. "No, Alex! Bad girl! No hugging rich girls. Bad, Alex, bad!"

Alex pouted, "Why are you treating me like a dog?"

I could see imaginary puppy ears on her head and a wagging tail. "Because you remind me of my pet dog. Now, go stand outside and wait for me." I pointed out the door.

"What? I'm not gonna do that."

"Bad, Alex. Go to the door!" I made sure there was no room for argument and pointed to the door.

Alex challenged me by staring back, but I won as my stern eyes were unwavering. Alex sighed dejectedly and slowly walked out the doors that Lady Viola's maid helped open. Alex thanked the maid and stood outside by the doors, patiently waiting for me.

"You really need to train that girl," Lady Viola voiced as she fixed her evening dress.

"Please do forgive her. She meant no harm."

"Well… It's not like I hate her openness and friendliness," Lady Viola admitted. "It's quite refreshing compared to the girls at those social gatherings where we compare our achievements and mock each other. I just wish she could keep her hands to herself."

I smiled when I saw her softened expression when talking about Alex. "You're quite fond of Alex, aren't you?"

"What!?" Lady Viola scoffed, "Not in a million years! Just because I decided to get her a new uniform and I let her off easily for the times when she touched me does not mean I'm fond of her! I just find her innocence refreshing, that's all."

I giggled, "Like a breath of fresh air, right?"

Lady Viola slightly blushed as she admitted, "Y-Yeah…"

Ah, she's so cute! I want to tease her, but that would be like betraying Lady Claudia. "Thank you for giving us some of your time, Lady Viola. We'll take our leave now.

"Tell Alexandra that I'll contact her once her uniform comes in."

"Of course." I bowed and walked out the door. The maid bowed towards me and closed the door. I turned to see Alex leaning against the wall. "Lady Viola said she'll contact you when your uniform comes in."

"Okay. Since we got what we came here for, let's leave. People keep glaring at me when they pass by and it's freaking me out…"

"Alright, let's go to my dorm," I said as I began to walk with Alex following.

- - - - 0-0-0 - - - -

Once we made it to my dorm room, I sat down by my desk while Alex sat down on my bed. I pulled out the letter from my pocket and looked at the contents again. "Lady Viola wrote this. She confirmed that it was her handwriting and it even has her family crest." I looked at the red wax that once sealed the letter. "But she doesn't remember writing it. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Alex nodded, "It was Alexis's doing after all. She took control of Viola and had her write the letter."

"She then erased her memories and stole the uniform from your locker and planted it in Lady Viola's."

Alex knitted her eyebrows in confusion. "But how does she know my schedule? It's not like she observed both Viola's and my movements just to get our schedule, did she?"

"That I…" And that's when I remembered Lady Alexis's words, 'Who's to say that I can't read your mind if your eyes aren't open?' How could I be so stupid. Thinking that it would be alright if we just avoid eye contact. "She can still read minds without eye contact."


"Lady Alexis might need eye contact to control people, but reading someone's memories might not be the case."

"So what you're saying is…"

"If Lady Alexis just wants to read someone's memories, she needs to be able to see that person. So when you encountered Lady Alexis, she was already reading your memories, and most likely she read mine too."

"So she could be reading our memories from afar too then?"

"I don't know, but it's better to think that she can then cannot."

Alex groaned, "She's such a pain."

I bit my lower lip in frustration. She's also the one spreading the rumor about me being a homosexual too…

"I'm confused as to why she put my uniform in Viola's locker. She could have just hid it or just ruined it in my locker and have a note that says it was Viola's doing."

"This is just a guess, but I'm assuming that Lady Alexis wanted you and Lady Viola to argue. People would of course listen to Lady Viola when she said she didn't steal your uniform because who would take the word of a commoner over an Earl's daughter. With another commotion you caused when you already caused one with Lady Alexis and Lord Raphael, people will just spread rumors of how you would cause trouble just to seek attention."

"That was her plan? Who does she take me for? I won't make a big scene over a uniform."

