A Panicking Goat

The signal was in the form of a Ramis sending a copy of her memories to her location via portkey to Harry's room. Harry had a Pensive which he got from one of his luckier Lottery runs.

After viewing the memory, Harry simply created an international portkey to Ramis's location and now he just had to wait for his relatives to get home.

Dumb-Ass-Door made sure to keep an eye on Harry's location using several spells, trinkets and even using the old cat lady across the street. Harry decided to use this to his advantage.

As the Dursleys walked into their home, talking animatedly about their outing, none of them noticed Harry tap 'Duddikens' on the shoulder as he exited the house for probably the last time.

What Petunia Dursley didn't know is that she isn't completely 'normal'. The truth is that she is a squib, and so is Dudley. As such he should have enough magic to power the spells for a few days, just enough time for harry to vanish completely.


As Harry arrived at the location for the Gardens, Semiramis jumped him and engulfed him in her ample chest "I missed you my lord" she said in a part happy part suggestive voice

"As pleasant as this is Ramis, I'm afraid my three year old body… lacks… the hormones necessary to enjoy this fully" Harry said in a muffled voice as his feet are completely off the ground

Ramis smiled with a small glint in her eyes "in a few years then" she said as she licked her lips

For some reason Harry felt a chill go down his spine 'damn… just… DAMN'

Harry shook himself out of his stupor and her hold "c'mon. We have a spell to cast"

Ramis mock pouted but followed nonetheless "let's finish this fast, then I'll cook us some dinner" he smiled as he saw her suddenly get more motivated

Ramis relaxed around him as she saw him treat her as if he is a caretaker of her and not a lord. Even though she became this relaxed she still calls him 'my lord' and 'Master', refusing to use his name. Harry eventually let it be, as long as she was comfortable.


The Fidelius charm is a potent charm that can be used to conceal a secret inside an individual's soul; the witch or wizard who houses the secret is known as the Secret Keeper. A dwelling whose location has been protected by this spell is then invisible, intangible, unplottable and soundproof. (Harry potter wiki)

Using the standard spell, it can't be used on anything moving, and the secret keeper can't stay under the Fidelius, otherwise it would fail. Harry's modified spell however, not a problem.

Due to the power requirement of the spell, Harry had to remove the seals placed on him by Dumb-Ass-Door. So he did, and that's when it happened

"…Harry?" Ramis called warily

Harry still busy unlocking the rest of the bullshit seals and spells in him answered absentmindedly "yes Ramis'

"You're a blond?"

Harry's head snapped up "what?" as he spoke his hair turned blue. Finding a mirror in the trunk apartment they were in he froze. Then concentrated and turned his eyes the same colour as his hair, surprising Ramis "looks like that old goat sealed more than just power" Harry said with an annoyed look on his face


It took a whole day, but eventually he was done removing everything Dumb-Ass-Door placed on him. Not wanting to waste time, he and Ramis started casting the modified Fidelius. Unlike the standard spell which has a caster and a secret keeper, the modified version has two casters and two secret keepers. Other than that, it is better in every aspect than the standard spell.

Once the spell finished Ramis lifted her Harry shaped plushy and ran off to bed. She had been awake for the better part of four days. She wanted sleep.


In the highlands of Scotland, hidden from the modern man, stands Hogwarts. Though the school is magical and all that, it is not the point of interest at the moment. Our point of interest lies in the office of the headmaster of Hogwarts.

In the office we can see a long bearded man sucking on some sweets… disturbing, I know. The man suddenly stiffens, his eyes widen, his spells all suddenly stopped.

"Merlin, did they kill him?" he said to himself as he rose from his seat and vanished in a loud *POP*


The Dursleys were sitting together in the dining room, having dinner. The effect of the spells Harry used on them to ignore him and Ramis is gone, and he obliviated them of everything that would show he didn't simply disappeared. Simply put, Dumb-Ass-Door will get nothing from them as Harry knew the old goat would try to read their minds to find him.

It is exactly what Dumbles was doing. Though Dumbles level in mind magic is possibly the highest, he was still levels below the new mind of Harry.

With that aspect of the search closed he did the next thing he could. He sent Harry a letter, and followed the owl by broom. Here he met another problem, as the owl would simply start flying and then turn and start flying in the other direction and so on and so forth, till it returns to Dumbles with the letter, failing to find Harry.

Dumbles tried using other methods, such as house elf, messenger Patronus and even scrying magic. None worked. He went to the school book that writes all the names of the magicals born, and found that Harry's name was still there, meaning he was alive… but hidden. A look of realisation came upon Dumbles's face. "The Fidelius" he muttered to himself.

The Fidelius is ancient magic, that only few, if ever know how to cast and as far as he knew, he was the only one in Britain who can. This caused Dumb-Ass-Door to panic even further, as it means the person who took harry, is that much more threatening.

Ignorant of all of that Harry was enjoying being used as a plushy as he slept.