Securing Freedom

While the world of one old goat is going up in flames, Harry was enjoying the softness of the being that is called Semiramis.

It has been over a week since they placed the hanging gardens of Babylon under the Fidelius charm and the entirety of the time was spent sleeping and studying magic.

Harry had received several good Lottery roles during the past few months, and has since integrated most of them. There were however many repeats of items, as an example of that, he gained 4x [small magic boost] which are stackable but also gained 5x [high level intellect] and one [genius level intellect] which does nothing for him so he gave the genius one to Semiramis making her a Level 7 intellectual.

He also gave her the [Aikido Proficiency] and [Dagger proficiency] as she completely lacks any close quarter combat skills besides the basics.

At the moment it was morning time and Harry was once again in bed acting as a plushy for the extremely beautiful and just as extremely naked Semiramis.

"Hey, Ramis" Harry began

"Yes My Lord?" she said while still half asleep

"It's not that I'm not enjoying this, but we to move forward with our plans" he said as he snuggled closer to her

"Do we have to?" she complained cutely

'Who would believe this is the wise queen and first poison user' Harry thought, amused "yes, now c'mon. Let's go" he said as he fought against her hold and himself to get up

"Fine" Ramis huffed "let's do this"


After breakfast Harry and Ramis laid down the plan to progress.

The first step, is to go to the US, and with the Gardens, it was never easier. After getting there they started to disillusion themselves and infiltrate the drug houses and other, similar, facilities and taking all their cash.

The next step was to use these elements to procure proper Identification for Ramis, and registering her in MACUSA (the American equivalent to the ministry of magic) then registering her as my muggle and magical guardian.

Some might say, but Dumb-Ass-Door is Harry's magical guardian and the Dursleys are the muggle guardians. And I would say nay.

Dumbles claimed the Magical guardianship illegally and so kept it from the public record. This means in the ICW, Harry is without a guardian. As for the Dursley family, they never really registered Harry as their charge making him, effectively, an orphan in both worlds.

The whole process took about a month, but now Harry can finally claim the bonus objective from the quest [escape the Dursleys], and so the special ticket is his.

Another matter to know is, the ICW now has Semiramis registered as my magical guardian, making her claim stronger.

The next step is to go to Gringotts and show the documentation of guardianship, and accuse Dumbles, of line theft. Which is effectively the hijacking of a noble line (and therefore its power, lands and wealth) by whatever means.

Harry and Semiramis entered Gringotts and immediately approached a teller on the side.

The teller looked up from whatever work he was doing and sneered "what do you want?" he growled

Harry said nothing and simply indicated for Semiramis, who was behind him, waiting like a servant, to hand him a piece of parchment. He took the parchment and gave it to the teller while making a shushing motion.

The teller looked at the red haired child in muggle clothing, and the beautiful woman behind him, who was wearing wide robes that seem to hug her chest area like second skin. He was trained to understand situations where subtlety is important and so he opened the parchment and schooled his features…

"Please, one moment" the goblin said as he handed the parchment to a goblin standing near the wall and spoke to him in gobbledygook.

"Take your time" Harry responded in Gobbledygook surprising the teller. In all of his seventy years of existence, has he found a human who speaks in the goblin tongue. The same reaction can be seen on the faces of the other tellers nearby, who heard Harry speak.

Whether knowingly or not, Harry's standing among the goblins rose that day, beyond the Boy-Who-Lived.


It took a moment but the Goblin that left with the letter returned and asked Harry and Semiramis to follow.

The goblin led them to an expansive office that screamed luxury. He then left them there with two words "Sit. Wait" and left

Harry sat on one of the guest chairs while Semiramis stood behind him. This was official business and she is his servant. It is as it should be… even if when they were alone he was her 'Harry shaped plushy'.