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Really? Considering how quick you were to accuse Lady Viola."

"That's because…"

I urged her to continue, "Because?"

Alex's face turned red as she admitted, "Okay, I might have actually thought she stole my uniform. I figured it might be payback for the time I accidentally groped her."

"Imagine what a scene that would be if you and Lady Viola actually got into an argument out in the open. Rumors would be flying everywhere about how you sexually harassed an Earl's daughter."

"I didn't sexually harass anyone! I just tripped! Why is this happening to me!?"

I chuckled, "You only have yourself to blame."

Alex groaned as she flopped down against my bed. "You don't have to tell me."

"Well, in any case. I'm glad it didn't turn out how Lady Alexis had planned. Or at least what I assumed she planned."

"I can't believe Alexis knows how I groped Viola."

"It's not a secret since you had four witnesses, including Prince Leonhardt."

Alex covered her face in shame as she grumbled, "Please don't remind me."

"We should be prepared tomorrow. Lady Alexis will most likely be causing more trouble for us."

Alex sighed, "What does she want from us? If she wants the Eye of Pride, she could literally just read our memories and get this all over with."

"That is true…" If Lady Alexis actually read our memories then that would mean she also knew about us being reincarnators. So why is she doing all this? What is she actually after? I don't understand…

"This doesn't feel like Fight for Love and Acceptance anymore…" Alex murmured.

"Yeah…" I agreed.

"Alright!" Alex sat up with a determined look on her face.


"I'll confront her tomorrow."

My eyes widened from her announcement. "What!? No! Are you crazy!?"

"It's the only way we can find out what she wants. She's literally targeting us, Reiré. We can't just let her push us around because she has some stupid powers."

"Alex…" She's right… What am I so afraid of? She already knows everything, so might as well just see what she actually wants from us. "You're right, Alex. You're absolutely right, but I'm coming with you."

Alex smiled, "Reiré…"

"But can you hold it till next week?"

Alex gave me a confused look. "What? Why? Why prolong it?"

"Because we're gonna meet up with Lady Sophia on Friday first. I want to see what she has on Lady Alexis."

"Lady Sophia?"

"I asked Lady Sophia to investigate Lady Alexis last Friday," I revealed.

"Really? How come you never told me?"

I smirked, "Well, you never asked."

Alex pouted, "Reiré!"

"I just didn't want to drag anyone else into this. I thought I could handle this, but I guess you're just as deep in as I am."

"Look, I may act childish from time to time, but that doesn't mean I'm not reliable. I know my situation and I know this isn't all just fun and games. I care about the friends I made and I care about you too, Reiré. I won't let Alexis do what she wants, with or without powers."

"Wow…" I pressed my hand to my chest feeling all warm and fuzzy. "I think I've fallen in love with you, Alex."

Alex rolled her eyes. "Haha, really funny."

"But seriously. Thank you, Alex."

Alex smiled, "We're friends, Reiré, and friends stick together."

"You're right. We need to work together. Sorry, I've been keeping things from you."

"Anything else I should now?"

"Lady Alexis spread a rumor about me being a homosexual. People now think that we both like girls."

"Oh, well that doesn't sound so bad. I don't care what people say about me, but are you okay?"

Am I okay? This is like middle school all over again…

'She's so gross.'

'She loves girls. Can you believe that?'

'That's so weird. What's wrong with her?'

'What a lesbo.'


I took a deep breath and said, "Yeah. I'm okay."

"You sure?" she asked concerly. "I know words can be super hurtful…"

I nodded, "Words are hurtful, I won't deny that. But hurtful words hurt more when they come from people I care about. So all those strangers that's been talking behind my back. I don't care what they say about me at all."

Alex grinned, "Exactly! Now while I'm here, I need some help with our math homework."

I frowned, "Seriously? You know this era's math is easier than the math classes from our previous life right?"

"Yeah, but I never experienced high school math, so I don't know advanced algebra."

I sighed, "Fine, I'll help you. You're lucky we're in the same class."

Alex chuckled, "Hehehe."