A few moments later an old goblin came in, mumbling about 'another one'. He then went and sat behind the desk, depositing a Dagger and parchment "spill three drops of blood on this parchment, not more and not less" he growled. Friendly people

Harry did as requested, three drops fell, and a red family tree formed on the parchment. The goblin snatched the parchment, as he read it his eyes widened and body stilled.

"Everything in order?" Harry asked, speaking in gobbledygook

"Ah… yes Heir Potter" the goblin responded in the same tongue absentmindedly then paused "you speak goblin" he stated in awe

"Took a bit of practice" Harry responded with a gentle smile "but that is not why I'm here" he turned more serious

"Of course Heir Potter, what can I do for you?" the Goblin bowed ever so slightly

Harry smiled "introductions first" Harry began as he stood up and morphed back to his black hair green eyed look surprising the old goblin "I am Harry James Potter, Heir apparent of houses Potter and Peverel by blood and house Slytherin and Gaunt by conquest" Harry bowed slightly "this is Semiramis" he gestured to Ramis "she is my magical guardian and my servant" Harry gave a goblin worthy toothy grin

The old goblin overcame his surprise quickly "I am senior accounts manager LongFang" he introduced himself and then returned harry a grin "I feel this is going to be fun"

"Oh you have no idea" Harry responded

For the rest of the day Gringotts was bustling with activity as several goblins lost their head and one old Goat lost his retirement funds.

Throughout the talks, LongFang was constantly cursing and swearing. The language was colourful enough to make a sailor blush.

By the end of the day, Harry had hired the goblins to make sure to retrieve everything Dumb-Ass-Door took. LongFang loved the nickname in particular.

Harry had also asked for the goblins to contact Amelia Bones and the Tonks family on his behalf to talk about the Sirius black case. He also had the goblins purchase the Daily profit by up to 50% of the original value.

(AN: there is a joke in there about prophet = profit thing)

Remember kids: Control the media, Control the sheep.

To access the main family vault, Harry needed permission from his guardian, oh look, there is one right there.

Keys were issued and money pouches were presented, mail would be redirected to Gringotts and tested, then sent to Harry.


It took two days and nights for the whole thing to get set up correctly and then the time for the meeting came.

Harry and Ramis have been staying in a guest room in the bank while finishing up their work. During that time, Semiramis had taken the cash they took from the drug dealers and opened a Swiss bank account and another in the Cayman Islands for non-magical world investments.

As Harry was finishing getting ready for the day a nock was heard from the door. Harry opened the door revealing the goblin Guide from before.

"Sir, I am here to remind you that the meeting will be taking place in ten minutes and i was requested to guide you there" he spoke more respectfully in gobbledygook

"We will be out in a minute. Please wait" Harry only waited for a nod before closing the door "Ramis, do you have it?" he asked

Semiramis appeared as if out of thin air scowling and holding a small box "their wards have no imagination, a few counter runes and I can sneak anywhere and kill anyone" she shook her head

"The anti- Animagus detection runes on the cage work?" Harry asked

"I'm here, aren't I?" she deadpanned at Harry as she placed the box or cage on the table

Harry smirked and morphed to an older version of himself as he approached her. Seeing him approaching in his adult body and his smirk caused her to blush as even though she was 187cm tall he can always morph his body to be taller.

As he was towering over her, his face only an inch away from hers he spoke "it seems my servant is having an attitude problem" his tone was deep and powerful and it did things to her, wonderful things.

Harry wrapped his left arm around her waist and then raised his right hand up "this is for being a bad girl" he whispered to her ear and before she processed what he meant, a loud smacking sound reverberated in the room alongside a deep moan. Harry used a bit of magic on his hand to add to the pain/pleasure experience.

As Ramis was distracted Harry took the opportunity to nibble on her ear and growl "make sure you act like a good girl next time" he then turned and left, taking the box with him.

Ramis was now leaning on the table as she panted, feeling her legs won't be able to hold her up after what her Lord, her Master did to her.

She can't wait for him to grow up a bit more. Then she can 'serve him' well